EP kody błędów(EN)

Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
If any malfunctions occur, and in the case of incorrect
programming or operation of the machine, specific num-
bers indicating the cause are displayed after the word
If the displayed errors cannot be rectified by correct
operation or programming, an electrician or electronics
expert must be consulted; this applies on principle to
all errors marked with (E).
These error numbers consist of four digit's, the first
digit indicating whether the error concerns both machine
units or only the right-hand or the left-hand one. The
meanings are as follows:
OXXX Error applies to both machine units
1XXX Error applies to left-hand machine unit (I)
2XXX Error applies to right-hand machine unit (II)
The next three digits of the error number have the
following meanings?
001(E) Main drive not ready for operation
002 (E) No field excitation in main drive motor
003 Hydraulic system switched off
004 (E) Control voltage missing
005 Key-operated switch has been incorrectly
010 The target position has not been reached with
adequate precision in Precision Stop G09
Seifert 12.85/1 4. 3- 1
GDM - 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
100 (E) Trap interrupt
102 (E) Restart 7
104 (E)
Restart 1
Control marker interrupt in inadmissible
153 (E)
154 (E) ILG reporting unknown interrupt
155 Admissible lag has been exceeded in X- or
Error' in interrupt system of main processor
Supplementary feature Variables Computation
is not present
(E) PROM error
351 (E) Incorrect command to "ARICMD"
352 Operation or character entered is unknown
353 Nesting brackets not admissible
354 "Close bracket" is missing
355 (E) Internal error of variables programming
356 "Close bracket" is missing after "s" or "C"
357 More than three digits after decimal point
358 Computation range exceeded
359 Division by zero not admissible
Bearb. .  Datum
4.3 - 2
Seifert 12.85/1
GDM- 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
400 After switching on (M94), sensor not in basic position,
not in position or already deflected, or measuring
device defective
401 Both directions X and Z are programmed in the measuring
cycle (G27); only one direction may be programmed at
402 Sensor not in basic position at start of measuring cycle
(G27); possibly measuring device not switched on or
sensor already deflected
403 Sensor deflected by collision
404 No workpiece surface has been reached in measuring cycle
405 Sensor is deflected too far during the delayed motion
in the measuring cycle (G27); incorrect reference
dimension may have been programmed
406 Signal sequence of sensor in measuring cycle (G27) not
in order; possibly measuring device defective
407 Deflection of sensor in measuring cycle (G27) not
adequate; . possibly incorrect dimension programmed or
measuring device defective
408 Memory DO must not be called up in the measuring cycle
409 Offset will be greater than 32.767 mm
410 Slides not synchronized for measuring
411 The distance between the measuring surface and the
measuring probe is too small in the measuring cycle
420 The sensor is not in basic position when the measuring
device has been swivelled in
421 The tool is not in front of the sensor in X- or Z-
422 The sensor is not in basic position at the start of
the measuring cycle (G20)
423 The sensor is too strongly deflected (collision)
424 1st breakover point has not been reached (tool too
425 Monitoring point reached (collision)
Bearb. S e i f e r t
4. 3 - 3
GDM - 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
613 On transition from straight line to circle, the
distance between the straight line and the finishing
point of the circle is greater than twice the radius
614 On transition from circle to straight line, the
distance between the straight line and the starting
point of the circle is greater than twice the radius
615 The specified angle is not between -180 and +180
616 Circle - circle transition: programmed X-coordinate
is not attained by second circle
617 Circle - circle transition; programmed Z-coordinate
is not attained by second circle
618 Circle - circle transition: both radii 0 or same
direction and same radius
640 (E) Internal error
641 Programmed contour contains too many elements
642 Programmed contour has less than two points
643 (E) Internal error
644 (E) Internal error
681 No linear motion has been programmed in the block
with G41 / G42
No linear motion has been programmed in the block
with G40
The radius of an internal circle has been programmed
smaller than the tool radius
The programmed finishing point of a circle is outside
that circle
The starting and finishing point of a straight line
are identical
687 (E) Internal error of tool radius offset
Bearb. Datum
Seifert 4 . 3 - 10
GDM - 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
7Q0 Collision error of workspace limiting.
Move away in direction -Z or +X.
