patanjali bk4 20

Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 4 - Sutra 20

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 4 - Illumination

20. Neither can it know two objects simultaneously, itself
and that which is external to itself.None of the sheaths through which
the soul functions has self-knowledge; they are only the channels through which knowledge
is gained and [414] life experience undergone. The mind does not know itself, for that
would predicate self-consciousness, and therefore not having individual consciousness it
is unable to say "this is I, myself, and this is external to me, and consequently the
not-self." It is simply another sense whereby information is gained and a further
field of knowledge revealed. It is naught but an instrument, as said before, capable of a
dual function, registering contacts from one of two directions and transmitting that
knowledge to the brain from the soul or to the soul from the lower man. This must be
meditated upon and the whole trend of one's endeavor be to bring that instrument into such
a condition that it can be used to the best possible advantage. This is what the three
last means of yoga seek to do. As this has been covered earlier it is needless to enlarge
upon this here.

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