Ingo Swann Responds

Ingo Swann Responds
Ingo Swann Responds
The following is Ingo Swann's response to reading the "Psychic" Spying at the Stanford Research
Institute Or CIA Mind Control? piece by one Alex Constantine...
-- TOM
" Thanks for sending along the thing about Psychic Spying at SRI by Alex Constantine. It was an
amusing read."
"Regarding your request for a reply, it's difficult to reply to fiction and manufactured illusions without
using fiction and illusion to do so -- even though offensive and defensive fictions can opportunistically
be given the glamorous illusion of seeming factual enough."
"Such efforts rather depend on the ignorance or illiteracy of whomever reads them, and I'm not into
taking opportunistic advantage of ignorance or illiteracy."
"In any event, I address the factual relevant issues in Remote Viewing: The Real Story, which will soon
begin being serialized on the Net."
"Additionally, the appearance of this particularly amusing piece is convenient within the contexts of a
database essay I'm just finishing up entitled 'Remote Viewing Versus Its Formats of Persecution,' and
which will shortly be available via the Internet."
"However, the piece by Constantine does make one wonder whether Net readers are more interested in
this kind of conspiratorial execration which attempts to denounce Remote Viewing than they are
interested in my documents regarding RV as one of our species' superpowers of the human biomind..."
"If most readers are majorly interested only in the execration, then it's a waste of everyone's time to
continue producing my documents for free Internet access."
"Is there any way of finding out where the major readership interest does lie?"
<...> end
file:///G|/books_new/haarpmm/ [03.27.2003 17:58:04]


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