h aut editmessage

Autoresponse Plus Help




Click on Autoresponders on the menu bar.
Click on Edit beside the autoresponder you
want to edit.
Click on Edit beside the follow-up message
you want to edit.
Change the properties and text of the follow-up message.
Click the Save Changes button.

When you click on Edit (Step 3) beside the follow-up message to be
edited, the Autoresponders > Edit Message screen
will appear.

Here is an explanation of the elements in this screen:


This field determines when this message will be sent.

The message will be sent out instantly when someone subscribes to this autoresponder. Each
autoresponder can have only one immediate message. If you select this option and the
autoresponder already has an immediate message, the existing one will be moved to second
place in the follow-up sequence.

Use Interval
When this is selected, you need to enter a number of days in the
'Interval' field (see below). This is the number of days that will elapse after the
previous message is sent.

Next Run
Once per day, Autoresponse Plus sends out any due follow-up messages using
a task that runs automatically on your web server. If you choose this option, the message
will be sent out the next time the automatic task runs.

Monday - Sunday
The message will be sent out on the day you choose. This is non-repeating
and the message will be sent out only once. On the same day the following week, the
message will not be sent as the message counter has moved on.


This is only used when 'Use Interval' is selected in the 'Schedule' field. The interval
defines the number of days that will elapse between the previous message being sent and
this one. This can range from 1 to 999 days. The exact interval depends on the time you
run the automated daily task and could be, at worst, 24 hours out.


Enter the subject line for this message. It can contain dynamic data tags.

Default format

When this message is sent, Autoresponse Plus will check the subscriber's record to see
if they prefer to receive plain text or HTML messages. If a preference is stored, the
preferred format is sent. If no preference is stored, the format you choose here will be

Plain Text
The plain text part of this message will be sent.

The HTML version of this message will be sent.

File attachments

Enter a list of files to be attached to this message. These files must be stored in
your cgi-bin/arplus/attachments directory. Only use DOS type 8.3
filenames and separate the filenames with a single space. Remember that filenames are
case-sensitive on a UNIX/Linux system.

Include header

Check this box if you would like this autoresponder's common header to be included at
the start of this message. The header is defined in the Page
Setup screen for this autoresponder.

Include footer

Check this box if you would like this autoresponder's common footer to be included at
the end of this message. The footer is defined in the Page
Setup screen for this autoresponder.

Plain text message

Type the plain text version of your message or copy and paste it from another
application (eg Notepad). This message can be of unlimited length. The plain text version
of your message can contain dynamic data tags.

HTML message code

Type the HTML version of your message or copy and paste it from another application (eg
your favorite web page editor). This code can be of unlimited length. The HTML version of
your message can contain dynamic data tags.

When you are finished making changes, click the Save
Changes button. You will be taken back to the Autoresponders
> Edit screen for this autoresponder.

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