Tytuły zawodowe i stopnie naukowe UE

Tytuły zawodowe i stopnie naukowe
używane w medycynie i naukach pokrewnych
w Unii Europejskiej i USA


John Kowalsky, MD - lekarz z dyplomem ukończenia uniwersyteckich studiów lekarskich (w Polsce -
wydziału lekarskiego Akademii Medycznej); ang. MD - Doctor of Medicine.

John Kowalsky, DDS - lekarz z dyplomem ukończenia uniwersyteckich studiów stomatologicznych (w
Polsce - wydziału (oddziału) stomatologii Akademii Medycznej); ang. DDS - Doctor of Dental Sciences.

John Kowalsky, PhD, MD - lekarz, doktor nauk medycznych; ang. PhD - Doctor of Philosophy.

Słownik skrótów tytułów zawodowych i stopni naukowych,
używanych w medycynie i naukach pokrewnych
w Unii Europejskiej i USA
(ponad 300 skrótów w kolejności alfabetycznej!)

AB - Bachelor of Arts
ADMS - Assistant Director of Medical Services
ADNS - Assistant Director of Nursing Services
AIMLS - Associate of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences
AIMSW - Associate of the Institute of Medical Social Workers
AMS - Army Medical Service
ARRC - Associate, Royal Red Cross
ARSH - Associate of the Royal Socjety of Health

BA - Bachelor of Arts
BAO - Bachelor of the Art of Obstetrics
BASI - Bachelor of Applied Science
BC, BCh, BChir - Bachelor of Surgery
BChD - Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BDS - Bachelor of Dental Surgery
BDSc - Bachelor of Dental Science
BHyg - Bachelor of Hygiene
BM - Bachelor of Medicine
BMedSc - Bachelor of Medical Science
BN - Bachelor of Nursing
BPharm - Bachelor of Pharmacy
BSChB - Bachelor of Surgery
BSc - Bachelor of Science
BSc (Soc Sc-Nurs) - Bachelor of Science (Nursing)
BVMS - Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
CCFP - Certificate of the College of Family Physicians
CIH - Certificate in Industrial Health
ChB - Bachelor of Surgery
ChD - Doctor of Surgery
CMChM - Master of Surgery
CNN - Certificated Nursery Nurse
CNO - Chief Nursing Officer
CPH - Certificate in Public Health
CRCP - Certificant of the Royal College of Physicians
CRCS - Certificant of the Royal College of Surgeons

DA - Diploma in Anaesthetics
DBO - Diploma of the British Orthoptic Council
DADMS - Deputy Assistant Director Medićal Services
DAP&E - Diploma in Applied Parasitology and Entomology
DAvMed - Diploma in Aviation Medicine
DCh - Doctor of Surgery
DCH - Diploma in Child Health
DChD - Doctor of Dental Surgery
DCM - Diploma in Community Medicine
DCMT - Diploma in Clinical Medicine of Tropics
DCP - Diploma in Clinical Pathology
DCPath - Diploma of the College of Pathologists
DCR - Diploma, College of Radiographers
DDM - Diploma in Dermatological Medicine
DDMS - Deputy Director Medical Services
DDO - Diploma in Dental Orthopaedics
DDR - Diploma in Diagnostic Radiology
DDS - Doctor of Dental Surgery
DDS - Doctor of Dental Sciences
DFHom - Diploma of the Faculty of Homoeopathy
DGMS - Director-General Medical Services
DGO - Diploma in Gynaecology and Obstetrics
DHyg - Doctor of Hygiene
DIH - Diploma in Industrial Health
DipCD - Diploma in Child Development
DipCOT - Diploma of the College of Occupational Therapists
DipEd - Diploma in Education
DipPharmMed - Diploma in Pharmaceutical Medicine
DipRG - Diploma in Remedial Gymnastics
DipTP - Diploma for Teachers of Physiotherapy
DLO - Diploma in Laryngology and Otology
DM - Doctor of Medicine
DMD - Doctor of Dental Medicine
DMedRehab - Diploma in Medical Rehabilitation
DMHS - Director of Medical and Health Services
DMJ - Diploma in Medical Jurisprudence
DMR - Diploma in Medical Radiology
DMRD - Diploma in Medical Radiodiagnosis
DMRE - Diploma of Medical Radiology and Electrology
DMRT - Diploma in Medical Radiotherapy
DMS - Director of Medical Services
DMS - Doctor of Medicine and Surgery
DMSA - Diploma in Medical Services Administration
DMSc - Doctor of Medical Sciences
DMSS - Director of Medical and Sanitary Services
DMT - District Management Team
DMV - Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
DN - Diploma in Nursing; District Nurse
DNE - Diploma in Nursing Education
DNS - Director of Nursing Services
DO - Diploma in Ophthalmology
DRCObstG - Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
DOrth - Diploma in Orthodontics
DOMS - Diploma in Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery
DPA - Diploma in Public Administration
DPD - Diploma in Public Dentristry
DPH - Diploma in Public Health
DPhil - Doctor of Philosophy
DPM - Diploma in Psychological Medicine
DPhysMed - Diploma in Physical Medicine
DR - Diploma in Radiology
DRCOG - Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
DRCPath - Diploma of the Royal College of Pathologists
DRM - Diploma in Radiation Medicine
DS - Doctor of Surgery
DSSc - Diploma in Sanitary Science
DSc - Doctor of Science
DSM - Diploma in Social Medicine
DTCD - Diploma in Tuberculosis and Chest Diseases
DTCH - Diploma in Tropical Child Health
DTD - Diploma in Tuberculous Diseases
DTH - Diploma in Tropical Hygiene
DTM - Diploma in Tropical Medicine
DTMH - Diploma Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
DTPH - Diploma in Tropical Public Health
DV&D - Diploma in Venereology and Dermatology

