Ch9 Pgs311 338

Long-Term Health Effects of Chemical Threat Agents
Chapter 9
Chronic Pulmonary Disease
Chronic Eye Disease
Scarring of Epithelial Surfaces
Central Nervous System
Mutagenesis, Teratogenesis, and Reproductive Toxicity
Muscle Necrosis
Intermediate Syndrome
Neuropsychiatric Effects
Electroencephalographic Abnormalities
Toxicological Studies on Nerve Agents
Long-Term Effects of an Acute Insult
Long-Term Exposure
Methyl Isocyanate
Oxides of Nitrogen
Zinc Oxide
* Chief, Cellular and Molecular Biology Branch, Research Division, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, 3100 Ricketts Point Road,
Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5400

Major, Medical Service Corps, US Army; Chief, Neurobehavioral Toxicology Branch, Analytical Toxicology Division, US Army Medical Research
Institute of Chemical Defense, 3100 Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5400
Major, Medical Corps, US Army; Chief of Operations Branch, Chemical Casualty Care Division, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical
Defense, 3100 Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5400
Lieutenant Colonel, Nurse Corps, US Air Force; Chemical Casualty Care Division, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, 3100
Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5400
Formerly, Chief, Chemical Casualty Care Office, and Director, Medical Management of Chemical Casualties Course, US Army Medical Research Institute
of Chemical Defense, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21010-5400; Deceased
Chief, Chemical Casualty Care Division, US Army Medical Research Institute of Chemical Defense, 3100 Ricketts Point Road, Aberdeen Proving
Ground, Maryland 21010-5400
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
Chemical warfare agents were used extensively casualties.4,5 One US soldier developed skin blisters
in World War I (the United States had approxi- 8 hours after exploring an underground bunker.4
mately 70,000 chemical casualties1) and have been His clinical findings and mass spectroscopy read-
employed or allegedly employed in about a dozen ings (performed by a chemical detection team) from
conflicts since then.2 The most recent large-scale his clothing and the bunker supported a diagnosis
use of these weapons was by Iraq in its war with of accidental mustard exposure, which was mild.
Iran in the late 1980s. During that conflict, Iraq The exposure was not confirmed by later testing of
used nerve agents and the vesicant mustard3; after clothing samples, from which trace amounts of the
the war it maintained stockpiles of the two agents agent may have dissipated.
and the capability to manufacture them. Before Although the acute effects of the nerve agents
coalition forces liberated Kuwait early in 1991 and of mustard agent are well known,6,7 the long-
during the Persian Gulf War, Iraq was expected to term effects after a single exposure or multiple
use these agents when attacked. No reports of the exposures are less well recognized. The nerve
use of chemical weapons during that conflict were agents are the subject of Chapter 5, Nerve Agents,
made, however, despite the vigilance of the press and mustard is discussed in Chapter 8, Vesicants.
corps and military medical personnel, who were This chapter focuses on the long-term effects of
trained to report, investigate, and care for chemical exposure to these agents.
Two well-known forms of mustard exist. Sulfur event is felt to be a reaction of mustard and deoxyri-
mustard (designated by the military as H or HD) was bonucleic acid (DNA) with subsequent damage to the
first synthesized in the early 1800s, has been used in DNA. A series of intracellular events then occur, lead-
warfare on several occasions, and is a major chemical ing to cellular damage accompanied by inflammation
warfare agent.6 Nitrogen mustard is of more recent and cellular death. Cellular damage begins within 1
origin, has not been used in warfare, and is a cancer to 2 minutes of contact of mustard to skin or mucous
chemotherapeutic agent. In this chapter, the word membranes.6 The onset of clinical effects following
 mustard will refer to sulfur mustard. exposure to mustard occurs hours after the expo-
Mustard is best known as a skin vesicant, but in sure.6 The delay usually ranges from 2 to 24 hours, is
a series of Iranian patients exposed to mustard, 95% inversely proportional to the amount of mustard, and
had airway effects, 92% had eye injuries, and 83% had depends on other factors as well. No specific therapy
skin lesions.8 After absorption, mustard, an extremely for mustard exposure exists.6 Decontamination within
potent alkylating agent, has the potential to damage a minute or two will prevent or diminish the lesion,
all cells and all organs.6 Absorption and systemic dis- and later care consists of symptomatic management
tribution of a significant amount of mustard damages of the lesion.
the bone marrow, where it destroys the precursor cells, Studies have established that the chemical agent
resulting in pancytopenia.6 Less commonly, clinical mustard has long-term sequelae. Both Morgenstern
effects are seen in the gastrointestinal tract (usually as et al14 and Buscher15 emphasize that chronic low-dose
a terminal event)9,10 and in the central nervous system exposure over months to years in occupationally ex-
(CNS), with ill-defined symptoms such as lethargy posed workers leads to chronic bronchitis, bronchial
and apathy.8,11 asthma, hoarseness, aphonia, and hypersensitivity to
On the skin, a Ct (the concentration [C] of agent smoke, dust, and fumes. Affected individuals typically
vapor or aerosol in air, as mg/m3, multiplied by the show persistent disability, with increased suscepti-
time [t] of exposure, in minutes) of 50 mg" min/m3 or bility to respiratory tract infections and evidence of
a droplet of 10 µg of mustard is adequate to produce bronchitis and bronchiectasis.6,14,15 Laboratory animal
vesication.6 (One study12 indicates that 8 of the 10 µg studies16 18 have found that mustard is mutagenic and
evaporate and 1 µg enters the systemic circulation, carcinogenic, and it is reported to be carcinogenic in
leaving 1 µg to produce the skin lesion.) Eye lesions humans.19
can be produced by a Ct of 10 mg" min/m3.13 Airway A 1993 study19 sponsored by the Veterans Admin-
injury occurs at a Ct of 100 mg" min/m3 or higher.6 istration and conducted by the Institute of Medicine
The mode of biological activity of mustard is less reported that a causal relationship exists between
well defined than that of the nerve agents. The initial mustard exposure and the following conditions:
Long-Term Health Effects of Chemical Threat Agents
" chronic respiratory diseases (asthma, chronic as nitrogen mustard, Cytoxan (Bristol-Myers Squibb
bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive Oncology Division, Princeton, NJ), and methotrexate.
pulmonary disease, chronic laryngitis); Since DNA is one of mustard s most sensitive targets, it
" respiratory cancers (nasopharyngeal, laryn- is not surprising that carcinogenesis and radiomimetic
geal, and lung); effects are seen.
" pigmentation abnormalities of the skin; In studies18,28,29 conducted from 1949 through 1953
" chronic skin ulceration and scar formation; by WE Heston with mustard and strain-A mice (im-
" skin cancer; munocompromised), the occurrence of pulmonary
" chronic conjunctivitis; tumors was easily demonstrated. Studies conducted at
" recurrent corneal ulcerative disease; Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, examined the carcino-
" delayed recurrent keratitis; genic effects on rats in whole-body chamber exposures.
" leukemia (nitrogen mustard); Mustard readily produced skin malignancies in rats,
" bone marrow depression and (resulting) im- but no excess tumors at other sites.30 Subcutaneous
munosuppression; injections totaling about 6 mg/kg of mustard produced
" psychological disorders (mood disorders, sarcomas and other malignancies at injection sites in
anxiety disorders, and traumatic stress dis- C3H, C3Hf, and strain-A mice, but did not result in an
orders); and increase of malignancies at other sites.29
" sexual dysfunction as a result of scrotal and Human data on the carcinogenicity of mustard are
penile scarring. from (a) battlefield exposures, (b) accidents, and (c)
workers in chemical factories. Both British and Ameri-
Although laboratory evidence suggests that all of can studies have investigated the increased incidence
these might occur, there is no data in humans to indicate of pulmonary carcinoma arising from World War I
that all have occurred. The study report recognized battlefield exposure. All are difficult to interpret, ow-
this by stating,  It is also possible that skin cancers ing to the lack of controls for age, chronic pulmonary
did not occur in the studied populations&  19 and disease, cigarette smoking, and other factors that might
 & underrepresented in human studies is information have affected the outcome.31 33
on chronic or delayed effects [on the bone marrow and In contrast to battlefield exposures, studies of fac-
immune system]. 19 The report also pointed out that tory workers involved in the production of mustard
the psychological disorders were from the stress of the have shown a definite link between prolonged ex-
exposure and not from the agent, and there seemed to posure to low doses of mustard and cancer.6 Several
be no data on sexual dysfunction. Moreover, it is not studies17,34 38 have provided evidence of an increased
clear from the report whether these effects follow one risk of respiratory tract cancers in factory workers.
or multiple mustard exposures. Easton et al35 found a 45% increase in deaths due to
All human studies dealing with chronic mustard lung cancer, a 170% increase in death from cancer of
disease processes are retrospective and fraught with the larynx, and a 450% increase in deaths from cancer
the problems inherent in retrospective studies. These of the pharynx, compared with expected deaths in the
problems include bias in the sampling populations; general population. The risks for cancer of the pharynx
lack of epidemiological controls for the effects of and lung were significantly related to the duration of
smoking, lifestyle, race, gender, age, or exposure to employment at the factory. For reasons analyzed more
other chemicals; differential quality of available health fully elsewhere,39 the association between a single
care; and incorrect diagnosis.6 These limitations make exposure to mustard and airway cancer is not as well
absolute interpretation of the studies difficult. established.
