Tia Fielding Unwind

Unwind | Tia Fielding | 2
HE HAD texted me around three in the afternoon, telling me
he was going to be late. The text was short, too short.
Somehow, I knew immediately something was amiss. If my
Jared was anything, he was wordy, no matter the situation.
Sure, he could look all shy and timid and cute, but he was a
fan of words. Whenever he got quiet or there were fewer
words in his emails or texts, I knew without a doubt that
something was wrong.
After five years with someone, you just know.
So I was worried, knowing that the detective who was
going to come home from a day in court would be tightly
wound, volatile, and possibly even aggressive. Not that he d
ever hurt me, the aggression never got physical, but the
edginess was there every time this happened. The sharp
movements and harsh words, sleeping problems as he tossed
and turned in our California-king-size bed& No, I wouldn t
take it, not tonight. It was too close to our anniversary to let
him snap at me.
We had a deal: I could whine about my old sports
injuries and the drunks I catered to at McCabe s, the pub I d
inherited from my grandpa. In return, Jared could whine
about the justice system, his slob of a new partner, and
whatever other work-related things he could come up with.
We knew each other well enough to know what in all the
ranting we did was relevant and what wasn t. It was a good
Today was my night off. I had done the end of the month
inventory the previous night, so I was good for two days. I
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 3
had left my staff to handle the pub and now I was just
waiting for my man to get home. Not that he would be at
home in time. So I changed plans I wouldn t be making
dinner. Instead I d be prepared in other ways& .
IT WAS half past six when I heard the key in the lock. I was
standing in the doorway between the little hall and the main
room that opened up to serve as everything but bedroom and
bathroom. I had prepared a little, showered, re-dressed in
very low-riding pair of jeans and a very, very thin and tight
tank top. It showed off every muscle I d stubbornly held onto
even after my pro football career had stopped before it had
time to take off properly. It was the usual story, various
injuries and then realizing I was gay. There was no point in
trying when I had known I wasn t ready to be an out pro
athlete, even if my knee could miraculously heal and hold up
for the duration of my career.
The things I had added after getting away from the
locker rooms were my piercings: eyebrow and both nipples. I
was contemplating having my tongue done next. The ink I
had, discreet but still there to be seen when I had no clothes
on, had been there since my high school days. Now that I
stood there, waiting for my partner to step through the door,
I felt oddly self-conscious. This wasn t something I had done
before, not really. We d been rough and we d been
controlling, but not quite like this.
 Sam? Jared breathed, startled, as soon as he laid his
eyes on me. The confusion was written all over his tired and
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 4
frustrated face, but when he took in my appearance, a grin
slowly spread to his full lips.
 You re awfully late, I pointed out and watched as he
put away his coat and shoes.
 Yeah, sorry about that. It was just& the Jenks case,
you know? Didn t go as we thought& , he said and stepped
forward, reaching for me.
The confusion was back as soon as I stepped to the side,
out of his reach.
He frowned.  Wha& ?
 Quiet. Before you start snapping at me.
 I won t  he said, and before he had time to react, I
had pushed him against the wall next to the doorway he had
just stepped through.
 Shut up, Jared. Now, I said in a low tone, my lips close
to his ear. As I pulled back, he looked at me with wide eyes,
and I could tell he was thinking very hard.
We weren t into power play, mostly because we were
both too strong-willed to play with such things. Even though
we loved each other, we could butt heads sometimes when
neither wanted to back down. Taking that sort of thing into
our bedroom was out of the question. Now, that didn t mean
we couldn t be subtle about such things.
Jared swallowed and then nodded.
 Now, go put your gun and badge away and get out of
those clothes. They smell like the City Hall. Take a shower
and go lay on the middle of the bed. My tone was clipped on
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 5
I could see Jared s pupils dilate, and he swallowed
again. Damn, the boy was going to be easy& for now.
