rmi registry2a

Java Remote Method Invocation: 6 - Registry Interfaces CONTENTS | PREV | NEXT Java Remote Method Invocation Registry Interfaces CHAPTER 6 The RMI system uses the java.rmi.registry.Registry interface and the java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry class to provide a well-known bootstrap service for retrieving and registering objects by simple names. A registry is a remote object that maps names to remote objects. Any server process can support its own registry or a single registry can be used for a host. The methods of LocateRegistry are used to get a registry operating on a particular host or host and port. The methods of the java.rmi.Naming class makes calls to a remote object that implements the Registry interface using the appropriate LocateRegistry.getRegistry method. Topics: The Registry Interface The LocateRegistry Class The RegistryHandler Interface CONTENTS | PREV | NEXT Copyright © 1997-2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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