Over the past several years, Iranian investigators Japanese studies suggest a greater potential risk of
have provided a number of papers that study the late cancer from mustard than do the British studies. Easton
toxic effects of mustard exposure in patients 16 to et al35 and Manning et al17 suggest that the difference is
20 years after the Iran-Iraq conflicts of the 1980s.20 26 related to the design of the Japanese studies and to the
Balali-Mood and Hefazi27 have summarized most of lower industrial hygiene standards in Japan at the time
these data in a comparative review of early and late of the studies.6 The weight of the evidence cellular,
toxic effects of mustard. epidemiological, and toxicological indicates a causal
association between mustard exposure and the occur-
Carcinogenesis rence of excess respiratory cancer, skin cancer, and
possibly leukemia. Inadequate exposure information
Mustard is an alkylating agent similar to drugs limits accurate estimation of the cancer excesses that
that have been used in cancer chemotherapy, such may be expected.19
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
The Iranian data suggest that surviving victims of few data from people or animals exposed to nonlethal
mustard exposure during the Iran-Iraq War are ex- concentrations of mustard vapor exist. Even fewer
hibiting carcinoma of the nasopharynx, bronchogenic studies investigate the histopathology of the recovery
carcinoma, and adenocarcinoma of the stomach, as process in animals exposed to mustard.19 However,
well as acute myeloblastic and lymphoblastic leuke- two studies9,46 conducted during World War I suggest
mia.27 Definitive studies of the nature and types of that low-level exposure or survivable exposures in
cancers seen in this patient population have yet to be dogs and rabbits may produce scar tissue following
published. small ulcerations in the trachea and larynx, causing
contractions of these areas. The more severe respiratory
Chronic Pulmonary Disease tract lesions described in animals exposed to mustard
vapor appear to be similar in type and location to those
Inhalation of mustard vapor primarily affects the described in humans.6
laryngeal and tracheobronchial mucosa.6 Evidence The Iranian database shows that in the 3-year
suggests that mustard inhalation causes sustained postexposure time frame the most severely affected
respiratory difficulties even after the acute lesions patients demonstrated restrictive pulmonary disease
have healed. Clinical follow-ups on 200 Iranian sol- patterns. By 16 years postexposure, these patterns
diers who were severely injured by mustard during had become obstructive in nature.27 Sixteen to twenty
the Iran Iraq War indicate that about one third had years after exposure, the main respiratory complica-
experienced persistent respiratory effects 2 years after tions were chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
initial exposure. Reported problems included chronic bronchiectasis, asthma, large airway narrowing, and
bronchitis, asthma, rhinopharyngitis, tracheobronchi- pulmonary fibrosis.27
tis, laryngitis, recurrent pneumonia, bronchiectasis,
and in some cases, severe, unrelenting tracheobron- Chronic Eye Disease
chial stenosis.22,40 43
Of the British soldiers exposed to mustard in World Individuals who sustain acute ocular injury from
War I, 12% were awarded disability compensation for high-dose mustard exposure may experience diffi-
respiratory disorders that were believed to be from culties even after the initial effects of the injury have
mustard exposures during combat.44 Bronchitis was subsided.47 50 Recurrent or persistent corneal ulcer-
the major complaint; emphysema and asthma were ation can occur after latent periods of 10 to 25 years.
also reported. However, epidemiological studies of the This delayed keratopathy49,51 may be accompanied by
relationship between agent exposure and subsequent chronic conjunctivitis and corneal clouding. Anecdotal
respiratory disability were severely limited for several accounts suggest that low-dose exposure also causes
reasons. Often, individuals had experienced multiple increased sensitivity to later exposures to mustard,52
combined exposures to mustard and other chemical although the existence of increased sensitivity is dif-
agents. Also, influenza and other respiratory ailments ficult to substantiate with available scientific evidence.6
frequently made diagnosis of the mustard vapor in- About 10% of those with eye injury in World War I had
jury difficult.6 Finally, no epidemiological controls for severely affected eyes, with both the cornea and the
smoking or for postexposure environmental and oc- conjunctiva being involved. Members of this group
cupational histories were included in the studies.45 developed the  delayed keratitis noted above 8 to
Wada et al34 suggest a causal relationship between 25 years later.48
mustard exposure and subsequent bronchitis, tuber- The 1993 Institute of Medicine study19 of the ef-
culosis, and pneumonia in factory workers involved in fects of mustard and lewisite exposure on the health
the production of mustard. Again, Morgenstern et al14 of veterans concluded that acute, severe injury of the
and Buscher15 emphasize that chronic low-dose expo- eye from mustard might result in recurrent corneal
sure over prolonged periods (presumably months to ulcerative disease for the remainder of the patient s
years) leads to lingering bronchitis, bronchial asthma, life, with a maximum incidence occurring 15 to 20
hoarseness, aphonia, and hypersensitivity to smoke, years after the injury. Based on extensive data, the
dust, and fumes. Affected individuals typically show study concluded that a causal relationship between
persistent disability, with increased susceptibility to severe exposure to mustard and the development of
respiratory tract infections and evidence of bronchitis delayed recurrent keratitis exists.47 The study also
and bronchiectasis.6 found a causal relationship between exposure to mus-
Little contemporary information regarding the tard and the development of prolonged, intractable
pathogenesis of the respiratory lesions is available, and conjunctivitis.
Long-Term Health Effects of Chemical Threat Agents
Scarring of Epithelial Surfaces cer. Among the Iranian victims at 16 to 20 years after
exposure, the most common skin lesions, by order of
Residual cutaneous lesions most often take the form occurrence, were hyperpigmentation, erythematous
of scars that result from uncontrolled fibroblastic activ- popular rash, dry skin, multiple cherry angioma, at-
ity and overgrowth of connective tissue during the pro- rophy, and hyperpigmentation.27
cess of wound repair. Even wounds that are well cared
for on joints and sites that are not easily immobilized, Central Nervous System
such as shoulders, knees, elbows, and male genitalia,
often heal with severe residual scar formation. Pigmen- Excitation of the CNS after mustard exposure, re-
tation is often altered (either increased or decreased) at sulting in convulsions and followed by CNS depres-
these sites, although the degree of alteration does not sion, has been reported.56 Convulsions and cardiac
differ from that observed in injuries caused by burns irregularities appear to occur only after extremely
and other forms of physical and chemical insult. In the acute, high doses,57 which are probably attainable
absence of melanocyte destruction, hyperpigmentation only in laboratory settings.6 Mustard casualties of the
predominates. If melanocytes are locally destroyed, Iran Iraq War did not display severe CNS or cardiac
and inward migration from destroyed adnexal struc- abnormalities.40
tures does not occur, depigmentation predominates. Acute neuropsychiatric symptoms, including severe
In a prospective study of delayed toxic effects from depression and changes in mentation, are common
mustard exposure, Balali-Mood22 followed a group after high-dose exposures to mustard agents. These
of Iranian solders exposed to mustard gas during symptoms are produced both directly by the chemical
the Iran Iraq War. After 2 years, 41% of the exposed and secondarily to other physiological changes.19 Fol-
victims were experiencing pigmentary disorders. low-up of workers in German chemical warfare plants
Any previously injured sites have been described as showed a high prevalence of various neurological dis-
being  sensitive to subsequent mechanical injury. orders, including impaired concentration, diminished
These sites may show recurrent blisters after mild libido, and sensory hypersensitivity.58 To what extent
injury.19 Renshaw12 reported on the development of mustard agents were responsible is not clear because
contact sensitivity in humans following localized ex- multiple exposures to other agents, including nerve
posure to liquid mustard. Cutaneous sensitivity may agents, were known to have occurred.
be seen within 8 days following the first application, Balali-Mood et al23 conducted studies on peripheral
and a more pronounced effect is seen after 4 weeks. neuropathic processes in victims exhibiting severe late
The incidence of hypersensitivity varies between 30% manifestations of mustard poisoning using electro-
and 65% of exposed individuals. Sensitivity may be myography and nerve conduction velocity. Seventy
immediate hives or delayed dermatitis and appears percent of the patients demonstrated disturbances
to last a lifetime. Sensitivity may also take the form of in the peripheral nervous system. Nerve conduction
flares of old, healed mustard injury sites after a fresh abnormalities were more common in sensory nerves
application of mustard to normal, unaffected skin.12 and more prevalent in lower extremities than in up-
The occurrence of skin cancers at the site of old scar per extremities. Forty percent of the patients exhibited
formation is an acknowledged biological phenom- incomplete interference patterns in electromyographic
enon.53,54 Cutaneous cancers resulting from acute studies.