720 No tool change is feasible while the other slide
is moving at rapid traverse
Postprocess measuring - parallel data transfer
800 Sensor selection in parameter greater than 5
801 Measured values from the measuring device exceed
1 mm
802 Measuring parameter incorrectly transferred (internal)
803 Offset in tool offset memory in X-direction greater
than 9.999 mm
804 Maximum offset in tool memory in X-direction exceeded'
806 Offset in tool offset memory in Z-direction greater
than 9.999 mm
807 The maximum offset tolerance is exceeded in Z-direction
Bearb. Datum
Seifert 12.85/1
4.3 - 11
GDM - 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
Postprocess measuring - serial data transfer
800 Parameter incorrectly set
801 The measured value in X-direction exceeds 1 mm
802 Interface not correctly assigned by EPM
803 Offset in tool offset memory in X-direction exceeds
9.999 mm
804 Reject part with refinishing work in X-direction
805 The measured value in Z-direction exceeds 1 mm
806 Offset in tool offset memory in Z-direction exceeds
9.999 mm
807 Reject part with refinishing work in Z-direction
808 Reject part in X-direction
809 Reject part in Z-direction
810 Incorrect SET variant (hardware and/or software does
not fit)
811 No data traffic feasible with the measuring equipment
812 Transfer between measuring device and SET disturbed
813 Control time exceeded
814 Unknown interrupt
815 SET defective
816 Measuring parameter 2.7 incorrectly set
817 DNC measuring block not processed, or incorrect
DNC status with post-process measuring
Bearb. Datum
Seifert 12.85/1
4. 3- 12
GDM - 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
850 Measuring position in parameter defined twice. Values
may be defined in one parameter only for each
measuring position
851 A measuring position that is not defined by parameter
has been moved to by HHE
852 Internal processing error
860 Ho move has been made to a reference point with the
measuring bracket
9999 Internal editor error
An error display is cleared by actuation of the pushbutton
The cause of the error must first be eliminated,
Bearb. Datum
Seifert 12.85/1 4.3- 13
GDM - 2A/ 4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Er r or message "9999"
When "Error 9999" is displayed on the screen, the
machine must not be re-started after the error has
been cleared.
The program memory must be cleared (by a metric -
inch - metric switchover). The program can then be
Possible causes of the error message
Program error read in via tape
e.g. in block N10 G61 E01 N80, the word G61 is missing
The feed holes are missing on the tape for reading
in between the end of the program and the start of
the parameter
In the Editor mode of operation, program parts are
being cleared, re-entered or modified at the con-
trol with the program memory almost completely full.
Bearb. Datum
Sei f e r t
6. 87/ 1 4. 3 - 14
GDM - 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
426 The offset point was reached prior to the feedrate
being reduced
427 The offset point was not reached (possibly sensor
428 Measuring direction not in accord with programmed tolerance
429 Measuring tolerance exceeded
430 The slide that is to traverse for measuring has not
the slide guidance
455 Lag error overflow AP4
501 Program not present, block not found or program not
terminated with M30 / M99
502 Sequence number not present or program not found
503 Same program number has already been entered
504 Same sequence number is already present
505 Programmed G-function contradicts an already entered
G-function or one that is effective in storage
506 Part program memory full or more than 255 programs
507 No move has yet been made to the reference point
508 Slide is already at or near the reference point; move
away from the reference point again, then move to it
once again
509 No more space available in block for further G-functions
510 Travel entered in -X would exceed limit stop
511 Travel entered in +X would exceed limit stop
512 Travel entered in -Z would exceed limit stop
Bearb. Datum
4. 3 - 4
Sei fert 12.85/1
GDM- 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
513 Travel entered in +Z would exceed limit stop
514 No space available in block for further (more than 3)
515 Reader not in operation
516 Parity error on tape or insufficient trailer present
517 Input X missing for canned cycle (G81, 82, 84)
518 Input Z missing for canned cycle (G81, 82, 84)
519 Inadmissible block contents programmed
520 Punch switched off or defective
521 Too many digits were entered after the decimal point
or entered program number has more than 8 digits
522 Excessively high tool number or tool offset number
523 Tape has not been prepared in accordance with DIN
66025 (e.g. LF missing)
524 X-feedin missing in canned cycle
525 In thread chaining with G84, the following terminal
point is above the last thread cut
526 Sequence not adhered to when moving to reference point
(first slide II, then slide I)
527 G17 and G19 cannot be entered without the optional
feature NC graduation device
528 Machining with NC graduation device only in feedrate/
529 Entered G-function not admissible for NC graduation
530 Motion not admissible for NC graduation device (simul-
taneous motion of more than two axes or inadmissible
combination of coordinates)
4. 3 - 5
Seifert 12.85/1
GDM - 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
531 Entered G-function not admissible for NC graduation
532 Plane switchover from end or face machining (G17, G19)
not feasible in parallel from both slides (4-axis
machines only)
533 Geometry error with G02/G03; target point is not
reached with given radius
534 The maximum angle modification with G01 must be
only 180 degrees in one block in the case of
facing (G17) .
