Hydrostatics report
Trim: 0,000 (m)
Draught Volume Displ. Displ. LCB
(m) (m3) (tonnes) (tonnes) (m)
0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000
0,100 0,123 0,123 0,123 3,604
0,200 0,539 0,539 0,539 3,616
0,300 1,244 1,244 1,244 3,618
0,400 2,188 2,188 2,188 3,616
0,500 3,311 3,311 3,311 3,610
0,600 4,567 4,567 4,567 3,602
0,700 5,927 5,927 5,927 3,593
0,800 7,369 7,369 7,369 3,584
0,900 8,880 8,880 8,880 3,576
1,000 10,448 10,448 10,448 3,569
NOTE 1: Draught (and all other vertical heights) is measured above base Z=0,000
NOTE 2: All calculated coefficients based on project length, draught and beam.
Draught Moulded draught, measured from baseline
Volume Total displaced volume
Displ. Displacement
Displ. Displacement
LCB Longitudinal center of buoyancy, measured from the aft perpendicular at X=0.0
2014-05-29 1
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