EMAS - Employment Medical Advisory Service
EN(G) - Enrolled Nurse (General)
EN(M) - Enrolled Nurse (Mental)
EN(MH) - Enrolled Nurse (Mental Handicap)

FACA - Fellow of the American College of Anesthetists
FACC - Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
FACD - Fellow of the American College of Dentists
FACDS - Fellow of the Australian College of Dental Surgeons
FACG - Fellow of the American College of Gastroenterology
FACMA - Fellow of the Australian College of Medical Administrators
FACO - Fellow of the American College of Otolaryngology
FACOG - Fellow of the American Cóllege of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
FACP - Fellow of the American College of Physicians
FACR - Fellow of the American College of Radiologists
FACS - Fellow of the American College of Surgeons
FBPsS - Fellow of the British Psychological Society
FCAP - Fellow of the College of American Pathologists
FCCP - Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians
FCMS - Fellow of the College of Medicine and Surgery
FCOT - Fellow of the College of Occupational Therapists
FCPath - Fellow of the College of Pathologists
FCP - Fellow of the College of Clinical Pharmacology
FCPS - Fellow of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
FCS - Fellow of the Chemical Society
FCSP - Fellow of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
FDS - Fellow in Dental Surgery
FETC - Further Education Teaching Certificate
FFARCS - Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetists of the Royal College of Surgeons
FFCM - Fellow of the Faculty of Community Medicine
FFD - Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Surgeons
FFCMI - Fellow of the Faculty of Community Medicine in Ireland
FFDRCS - Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Surgery of the Royal College of Surgeons
FFHom - Fellow of the Faculty of Homeopathy
FFOM - Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (Ireland)
FFR - Fellow of the Faculty of Radiologists
FHA - Fellow of the Institute of Hospital Administrators
FIBioI - Fellow of the Institute Biology
FICS - Fellow of the International College of Surgeons
FIMLS - Fellow of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences
FKC - Fellow of King's College London
FLCO - Fellow of the London College of Osteopathy
FLCOM - Fellow of the London College of Osteopathic Medicine
FLS - Fellow of the Linnean Society
FMC - Fellow of the Medical Council
FPC - Family Practitioner Committee
FPCert - Family Planning Certificate
FPS - Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society
FRAI - Fellow of the Royal Anthropology Institute
FRCD - Fellow of the Royal College of Dentists
FRCGP - Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners
FRcn - Fellow of the Royal College of Nursing
FRCOG - Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
FRCP - Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
FRCPath - Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists
FRCPE - Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
FRCPI - Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Ireland
FRCPsych - Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists
FRCR - Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists
FRCS - Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons
FRCSE - Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh
FRCSI - Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland
FRFPS - Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons
FRIPHH - Fellow of the Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene
FRMS - Fellow of the Royal Microscopical Society
FRS - Fellow of the Royal Society
FRSC - Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
FRSE - Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
FRSH - Fellow of the Royal Society of Health
FRSM - Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
FSR(R) - Fellow of the Society of Radiographers (Radiography)
FSR(T) - Fellow of the Society of Radiographers (Radiotherapy)
FSS - Fellow of the Statistical Society

HAS - Health Advisory Service
HDD - Higher Dental Diploma
HV - Health Visitor

ICN - Infection Control Nurse
IHPR - International Health Professionals in Rheumatology
IMS - Indian Medical Service
INRIG - Irish Nursing Research Interest Group

