B06 exercise05 2 DJ

Exercise 5_2: Reduce the system of parallel forces at the center of the system.
ć (-12,20,-8)kN F2 = (3,-5,2)kN F3 = (6,-10,4)kN
F1 = ć ć

, ,

A1(2,-5,2)m A2(-1,2,0)m A3(1,0,3)m
Ł ł Ł ł Ł ł
The forces are parallel because their components are proportional.
F1 = -4 F2 ,
F3 = 2 F2
1. Calculating the sum vector
S = F1 + F2 + F3 = (- 3,5,-2)kN
2. Choosing the unit vector of the system
F2 (3,-5,2)kN 1
e = = = (3,-5,2)
F2 2 10kN 2 10
3. Determining the coefficients ai for each vector in the system.
ai = Fi o e
F2 o F2
a2 = F2 o e = = F2 = 2 10kN
= -2 10kN
a1 = F1 o e = -4F2 o e = -4 2 10kN = -8 10kN
a3 = F3 o e = 2F2 o e = 2 2 10kN = 4 10kN
4. The components of the position vectors of the points of application of the forces are the same as the
coordinates of these points
r1 = OA = (2,-5,2)m
r2 = OA2 = (-1,2,0)m
r3 = OA3 = (1,0,3)m
5. Calculating the position vector of the center of the force system
ri 10(- 8(2,-5,2)+ 2(-1,2,0)+ 4(1,0,3))kNm
(-14,44,-4)m = (7,-22,2)m
OO* = r = = =
- 2
- 2 10kN
6. Answer
At the center of the system O* = (7,-22,2)m the system is reduced to the resultant force
W = S = (- 3,5,-2)kN .
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