mustard exposure usually localize in scars, whereas
those caused by chronic exposure can occur on any Mutagenesis, Teratogenesis, and Reproductive
exposed site.55 Toxicity
In its study of mustard and lewisite effects,19 the
Institute of Medicine concluded that the evidence Mustard causes cross-linking of DNA and is known
indicates a causal relation between acute, severe to alkylate DNA at the O6 position of guanine. Some
exposure to mustard agents and increased pigmenta- authors59,60 suggest that intrastrand DNA cross-links,
tion and depigmentation in human skin; acute and rather than interstrand cross-links,61,62 are the lesions
severe exposure can lead to chronic skin ulceration, primarily responsible for producing chromosomal
scar formation, and the development of cutaneous aberrations. Mustard causes chromosomal breakage
cancer (but see the caveat in the previous discussion and induces sister chromatid exchanges in a wide
of this report s conclusions); and chronic exposure to variety of cells including mammalian cells.63 The In-
minimally toxic and even subtoxic doses can lead to ternational Agency for Research on Cancer in Lyon,
skin pigmentation abnormalities and cutaneous can- France (an agency of the World Health Organization),
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
has classified mustard as a human carcinogen based to these exposures has been insufficient. The evidence
on the findings of epidemiological studies. Taken suggests a causal relationship between mustard expo-
together, these observations highlight the potential of sure and reproductive toxicity in laboratory animals,
this compound to induce genetic damage and become but the database is far too small and unreliable to
a long-term health hazard. The agency also suggests allow a clear understanding of human reproductive
that mustard could be a reproductive toxin.19 risk from exposure to mustard. Mustard can cause
The 1993 Institute of Medicine report19 noted that the genetic alterations in the sperm of male rats after
quality of human data on the reproductive toxicity of inhalation or gastric exposure, but rodent studies64
mustard is quite poor. Follow-up of the occupational showed that mustards are not detectable teratogens in
or battlefield cohorts to determine the nature of any animals. The human data are insufficient for reliable
reproductive toxicity or teratogenic effects attributable interpretation.19
Nerve agents are esters of phosphonic acid and are line at muscarinic cholinergic receptor sites, and of
extremely potent chemicals. Their military designa- 2-pyridine aldoxime methyl chloride (2-PAM Cl, also
tions are GA (tabun), GB (sarin), GD (soman), GF called 2-pralidoxime chloride), an oxime that removes
(cyclosarin), and VX. The agent VX has no common the agent from AChE, thereby reactivating the enzyme
name. In contrast to the information available on both after poisoning by some agents.74 2-PAM Cl, however,
short- and long-term effects of mustard in humans is ineffective against soman intoxication71 because of
from its battlefield use in World War I and the Iran Iraq soman s rapid aging. (Aging is the process by which
War, and from experimental studies during the World one of the nerve agent s alkyl groups leaves the mol-
War I and World War II periods,19 limited data from the ecule after binding to AChE. After dealkylation, an
battlefield use of nerve agents are available. AChE-bound nerve agent molecule can no longer be
The toxic effects of nerve agents are caused primar- removed from the enzyme by an oxime. The aging
ily by their inhibition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) half-time of soman is about 2 min.) Ventilatory sup-
and the resulting accumulation of acetylcholine.65 port is necessary when breathing has stopped or is
Other biological activities of these agents have been inadequate,71,72 and the anticonvulsant diazepam may
described, but the relation of these activities to clinical need to be administered.
effects has not been recognized. For example, some Information on the effects of nerve agents in humans
nerve agents affect ionic channels,66 and all affect comes from the accidental exposure of hundreds of
structures other than AChE.67 Several milligrams of people mildly or moderately exposed while working
VX, the least volatile nerve agent, absorbed through with nerve agents and from a handful of workers who
the skin causes clinical signs and symptoms.68,69 A Ct had severe exposures. Investigational studies carried
of 2 to 3 mg" min/m3 of sarin produces miosis and out in hundreds of people also provide information.
rhinorrhea in humans.70 This Ct can be attained with More recently, terrorists used sarin in two separate
exposure to a concentration of 2 mg/m3 for 1 minute attacks in Matsumoto and Tokyo, Japan, in 1994 and
or a concentration of 0.05 mg/m3 for 40 minutes. The 1995. These attacks have provided a great deal of in-
initial signs of exposure to small quantities of agent va- formation on both the short- and long-term impact of
por are miosis, rhinorrhea, and airway constriction.7,71 organophosphorus nerve agents in humans. Informa-
Larger amounts cause loss of consciousness, seizure tion on the effects of organophosphorus insecticides
activity,71 cessation of respiration72 and cardiac activity, is also included so that medical officers can compare
and death, unless there is medical intervention. Effects and contrast the two. Because both nerve agents and
occur within minutes of exposure,71,72 and after a large insecticides are organophosphorus compounds, people
exposure (Ct of 10 200 mg" min/m3, depending on often tend to extrapolate the biological effects of one
the agent73), death occurs in 10 to 15 minutes. After to the other, but in fact there are many differences be-
exposure to a sublethal amount on the skin (1 3 mg), tween the two. The authors of some reports did not rec-
the onset time for clinical effects may be hours.68,69 ognize the differences and grouped them together.75,76
The initial effect is usually vomiting, which may be Although the organophosphate insecticides are
followed by muscular weakness. A lethal amount of similar to nerve agents in inhibiting cholinesterase,
VX on the skin causes effects within several minutes,71 they differ in other characteristics. For example, the
and death occurs shortly afterwards. cholinergic crisis caused by acute, severe intoxica-
Treatment consists of the administration of atropine, tion with the insecticides is generally much longer
a drug that blocks the effects of the excess acetylcho- than that caused by nerve agents (days to weeks for
Long-Term Health Effects of Chemical Threat Agents
insecticides77 79 vs hours for nerve agents71,72). Not only population) doses that require massive pretreatment
do insecticides differ from nerve agents, but they also and therapy to ensure survival of the animals. Davies
differ among themselves in some of their biological et al83 produced polyneuropathy in chickens with sarin
effects; for example, some cause polyneuropathy, and only at 60 or more times the LD50. (The animals were
others do not.79 Because of these differences, all of protected with atropine and oxime to permit survival.)
which have probably not been defined, the similarity Neuropathy was not detected at 8 times the LD50 of so-
between the effects of insecticides in humans and the man. Davies s group also detected no polyneuropathy
effects of nerve agents in humans cannot be assumed. at doses of VX of 45 µmol/kg.84
(As stated earlier, insecticides are included here only In another study,85 polyneuropathy was found
so that the similarities and differences can be noted; in hens after 30 to 60 times the LD50 for sarin was
readers should be careful not to confuse the two.) administered, but not at 38 times the LD50 for soman
or 82 times the LD50 for tabun. VX was not examined
Polyneuropathy in this study because its ability to inhibit neurotoxic
esterase is negligible. At 120 times the acute LD50 in
Insecticides hens, soman and tabun caused polyneuropathy in
some surviving animals.86 Cyclosarin is a stronger
Organophosphorus ester induced delayed neuro- inhibitor of neurotoxic esterase in vitro than the other
toxicity (OPIDN) has been recognized as a clinical syn- nerve agents.87 However, cyclosarin, in addition to
drome in humans and animals for over 50 years. After tabun, soman, and VX, did not cause polyneuropathy
exposure to certain organophosphates, incoordination, at very high doses.88
ataxia, spasticity, and flaccid paralysis develop over the Polyneuropathy has not been noted in the handful
following 1 to 3 weeks; the paralysis begins distally in of humans severely exposed to nerve agents or in the
the lower limbs and eventually spreads to the upper hundreds of humans with mild-to-moderate effects
limbs. Part or all of the lesion may be reversible, but in from nerve agents. However, one report details a case
its most severe form it can cause lifetime quadriplegia. study in which a patient who survived for 15 months
Structural changes begin at the distal, nonmyelin- following the Tokyo sarin terrorist attack showed distal
ated portion of the nerve, followed by progressive sensory axonopathy on postmortem analysis.89 The pa-
demyelination associated with degeneration of more tient survived the initial attack, but was maintained on
proximal nerve segments.79 This syndrome was initially mechanical ventilation and total parenteral nutrition
associated with ingestion of triorthocresyl phosphate until he died of pneumonia. He initially showed signs
rather than an insecticide. After organophosphate of tremor and decerebrate rigidity, which changed to
insecticides became available, the syndrome was seen flaccid quadriparesis 6 months following the sarin in-
after exposure to some, but not all, of them.79 toxication. He then developed distal-dominant, severe
The best animal model for studying the effects of muscle atrophy with clawhand and foot drop defor-
exposure to organophosphates is the chicken.80,81 Ex- mity. The postmortem analysis confirmed the distal
tensive studies have been performed to elucidate the axonopathy as well as severe hypoxic-ischemic CNS
mechanism of action that causes OPIDN and to screen damage. Obvious limitations of this report include the
new organophosphate insecticides for this effect.79,80 fact that the patient was maintained for an extended
The exact mechanism of action is still unknown, but period with life support and was largely immobile,
much evidence suggests that the inhibition of neuro- and there is no information regarding the total sarin
toxic esterase in nerve tissue is involved.81 Adminis- exposure the man received. Nevertheless, the case
tration of oximes and atropine has no effect on the report is one of the first to show temporally delayed
production of this neurotoxicity.82 distal neuropathy in humans. Studies using smaller
OPIDN is not seen with all insecticides.79,80 Gener- doses of tabun, sarin, and soman are described in the
ally, insecticides that have been shown to cause poly- toxicology section later in this chapter.
neuropathy have been removed from the market; only
those that have been demonstrated not to cause this Muscle Necrosis
effect in animal models are available.
