
Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - Esoteric Healing - I - The Etheric Body, Nervous
and Endocrine Systems

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Esoteric Healing - Chapter I - The Psychological Causes of Disease

The Etheric Body, Nervous and Endocrine SystemsWhat
I have to say here is based upon certain remarks in the previous pages wherein I pointed
out that
The etheric body itself
The nervous system
The endocrine system

are closely "related to each other and constitute an interlocking directorate of
energies and forces which are essentially vital, galvanic, dynamic and creative...Upon
them, the entire interior health of the body depends." To these three I then added
the blood stream as the conveyor throughout the body of
The Life Principle,
The combined energies of the three above systems,

and pointed out that the great combination of forces which we call the pairs of
opposites or the major dualities, govern [190] the underlying causes of health and
disease. In making these statements, I am endeavoring to reduce our entire theme to
one of the utmost simplicity. In so doing, some of the truth is lost, but it is essential
that certain broad generalizations are grasped by the student before he begins to study
the exceptions and to deal with minutiae and the detail of bodily defects or their
It has
become a truism with students of the occult that the etheric body conditions, controls and
determines the life expression of the incarnated individual. It is a secondary truism that
this etheric body is the conveyor of the forces of the personality, through the medium of
the centers, and thereby galvanizes the physical body into activity. These forces, routed
through the centers, are those of the integrated personality as a whole, or are simply the
forces of the astral or emotional body and the mind body; they also transmit the force of
the personality ray or the energy of the soul ray, according to the point in evolution
reached by the man. The physical body, therefore, is not a principle. It is conditioned
and does not condition - a point oft forgotten. It is a victim of personality
life or the triumphant expression of soul energy. It is for this reason that the science
of psychology will, during the next two centuries, dominate modern medical science, except
in the category of those diseases with which we will deal in our next section - those
emanating from group life, such as tuberculosis, venereal diseases and cancer. Until the
race is more definitely group conscious (something as yet far distant) it will not be
possible to apply broad psychological generalizations to the diseases indigenous to our
planet. We can, however, consider the handling of similar difficulties which arise in the
individual unit; these are based on the conflict of the pairs of opposites and upon the
lack of harmony to be found in the three major interlocking, directing systems. [191]
You have,
therefore, three systems to carry in your minds, and one carrier or conveying
agent, plus the basic occult fact that certain great opposing energies, working within the
body, produce what we call disease. To the above factors I would add another needed
correlation. I would remind you that we are concerned with forms of life, and that all
these forms are creative within themselves, and can create potentially more forms or can
provide environments in which these forms can live. Please note this mode of expressing a
fundamental truth. The basis of all the occult teaching as regards manifestation is that
the building forces exist, and that this statement is true whether you are concerned with
the Life of a solar system or only with the consciousness of that body in which the human
being moves and lives - along sound or unsound lines; we are dealing with the world body
in which a human being lives.

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