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Chapter 24
How Scrollbars Work
Using Scrollbars
Scrolling Text
The TextScrollApp Program
Scrolling Graphics
The ImageScrollApp Program
This chapter is dedicated to explaining the use of the Scrollbar
class. It describes the methods provided by this class and shows
how to use vertical and horizontal scrollbars to scroll text and
graphics displayed in a window. The event handling supported by
scrollbars is also explained. When you finish this chapter, you
will be able to effectively use scrollbars in your Java window
Scrollbars Work
Scrollbars are used to scroll through an object contained in a
window that is too large to be completely displayed within the
window. Vertical scrollbars are used to scroll up and down from
the beginning of the object to its end. Horizontal scrollbars
are used to scroll right and left between the right and left sides
of the object. Horizontal and vertical scrollbars are implemented
in the same fashion. The only differences between them are their
placement around the object to be scrolled and the direction in
which they move the scrolled object through the window.
Users interact with scrollbars in three ways. By clicking on the
arrows at the end of the scrollbars, they move the scrolled object
one scrollable unit in the opposite direction of the arrow. This
causes the window to appear as though it has moved over the object
in the direction of the arrow.
A scrollable unit is defined by the application program. Vertical and horizontal units differ. Most text-processing applications define a vertical unit as a single line of text and a horizontal unit as a percentage of the horizontal screen size. Graphical applications define vertical and horizontal units as a percentage of the visible screen size.
Scrollbars contain tabs that identify the relative location of
the object being viewed with respect to the total size of the
object. By clicking between the tab and the end of a scrollbar,
the view of the object is updated in a one-page increment in the
direction of the arrow. This is the second way that scrollbars
can be used. The definition of a page is also application
specific. Vertical scrollbars usually define a page as the vertical
size of the viewing window or some percentage of this size. Horizontal
scrollbars tend to operate in the same manner. A horizontal page
is defined as a fixed percentage of the horizontal viewing area.
The third way that a user can interact with a scrollbar is to
drag the scrollbar's tab to a specific location within the scrollbar.
When the user drags the tab of a vertical scrollbar, he moves
the object being viewed up or down in the viewing window. When
the user drags the tab of a horizontal scrollbar, he moves the
object being viewed left or right in the viewing window.
When you use scrollbars in your Java programs, you will most likely
be using them to scroll through a Graphics
object that is associated with a Canvas
object or the main application window. You create and place scrollbars
in your window in the same manner as any other window component.
Their position and size within the window are determined by the
layout associated with the window.
Scrollbars are created using the Scrollbar()
constructor. Three forms of this constructor are provided. The
default constructor takes no parameters and is not particularly
useful unless you want to create a Scrollbar
object and then specify its orientation and use later in your
program. The second constructor allows the orientation of a Scrollbar
object to be specified. The third Scrollbar()
constructor uses the five parameters that are needed to create
a working scrollbar: orientation,
value, visible,
minimum, and maximum.
The orientation of a scrollbar
is specified by the VERTICAL
and HORIZONTAL constants
defined by the Scrollbar
class. The minimum and maximum
parameters specify the minimum and maximum values associated with
the scrollbar's position. These values should map to the object
being scrolled. For example, if you are scrolling a 1000-line
text object, appropriate minimum and maximum values for a vertical
scrollbar would be 0 and
999. Horizontal values could
be determined using the maximum width of the text to be scrolled
(in pixels).
The value parameter identifies
the starting value associated with the scrollbar. The value
parameter is usually set to the minimum
value of the scrollbar. However, suppose you wanted to initiate
the display of an object with its center displayed on the screen.
You would then set the scrollbar's value
parameter to the average of its minimum
and maximum values.
The visible parameter is
used to specify the size of the viewable area of the object being
scrolled. For example, if you are scrolling a 1000-line text object,
and the viewable area of the window is 25 lines long, you should
set the visible variable
to 25.
The Scrollbar class provides
several methods for getting and setting the parameters of a Scrollbar
object. The getOrientation(),
getValue(), getVisible(),
getMinimum(), and getMaximum()
methods retrieve the parameter values discussed so far. The getValue()
method is used to determine to what position the user has scrolled.