538 A parallel-editing function has been called up
although this optional feature is not present.
539 There are no programs in the memory area of the
parallel editing.
544 A- or P-function not admissible, as no optional feature
"simplified geometry programming" present (no geo-
metry processor in control)
545 NC block length exceeds intermediate storage length.
No LF was written at the end of the block
Bearb. Datum
Seifert 12.85/1 4.3
GDM - 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
546 Tool width data missing for canned cycle Recess G86
547 The programmed width for the recess is less than the
tool width plus finishing allowance
548 Inadmissible G-function programmed
549 In the canned cycle Undercut G85, 0.6 times the under-
cut depth was specified as smaller than the radius of
the tool nose (0.5 mm)
550 For the canned cycle Chamfer G88, the dimensions I
and K were entered incorrectly for the tool; internal
chamfers are not feasible
551 In the canned cycle Undercut G85, the undercut width
programmed is too small for the specified undercut
557 Thread cutting not admissible with M31
558 Program or subroutine not suitable for selected machine
unit or not completely called in
559 Parity error in program or parameter range
560 For cancelling parameter, manual control mode of
operation was not selected or parameter editing is
561 For cancelling parameter, a bit has been found to be
sticking in the parameter storage (storage board
562 Zero offsets with G53 . G56 must not contain the
value zero for X and Z
564 In G86 the chamfer width has been specified larger
than the recess depth
565 In G86 the finishing dimension is specified larger
than the recess depth
Bearb. Datum
12-85/1 4.3 - 7
GDM - 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
566 Stored programs and parameters have been cancelled
or changed by interference effects; check display
(check storage cell for BP1).
Error 566 is displayed when :
a) the 1st character in the NC part program storage
is not "%" (storage empty)
b) on an inch / metric switchover in the parameter
c) the End of Program character has not been found
when switching on
569 Spindle speed exceeds the speed limit by more than
12.5 %
577 AP 1 or AP 2 defective
578 APC processor for spindle reference value is not
working any more (possibly mains voltage break-in,
switch machine off/on)
579 Incorrect G- or M-function interpreted by APC for
spindle drive.
APC = EPM control module for spindle drive
580 Only one further subroutine may be called in within
a part program, but two have been nested
581 Turret error Move to reference point
582 (E) This G-function is admissible only if tool radius
offset is present or SE1 disturbed or not present
583 (E) Internal error of tool radius offset
584 In canned cycle G87 the tool radius is greater than
the programmed circle radius
590 More than three branch, destinations have been pro-
grammed in G61
Bearb. Datum
Seifert 12.85/1
4.3 - 8
GDM - 2A/4A
Automatische Drehmaschinen
Error listing EP
591 No branch destination has been programmed in G61
592 The program number and End of Program have not been
written in separate blocks for a subroutine
593 The machine is not at the reference point when the
1st call-up is made in the Automatic mode of
594 (E) PC not responding
595 Subroutine call-in must be alone in the block
596 No tool available without expired tool life, or
tool life has expired
600 With G72 / 73: P or E not specified
With G75 / 76: I, K or P not specified
601 Element excessively or inadequately specified
602 The point of intersection cannot be calculated on
transition from straight line to straight line, as
. the two angles are approximately equal
603 Unknown function
604 Conclusion G76 missing
605 Starting point (G70) missing
606 G87 / 88 K = 0 cannot be terminated with G2 / 3
607 G87 / 88 K = 0 cannot be resolved with G70 - G76
608 X cannot be calculated, as the angle is 90 or 270
609 Z cannot be calculated, as the angle is 0 or 180
610 With a straight line with a rounding-off radius, the
angle between the two straight lines is approx. 180
611 Circle not attaining programmed Z-value
612 Circle not attaining programmed X-value
Bearb. Datum
Seifert 12.85/1
4.3- 9


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