4 methyl fentanyl

Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters 10 (2000) 2011ą2014
The Synthesis and Preliminary Pharmacological Evaluation of
4-Methyl Fentanyl
Ivan V. Mic ovic ,a Milovan D. Ivanovic ,b,* Sonja M. Vuckovic,c
a b

Milica S. Prostran,c Ljiljana Dos en-Mic ovic and Vesna D. Kiricojevic
Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Studentski Trg 16, PO Box 550, Yu-550 11001, Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia
Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, Centre for Chemistry, Njegoseva 12, PO Box 815, Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical Faculty, PO Box 840, Dr. Subotica 1,
Belgrade, FR Yugoslavia
Received 4 May 2000; revised 27 June 2000; accepted 3 July 2000
AbstractThe synthesis of 4-methyl fentanyl, a prototype of a novel class of fentanyl analogues has been eected in 5 steps,
starting from N-ethoxycarbonyl-4-piperidone ( 20% overall yield). In the key step, N-phenylation of secondary aliphatic amide
intermediare was achieved by a novel reaction, using diphenyliodonium chloride for the phenyl group transfer. Preliminary phar-
macological results indicate that 4-methyl fentanyl is a super potent narcotic analgesic, about four times more potent than fentanyl.
# 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction This hypothesis can be readily proven by the synthesis
of 4-alkyl fentanyl analogues, where the analgesic
Fentanyl1 is a well known and clinically widely used potency would depend entirely on the steric factor. In
narcotic analgesic, about 50ą100 times more potent addition, this novel series would provide better SAR for
than morphine in humans. Due to its high potency and fentanyl analogues in general and possibly, some new,
generally favourable pharmacological prole, numerous promising opioid analgesics.
analogues have been synthesised in the past three
decades.2 While sufentanil,1 alfentanil,1 lofentanil1 and
remifentanil,1 (Fig. 1), have been used clinically as
Results and Discussion
narcotic analgesics, other structurally closely related
compounds exhibit dierent pharmacological activities, Here we report the synthesis of the rst member of this
e.g., antihistaminic (astemizole,1 levocabastine1), tran- series, 4-methyl fentanyl 6, as well as the synthetic
quillising (droperidol1), antidiarrheal (loperamide1) and approach4 suitable for the preparation of higher homo-
antiarrhythmic (lorcainide1). logues, (Scheme 1). First, N-benzyl 4-piperidone was
converted5 to carbamate 16 using ethyl chloroformate,
Analgesic activity of the anilidopiperidines is greatly then it was reacted with MeMgI to yield alcohol 2
enhanced by the presence of a substituent in the position ( 85%). Next, the reaction of 2 with propionitrile (via
4 of the piperidine ring.2f The chemical nature of the sub- tert carbocation intermediate) under the conditions of
stituent apparently has little inŻuence on the activity, since Ritter reaction7 (concd H2SO4, 0 C, 4 h), aorded amide 3
groups2f as diverse as carbomethoxy, methoxymethyl, ( 70% yield after dry Żash chromatography). Attempts
hydroxymethyl, methylketo and aryl3 all produce sig- to N-phenylate this amide, or the model compound, N-
nicant increase (2ą30 times) in the potency compared (1-methyl-cyclohexyl)-acetamide, using various mod-
to fentanyl. Rather it seems that the activity depends ication of Goldberg reaction8 (PhBr, K2CO3, cat.
primarily on the voluminosity of the substituent. CuBr) were unsuccessful. Similarly, when amide 3 or the
model amide were rst N-metalated (KH, diglyme, 20 ,
30 min), then treated with triphenylbismuth carbonate,9
a highly ecient phenylating reagent for enolate anions,
only the starting compound was isolated. Finally, the
*Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +381-11-636-061 or +381-11-636-
995; e-mail: vpetka@eunet.yu phenylation of N-metalated amides was eected with
0960-894X/00/$ - see front matter # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0960-894X(00)00394-2
2012 I. V. Micovic et al. / Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 10 (2000) 2011ą2014
Figure 1.
Scheme 1.
diphenyliodonium chloride.10 The addition of 18-crown- NMR (250 MHz), C NMR (APT, 60 MHz), and MS
6 ether ( 100 mol%) substantially accelerated the meta- [EI]), were fully consistent with the assigned structure.
lation and phenylation step and improved the yields.
Thus, N-(1-methyl-cyclohexyl)-N-phenyl-acetamide and The 4-methyl fentanyl 6 was precipitated as mono-
the amide 4 were isolated in 70 and 40ą50% yields oxalate salt and tested for analgesic activity using rat
