
Sender: 23427 Otros 0000000000 ACC 14570065 - NSC 23-85-90 0000
Date/Time: 28/08/2014 10:33
Invoice: 381871
Rate: 5,1701
Recipient: Net Amount: 18,57
POZNAN POLAND Includes commission and exchange rate
Amount to pay in: POLAND
CURRENT 82156000132367198819400001
96.00 PLN
Correspondent: POCZTOWY BANK
When signed the sender acknowledges and understands the terms and conditions of the contract.
Complaints will not be accepted after 90 days from the date of this receipt.
Your signature
Trans-Fast Remittance (London) Ltd is "  fully registered customer means a Commissions are different depending If the return is not our fault we will refund
established in the UK with company person who has given us with all on the country of destination of the you the net amount of the transaction i.e.
number 4609973. Trans-Fast documentation and information needed transaction and can be charged either we won t refund you the commission that
Remittance (London) Ltd is a money to register with us; as a fixed fee or a percentage of the was previously charged.
service business registered with HM To use our service you must be a fully total sum sent. Please confirm the fee The reimbursement is made in the same
Revenue and Customs No. 12152064, registered customer and hold a customer that you will be charged prior to method as the original payment. Debit card
authorised by the Financial Conduct number issued at the time of the confirming any transaction with us. reimbursements can take between 7 to 10
Authority under the Payment Services registration. To register with us you need CURRENCY EXCHANGE working days.
Regulations 2009, registration number to provide us with two valid documents; Anyone can exchange currency with us
540547 for the provision of payment (a) Passport, European ID card or full once up to a maximum value of Ł600. COMPLAINTS
services. English Driving License. For higher sums, or if you exchange We value all our customers and take our
Our agreement with you is governed (b) Proof of address (bank statement, currency on a regular basis, you must obligations seriously. We have established
by English law. We both agree that gas, electricity, water or council tax bill) be a fully registered customer and internal procedures for investigating any
any dispute, claim or other matter We have no obligation to you to initiate provide us with additional documents, complaint that may be made against us in
relating to our services, will only be or perform a transaction on your behalf if such as proof of origin of funds. relation to any transaction. In accordance
dealt with by English courts. Trans- we can t obtain satisfactory evidence of CONFIDENTIALITY with our complaints procedure, any
Fast Remittance (London) Ltd is a your identity, or you don t provide us We respect the privacy of all our complaint you may make relating to any
company incorporated and licensed with additional information or documents customers and we treat customer transaction must be made in writing to
under the laws of the United Kingdom, that we may ask for, such as proof of information confidentially. We may Trans-Fast Remittance (London) Ltd,
engaged in the provision of Payment origin of funds. Please contact one of our disclose customer information if we are United House, North Road, London N7 9DP
Services with its office located at: customer services representatives before required to do so by law, by a court, or by email to We shall
United House, North Road, London N7 proceeding with any transaction to make by court order, to meet any statutory, investigate your concerns and respond to
9DP. sure we have all needed documentation legal or regulatory requirement on us, you promptly. Complaints cannot be made
Our email address is help@trans- to complete your transaction. or by the police or any other law more than 90 days after the date of the, our website url is www.trans- enforcement agency in connection with receipt. and our telephone number is MONEY TRANSFER the prevention or detection of crime or It is your responsibility to double-check
+44 (0) 843 50 77 070. Transaction delivery times depend on the to help combat fraud or money that all details in the receipt are correct
destination and can be affected by any laundering. prior to signing the receipt and that you
For clarification: national or international public holidays. REIMBURSEMENT accept exchange rates and commissions
Please confirm the delivery time to your If for any reason your money cannot charged.
"  recipient means the person destination prior to your transaction to be delivered to the recipient we will This receipt is only valid when printed with
identified as the beneficiary of a avoid disappointment. contact you immediately to refund Trans-Fast Remittance (London) Ltd logo
money transfer. Transactions confirmed on a Saturday or you. If your money can t be delivered on our original receipt paper and signed by
"  sender means the person who Sunday will be processed on the next because of us, we will reimburse you both the customer and the Trans-Fast
initiates a money transfer by using our working day in the United Kingdom. the full amount including the Remittance (London) Ltd representative.
services. If you deposit or transfer money into our commission.
"  transaction means each money bank account, it is your responsibility to
transfer or currency exchange that you confirm the transaction either on our
initiate, and any other way that you website or by calling us.
use our services. We cannot be held responsible for any
"  we ,  our or  us means Trans-Fast payment delays caused by errors out of
Remittance (London) Ltd. our control or by incorrect information
"  services means any or all of the provided by you.
services for money transfer or the Exchange rates are subject to change
bureau de exchange which are made and are only guaranteed when your
available by us. transaction is confirmed i.e. you have
"  you or  your means the client i.e. paid for your transaction either in our
any person who uses our services. office by cash or debit card (up to
"  working day means the official Ł6000) or to our bank account (we only
working hours of a normal week. guarantee the rate when your funds are
That s Monday through to Friday, available in our account) and you hold a
excluding public holidays. valid receipt for the transaction.


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