The setLineIncrement() and
setPageIncrement() methods
are used to specify the size of a scrollable unit and page relative
to the minimum and maximum values associated with a scrollbar.
For example, when scrolling text, you can set the line increment
of a vertical scrollbar to 1
so that only one line of text is vertically scrolled. You can
set the page increment to 10
to allow 10 lines of text to be scrolled when the user clicks
between the tab and arrows of a scrollbar. The getLineIncrement()
and getPageIncrement() methods
provide access to the current line- and page-increment values.
The setValue() method allows
you to directly set the current position of a scrollbar. The setValues()
method allows you to specify a scrollbar's value,
visible, minimum,
and maximum parameters.
In order to respond to user scrollbar operations and implement
scrolling of the object associated with a scrollbar, you must
handle the events generated by user manipulation of the scrollbar.
These events are the SCROLL_LINE_DOWN,
is generated when the user clicks on the up arrow of a vertical
scrollbar or on the left arrow of a horizontal scrollbar. The
generated when the user clicks on the down arrow of a vertical
scrollbar or the right arrow of a horizontal scrollbar. The SCROLL_PAGE_UP
event is generated when the user clicks between the up arrow of
a vertical scrollbar and its tab. It is also generated when a
user clicks between the left arrow of a horizontal scrollbar and
its tab. Similarly, the SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN
event is generated when the user clicks between the down arrow
of a vertical scrollbar and its tab, or between the right arrow
of a horizontal scrollbar and its tab. These events pass an argument
that specifies the number of lines that are scrolled.
is generated when a user drags the tabs of a scrollbar to a new
position. This event passes an argument that identifies the new
scrollbar position.
In order to handle scrollbar events and implement scrolling, you
must repaint the area of the scrollable window based on the mapping
between the object being scrolled and the vertical and horizontal
scrollbar positions. If you are scrolling text, you are most likely
displaying the text on the Graphics
object associated with a Canvas
object or the main application window. The TextArea
object implements its own scrollbars and does not require any
additional event handling.
When scrolling text vertically, you should adjust the minimum
and maximum values of the vertical scrollbar based on the number
of lines of text that are contained in the object being scrolled.
In this way, when the user moves the scrollbar's tab to its topmost
position, the beginning of the text is displayed, and when the
user moves the tab to the bottom of the scrollbar, the end of
the text is displayed.
When scrolling text horizontally, you should set the minimum and
maximum values of the horizontal scrollbar based on the maximum
width of the text being displayed.
The TextScrollApp
The TextScrollApp program
shows how scrollbars can be used to scroll text that is drawn
on a Graphics object. This
program provides the capability to read in a text file and display
it on the screen using the default 12-point plain font. It allows
the text file to be scrolled vertically and horizontally through
the application window. The source code of the TextScrollApp
program is shown in Listing 24.1.
