function aggregate properties by regexp

aggregate_properties_by_regexpPodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnyaggregate_properties_by_regexp (PHP 4 >= 4.2.0)aggregate_properties_by_regexp --  selective class properties aggregation to an object using a regular expression Descriptionvoid aggregate_properties_by_regexp ( object object, string class_name, string regexp [, boolean exclude]) Aggregates properties from a class to an existing object using a regular expresion to match their names. The optional paramater exclude is used to decide whether the regular expression will select the names of class properties to include in the aggregation (i.e. exclude is FALSE, which is the default value), or to exclude from the aggregation (exclude is TRUE). The properties whose names start with an underscore character (_), which are considered private to the aggregated class, are always excluded. See also aggregate(), aggregate_methods(), aggregate_methods_by_list(), aggregate_methods_by_regexp(), aggregate_properties(), aggregate_properties_by_list(), aggregate_info(), deaggregate() PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnyaggregate_properties_by_listPoczątek rozdziałuaggregate_properties


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