01 Read This Before Taking the Course

Many thanks for subscribing to this course. In fact, this is not just a course  it is a
lifestyle change for you from now on. Am sure you will have the urge to directly jump
into the videos on eye exercises. Hold on. Continue reading this as somewhere in
between am going to  spell out something important which you will never forget in
your life.
Thus I request you all to continue reading this with absolute patience.
Just relax  sit down and take a break from your fast paced life and continue reading
We all know that Our Health is the only important Wealth. Unfortunately most of us
realize this only after spoiling our health. Many among us are stuck into the band wagon
of routine work life  which has completely ruined our social and personal life. In return
 may be we get high salaries and perks. However these are at the cost of our health.
Health is the Key to Wealth.
Aren t we supposed to trade our brains for our salary? However it is not the only thing
happening. We trade out our most precious health along with brains and ideas for our
salary. Thus after a point in life, with whatever money we have earned  we spend it for
curing our illness.
We all forgot that  Wellness is not from Outside  All is from inside . And it is for this
reason most of us read/hear/watch books/audios/videos all about  how to live
happily or  how to stay healthy or even now you have enrolled to this course just
because you don t want your eyes to get spoiled. I appreciate your efforts to safe guard
your eyes/Vision.
Now How to go about this course?
Don t just keep watching the videos when you are travelling or when you are doing
some other work. I would prefer you all to watch this in such a time and atmosphere
where you can start practising these exercise immediately right away with me. I would
suggest you all to spend some time in watching and practising it.
Rule 1:
Don t jump or skip lectures.
Rule 2:
Read Safety Precautions and Disclaimer
Rule 3:
If you have any Special eye disorders  consult your physician before you perform these
Rule 4:
If you are uncomfortable  skip and proceed to next exercise
Rule 5:
Watch Each and every exercise  Understand every step clearly
Rule 6:
Practice daily
Rule 7:
The slower you do the exercise  the Better are the benefits.
Rule 8:
The More you do  the faster are the results. The results might vary depending upon the
intensity of the exercise.
Rule 9:
EAT well, Sleep Well, Exercise Well.
 Thumb Rule for Eating :
Anything given by Nature  Eat is cooked or semi-cooked.
Anything given/Processed by Man  Never Eat it .
If any food is not capable of getting Rotten  then don t eat it.
Wishing you all success and a happy healthy life.


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