Nerve Agents
Necrosis of rat skeletal muscle in the region of the
Nerve agents have caused polyneuropathy in ani- motor endplate has been noted after administration
mals only at doses many fold greater than the LD50 of cholinesterase-inhibiting compounds in amounts
(the dose [D] that is lethal [L] to 50% of the exposed sufficient to cause signs.90 Swelling, eosinophilia, and
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
loss of striations of myofibers can be observed by light Ten additional cases were later described.97 These
microscopy in the motor endplate regions as early as patients received atropine (up to 40 mg every 24 h)
2 hours after administration of the organophosphate, and 2-PAM Cl (1 g every 12 hour for 24 to 48 h) during
and the lesion is fully developed in 12 to 24 hours. In the cholinergic-crisis phase. About 24 to 96 hours after
affected fibers, the sarcolemma remains intact and is poisoning, the 10 patients developed a syndrome that
the focus of later repair of the fiber. Recovery begins in included palsies of cranial nerves III, IV, VI, VII, and
2 days and is complete by 2 weeks. The lesion can be X; weakness of the respiratory muscles (four patients
prevented or lessened by denervation or by adminis- required immediate intubation and assisted ventila-
tration of atropine and oxime within the first 2 hours; tion at the onset of the syndrome); weakness of the
the lesion is more severe in muscles of high activity, proximal limb muscles; and pyramidal tract signs.
such as the diaphragm, and in type II fast-twitch Recovery occurred in 5 to 18 days. Electromyography
muscle fibers.90 in limb muscles and nerve conduction were normal.
Muscle necrosis was seen in the diaphragm of a man Tetanic stimulation of the abductor pollicis brevis
who died after drinking parathion. No cholinesterase showed a marked fade with no posttetanic facilita-
could be demonstrated in the myoneural junctions of tion. The authors of the report45 called this condition
any muscle, but necrosis was limited to the diaphragm. the  intermediate syndrome, meaning that it is in-
Each focus involved one to four sarcomeres of both termediate between the acute cholinergic effects and
types of myofibers, varying from acute swelling to the later, well-recognized delayed polyneuropathy.
vacuolar disintegration of the fibers. The nerve endings Consequently, the term intermediate syndrome, rather
in the segmental necrotic zones were degenerated.91 than type II signs, has been adopted.
Two additional cases of this syndrome were reported
Nerve Agents several years later; both patients required ventilatory
support during the paralytic phase.98 In another series,
The circumscribed muscular necrosis seen with 29 of 90 patients with organophosphate poisoning
insecticides has also been seen after sarin92,93 and had the intermediate syndrome.99 Tetanic fade with no
tabun94 administration to experimental animals. Soman posttetanic facilitation was maximal between days 4 and
produced necrosis in one study,95 but not in another.94 6, and the response to electrical stimulation had returned
On stimulation of the nerve, the muscle was unable to normal by 8 to 10 days. The author suggested that a
to sustain a tetanic contraction at frequencies of 100 neuromuscular junction defect was responsible for the
and 200 Hz.93 lesion. Other cases have since been reported100 103 and
in some, the weakness or paralysis lasted for days to
Intermediate Syndrome weeks. Lack of early oxime therapy had been thought
to contribute to the development of the syndrome,104 but
Insecticides it has occurred with adequate amounts of oxime.100,101,105
The cause of this neuromuscular dysfunction has not
A second type of delayed neurological manifestation been elucidated, nor has an animal model been de-
of organophosphate insecticide poisoning is the  in- scribed. Intermediate syndrome may be related to the
termediate syndrome. In a series of 200 consecutive myopathy seen at the neuromuscular junction.
cases of organophosphate insecticide poisoning, 36
patients developed a weakness of the proximal muscles Nerve Agents
of the limbs, cranial nerve weaknesses, bilateral py-
ramidal tract signs, and areflexia.96 This disturbance The occurrence of the intermediate syndrome fol-
began 12 to 84 hours after hospital admission. In most lowing nerve agent exposure is not well character-
cases, the cholinergic crisis had resolved, and the 21 ized.106 In one experiment, single fiber electromyogra-
patients who survived recovered completely by 96 phy was used to examine the syndrome in volunteers
hours. The lesion was unresponsive to large amounts exposed to a low level of sarin.107 Significant, albeit
of atropine; 2-PAM Cl was not available. The authors small, changes in single fiber electromyography were
of the report96 divided the signs of organophosphate observed at 3 hours and at 3 days following exposure.
intoxication into two groups, which they called type However, the electromyographic changes did not ac-
I and type II. According to these authors, type I signs company clinical neuromuscular symptoms. The small
were muscarinic in nature and were amenable to at- changes observed were resolved when the volunteers
ropine therapy, whereas type II signs were nicotinic were evaluated 2 years later.
in nature, appeared 12 to 48 hours after exposure, and Another study examined the delayed neurotoxic
were resistant to atropine therapy. effects of repeated sarin inhalation in mice.108 Female
Long-Term Health Effects of Chemical Threat Agents
Swiss mice received repeated whole-body exposure Gershon and Shaw s report was criticized110,111
to 5 mg/m3, 20 minutes daily for 10 days. The mice because no information on the exposure history was
were evaluated daily for changes in gross behavior, included; because few objective measures, either of
and 4 days following the last exposure, the mice were mental status or of blood cholinesterase, were used;
examined histopathologically. The sarin-exposed mice and because the conditions reported had not been
exhibited muscular weakness in the limbs, twitching, reported in much larger series of patients exposed
and slight ataxis on the 14th day (4 days after the final to organophosphate insecticides. Later studies failed
exposure), despite clear anti-AChE signs. The histopa- to find evidence of thought disorders after pesticide
thology results showed depressed neurotoxic esterase exposure,112,113 although diisopropyl fluorophosphate
activity in the CNS and platelets, and axonal degenera- administration aggravated psychosis.114 Less severe
tion was observed in the spinal cord. The time frame of neuropsychiatric manifestations of organophosphate
onset of the observed results is consistent with the in- insecticide exposure, occurring either acutely or as
termediate syndrome, but could potentially have been sequelae, have been subsequently reported.
OPIDN. The report did not follow mice past the 4th day Durham et al115 examined 187 individuals who were
postexposure, so it is unclear whether the symptoms routinely involved in pesticide work (eg, crop dusting)
would have resolved. Overall, there is limited infor- for mental alertness. The groups were people with
mation regarding the occurrence of the intermediate varying degrees of exposure to organic phosphorus
syndrome following nerve agent exposure. pesticides and the control group were persons with
no known previous exposure to these materials. The
Neuropsychiatric Effects subjects were studied, using a complex reaction time,
(a) at the time of maximal work with insecticides and
Many neuropsychiatric problems have been associ- (b) during  nonexposure periods. Control subjects
ated with single and repeated exposures to insecticides were studied at similar times. Both groups, subjects
and nerve agents. In many cases these symptoms were and controls, did better on tests during nonexposure
studied shortly after the patients were exposed, and periods, and both groups scored poorer during the
the duration of the problems was not noted. However, higher risk periods. The performance of the exposed
several studies examined the effects long after the acute subjects improved during and after convalescence.
insult. These effects include disturbances in memory, The authors emphasized repeatedly that mental ef-
sleep, and vigilance; depression; posttraumatic stress fects were not seen in the absence of clinical signs of
disorder (PTSD); anxiety and irritability; and problems poisoning. Problems with memory after insecticide
with information processing. In cases of exposure to exposure were reported by Gershon and Shaw109 (the
nerve agents, the traumatic impact of experiencing problems resolved 6 to 12 months after the acute expo-
a chemical warfare attack potentially confounds the sure) and by Metcalf and Holmes113 (the patients were
evaluation of the long-term health effects of nerve studied more than a year after exposure). In the latter
agent exposure alone. Thus, whether caused by the study, testing was performed to corroborate the report
direct effects of the chemical compound or by the event of memory deficit. Other reports have mentioned
itself, the neuropsychological effects presented will still memory problems, but they provide few data.
require attention by the attending clinician. Steenland et al116 examined 128 agricultural workers
who had been previously poisoned with at least one
Insecticides organophosphate pesticide between 1982 and 1990.
Subjects were evaluated using a neurological test bat-
In 1961 Gershon and Shaw109 described 16 patients tery that included assessments of mood, motor speed,
with psychiatric problems who had been exposed to sustained visual attention, hand-eye coordination,
pesticides repeatedly over a 1.5- to 10-year period. Five simple reaction time, coding speed, visual memory,
were schizophrenic, seven were severely depressed, serial digit learning and memory, dexterity, and pursuit
one was in a state of fugue, and all had impairment of aiming. Total results showed consistent and significant
memory and concentration. These conditions followed impairments in mood scale, sustained visual attention,
multiple symptomatic exposures to organophosphate and coding speed. The researchers further performed
insecticides, and the patients recovered within 6 to 12 a nerve conduction and vibrotactile sensitivity assess-
months after the onset of their signs and symptoms. ment of the same population, observing that nerve
Because neuropsychiatric sequelae of organophos- conductions were normal, but vibrotactile sensitivity
phate insecticides had not been widely recognized, the was reduced. Together the results indicated that central
authors suggested that these sequelae might be more and peripheral neurological damage related to organo-
common than generally thought. phosphorus pesticide poisoning likely occurred.