While he went to do as I asked, I walked to the kitchen
 McCabe s, how can I help you? my friend Jo s voice
chirped into my ear. She was my second in command,
having worked at pubs before I even inherited mine. When I
was more or less in trouble at first, she d swooped in and
saved my ass. Jo also had one character trait that I didn t:
the uncanny ability to be kind but firm to all the drunks that
came through our doors. Where I snapped, she smiled
beautifully, sweet-talked the intoxicated person into
submission, and kicked them to the curb gently enough for
them to want to come back for another round of the
treatment at a later date.
 Jo, babe, I need a favor.
 Mr. Bossman, what can I do? she asked, and I could
hear the smile in her tone.
 I need some food takeout around nine. Could you
make sure it gets here? Something Jared likes, I said, and I
could tell she was writing it down.
 Sure, from the pub or somewhere else? she asked, and
I thought about it for a while.
 The pub will do. We haven t eaten Felix s cooking in a
while. After all, Jo s boyfriend was an excellent cook, and we
would most likely be in need of comfort food after the
evening was over.
 Fine, I ll make sure it s there at nine. I ll make Nicky
bring it, she said, and without any further questions, we
said bye and I put the phone back into its cradle.
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Nicky, great. Of course I knew there was nobody else to
bring the food over, but Nicky could be, at best, a handful
with his incessant flirting. He was our bus boy, more
feminine than Jo sometimes, and he still got the biggest tips
in the pub. We often wondered about it, me and Jo, how
someone like him could pull that off in a small corner pub
where hard-working men came to have their drinks after the
workday. He was a little flirty queen, yet everyone seemed to
love him.
Not that I kept my own orientation a secret, but
sometimes I thought the patrons were a bit puzzled or maybe
even felt cheated by my orientation. After all, they could talk
football with me, they could talk to their friendly
neighborhood cop when Jared came by, yet they knew we
went home together at the end of the day and fucked each
other silly. There was nothing  gay about me and Jared
except the fact that we liked cock. It seemed to throw people
Taking a deep breath, I walked to the bedroom. Jared
was just stepping into the room from the adjacent bathroom,
and I took a moment to appreciate my lover s body. He was
lovely inside and out, but sometimes there s nothing you can
do but admire. He had wide shoulders and slightly narrower
hips than you d think when you saw him with his suit on.
The pecs and abs were there, not as prominent as mine, but
he was so damn gorgeous I couldn t wait any longer. I never
could, not even after all these years& .
 On the bed, now. I barked the words, and he looked at
me, startled again, as he d been drying his hair with the
towel. One of the things that I loved the most about his
appearance was his big, bright-blue eyes that I knew better
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 7
than my own; those eyes could fool the most hardened perps
into talking to him honestly. At the precinct, he was called
 Detective Blue behind his back.
I have no idea how he did it, though, closed off his mind
so perfectly that he could do this, slip into the slightly
submissive role when I told him to, even after the day he d
had. Or maybe it was because of the day? The strain of it
was something he didn t want to take out on me, even
though he so often did. Maybe this was him trying his best
not to?
I moved closer to the bed smoothly, until I was
practically stalking towards his naked form, which now lay
on the bed. I had placed a towel on the bed, and he moved
obediently on top of it, curious about what I was going to do.
Every thought in his mind, I could tell. Poor thing; he was in
for a surprise.
 See, I came to a conclusion today, I said as I crawled
on the bed toward him.  I m not going to take any attitude
before our anniversary. It s almost here, and I want to stay in
a good mood.
We both knew that his mood affected me whether I
wanted it or not.
 I get enough of that at the pub; the drunks are merry
this time of the year, I pointed out as I stopped next to him,
kneeling close, but not touching. It was true; somehow the
beginning of summer always brought out the local crazies.
My grandpa had loved his patrons, but sometimes I wished
the pub was located in a bit nicer neighborhood. It wasn t
easy for me; I hadn t been born to run a pub, and it had
taken adjustments. I could get really stressed at times, and I
was lucky to have a partner who understood me.