Listing 24.1. The source code of the TextScrollApp
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.Vector;
import jdg.ch20.*;
public class TextScrollApp extends Frame {
Object menuItems[][] = {{"File","Open","-","Exit"}};
MyMenuBar menuBar = new MyMenuBar(menuItems);
FileDialog openFile = new FileDialog(this,"Open File",FileDialog.LOAD);
Font defaultFont = new Font("default",Font.PLAIN,12);
int screenWidth = 400;
int screenHeight = 400;
Vector text = new Vector();
int topLine;
Toolkit toolkit;
FontMetrics fm;
int baseline;
int lineSize;
int maxWidth;
Scrollbar hbar, vbar;
public static void main(String args[]){
TextScrollApp app = new TextScrollApp();
public TextScrollApp() {
void setup() {
void setupFontData() {
toolkit = getToolkit();
fm = toolkit.getFontMetrics(defaultFont);
baseline = fm.getLeading() + fm.getAscent();
lineSize = fm.getHeight();
void setupScrollbars() {
hbar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,0,0,0,0);
vbar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL,0,0,0,0);
void resetScrollbars() {
public void readFile(String file) {
DataInputStream inStream;
inStream = new DataInputStream(new FileInputStream(file));
}catch (IOException ex){
notifyUser("Error opening file");
Vector newText = new Vector();
String line;
maxWidth = 0;
while((line=inStream.readLine())!=null) {
int lineWidth = fm.stringWidth(line);
if(lineWidth > maxWidth) maxWidth = lineWidth;
text = newText;
topLine = 0;
}catch (IOException ex){
notifyUser("Error reading file");
public void notifyUser(String s) {
String text[] = {s};
String buttons[] = {"OK"};
new Notification(this,"Error",true,text,buttons);
public void paint(Graphics g) {
topLine = vbar.getValue();
int xOffset = hbar.getValue();
int numLines = text.size();
screenHeight = size().height;
int y = baseline;
for(int i = topLine;(i < numLines) && (y
< screenHeight + lineSize);++i) {
g.drawString((String) text.elementAt(i),-xOffset,y);
y += lineSize;
public boolean handleEvent(Event event) {
return true;
}else if({
String s = (String) event.arg;
if( instanceof MenuItem){
return true;
}else if("Open".equals(s)){;
if(openFile.getFile() != null) {
String inFile = openFile.getFile();
return true;
}else if( == Event.SCROLL_LINE_UP || == Event.SCROLL_LINE_DOWN || == Event.SCROLL_PAGE_UP || == Event.SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN || == Event.SCROLL_ABSOLUTE) repaint();
return false;
class Notification extends MessageDialog {
public Notification(Frame parent,String title,boolean modal,
String text[],String buttons[]) {
public boolean handleEvent(Event event) {
return true;
}else if( &&
instanceof Button){
return true;
return false;
When you run the TextScrollApp
program, you will see the opening window shown in Figure 24.1.
Notice that vertical and horizontal scrollbars are added to the
application window.
Figure 24.1 : The TextScrollApp opening window.
Click on the File pull-down menu and select the Open menu item.
An Open File dialog box is displayed. Open the
file. The window is updated, as shown in Figure 24.2.
Figure 24.2 : Displaying
Use the horizontal scrollbar to scroll the view of the text to
the right. (See Figure 24.3.)
Figure 24.3 : Scrolling horizontally.
Scroll the text all the way back to the left and then click once
on the down arrow of the vertical scrollbar. This causes the window
to move the view of the text down one line. (See Figure 24.4.)
Figure 24.4 : Scrolling vertically one line.
Click on the vertical scrollbar between the tab and the down arrow
at the bottom of the scrollbar. This results in the view of the
text to be scrolled down 10 lines. (See Figure 24.5.)
Figure 24.5 : Scrolling vertically using SCROLL_PAGE_DOWN.
Now drag the tab of the vertical scrollbar to the middle of the
scrollbar. The view of the text is scrolled to the middle of the
text file. (See Figure 24.6.)
Figure 24.6 : Scrolling vertically with the tab.
Experiment with both the vertical and horizontal scrollbars to
familiarize yourself with their operation before going on to study
the TextScrollApp program.
The TextScrollApp program
declares a number of field variables. The menuItems[]
array and menuBar variable
are used to construct the program's menu bar. The openFile
variable implements the dialog box used to load in the text file
to be displayed. The defaultFont
variable is used to set the text font to a default 12-point plain
style font. The screenWidth
and screenHeight variables
are used to specify the dimensions of the application window.
The text variable is declared
as a Vector object. It is
used to store the individual lines of text that are read from
the text file. The topLine
variable identifies the number of the line that is currently displayed
at the top of the window. The toolkit
variable is used to refer to the Toolkit
object associated with the application window. The fm
variable is used to refer to the FontMetrics
object associated with the default font.
The baseline variable is
the vertical offset where the baseline of the first line of text
should be displayed. The lineSize
variable refers to the total height of the font being displayed.
The maxWidth variable is
calculated when a file is read. It refers to the maximum length
of a text line in pixels. The hbar
and vbar variables identify
the horizontal and vertical scrollbars that are created and attached
to the main window.