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
Anxiety, irritability, giddiness, tension, and rest- tention, visual memory, visuomotor speed, sequencing
lessness persisting for months after exposure to and problem solving, and motor steadiness, reaction,
insecticides were reported by Namba et al117 and and dexterity.
by Gershon and Shaw.109 Both studies emphasized
that these effects occurred only in patients who Nerve Agents
had demonstrated symptoms of exposure. Metcalf
and Holmes113 reported similar effects, but did not Bowers et al68 reported that subjects had difficulty
indicate their duration or the time after exposure with memory for 24 hours after they were given VX,
that they occurred. Depression has been reported117 but had no evidence of major thought disorders. Other
from insecticide exposure immediately following the investigators65 noted depression acutely after nerve
acute symptomatic exposure, but it did not persist. agent exposure, but the depression did not persist.
More prolonged (6 to 12 months) depression has been Sleep disturbances were also short-lived.68,121,122 After
reported109 after insecticide exposure. In contrast, exposure to VX, subjects had decreased performance
Levin et al112 found no evidence of depression using on an arithmetic test, decreased reading comprehen-
a structured interview and a depression inventory in sion, and decreased ability to play chess.68 In some
asymptomatic workers with histories of chronic expo- instances these performance decrements occurred
sure. Sleep disturbances, such as excessive dreaming, before other signs of intoxication or in the absence of
nightmares, and insomnia, generally of relatively other signs. Impaired concentration and vigilance have
short duration (days to weeks), after insecticide ex- been reported after nerve agent exposure.121 These ef-
posure have also been reported.113,117 fects can persist for several weeks after symptomatic
Psychomotor performance has been evaluated after exposure to nerve agents.123
exposure to insecticides. Rowntree et al114 found that A report122 of 297 cases of accidental exposure to
daily administration of an organophosphate com- nerve agent among manufacturing workers indicated
pound caused slowness in thought and decreased that about 20% of the individuals had neuropsychiatric
performance speed. Metcalf and Holmes113 noted effects such as disturbed sleep, disturbance in mood,
slowed thinking and calculation in patients who had irritability, nervousness, disturbance in ability to think
been exposed to insecticides more than a year previ- clearly, absentmindedness, fatigability, and lighthead-
ously. Difficulties in concentration and vigilance have edness. The duration of these effects was not indicated,
been reported after insecticide exposure,109,113,115,117,118 but the report noted that supervisors and coworkers
although some of the studies indicate marginal de- detected these effects when the casualties returned to
creases, and others lack objective data (eg, Gershon and work prematurely.
Shaw109). In all of the cases, the impairment occurred A single subject, a biochemist exposed to soman,
after an episode in which the patient had exhibited was evaluated at 2 weeks, 4 months, and 6 months after
symptoms of exposure to the compound. exposure, using a psychiatric interview and a battery
Tabershaw and Cooper119 evaluated 87 patients of psychological tests.71 The person had been severely
who had been exposed to an organophosphate in- exposed, requiring ventilatory support for about 30
secticide more than 3 years previously and who had minutes. On initial testing, he had high scores on the
had persistent complaints for over a 6-month period. hypochondriasis and hysteria scales on the Minnesota
The symptoms involved the visual, gastrointestinal, Multiphasic Personality Inventory; these improved on
cardiorespiratory, and neuropsychiatric systems. In later testing. On the initial testing he did poorly on a
each instance, the complaint could be attributed to visual retention task, word association proverbs, and
other problems; for example, several cases of visual an ink blot test. While taking the tests, he used delaying
blurring were due to presbyopia, a case of chronic tactics, had difficulty generating verbal associations,
abdominal pain was due to a peptic ulcer, and in one and failed the harder proverbs. Results on the later
case, nervousness and tremors were due to chronic tests were much improved and indicated full use of
alcoholism. his intellectual faculties. In another case, a physician
In a more recent study, Rosenstock et al120 examined was exposed to sarin and required ventilatory support
38 patients more than a year after their hospitalization for more than 3 hours. Although psychiatric and psy-
for organophosphate insecticide exposure. Control chological studies were not performed, he returned to
subjects had also worked with organophosphate in- work after recovery with no apparent problems.72
secticides but had not had a symptomatic exposure. Although few data on the duration of these neuro-
The poisoned group did significantly less well than psychiatric effects in people exist, evidence suggests
the control group on tests assessing a wide variety of that they are relatively short-lived (days or weeks).
neuropsychological functions, including auditory at- Because of the nature of their work, people handling
Long-Term Health Effects of Chemical Threat Agents
nerve agents in manufacturing plants, at depots, or in performance (a measure of motor persistence, sustained
research and development facilities were relatively few attention, response speed, and visuomotor coordina-
in number, tended to remain in the same job for a long tion); and extended latencies for P300 auditory event-
period, and comprised closely knit groups. Most were related and P100 visual brain-evoked potentials related
thoroughly familiar with the effects of nerve agents, to PTSD. The P300 evoked potential serves as a neural
and most knew their coworkers very well. If a worker marker of the ability to allocate and sustain attention,
did not seem  right, his coworker or supervisor recog- and the P100 visual evoked potential is a marker for the
nized it.122 A medical facility dedicated to the treatment conduction time from the retina to the visual cortex.
of nerve agent casualties, with a staff experienced in In summary, studies intended to examine the neu-
this type of injury, was always available; workers were ropsychiatric effects of organophosphate compounds
encouraged to use it, and supervisors were instructed vary in their adequacy, and in some instances the re-
to send employees who were not  normal to the medi- sults are contradictory. Most studies agree, however,
cal facility for evaluation. that acute neuropsychiatric effects result from exposure
One neuropsychiatric disorder that has been re- to both insecticides and nerve agents. These effects in-
ported to persist following the Tokyo incident is PTSD. clude inability to concentrate, memory problems, sleep
Soon after the events in the Tokyo subway in 1995, disturbances, anxiety, irritability, depression, problems
one hospital reported that as many as 60% of patients with information processing and psychomotor tasks,
exhibited symptomatic PTSD up to 6 months after the and potentially PTSD. With pesticides, these effects
initial event.124 Furthermore, 32% of the victims were do not occur in the absence of the conventional signs
still feeling fear, 29% displayed insomnia, and 16% had of poisoning. The duration of these effects is less well
flashbacks of their experience. Still others displayed studied. Some studies suggest that after exposure to
depression (16%), irritability (16%), and persistent night- insecticides, problems might persist for a year or lon-
mares (10%). A 5-year follow-up of 34 patients involved ger, but supporting data are not always provided. The
in the Tokyo incident125,126 examined serum cholesterol, two reports of patients exposed to nerve agents and
uric acid, cholinesterase, and PTSD. From this group, personal observation suggest that these effects are of
eight patients (23%) developed PTSD following the shorter duration in this class of compounds.