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 8
Jared nodded, swallowed again, and looked down where
my hand was now hovering over his erection. He was excited,
even though I knew a situation where he didn t have the
control wasn t exactly easy on him. My darling detective
wanted to hold all the power in his hands at all times. He
was a top, mostly, but I did top him too when I really wanted
to. Usually there was no question; I enjoyed bottoming too
much, but today& .
 I think we ll start by you showing me exactly how much
you appreciate having your man waiting for you when you
come home from work, I stated and shifted closer to his
I wasn t touching him, which for some reason made this
even more interesting. Usually my hands were all over him
as soon as I got him to the bedroom. Not tonight. He
swallowed, thinking, trying to figure out what I wanted. I
must have seemed a bit cocky, kneeling there next to him,
waiting to be serviced in some way, but I didn t really care.
In fact, I liked this power play more than I had expected.
Sighing, I pulled the tank over my head.  This better?
Give you any ideas? I asked, and he looked at my body. The
expression on his face made my cock twitch into full length.
The jeans left nothing to imagination; they were so worn one
could tell which way I normally dressed (left) and that I was
now hard as rock.
Hesitantly, Jared reached his hands to my button fly
and looked at me as if to ask for permission.
 Go ahead, I nodded, and he tugged the buttons open,
one by one.
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 9
He knew already I was going commando; the jeans rode
low enough for him to see that. The lick of his lips that
followed when my erection was freed was involuntary, but it
made me groan a little bit. The cheeky man flashed me a
smirk before licking my cock once, as much as he could with
the jeans on.
 Wait, I said and shifted back.  Lay back down, I ll get
rid of these.
He did as told, though the glance he gave at my cock
told me he wanted more of it. Perfect.
I tossed my jeans on the floor and promptly straddled
his chest. His eyes widened.
 Now, let s see what you can do, I said in an almost
purring tone and tugged at my cock a few times before
letting it close to his lips.  I m going to fuck your mouth,
love. When I m happy and ready, we ll see about something
else, I promised, and he nodded, opening his lips to me
without hesitation.
 Lick, I said, watching his tongue peek out from
between his lovely, full lips.
Jared licked the tip of my cock, humming when he
gathered the pre-cum on his tongue and got a proper taste of
 Good? I asked, even though I knew the answer. For
some reason I was talking more than the usual, possibly
compensating for the fact that I had told him to be quiet. It
was surprising, really, having him this cooperative and
silent. He must have been even more stressed and in need of
some relief than I had thought. Maybe this would work after
all? I could only hope.
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 10
He hummed again, smiling with his eyes, as his lips
were trying to wrap around my cock.
 No, didn t give you a permission to do that, did I? I
tsked at him, and his eyes widened.
I could almost hear the wheels whirring in his head
while he tried to figure this out.
 Now, now, where s your creativity, detective? I said in
a mocking tone and leaned up a little bit, offering my balls to
him.  Try again.
The hesitant way he licked my sac was enough to make
my cock jump a bit in my hand. I was stroking myself while
Jared did his best to make me happy, as I had told him was
the goal. Apparently he really was listening, then?
The alternating licks and little nibbles combined with
the short moments when he took more of my sac into his
mouth made me rock against him lightly. I didn t want to
crowd him, after all. When I felt the first signs of an orgasm
sneaking up to me, I pulled away.
Obediently Jared opened his mouth, anticipating what I
wanted next.
 Oh now, love, I don t want your mouth after all, I said,
petting his stubble-covered jaw affectionately.  You did good,
but I decided I want to fuck your ass instead. I smirked a
bit evilly, and his eyes widened again.
I moved off him, reached for the lube from where I d
placed it under the pillow, and made sure Jared was in the
middle of the towel.
 Let s see, I said, and smirked at him as I took my place
between his legs.
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 11
Jared planted his feet on the bed, tilted his hips up a
little, and I smiled at him.