respectively, after dry Żash chromatography. The main tail withdrawal test14 and fentanyl citrate as a standard.
contaminant in both cases was the starting secondary The ED50 and 95% condence limits were estimated
amide (20ą50%). The procedure appears to be of a from dose-response curve using the standard computer
more general scope and it is currently being investi- program.15
gated. Interestingly, the phenylation is completely
unsuccessful if a tertiary amino group is present in the The relative potency of 4-methyl fentanyl was found to
molecule, although no explanation is available pre- be 3.8 (3.2ą4.4) times higher than fentanyl, while the
sently. Thus, when 1-N-benzyl or 1-N-phenethyl analo- time peak of the activity as well as the duration of the
gues of 3 were subjected to the same procedure, only a action seemed to be equal to fentanyl (Table 1). Also,
complete decomposition was observed. In the last steps higher doses of 4-methyl fentanyl (>8 ED50 for
of the synthesis, the carbamate moiety in amide 4 was analgesia) produced fentanyl-like neurotoxic eects
removed quantitatively, using Me3SiI11 in boiling such as stiness of the tail (Straub tail), catalepsy and
dichloroethane (1.5 equiv 80 C, 8 h). A number of other
deprotection procedures12 (KOH, ethylene glycol, 100 C;
KOH, i-PrOH, 18-C-6, 80 C; n-PrOK, n-PrOH, 18-C-6, Table 1. Analgesic activity of intraperitoneal 4-methyl fentanyl in rata
100 C; HBr (48%), 80 C; Me3SiCl, NaI, MeCN13) either
4-Methyl fentanyl Fentanyl
caused complete decomposition or failed13 to eect the
(n=24) (n=23)
cleavage. Remarkably, the ethyl carbamate group was
ED50 (mg/kg of free base) 0.0028 0.0105
stable towards both a strong nucleophile (MeMgI) and
Condence limits 0.0023ą0.0033 0.006ą0.018
in concd H2SO4. The intermediary secondary piperidine
Time of peak action of ED50 (min) 10ą15 10ą15
5 was isolated without purication and smoothly alkyl-
Duration of action of ED50 (min) 30ą40 30ą40
ated with phenethyl iodide to aord 4-methyl fentanyl
6 ( 20% overall yield from 1). Spectral data (IR, H n=Number of animals employed to produce doseąresponse curve.
I. V. Micovic et al. / Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 10 (2000) 2011ą2014 2013
loss of righting reŻex.16 Since all of the observed eects (5 h, 20 C), treated with 10%, K2CO3 solution (2 mL),
were reversed by s.c. injection of naloxone hydrochlo- extracted (Et2O) and concentrated. The residual oil17
ride (1 mg/kg) it was concluded that they were opioid- (>98% purity, cap. GC) was precipitated as mono-
receptor mediated. oxalate salt from anh. Et2O. Yield: 55 mg (78%), white
The pharmacological testing was performed according
to the methodology published earlier.16
A simple and ecient synthesis of 4-methyl fentanyl, a
super potent narcotic analgesic, was accomplished. The
compound is a prototype of a novel class of fentanyl References and Notes
analogues, 4-alkyl fentanyls, which are currently being
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Amide 4. A typical phenylating procedure. A solution of
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p 2221
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14. Janssen, P. A. J.; Niemegeers, C. J. E.; Dony, J. G. H.
Arzneim.-Forsch (Drug Res.) 1963, 13, 502.
4-Methyl fentanyl 6. A mixture of amide 4 (50 mg,
15. Tallarida, R. J.; Murray, R. B. Manual of Pharmacologic
0.16 mmol) and Me3SiI (0.1 g, 0.50 mmol) in dichloro-
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then treated successively with concd HCl (0.5 mL) and
16. Vuckovic, S.; Ivanovic , M.; Prostran, M.; Todorovic , Z.;
10% K2CO3 solution (10 mL), and concd. The crude
Ristovic , Z.; Mic ovic , I.; Beleslin, D. Jpn. J. Pharmacol. 1998,
product 5 (oil, 40 mg, 100%) is mixed together with
78, 523.
Et3N (32 mg, 0.32 mmol) and phenethyl iodide (60 mg,
17. Spectral data for 6. IR (cm 1): 3061, 3026, 2933, 2810,
0.26 mmol) in dry acetonitrile (1 mL) under Ar, stirred 2774, 1659, 1594, 1493, 1477, 1453, 1420, 1373, 1351, 1311,
2014 I. V. Micovic et al. / Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 10 (2000) 2011ą2014
1247, 1159, 1111, 1078, 1028, 996, 811, 750, 701. H NMR (d, 30.76 (CH2); 33.75 (CH2); 37.15 (2CH2); 50.42 (2CH2); 59.14
CDCl3): 0.96 (t, J=7.30, CH3), 1.68 (s, CH3), 1.71ą1.81 (m), (CH2); 60.53 CH2); [125.99; 127.98; 128.35; 128.62; 128.95;
1.85 (q, J=7.50, CH2), 2.04ą2.08 (m), 2.19 (td, Jd=2.40, 130.53 (CHAr)]; 140.33 (CAr); 141.33 (CAr); 174.37 (CO) MS
Jt=12.0), 2.52ą2.58 (m); 2.74ą2.81 (m); 7.1ą7.42 (m, 10HAr). (EI): 350 (M+; 0,4); 260 (18); 259 (100); 110 (34); 106 (22);
C NMR (ppm, CDCl3, APT): 9.45 (CH3); 21.05 (CH3); 105 (10).


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