event, and two were diagnosed with the disorder at the
time of the assessment. Comorbidity of PTSD with other Electroencephalographic Abnormalities
mental illness, including anxiety, agoraphobia, panic
disorders, and severe depression, was also observed Insecticides and Other Organophosphates
in the group that developed the disorder. Although no
relationship of PTSD with cholesterol or uric acid was Electroencephalographic abnormalities were re-
apparent, the disorder had a surprising relationship to ported in subjects given daily doses of diisopropyl
serum cholinesterase. Relative to patients who did not fluorophosphate for 2 to 7 days.128 These abnormali-
develop PTSD, the patients who developed PTSD had ties consisted of faster frequencies, higher voltages,
lower serum cholinesterase both within 3 days of the and occasional bursts of slow waves of high voltage
attack and 5 years following the event. However, both at 3 to 6 Hz. Their severity was directly related to the
groups had significantly reduced cholinesterase im- degree of initial cholinesterase inhibition. The changes
mediately following the attack versus the 5-year assess- persisted for 3 to 4 weeks. Changes were noted in the
ment; thus, the relationship of reduced cholinesterase electroencephalograms (EEGs) of 50 industrial and
and PTSD is not readily apparent. agricultural workers within 72 hours of accidental
Other studies show the development of PTSD with exposure to insecticides (both organophosphate and
related neuropsychiatric symptoms in sarin-exposed chlorinated hydrocarbons, on separate occasions),
patients following the Tokyo subway incident, but although the relationship to work history, blood cho-
not all showed persistent decreased cholinesterase. A linesterase, and exposure type, duration, and severity
group of 18 male and female sarin patients were neu- were not mentioned.113
robehaviorally assessed 6 to 8 months following the
terrorist incident.127 Relative to matched controls, the Nerve Agents
sarin patients presented with significantly depressed
cholinesterase activity at the time of hospital admis- In a patient severely intoxicated with sarin, an EEG
sion that had recovered by the time of the assessment. (taken after the loss of consciousness but before the
At the follow-up assessment the sarin patients showed onset of convulsions) showed marked slowing, with
significantly more psychiatric symptoms; fatigue; im- bursts of high-voltage slow waves at 5 Hz in the tem-
paired Wechslar Adult Intelligence Scale digit symbol porofrontal leads. These abnormalities persisted for 6
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
days, after which no residual effects were noted.121 Toxicological Studies on Nerve Agents
Because of the reports on insecticides and concern
for employees working with or in the vicinity of nerve The effects of exposure to nerve agents on a chronic
agents, the US government sponsored a series of stud- or subchronic basis were reported in two studies on
ies129 132 on the long-term effects of sarin exposure as animals. In a two-part, 90-day study133,134 of subchronic
seen in EEG examinations. In the first study, monkeys exposure, rats were given one of three doses of tabun
were dosed with sarin in one of two dose schedules: (1) or soman 5 days per week by gavage. At the end of the
a single large dose that produced convulsions or (2) a study, no abnormalities were found on gross or histo-
series of 10 weekly doses that caused no clinical effects. logical examination of tissue. In a study135 of chronic
In the second study, workers who had had at least one exposure to sarin, dogs received a Ct of 10 mg" min/m3
documented exposure to sarin (signs, cholinesterase of sarin over a 6-month period. Some animals were
depression) more than a year before the study were dosed 5 days per week, and some were dosed 7 days
evaluated. Control subjects were coworkers who had per week. No tissue abnormalities that could be attrib-
no possibility of organophosphate exposure. uted to the agent were noted on gross or microscopic
In the nonhuman primates, animals from both examination. Several of the male animals were bred
dose schedules had increases in high-frequency beta after the exposure and the pups were normal. In stud-
activity a year after exposure. Spectral analysis of the ies136 139 in which tabun, sarin, and soman were given
EEGs of the humans showed increased beta activity in to hens in single or multiple doses, in amounts maxi-
the sarin-exposed population compared to the control mally tolerated with the coadministration of atropine,
population. Visual reading of the records suggested no evidence of polyneuropathy was noted clinically or
decreased amounts of alpha and increased amounts on microscopic examination.
of slow delta and theta activity in the exposed group. Sarin and soman were deemed not mutagenic af-
Increased amounts of rapid-eye movement sleep in the ter they were studied using Ames Salmonella, mouse
exposed group were also found. Individual records lymphoma, and Chinese hamster ovary cell systems.140
could not be categorized. The investigators noted that Tabun was found to be weakly mutagenic in the mouse
the relationship between these changes and alterations lymphoma cell test,141 Chinese hamster ovary system,142
in brain function was not known. and Ames bacterial system.143
Cyanide is a lethal poison that can produce death short-term, high-level exposures affecting N-methyl
within 10 minutes. Cyanide compounds are used D-aspartate glutamate receptors.145 Neuronal degen-
extensively in industry and are present in the environ- eration based upon long-term exposure to cyanide
ment from many sources. Humans can be exposed to and its metabolites appears to be mediated through
cyanide by ingestion, inhalation, or injection. However, Ä…-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-propionic
humans produce minute quantities of cyanide for acid glutamate receptors.146
normal metabolic processes and also possess a limited Cyanide detoxification is extensively reviewed in
capability to detoxify ingested or inhaled cyanide. This Chapter 11, Cyanide Poisoning, though it is important
review of cyanide long-term effects differentiates the to note that the primary biological means of detoxifica-
long-term outcomes of a high-level acute exposure as tion is the conversion of cyanide to thiocyanate through
compared to a long-term exposure. a sulphurtransferase reaction followed by urinary
Long-Term Effects of an Acute Insult
Cyanide is a potent inhibitor of aerobic metabolism
through interruption of oxygen binding within mito- Outcomes of severe cyanide intoxications are
chondrial cytochrome oxidase. Tissues that depend highly variable. Many victims of moderate to severe
greatly on aerobic respiration, such as cardiac muscle exposures who recover have no sequelae. For others,
and nerve tissue, are most affected. Besides these ef- the outcome often is a factor of timely diagnosis and
fects and those on many other enzymes, cyanide is effective treatment.
also cardiotoxic and neurotoxic.144 Much of the CNS A chemical company that produces large quantities
toxicity of cyanide appears to be related to direct of cyanide for plastic manufacturing reported the re-
toxicity on neurons with glutamic acid receptors. sults of eleven cyanide inhalations and two cutaneous
Cyanide-induced striatal degeneration is mediated by exposures. The cases varied in severity of symptoms
Long-Term Health Effects of Chemical Threat Agents
from headache and dizziness to death (although only ing, or boiling are necessary to remove cyanogenic
one person died, and this individual was in extremis compounds such as linamarin. Fresh cassava roots can
when found). All individuals in the report who had contain up to 1,500 mg hydrogen cyanide equivalent
vital signs at the time of discovery recovered. Most of per kilogram.145 Acute intoxications, even death, have
the victims inhaled cyanide fumes for 30 to 90 seconds resulted from consumption of raw cassava, though
and became unconscious with irregular respirations or long-term exposures from incompletely processed
apnea. All these patients received supportive care of cassava are more likely.
bagged oxygen and amyl nitrite within 5 minutes. One Konzo ( tied legs ) is a form of spastic paraparesis
surviving patient required intravenous antidotes as found among poor rural populations of central and
well as amyl nitrite, and the rest recovered with amyl east Africa who primarily consume cassava. It affects
nitrite and artificial ventilation alone. Nearly all the individuals of all ages. Konzo is symmetrical, isolated,
patients recovered quickly, and some were even sent and permanent. It is associated with sensations of
back to work after a few hours of observation. No long- heaviness and weakness in legs that can cause the
term effects were reported. These cases demonstrate inability to stand. It is often present in entire families
the efficacy of simple field treatment if implemented and varies in severity from a mild toe-scissor gait, to
within a few minutes of exposure. It is noteworthy requiring a walking stick, and to the point where walk-
that patients who remained conscious after inhalation ing is not possible. Those at risk for konzo have ankle
of cyanide recovered with supplemental oxygen and clonus and lower extremity hyperreflexia.150 Konzo is
no antidotes.147 also associated with optic neuropathy.151 Individuals
Medical reports from severe ingestions include vari- with konzo are noted to have very high levels of uri-
ous outcomes. Many patients responded to treatment nary thiocyanate. They are also protein deficient, with a
and experienced complete recovery. Other outcomes great deal of ingested amino acid sulphur diverting to
were difficult to discern because the patients may have cyanide detoxification.152 Linamarin has been identified
developed global deficits from prolonged hypoxia. In as a specific toxic factor in this disease. It is also thought
some severe casualties, a distinct pattern of neurologi- that overwhelmed detoxification mechanisms and an
cal impairment occurred. The basal ganglia appeared abrupt increase in metabolites over their chronic levels
to be particularly vulnerable to insult from cyanide, lead to the sudden clinical presentation of konzo.153
with frequent involvement of the globus pallidus and Tropical ataxic neuropathy is a distinct cyanide-re-
putamen.148 Symptoms reported were parkinsonian, lated disease with several other names that is classi-
with bradykinesia, shuffling gait, rigidity, and other cally associated with prisoners of war or middle-aged
symptoms resembling a generalized dystonia. Cogni- and elderly persons in southwestern Nigeria. It is a
tive function sometimes remained intact.149 In all cases polyneuropathy associated with bilateral optic atro-
with long term sequelae, the patients experienced phy, bilateral neurosensory deafness, and sensory gait
significant delays of 30 minutes to hours before anti- ataxia. This condition was widespread in Nigeria until
dote administration. (There are several excellent case an improved diet resulting from the 1970s oil boom
examples in Chapter 11, Cyanide Poisoning.) relegated this condition to rural areas.154 Tropical ataxic
neuropathy is a gradual onset, permanent condition
Long-Term Exposure associated thiocyanate, cyanate, and a monotonous
cassava diet.155
Long-term exposure to cyanide contributes to a Smokers are known to have blood cyanide levels
number of conditions, although the different diseases significantly higher than the nonsmoking popula-
usually have several features in common. First, they are tion.156 Tobacco amblyopia is caused by chronic cya-
primarily neurological diseases. Second, they involved nide levels sometimes coupled with malnutrition and
prolonged exposures to cyanide-containing food or alcoholism. Symptoms are loss of color perception
medication. Third, those affected tend to subsist on a and decreased vision, which is often recoverable after
monotonous diet with insufficient protein. discontinuation of smoking or even administration of
The most common dietary exposure is bitter cas- cyanide antidotes. This once-common syndrome has
sava root, Manihot esculenta Crantz, which is widely become rare in the United States.157
consumed in the tropics and sub-Saharan Africa, where Another cyanide-related disorder is Leber heredi-
it ranks fourth in nutritional importance after rice, tary optic neuropathy (LHON). LHON, first described
wheat, and maize. Cassava is a staple during times of in 1871, is a maternally inherited disease of highly vari-
famine because it can grow in poor soil and climate able penetrance that impairs oxidative phosphoryla-
conditions. Cassava s cyanogenicity confers immunity tion. LHON is the model disease for mutations of the
to pests. Procedures such as prolonged soaking, smash- mitrochondrial genome. The disease is heteroplasmic,
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
usually requiring more than 60% mutant genes for nate, the major detoxification metabolite of cyanide.