 Good boy.
Leaning to lick his cock once from base to tip as a
reward, I felt more powerful than I had felt for a while.
 Now, stay still and don t touch yourself, I told him and
popped the lube open.
The liquid warmed quickly in my palm, and I began to
spread it on him. Gently but determinedly, I pushed in a
finger and worked the lube inside him. Stretching him took
time, always, and I was careful with it so I wouldn t freak
him out by going too fast.
 Trust me, love? It came out more like a question, and
Jared released the breath he had been holding in.
After that it was easier. I m not sure if he realized that I
was being even more thorough than usual, stretching him
more, making him gasp and whine when I pulled my fingers
away as soon as he moved. Stretching and teasing him was
such a turn on, I felt ready to pop already. Not that I would; I
wanted to fuck him first.
When I finally deemed him properly stretched, I coated
my cock with some more lube and positioned myself.
 Ready? I asked, and Jared nodded, trying not to show
how the slight mental discomfort was affecting him.  I won t
do anything I think is bad for you, okay? I phrased my
usual encouragement a bit differently this time.
He took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. As he let
the air out, he relaxed a little, and I pushed, gently and
firmly, until the head of my cock popped inside him, making
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 12
us both groan a little. Steadily, I pushed in until I was buried
as deep as I could go.
We were both panting, trying to get our bearings right. I
leaned in to him, kissing him to show that I appreciated him
doing this for us. There was a mental block he had about
bottoming, something to do with his strict upbringing where
gay men didn t exist. By giving himself to me, he was making
himself less of a man or so his father s voice in the back of
his mind was still telling him, even after all these years. The
first time he had confessed to me that he was ashamed of
bottoming had also been the first time he ever cried in front
of me. It had been one of the hardest things he d ever done
in bed, and also one of the things he d needed the most, a
release like no other. At least, not until tonight.
 Now I m going to take what I want, but you re still not
allowed to touch your cock, okay? I asked, and he nodded
I leaned down yet again, kissing him gently, making the
kiss deeper and more firm at the same time I let my hips
move. Keeping my mouth glued to his was a challenge,
especially when I wanted to fuck him through the
headboard. I knew I couldn t do that, despite what I d just
told him. He needed to be able to feel safe and relaxed for the
next part of the evening.
When I couldn t concentrate on kissing him anymore, I
rose to my knees again, placed my hands on his chest so
that his cock got sandwiched between us lightly, and began
to fuck him in earnest. My movements were calculated,
smooth and deep, but as quick as I could make them. I was
getting off with him, not making love to him. That would
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 13
happen some other night, but not now. Yet the love needed
to be there, I kept reminding myself as I chased my orgasm.
Jared tensed immediately when I stopped looking at
him. It was either that or kiss him, making our connection
more than just the physical act of fucking that kept him
calm through every time he bottomed. Keeping that in mind,
I looked down at him and let all the love I felt for him
through my eyes. His body under mine relaxed, and he was
once again able to enjoy the experience fully.
There were no whispered words of love; we didn t
generally share those too often. It was all in the way we
moved together, the way he let me do this even though it
terrified him a little bit. I needed him relaxed, though,
especially tonight, if I was to take our relationship, no, our
trust, to the next level.
It didn t take long, but I didn t really care. It wasn t
about me getting off, really. As I shot deep inside him, he
erupted between our chests, milking me as his body
constricted around me. I slowed down my thrusts and
eventually pulled out.
Jared looked a bit blissed out, like he always did after
bottoming. It was such a mental hurdle for him. The
aftermath of this kind of release, so different from what he
got from topping, was something that consumed him for a
while. Yet I knew I only had moments; he would get up soon,
go shower again to clean up better.
 Jared, look under the pillows, I told him as I leaned
back, sitting on my heels.
Lazily, he lifted the pillow and then froze completely for
a few heartbeats.
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 14
 Take it out, okay. That s all, I said, and I could see his
throat working as he did as told like he was in a dream.
