The witch is flying down to her spooky old house. Draw the path starting at 1
and counting by 1s up to 100.
1 2 3 4 9 10
26 25 24 5 8 11 12
27 28 23 6 7 14 13
51 50 33 32 29 22 21 20 15 16
52 49 34 31 30 39 40 19 18 17
53 48 35 36 37 38 41 94 95 96
54 47 46 45 44 43 42 93 92 97
55 56 57 82 83 86 87 90 91 98
62 61 58 81 84 85 88 89 100 99
63 60 59 80 79 76 75
64 65 68 69 78 77 74
66 67 70 71 72 73
The girl in the witch costume is looking for her friends on Halloween. Draw the
path through the maze starting at 2 and counting by 2s up to 200.
14 12 6 4 130 132
16 10 8 2 126 128 134
18 20 38 40 124 122 136
24 22 36 42 44 106 108 118 120 138
26 32 34 48 46 104 110 116 142 140
28 30 52 50 100 102 112 114 144 146
66 64 54 56 98 164 162 160 158 148
68 62 60 58 96 166 168 170 156 150
70 72 90 92 94 200 198 172 154 152
76 74 88 196 174 180 182
78 84 86 194 176 178 184
80 82 192 190 188 186
The Halloween trick-or-treater is looking for more candy. Draw the path for the
ghost child starting at 3 and counting by 3s up to 300.
249 252 255 258 291 294 297
246 267 264 261 288 285 300
243 270 273 276 279 282
240 237 216 213 210 189 186 183 162 159
231 234 219 204 207 192 177 180 165 156
228 225 222 201 198 195 174 171 168 153
15 18 21 30 33 36 135 138 141 150
12 9 24 27 42 39 132 129 144 147
3 6 48 45 72 75 126 123 120
51 66 69 78 99 102 117
54 63 84 81 96 105 114
57 60 87 90 93 108 111
Mr. Pumpkinhead wants more Halloween candy. Draw the path to the
halloween candy starting at 4 and counting by 4s up to 400.
348 352 356 360 388 392 396
344 340 336 364 384 380 400
316 320 332 368 372 376
312 324 328 284 280 276 248 244 232 228
308 304 300 288 268 272 252 240 236 224
40 44 296 292 264 260 256 212 216 220
36 48 52 56 60 64 204 208 188 184
32 20 16 12 72 68 200 196 192 180
28 24 8 76 112 116 120 124 176
4 80 108 144 140 128 172
88 84 104 148 136 132 168
92 96 100 152 156 160 164
The ghost is looking for his buddy in the graveyard. Draw the path through the
maze starting at 5 and counting by 5s up to 500.
205 200 195 190 15 20
210 165 170 185 5 10 25
215 160 175 180 60 55 30
220 155 150 145 100 95 90 65 50 35
225 230 135 140 105 110 85 70 45 40
240 235 130 125 120 115 80 75 420 425
245 250 255 260 365 370 375 380 415 430
280 275 270 265 360 355 390 385 410 435
285 330 335 340 345 350 395 400 405 440
290 325 320 500 495 450 445
295 310 315 485 490 455 460
300 305 480 475 470 465
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