How To Find Real Wholesalers

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Copyright © 2012 Daniel W. Tierney  All Rights Reserved
How To Find An Endless Supply Of
REAL Wholesale Sellers
By Daniel Tierney
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February 3, 2012
Copyright © 2012 Daniel W. Tierney  All Rights Reserved
First of all, I would like to thank you for investing in this report and in your product sales future!
This report answers one of the most-asked questions by eBay sellers as well as website owners who sell
or want to sell physical products.
That question is, "Where do I find products at wholesale prices that I can sell on eBay and on my site
and make money with?"
My goal with this report is to answer that question for you.
It will teach you how to locate your own wholesale products and distributors so you can break free
from the many wholesale and  secret source directories which are often overused with too many other
sellers, outdated and full of products you can buy cheaper on eBay.
I'm sure you have seen all the "Wholesale Directories", "Dropship Sources" and many other "Secret
Directories" and would I be right in assuming that you have found that most of them have been
outdated and useless? How many other potential sellers do you think have purchased the same
directories? How many times have you clicked on a link to find the link was no longer active, or the
site had disappeared?
For those reasons, I believe it is far better to teach you HOW to find your own products. Knowing this
will give you the knowledge to locate sources that are not saturated with eBay sellers, and you will
never be at the mercy of some outdated directory. In fact, you will find so many sources that you could
start your own directory.
Think about what the eBay Powersellers are doing to make the most sales and income. Are they buying
products from other eBay sellers and reselling them? Possibly bulk lots, but not usually. They're
certainly not buying at retail prices or at garage sales where they can only buy one product at a time.
They could be buying at liquidation sales or auctions and paying big money for pallets or truckloads of
products. But this method could be very expensive and time-consuming if they have to travel to the
liquidation sale! This isn't very likely.
What's more likely is that they buy their products and supplies from real wholesalers. They know how
much they can sell their products for on eBay and they buy low and sell high. They buy in bulk and sell
one item at a time, thereby maximizing their return on investment.
One of the things that makes Powersellers different from you is that they know how to find products at
wholesale prices. That's about to change for you and change for the better!
Copyright © 2012 Daniel W. Tierney  All Rights Reserved
Finding Wholesalers
Without further delay, I'm going to show you how to find your own products and wholesalers by
copying and pasting the search strings below into a search engine.
Your journey into the world of endless wholesale suppliers involves just 7 simple steps:
1. Open up your favorite search engine
2. Copy and paste a search term from this report into the search box at the search engine
3. Press the submit button
4. Set a time limit or you will spend endless hours getting lost in product sources galore
5. Create a  Wholesalers folder and a tracking spreadsheet or a Word document
6. Save the URLs of the wholesalers you find in the spreadsheet or in the Word document
7. Make notes in the spreadsheet about what you discover and think is important
Tips For Best Results
Be sure to read this tips section to learn how to get the best results from your searches.
I usually start my searches using quotes, as this will narrow your search to exactly what is in the
quotes, but you should also try searching without quotes to see if there are any different results.
When you are looking through the results, pay attention to terminology used at the sites that are
relevant to your search. These terms can be used to find more sites and sources that you may have
missed. An example would be with the payment terms you find on one site. This one term could lead
to a HUGE source of wholesalers that sell online and use the same term on their site!
If there is a specific product you are looking for try placing the product (product name, brand, model
number, etc.) in front of or after the search term. Many times you will find it narrows the search to the
product you are seeking.
Another thing to look for is any term that is used to specify their sales, such as "no retail sales" or "we
only sell to retailers". Statements like that will be easy to spot and are used by the wholesalers that you
will get the best deals from.
Copyright © 2012 Daniel W. Tierney  All Rights Reserved
Some of the quoted terms can be changed around and or made more specific to your desired search. An
example, "$200 minimum order" can be changed to  $300 ,  $400 ,  $500 , etc. to reflect whatever
price you would like to find as a minimum order. Also, with the  Payment: net 30 term, you can
change the 30 to what ever term length you want to find, like 45, 90, etc.
Be aware that you will need some combination of a business name, resellers license/permit, Business
License and/or State Tax ID number in order to purchase merchandise from most if not all of the
sources you find. If they don't require any of these documents, they are probably not true wholesalers.
Also, many will have minimum order requirements. You have to look at each site and find their
requirements that will allow you to purchase products from them.