The latex glove he pulled from under the pillow was held
like something disgusting and vile between his thumb and
 Now, we don t have to. You can back out. But I think it
might be something you need, love, I said in a calm, gentle
 I& Sam& , he whispered and looked at me. The terror
in his eyes was clear, and I reached my hand to stroke his
stomach, spreading the cum on his skin.
 I would never hurt you, you know that. And you need
to get out of your head before you snap. The case isn t going
so well, like you said. If it ends badly, it will ruin our whole
anniversary weekend, love, you know that, I said sensibly,
and he closed his eyes for a moment, forehead crunching
and his jaw tensed.
 Can& can we try& ? And& , he started hesitantly, like
he didn t want to admit that he was agreeing to this in any
 I ll stop as soon as you say so. I know this is new; we ve
never done this before, but I ve thought about it for a while,
I admitted, and he nodded again, handing the glove to me.
I pulled the glove on, making sure it fit perfectly. I didn t
want to hurt him, so I wanted the glove just in case, even
though my nails were trimmed and my hands soft.
To make him aroused again he was flaccid, his whole
body tense I began to nip at his neck. He tensed for that too
but relaxed when he realized I wasn t just going to do it
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 15
We kissed for a while, deep, languid, loving kisses that
curled my toes as I hovered over him. When I began to work
down his lovely body, his hooded eyes followed me, but the
look was less hesitant now. I paid attention to his nipples,
sucking and nipping at both in turn, before licking my way
He was half hard again, but I knew he d lose the half
before long. What I hoped for was another erection, another
orgasm when he d realize there was nothing to be afraid of.
I took the lube as I leaned to take him into my mouth. I
put my best skills to use as I bobbed my head, licked and
swirled my tongue, hollowed my cheeks as I changed the
suction every now and then. I made him forget what I was
doing until he felt my fingers against his opening again.
 Now, love& don t be nervous. Trust me, I pleaded.
Jared let out a shaky, hesitant breath, but he nodded.
I spread more lube on him, making sure he was coated
with it inside.
 Think about this, love. I ll be putting my hand there,
the lube is mixing with my cum inside you& , I purred at
him, and to my surprise, his cock twitched a little. Maybe
this would work after all?
Again I started to stretch him, like I hadn t done it
already. He wasn t loose by any means, but it was easier now
that he had relaxed most of the original tension from his
body. When I was adding fingers, one by one, I used my
other hand to stroke his cock, only to let go when I added
lube to my gloved hand.
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 16
 Let go, love, it s just you and me, I whispered to him
when he tensed a little as I started to stretch him with four
I kept talking to him, telling how much I loved him, how
much I wanted and needed him, and how well he was doing,
and somehow, he stayed relaxed.
When I turned my hand, brushing his prostate on
purpose, he gasped a little and tensed, but then he relaxed
 Good boy, you should see how this looks, your body
taking me in like this. You re so tight around my fingers,
love, so tight. I kept the words flowing, easing my hand into
him bit by bit.
 Now here s my thumb, you need to concentrate now,
Jared, I said quietly, soothingly, as I stroked his cock,
smearing the lube all over him.
Tightening my fist, I began to sweep my thumb over the
slit every now and then. He was panting now, moaning, and
the sheen of sweat on him was shining in the lights of our
bedroom. He looked gorgeous, and I wished he could see
himself like this, how there was nothing to be ashamed of
while surrendering himself to me.
After a few moments I could feel his muscles around my
fingers relax even more. Consciously, I tried to make my
hand as small as I could, and all of a sudden his body pulled
me in.
We both froze for a moment. Our eyes connected, and
then we smiled at each other, both releasing the breaths we
had been holding in.
 I can feel your heartbeat, I said, and he blinked at me.
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 17
It was like he wanted to really feel what was happening.
What I was doing.
 I ll curl my fingers now, I told him after a moment, and
I made a fist inside him.