The setupFontData() method
sets the window's font to the default font identified with the
defaultFont variable. It
then obtains the Toolkit
object associated with the window and uses the getFontMetrics()
method of the Toolkit to
get the FontMetrics object
associated with the default font. This object is assigned to the
fm variable. The baseline
variable is set to the sum of the leading and ascent of the current
font as returned by the getLeading()
and getAscent() methods of
the FontMetrics class. The
lineSize variable is set
to the total height of the font using the getHeight()
method of the FontMetrics
The setupScrollbars() method
creates and initializes the horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
A horizontal scrollbar is created with all of its parameters set
to zero and is assigned to the hbar
variable. A vertical scrollbar is created in the same manner and
is assigned to the vbar variable.
The specific parameters associated with these scrollbars are set
when the text file that is to be scrolled is initially loaded.
The background color of both scrollbars is set to light gray,
and then the scrollbars are added to the main application window.
Using BorderLayout simplifies
the positioning of the scrollbars.
The resetScrollbars() method
resets the parameters associated with both scrollbars based on
the text that is loaded from the file. The horizontal scrollbar
assigned to hbar is assigned
a minimum value of 0 and
a maximum value of maxWidth + 5,
where maxWidth is the maximum
width of a text line in pixels. The constant 5
is added to maxWidth to allow
some scrolling to the right of the end of the widest line. The
value parameter of the scrollbar
is set to 0 so that the leftmost
end of a text line is initially visible. The visible
parameter is set to 10 to
allow horizontal scrolling of 10 pixels at a time.
The vertical scrollbar assigned to vbar
is initialized by setting its maximum parameter to the number
of text lines plus the constant 5.
The number of text lines is determined by invoking the size()
method of the Vector class
for the text Vector
used to hold the text that was loaded from the selected text file.
Specifying the visible parameter
to 10 results in 10 lines
being scrolled at a time. Note that the parameters of the horizontal
scrollbar are specified in pixels and those of the vertical scrollbar
are specified in text lines.
The readFile() method is
almost the same as the one used in previous examples. It has been
modified to store each line of text that is read within the vector
that is assigned to the text
The paint() method is used
to display the text Vector
on the screen. This method is also indirectly invoked in response
to user scrolling actions. The paint()
method sets the topLine variable
to the value of the vertical scrollbar. It obtains this value
by invoking the getValue()
method of the Scrollbar class
for vbar. It sets the xOffset
variable to the value of the horizontal scrollbar. The scrollbar
values are maintained and updated internally by the Scrollbar
The numLines variable is
set to the number of lines of text that are stored in the text
Vector. The screenHeight
variable is recalculated to adjust the text display for any window-resizing
operations that may have occurred.
The y variable is used to
specify the vertical position where each line of text should be
drawn on the Graphics object
passed to the g parameter
when paint() is invoked.
A for statement is used to
draw the text. The text drawing begins with the line specified
by the topLine variable and
continues until the last line of the text file is displayed or
the vertical display position assigned to the y
variable is one line past the end of the screen. The drawString()
method of the Graphics class
is used to draw the text on the screen. It is invoked with the
text lines stored in the Vector
object assigned to the text
variable. The elementAt()
method of the Vector class
is used to retrieve the required line of text. Note that the xOffset
variable is passed to the drawString()
method as a negative value. This causes text drawing to begin
before the left edge of the display window and enables horizontal
scrolling toward the right to be implemented.
The handleEvent() method
handles the SCROLL_LINE_UP,
events by simply invoking the repaint()
method to cause the screen to be repainted. The scrollbars maintain
the value of their current positions. These values are used by
the paint() method when the
screen is repainted.
The scrolling of graphics is handled in the same way as text.
The only difference between text scrolling and graphics scrolling
is that vertical text scrolling results in an integral number
of lines being scrolled at a time and graphics scrolling does
not. The minimum and maximum values associated with a vertical
text scrollbar are generally set based on the number of lines
to be scrolled. The parameters of the horizontal and vertical
scrollbars associated with graphics applications are set based
on the dimensions of the Graphics
object being scrolled and the size of the window in which the
object is being viewed.