symptoms to present. Patients with LHON are normal In these patients, thiocyanate cannot be removed
until the sudden onset of blindness between the ages from the body, even with dialysis. Treatment involves
of 15 and 35.158 The stressor leading to cell death of the administration of hydroxocobalamin antidote, which
highly aerobic optic nerve is the elevated blood cyanide uses a different chemical pathway.163
level associated with smoking and the associated blood Several conditions were previously thought to be
cyanide level.159 associated with cyanide, including lathyrism, a neu-
Given the likely acute high-level exposure expected rological disorder associated with grass pea ingestion.
in a military environment, it is reasonable to ask wheth- Subacute combined degeneration of the spinal cord,
er cyanide exposure can lead to blindness in some attributed to cyanide in the past, is now well known
individuals. This is theoretically possible in the small to be related to vitamin B12 metabolism.
fragment of the population with LHON mutations, In summary, the long-term effects of cyanide expo-
although no cases have been reported. There is only sure are highly variable. Severe exposures and cases
one case of blindness from acute cyanide poisoning in with delayed treatment may manifest in a Parkinso-
the literature, a temporary case caused by a sodium nian akinetic syndrome. Long-term exposure to cya-
nitroprusside overdose.160 nide is likely in areas where cassava is the staple food
Cyanide can also be responsible for some cases of and represents a likely risk to future prisoners of war
goiter. Elevated levels of thiocyanate as well as thyroid in these areas. Long-term cyanide exposure combined
abnormalities have been documented in individuals with poor protein intake leads to neuromotor and
on cyanogenic food diets and those in industries with neurosensory disorders. Smoking represents a chronic
chronic exposures such as electroplating.161 Thio- cyanide exposure that may lead to permanent blind-
cyanate prevents uptake of iodine into the thyroid ness in rare individuals. Most importantly, the majority
gland.162 of cyanide-exposed individuals who receive prompt
Patients with chronic renal failure who smoke have treatment may expect no long-term sequelae following
been known to develop a condition known as uremic an acute cyanide exposure. This fact emphasizes the
neuropathy, a result of the accumulation of thiocya- importance of prompt casualty care.
The pulmonary agents are absorbed almost exclu- ons or may be toxic decomposition products. Smokes
sively by inhalation. They readily penetrate to the (eg, HC) contain toxic compounds that cause the same
level of the respiratory bronchioles and alveoli, that effects as phosgene.164 The long-term health effects of
is, to the peripheral compartment of the respiratory phosgene exposure also apply to casualties from agents
tree. However, most of these agents are essentially such as PFIB and oxides of nitrogen.165
consumed by reactions occurring at the alveolar-capil-
lary membrane, or more proximally in the respiratory Phosgene
tract, and are not systemically distributed to a clinically
significant extent. Phosgene produces pulmonary edema following a
Inhalation of selected organohalides, oxides of clinical latent period of variable length that depends
nitrogen, and other compounds can result in varying primarily on the intensity of exposure (ie, the Ct), but
degrees of pulmonary edema, usually after a symptom- also partly on the physical activity of the exposed indi-
free period that varies in duration with the amount vidual. After the latent period, the patient experiences
inhaled. Chemically induced acute lung injury by these worsening respiratory distress that at first is unaccom-
agents involves a permeability defect in the blood air panied by objectively verifiable signs of pulmonary
barrier (the alveolar-capillary membrane); however, damage, but may progress relentlessly to pulmonary
the precise mechanisms of toxicity remain an enigma. edema and death.
The United States produces over a billion pounds of During the time preceding the appearance of short-
phosgene per year for industrial uses; however, it is ness of breath, individuals exposed to particularly high
not stockpiled for military use. concentrations of organohalides may report symp-
Perfluoroisobutylene (PFIB) is a toxic pyrolysis toms associated with mucous membrane irritation.
product of tetrafluoroethylene polymers encountered Exposure to large quantities of phosgene may irritate
in military materiel (eg, Teflon [DuPont, Wilmington, moist mucous membranes, presumably because of the
Del] found in the interior of many military vehicles). generation of hydrochloric acid from the hydrolysis of
The oxides of nitrogen are components of blast weap- phosgene. Transient burning sensation in the eyes with
Long-Term Health Effects of Chemical Threat Agents
lacrimation and chemical conjunctivitis may coexist and the finer bronchi gave evidence of congestion,
with mild, early onset cough and a substernal ache inflammation, and edema. The inflammatory reaction
with a sensation of pressure. Irritation of the larynx following phosgene exposure resulted in congestion
by very large concentrations of the agent may lead to of the bronchial and spread into the surrounding air
sudden laryngeal spasm and death. cells, indicative of an early bronchopneumonia with
A clinical latent period during which the patient a marked edema of the lungs. Dilatation, reflex bron-
is asymptomatic may follow low Ct exposure or chiolar spasm, and plugging of the bronchiols with
the transient irritation associated with substantial exudates led to patches of atelectasis and emphysema.
phosgene exposure. This asymptomatic period may A substantial amount of fibrin on alveolar walls, cross-
persist up to 24 hours after organohalide inhalation. ing and obstructing the capillaries, led to resistance in
The duration of the latent period is shorter following the pulmonary circulation, with a consequent dilata-
a high dose and is shortened by physical exertion tion of the right heart. In the dogs, damage occurred
following exposure. principally in the respiratory tract, and lesions varied
The most prominent symptom following the clini- according to the length of survival after the exposure.
cal latent period is dyspnea, perceived as shortness Initial pulmonary edema associated with congestion
of breath, with or without chest tightness. These reached a maximum intensity toward the end of the
sensations reflect hypoxemia, increased ventilatory first 24 hours and gradually disappeared in animals
drive, and decreased lung compliance, all of which surviving 10 days or longer. With the edema, there was
result from the accumulation of fluid in the pulmo- an associated inflammatory exudation of fibrin and
nary interstitial and peripheral airways. Fine crackles leucocytes. This cellular exudate was found especially
can be heard at the lung bases, but these may not be in the finer bronchioles and extended into the alveo-
clearly audible unless auscultation is conducted after lar tissue. It was suggestive of a lobular pneumonia.
a forced expiration. Later, auscultation reveals coarse The pneumonia was frequently complicated by nec-
crackles and rales in all lung fields, and increasing rotization of the walls of the bronchioles, which also
quantities of thin, watery secretions are noted. The involved the adjacent alveoli and resulted in abscess
buildup of fluid in the lungs has two clinically per- formation. In some cases, although the inflammatory
tinent effects. First, developing pulmonary edema process was succesesfully overcome, an obliterative
interferes with oxygen delivery to alveolar capillar- bronchiolitis resulted.
ies and may lead to hypoxemia, and if a sufficient In the exposed dogs, the pathology was localized to
percentage of hemoglobin is unoxygenated, cyanosis the trachea and bronchi. The epithelium of the trachea
will become apparent. Second, the sequestration of and larger bronchi was damaged, while the smaller
plasma-derived fluid (up to 1 L per hour) in the lungs bronchi and bronchioles were the most seriously af-
may lead to hypovolemia and hypotension, interfer- fected. In addition to changes in the mucosa, there
ing with oxygen delivery to the brain, kidneys, and were contractions, distortions of the bronchioles, and
other crucial organs. Death results from respiratory more or less obliteration of the lumina. All this led to
failure, hypoxemia, hypovolemia, or a combination mechanical disturbance in the air sacs, with resting
of these factors. Hypoxia and hypotension may atelectasis and emphysema.