He gasped as I turned my hand, twisted my fist left and
right, brushing his prostate with every turn. I could tell he
was shocked at how it felt.
 How is it? I asked, breathless from the concentration. I
was still determined not to hurt him.
 It s& I& . He tried to form words, but his throat
sounded parched, and he just smiled at me.
 Can you help me? I asked; he looked at me, puzzled.
 Reach down here and guide my hand so that you know
I m doing exactly what you need me to.
I kept my fist where it was but angled myself so that he
could reach for me without moving much at all.
He started with slowly showing me to twist my hand a
bit, which I did gladly. Then he bit his lower lip and began to
move my arm back and forth, slowly and carefully at first.
When he let go and carefully leaned back to the pillows,
I kept going.
 More& , he breathed after a while, looking dazed, more
lost in the act than I d ever seen him.
 Like this? I asked and fucked him faster, keeping the
thrusts so that my hand was rubbing his prostate with every
 Yes& yes& fuck& Sam! he screamed, and when his
muscles clamped down on my wrist, I couldn t have moved
my hand had I wanted to.
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 18
It was unlike anything I had ever felt before, like he was
gripping me and not wanting to let me go ever again.
He came for the second time, spurting jets of cum up to
his shoulder and neck as I watched with fascination. He had
never come so hard before, I was sure of it.
When he slowly came down, his body kept shivering and
trembling every now and then.
 I m going to pull out now, I told him as a warning, and
he nodded a little.
As I eased my hand out of him, I felt a loss; I d never felt
quite like this before. Like the connection we shared was
now incomplete.
I let him bask in the afterglow of all that had happened
as I cleaned us both up. He looked so relaxed and happy it
made my heart swell in my chest. When I finally crawled up
to him, he wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close.
He opened his mouth to me greedily, taking deep kisses as I
was giving them to him, not trying to dominate the kissing at
all. It was all very loving, calm and slow, all about
reconnecting in this more romantic way after what we had
just done. I d never felt closer to him than I did that moment.
 Any other surprises? he asked in a hoarse tone before
kissing my forehead gently.
 No& well Nicky s dropping by in an hour or so, I said
casually, and he spluttered for a moment, pulling away from
me, shocked out of his mind.
 Relax, love. I m not trying to turn this into a threesome
with the twinky bus boy, I snorted, and then I couldn t quite
stop laughing.
Unwind | Tia Fielding | 19
 Damn you, Sam, Jared said, trying to sound annoyed,
but I could tell he was close to laughing himself.
 Just thought you d like Felix s cooking after your
ordeal& , I managed to say as I wiped tears off my face.
 You re one cocky motherfucker, aren t you, Sam?
Planning this as if you knew I d go through with it. Jared
sighed as he pulled me even closer and gave me a squeeze.
 Nope, but I m one cocky Jared-fister, aren t I? I said,
and I escaped from the bed and his arms while he stared
blankly as I ran to the bathroom to start the shower.
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About the Author
TIA FIELDING lives in a peaceful little town in a small
country in northern Europe. She loves nature, her horses,
cats, and even the yappy little thing that occasionally gets
called a dog. Tia learned to read before she went to school at
the age six and began writing as soon as she figured she had
stories to tell around the mature age of seven. Stories about
horses, adventures, and ghosts might have turned into hot
GLBTQ-romance, but she still has a wicked imagination and,
hopefully, more stories to tell.
Visit her at http://www.tiafielding.com and by Twitter
More Daily Dose and Advent Calendar packages
Unwind ©Copyright Tia Fielding, 2011
Published by
Dreamspinner Press
4760 Preston Road
Suite 244-149
Frisco, TX 75034
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
authors imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Cover Art by Catt Ford
This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is
illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon
conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No
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request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 4760 Preston Road, Suite
244-149, Frisco, TX 75034 http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/
Released in the United States of America
June 2011
eBook Edition
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61372-039-4


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