The ImageScrollApp
The ImageScrollApp program
shows how scrollbars can be used to scroll objects that are drawn
on a Graphics object. This
program upgrades the DrawApp
program developed in Chapter 23, "The
Canvas," with the capability to support horizontal and vertical
scrolling. The source code of the ImageScrollApp
program is shown in Listing 24.2.
Listing 24.2. The source code of the ImageScrollApp
import java.awt.*;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Vector;
import jdg.ch20.*;
public class ImageScrollApp extends Frame {
Object menuItems[][] = {
MyMenuBar menuBar = new MyMenuBar(menuItems);
MyCanvas canvas = new MyCanvas(TwoPointObject.LINE);
int screenWidth = 400;
int screenHeight = 400;
int canvasWidth = 1000;
int canvasHeight = 1000;
Scrollbar hbar, vbar;
public static void main(String args[]){
ImageScrollApp app = new ImageScrollApp();
public ImageScrollApp() {
void setup() {
void setupScrollbars() {
hbar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL,0,10,0,canvasWidth);
vbar = new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.VERTICAL,0,10,0,canvasHeight);
public boolean handleEvent(Event event) {
return true;
}else if( && (
instanceof MyCanvas)) {
return true;
}else if( && (
instanceof MyCanvas)) {
return true;
}else if( == Event.SCROLL_LINE_UP || == Event.SCROLL_LINE_DOWN
|| == Event.SCROLL_PAGE_UP
return true;
}else if({
if( instanceof MenuItem){
String arg = (String)
return true;
return true;
return false;
public boolean processFileMenu(String s) {
return true;
}else if("Exit".equals(s)){
return true;
return false;
public boolean processDrawMenu(String s) {
MyMenu menu = menuBar.getMenu("Draw");
CheckboxMenuItem lineItem = (CheckboxMenuItem)
CheckboxMenuItem ovalItem = (CheckboxMenuItem)
CheckboxMenuItem rectangleItem =
(CheckboxMenuItem) menu.getItem("Rectangle");
return true;
}else if("Oval".equals(s)){
return true;
}else if("Rectangle".equals(s)){
return true;
return false;
class MyCanvas extends Canvas {
int tool = TwoPointObject.LINE;
Vector objects = new Vector();
TwoPointObject current;
boolean newObject = false;
int xOffset = 0;
int yOffset = 0;
public MyCanvas(int toolType) {
tool = toolType;
public void setTool(int toolType) {
tool = toolType;
public void clear() {
public void updateOffsets(int x,int y) {
xOffset = x;
yOffset = y;
public boolean mouseDown(Event event,int x,int y)
current = new TwoPointObject(tool,x+xOffset,y+yOffset);
newObject = true;
return true;
public boolean mouseUp(Event event,int x,int y) {
if(newObject) {
newObject = false;
return true;
public boolean mouseDrag(Event event,int x,int y)
int newX = x + xOffset;
int newY = y + yOffset;
if(newObject) {
int oldX = current.endX;
int oldY = current.endY;
if(tool != TwoPointObject.LINE)
if(newX > current.startX) current.endX
= newX;
if(newY > current.startY)
current.endY = newY;
int width = Math.max(oldX,current.endX)
- current.startX + 1;
int height = Math.max(oldY,current.endY)
- current.startY + 1;
current.endX = newX;
current.endY = newY;
int startX = Math.min(Math.min(current.startX,current.endX),oldX);
int startY = Math.min(Math.min(current.startY,current.endY),oldY);
int endX = Math.max(Math.max(current.startX,current.endX),oldX);
int endY = Math.max(Math.max(current.startY,current.endY),oldY);
return true;
public void paint(Graphics g) {
int numObjects = objects.size();
for(int i=0;i<numObjects;++i) {
TwoPointObject obj = (TwoPointObject)
if(newObject) current.draw(g,xOffset,yOffset);
class TwoPointObject {
public static int LINE = 0;
public static int OVAL = 1;
public static int RECTANGLE = 2;
public int type, startX, startY, endX, endY;
public TwoPointObject(int objectType,int x1,int y1,int
x2,int y2) {
type = objectType;
startX = x1;
startY = y1;
endX = x2;
endY = y2;
public TwoPointObject(int objectType,int x,int y)
public TwoPointObject() {
public void draw(Graphics g,int xOffset,int yOffset)
if(type == LINE)
g.drawLine(startX - xOffset,startY
- yOffset,endX - xOffset,endY -yOffset);
int w = Math.abs(endX - startX);
int l = Math.abs(endY - startY);
if(type == OVAL) g.drawOval(startX
- xOffset,startY - yOffset,w,l);
else g.drawRect(startX - xOffset,startY
- yOffset,w,l);
When you run the ImageScrollApp
program, the window shown in Figure 24.7
is displayed. This program should look similar to the DrawApp
program in Chapter 23. The DrawApp
program has been upgraded to support vertical and horizontal scrolling.
