function mcrypt enc get supported key sizes HKW45RPZTZH7TJCJRCITQ2R5I6KJVX25UCQBQ3Y

mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizesPodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnymcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes (PHP 4 >= 4.0.2)mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes -- Returns an array with the supported keysizes of the opened algorithmDescriptionarray mcrypt_enc_get_supported_key_sizes (resource td) Returns an array with the key sizes supported by the algorithm specified by the encryption descriptor. If it returns an empty array then all key sizes between 1 and mcrypt_enc_get_key_size() are supported by the algorithm. PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnymcrypt_enc_get_key_sizePoczątek rozdziałumcrypt_enc_get_iv_size

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function mcrypt enc get supported key sizes
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function mcrypt module get supported key sizes
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