ABC Ask A Thousand Times

Artist : ABC
Song Titel : Ask A Thousand Times
Album : Unbekannt

When I'm high, you're low

When I'm up, you're down

And we're never around

When we need each other

Back stabbing

You know that I bleed

I just know you'll disagree

* Ask a thousand times

A thousand times I'll see no

Love is never blind

Though sometimes you might think so

Ask a thousand times

A thousand times you'll hear me say

Love is like a weapon

When you're back stabbing me

When I'm weak, you're strong

When I'm all right, you're all wrong

And we don't get along


Back stabbing

You know where that leads

I just know you'll disagree

(* repeat two times)

When I'm high, you're low

When I'm weak, you're strong

(* repeat two times)


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