Figure 24.7 : The ImageScrollApp opening window.
Use the Draw menu to select drawing tools, and then draw some
objects in the visible window as I have done in Figure 24.8.
Figure 24.8 : Drawing some objects.
Use the vertical and horizontal scrollbars to move throughout
the extended canvas and draw more objects as I have done in Figure 24.9.
Figure 24.9 : Scrolling and drawing more.
Experiment with the scrollbars and drawing tools to become more
familiar with the program's operation.
The ImageScrollApp program
upgrades the DrawApp program
to use scrollbars. Because the operation of the DrawApp
program is extensively described in the previous chapter, I'll
assume that it is still fresh in your mind and only describe the
coding differences required to implement the scrollbars.
The ImageScrollApp class
uses the canvasWidth and
canvasHeight variables to
represent the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the canvas.
The area of the canvas is over six times the area of the default
window size. This provides enough canvas to implement a reasonable
amount of scrolling. The hbar
and vbar variables are used
to identify the horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
The setupScrollBars() method
creates a horizontal scrollbar with the maximum size parameter
set to the canvasWidth. It
assigns this object to the hbar
variable. A vertical scrollbar is created with its maximum parameter
set to the canvasHeight and
assigned to the vbar variable.
The visible parameter of
both scrollbars is set to the value of 10.
This enables page up and down operations to scroll 10 pixels at
a time, a relatively small distance.
The handleEvent() method
handles all scrollbar-related events by invoking the updateOffsets()
method of the MyCanvas class
with the current values of the horizontal and vertical scrollbars.
The method is invoked for the MyCanvas
object assigned to the canvas
The MyCanvas class adds two
new variables to its definition. The xOffset
and yOffset variables maintain
the current position of the canvas that is displayed in the upper-left
corner of its Graphics object.
These variables are modified via the updateOffsets()
method, which also invokes the repaint()
method to cause the canvas to be repainted.
The xOffset and yOffset
variables are used in the mouseDown()
and mouseDrag() event- handling
methods to translate the x,y-coordinates supplied as arguments
in the method invocation to coordinates that are relative to the
overall canvas.
The mouseDrag() method has
also been simplified to completely repaint the screen rather than
limiting repainting to the local area being updated.
The paint() method adds the
xOffset and yOffset
variables to the draw() method
used to draw objects of the TwoPointObject
The draw() method of the
TwoPointObject class uses
the xOffset and yOffset
parameters to translate the x,y-coordinates of the objects being
drawn from coordinates that are relative to the overall canvas
to coordinates that are relative to the current Graphics
object being updated.
This chapter explains the use of the Scrollbar
class. It shows you how to use vertical and horizontal scrollbars
to scroll the text and graphics displayed on the canvas. The event
handling supported by scrollbars has also been explained. Chapter 25,
"Using Animation," shows you how to add multimedia features,
such as sound and animation, to your Java programs.
Contact with questions or comments.
Copyright 1998
EarthWeb Inc., All rights reserved.
Copyright 1998 Macmillan Computer Publishing. All rights reserved.
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