LAH - Licentiate of the Apothecaries Hall, Dublin
LAO - Licentiate in the Art of Obstetrics
LCPS - Licentiate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
LDS - Licentiate in Dental Surgery
LDSc - Licentiate in Dental Science
LLB - Bachelor of Laws
LLCO - Licentiate London College Osteopathy
LLD - Doctor of Laws
LLM - Master of Laws
LM - Licentiate in Midwifery
LMS - Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery
LRCP - Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians
LRCPE - Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh
LRCPI - Licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
LRCS - Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons
LRCSE - Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
LRCSI - Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland
LRFPS - Licentiate of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons
LSA - Licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries of London
LSM - Licentiate of the School of Medicine

MA - Master of Arts
MACR - Member of the American College of Radiology
MAO - Master of the Art of Obstetrics
MAOT - Member of the Association of Occupational Therapists
MB - Bachelor of Medicine
MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
MBChB - Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery
MBCS - Member of the British Computer Society
MBIM - Member of the British Institute of Management
MC - Master of Surgery
MCh - Master of Surgery
MChir - Master of Surgery
MCB - Master of Clinical Biochemistry
MCFP - Member of the College of Family Physicians
MChD - Master of Dental Surgery
MChOrth - Master of Orthopaedic Surgery
MChOtol - Master of Otology
MChS - Member of the Society of Chiropodists
MCISc - Master of Clinical Science
MCommH - Master of Community Health
MCPath - Member of the College of Pathologists
MCPS - Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons
MCSP - Member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists
MD - Doctor of Medicine
MDD - Doctor of Dental Medicine
MDSc - Master of Dental Science
MDS - Master of Dental Surgery
MENCAP - Royal Society for Mentally Handicapped Children and Adults
MFCM - Member of the Faculty of Community Medicine
MFCMI - Member of the Faculty of Community Medicine Ireland
MFHom - Member of the Faculty of Homoeopathy
MFOM - Member of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine
MGDS - Member in General Dental Surgery
MHNA - Mental Handicap Nurses Association
MHyg - Master of Hygiene
MIBioI - Member of the Institute of Biology
MIH - Master of Industrial Health
MLCO - Member of the London College of Osteopathy
MLCOM - Member of the London College of Osteopathic Medicine
MLSO - Medical Laboratory Scientific Officers
MMed - Master of Medicine
MMF - Member of the Medical Faculty
MMSA - Master of the Midwifery Society of Apothecaries
MO - Master of Obstetrics,
MO - Medical Officer
MOEH - Medical Officer for Environmental Health
MO&G - Master of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
MOH - Medical Officer of Health
MPH - Master of Public Health
MPhil - Master of Philosophy
MPS - Member of the Pharmaceutical Society
MPsyMed - Master of Psychological Medicine
MRad - Master of Radiology
MRCGP - Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners
MRCOG - Member of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
MRCP - Member of the Royal College of Physicians
MRCPath - Member of the Royal College of Pathologists
MRCPsych - Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists
MRCS - Member of the Royal College of Surgeons
MRCVS - Member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons
MRO - Member of the Register of Osteopaths
MRSH - Member of the Royal Society of Health
MS - Master of Surgery
MSA - Member of the Society of Apothecaries
MSc - Master of Science
MSMF - Member of the State Medical Faculty
MSRG - Member of the Society of Remedial Gymnasts
MSR - Member of the Society of Radiographers
MSR - Member of the Society of Radiography
MSRT - Member of the Society of Radiotherapy
MSW - Medical Social Worker
MT - Midwifery Teacher

NT - Nurse Teacher
NTRG - Nurse Training Resource Group

ODA - Operating Department Assistant
OND - Ophthalmic Nursing Diploma
OT - Occupational Therapist

PhD - Doctor of Philosophy
PMO - Principal Medical Officer
Prof. - Professor
PT - Physiotherapist
PWT - Practical Work Teacher

RCNT - Registered Clinical Nurse Teacher
RFN - Registered Fever Nurse
RGN - Registered General Nurse
RHV - Registered Health Visitor
RM - Registered Midwife
RMN - Registered Mental Nurse
RMO - Registered Medical Officer
RN - Registered Nurse
RNMD - Registered Nurse for Mental Defectives
RNMH - Registered Nurse for the Mentally Handicapped
RNMS - Registered Nurse for the Mentally Subnormal
RNT - Registered Nurse Tutor
RSCN - Registered Sick Children's Nurse

SCM - State Certified Midwife
SEN - State Enrolled Nurse
SHO - Senior House Officer
SMO - Senior Medical Officer
SRCh - State Registered Chiropodist
SRN - State Registered Nurse
ST - Speech Therapist


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