Search Terms
Copy and paste these terms into Google, Yahoo & Bing and see if you get different search results
Payment Terminology
 Payment: BY T/T in advance
(results in many overseas sources and the T/T stands for "Telegraph Transfer" or a wire transfer)
 Payment terms
 purchase order
 LOC or  Line of credit
 shipping FOB
 Payment: net 30
 container load
 purchase order
"sold by pallet"
Dealer Search Terms
 dealer information
 dealer signup
 dealer application
 dealer account
 dealer authorization
 dealer discount
 dealer pricing
 dealer price list
 dealer wanted
 become a dealer
 dealer only
Copyright © 2012 Daniel W. Tierney  All Rights Reserved
Distributor Search Terms
 distributor information
 distributor account
 distributor signup
 distributor login
 distributor application
 distributor authorization
 distributor discount
 distributor pricing
 distributor price list
 distributor wanted
 distributor only
 become a distributor
Reseller Search Terms
 reseller information
 reseller account
 reseller signup
 reseller login
 reseller application
 reseller authorization
 reseller discount
 reseller pricing
 reseller price list
 resellers wanted
 reseller only
 become a reseller
Misc. Search Terms
 manufacturer rep
 manufacturers rep
 wholesale application
 wholesale account
 Independent Representatives & Distributors
"apply for distributor"
"We do not sell to individuals"
"We only sell to retailers"
"wholesale only"
"wholesale buyers only"
Copyright © 2012 Daniel W. Tierney  All Rights Reserved
"we do not sell retail"
"$200 minimum order"
"no retail sales"
"no public sales"
"we do not sell to consumers"
 Sorry, No Personal Checks
 no personal checks
"retailers only"
"resale license required"
"tax id required" (if you get the "no tax id required" sites, stay away from these sellers)
10 Sample Searches
Here are 10 searches I did in Google. These are clickable links and will get you on your way to finding
what you are looking for, or finding new products to sell:
"$200 minimum order" "health and beauty"
 wholesale application "electronics"
 reseller application  toys
 dropship agreement (Hint: combine  dropship agreement with any of the other search terms)
 distributor only  clothing
 dealer application  shoes OR  footwear
 Payment: net 30 "supplements"
"We do not sell to individuals"
 container load "sporting goods"
 Payment: BY T/T in advance "auto parts"
NOTE: To find wholesalers in non-U.S. Countries, simply change the search code parameters to
include the country where you live. For example: add or or
or  site:dk before the terms listed above.
For example, here is a search I did for wholesalers: "We do not sell to individuals" (copy and paste this search string into google)
Copyright © 2012 Daniel W. Tierney  All Rights Reserved
Important Notes:
Here are some ideas you can use to make money with your wholesale connections:
1) Sell on eBay (sell bulk lots to move stuff faster)
2) Sell on Craigslist, Backpage, Gumtree,, etc.
3) Sell at Garage Sales, yard sales and flea markets
4) Sell to pawnshops (for example: DVD s)
5) Sell products from your own ecommerce site
6) Sell or dropship your products on Amazon
7) If you re really eager, start a dropship business!
Here s a little tip about #7:
When people run into a wholesaler who is a scammer, they are usually searching for a
 DropShipper . Most manufacturers or distributors don t label themselves as  DropShippers .
Their bread and butter money is in wholesale and retail sales and Dropshipping is just another
business model.
Finding REAL dropshippers:
The easiest way to find a true dropshipper is to use the method in this report to find some
manufacturers, importers or distributors that aren t advertising to the world that they dropship.
Look on their  Become a Dealer page,  Contact Us page,  Distributor Agreement page or call
them and usually you will find out that they WILL Dropship. If you can't find any information
on their site about dropshipping, call them and ask.
Here s another tip for you: Don t try to sell high end cosmetics, such as MAC , Dior, Chanel, etc.
They will NOT allow their cosmetics into the secondary market. They don t need hordes of
people selling goods at 80% of value. So to protect their brand they have all official retailers send
their goods back to them.
One last tip: Don t try to sell electronics or kitchen supplies on eBay! Just because those are
super-popular niches and many sellers are making good money in them, that doesn t mean they
are going to make YOU money. That s where a LOT of newbie sellers start out and try to get a
foothold but don t and they give up in disgust. Those are two VERY competitive niches and are
VERY difficult to make money in! Choose a niche with LESS competition, please.
I hope this report has opened up a whole new world for you and you go on to become a force to be
reckoned with!
Daniel  Daddyoh Tierney
Copyright © 2012 Daniel W. Tierney  All Rights Reserved


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