progress particularly rapidly, which suggests a poor The Veterans Administration conducted a study
prognosis. The development of symptoms and signs reviewing the histories of 10 veterans who had been
of pulmonary edema within 4 hours of exposure is gassed with phosgene and showed evidence of physi-
an especially accurate indicator of a poor prognosis; cal effects a number of years later.166 This historical
in the absence of immediately available intensive study revealed that chronic bronchitis was the most fre-
medical support, such patients are at high risk of quent long-term effect noted. Emphysema was noted
death. Complications include infection of damaged in three of the veterans, pulmonary fibrosis was noted
lungs and delayed deaths following such respira- in two, chronic-active pulmonary tuberculosis was
tory infections.164 Several studies sponsored by the found in one case, and bronchial asthma was found in
Veterans Administration using animals and humans another. This study also revealed that the symptoms of
reported that after phosgene exposure pulmonary the pulmonary disabilities were observed immediately
edema appeared very early.166 after the phosgene gas exposure and continued to be
In July 1920, Winternitz s167 report on experimental the causative factor the long-term pulmonary effects
work with dogs revealed acute changes in the cardiore- at the time of the study.166
spiratory system following exposure to lethal concen- According to the Veterans Administration, the fol-
trations of phosgene. The upper portion of the respira- lowing pathological changes were noted in soldiers
tory tract was not affected, but the alveoli of the lungs who died following phosgene gas exposure166:
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
" Pulmonary edema, usually very marked, Perfluoroisobutylene
occurred. The pleural cavities generally con-
tained an excess of fluid. PFIB primarily affects the peripheral compartment of
" The lungs, upon removal from the thorax, the pulmonary system. Although animal studies occa-
were voluminous, heavy, and bluish-red in sionally report disseminated intravascular coagulation
color; occasionally, petechial hemorrhages and other organ involvement, these effects only occur
and alternating patches of emphysema and with substantial pulmonary injury to the peripheral
collapsed lung tissue were noted. compartment of the pulmonary system, suggesting that
" Section of lungs showed an exudation of systemic hypoxia is a major factor.169 No human studies
frothy fluid from the cut surface. have reported organ involvement other than the respira-
" Irregular, alternating areas of edema and acute tory system. Pathological data on acute human exposure
emphysema were noted. to PFIB are not available; however, pathological data on
" The trachea, bronchi, and bronchiole were animals show both histological and ultramicroscopic
generally filled with thin, yellowish, serosan- changes occurring within 5 minutes of exposure.170
guineous fluid. Interstitial edema with alveolar fibrin deposition
" There was little or no inflammatory change in progresses rapidly over 24 hours, and then gradually
the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. subsides until the patient is fully recovered. At 72 hours,
" The veins were engorged. a type II pneumocyte hyperplasia is seen (interpreted
" The heart, especially on the right side, was as consistent with known reparative processes). Some
dilated. long-term pathological changes in animals have been
" Petechial hemorrhages were often found be- noted but most animal studies do not identify such
neath the endocardium. long-term effects.171 Human long-term pathological data
" The pericardial fluid increased in amount. are available for only one reported case: a 50-year-old
" The abdominal viscera showed the presence woman who experienced approximately 40 episodes of
of generalized venous engorgement and polymer fume fever typically occurring from smoking
congestion. contaminated cigarettes. Eighteen months after her last
" The meninges of the brain were congested. episode, progressive exercise dyspnea was noted. A car-
diopulmonary physical examination, chest radiograph,
Methyl Isocyanate and arterial blood gas were all normal. Pulmonary
function testing supported a provisional diagnosis of
In December 1984, in Bhopal, India, a massive leak alveolar capillary block syndrome (decreased diffu-
of methyl isocyanate resulted from operational and sion capacity of carbon monoxide, increased exercise
equipment malfunctions in a pesticide plant. Many alveolar-arterial oxygen gradient, and minimal airway
thousands of residents of the city, most in proximity disease). Death occurred from an unrelated cause. The
to the plant, suffered sublethal and lethal respiratory autopsy provided histological evidence of moderate
injuries, the expected consequences of high-level ex- interstitial fibrosis with minimal chronic inflammatory
posure to this type of potent irritant chemical vapor. cell infiltrate.172 Only two human deaths from pyrolysis
Animal toxicological information was limited prior products of polymerized organofluorides have been
to the accident, but has since confirmed that the lung reported.173,174
is the major target of these lethal injuries, invariably
with pulmonary edema. Early concerns about acute Oxides of Nitrogen
cyanide intoxication were not supported by subse-
quent scientific inquiry. Superficial corneal erosions Inhalation of nitric oxide causes the formation of
did not result in permanent eye injury. The primary methemoglobin. Inhalation of nitrogen dioxide results
unresolved (and perhaps irresolvable) medical is- in the formation of nitrite, which leads to a fall in blood
sue is the incidence and determinants of long-term pressure, production of methemoglobin, and cellular
respiratory injury in the survivors. Limited available hypoxia, which causes rapid onset pulmonary edema.
evidence suggests that chronic damage, when pres- The clinical response to oxides of nitrogen exposure
ent, is or resembles fibrosing bronchiolitis obliterans, is essentially triphasic. In phase 1, symptoms appear
the expected consequence when permanent injury more or less quickly, depending on the intensity of
results from acute, high-level irritant gas exposure. exposure. With a low dose, initial eye irritation, throat
Definition of the follow-up population is uncertain, tightness, chest tightness, cough, and mild nausea may
and exposure information is lacking. Dose-response appear. Once the casualty is removed from the source
relationships are not likely to emerge from follow-up of exposure, these symptoms disappear spontaneously
studies.168 over the next 24 hours. However, at 24 to 36 hours
Long-Term Health Effects of Chemical Threat Agents
postexposure, a particularly severe respiratory symp- ity, vital capacity, and diffusion capacity of carbon
tom complex may appear suddenly; exertion seems monoxide. HC is associated with the presence of
to be a prominent precipitating factor. There may be pulmonary edema, increased airway resistance, and
severe cough, dyspnea, and rapid onset of pulmonary decreased compliance. When HC smoke exposure is
edema. If the patient survives this stage, spontaneous discontinued, the pulmonary changes are reversible in
remission occurs within 48 to 72 hours postexposure. all but 10% to 20% of those effected, who could develop
More intense exposures produce a relatively rapid on- pulmonary fibrotic changes.180
set of acute bronchiolitis with severe cough, dyspnea, In a study by Conner et al181 performed with
and weakness, without the above-mentioned latent guinea pigs, exposure to ultrafine HC particles (0.05
period. Again, spontaneous remission occurs at ap- µm) in increasing degrees was associated with a
proximately 3 to 4 days postexposure.175 dose-response elevation in protein, neutrophils, and
Phase 2 is a relatively asymptomatic period lasting angiotensin-converting enzyme found in lavage fluid.
approximately 2 to 5 weeks. A mild residual cough A direct relationship also was observed with alkaline
with malaise and perhaps minimal shortness of breath phosphatase, acid phosphatase, and lactate dehydro-
may occur, as well as a sense of weakness that may genase in lavage fluid. Centriacinar inflammation was
progress. The chest radiograph, however, typically is seen histologically, indicating evidence of pulmonary
clear. In phase 3, symptoms may recur 3 to 6 weeks damage. A study by Marrs et al182 involving mice, rats,
after the initial exposure. Severe cough, fever, chills, and guinea pigs demonstrated a positive association
dyspnea, and cyanosis may develop. Crackles are of alveologenic carcinoma in a dose-response trend
identified on physical examination of the lung. The to HC smoke, as well as a variety of inflammatory
polymorphonuclear white blood cell count is elevated, changes. The article states that hexachloroethane and
and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide may be el- zinc, as well as carbon tetrachloride (which may be
evated as well.176 The chest radiograph demonstrates present in HC smoke), may be animal carcinogens in
diffuse, scattered, fluffy nodules of various sizes, certain circumstances. This raises the suspicion of HC
which may become confluent progressively, with a as a potential carcinogen.
butterfly pulmonary edema pattern and a prominent Metal fume fever is a well-documented acute dis-
acinar component. At this point, pathological study ease induced by intense inhalation of metal oxides,
demonstrates classic bronchiolitis fibrosis obliterans, especially zinc oxide. The exact pathology is not un-
which may clear spontaneously or may progress to derstood, but the clinical syndrome is well described
severe, occasionally lethal respiratory failure. The and has been studied at length. A study by Kuschner
fluffy nodular changes noted in the chest radiograph et al183 on human volunteers showed that pulmonary
typically show no clinical improvement. Pulmonary cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor, interleukin
function testing may show long-term persistence of 6, and interleukin 8 may play important initial roles
airways obstruction.177 179 in mediating metal fume fever. Prolonged exposures
or exposures to very high doses of HC may result
Zinc Oxide in sudden early collapse and death, possible as a
result of laryngeal edema or glottal spasm. If severe
Hexachloroethane (HC) smoke, a mixture of equal exposure does not kill the individual immediately,
amounts of HC and zinc oxide with additional ingre- hemorrhagic ulceration of the upper airway may oc-
dients, is a toxic military smoke and obscurant. HC s cur, with paroxysmal cough and bloody secretions.
toxicity is attributed to the irritating effects of zinc Death may occur within hours secondary to an acute
chloride. Most likely, carbon monoxide, phosgene, tracheobronchitis.
hexachloroethane, and other products contribute to Most individuals with HC inhalation injuries
the observed respiratory effects. The damage to the progress to complete recovery. Of exposed individu-
pulmonary system is confined largely to the upper als, 10% to 20% develop fibrotic pulmonary changes.
respiratory tract, where zinc chloride acts much like Distinguishing between those who will recover and
a corrosive irritant. Studies reveal that HC exposure those who will not is difficult, because both groups
can produce a gradual decrease in total lung capac- make an early clinical recovery.
A wide variety of chemical agents and industrial The linkage between these associations is sometimes
products are associated with long-term health con- tenuous given the limitations of retrospective studies
sequences after an acute insult. Others are known and case reports up to 90 years old. Research labo-
to be harmful with prolonged low-level exposure. ratory efforts and future case reports will continue
Medical Aspects of Chemical Warfare
to strengthen the understanding of these effects. In sible outcomes and apply proactive surveillance
the meantime, the existing knowledge base provides to individuals working with these chemicals on a
clinicians sufficient reason to monitor for these pos- daily basis.
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