4 Gods and Goddesses

Gods and Goddesses

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number of Gods given by the Edda is twelve, as are the number of
Goddesses; twelve is three perfected by four, shape given to matter and endowed
with energy having a place in time.69 
The Gods and Goddesses are the embodiment of the conscious principle and order
in the universe.  They may be divide in two camps; (two perfected by two
perfected by three) the Aesir and the Vanir.

 The Aesir
are described as the Gods of Sky and Civilization, they represent the nature of
transcendental divinity, forming and directing the course of existence.  The
were initially adversarial to the Vanir, but after a war between them (a
macrocosm of the war within the Self) they amalgamated.  This synthesis is that
Divine Union sought by all mystics and spiritualists; it is the acceptance of
the Whole.



The Aesir
reside in the realm of Asgard, mythically located at one of the three roots of
the World Tree, where the Well of Wyrd springs forth.  This well encompasses the
actions of the other two, and expresses the totality of the Nine Worlds; it is
"That Which Should Become".  It is symbolically located atop the tree in the
North-West, however not in the absolute sense of the terrestrial direction, it
simply means "up" in the sense of "higher". 

represents the harmonious balance of natural action and conscious action.  It's
weather is always perfect (from a Northern point of view...), with sunshine,
warmth, and growth everywhere except on the Yew dales where soft snow falls and
glistens; bringing its balance to the plane.  The realm of the Gods is protected
by the Great Wall, guarded by the God Heimdall and connected to Midgard by
Bifrost (Shimmering
Bridge).  Bifrost is one of the two means to reaching Asgard, the other, is
wading through the 14 swirling rivers that surround this World; a much tougher
route, indeed.  Thor frequently does this, as the pounding of his chariot shakes
the bridge to its foundations. 

Asgard my
be seen as the realm of higher consciousness and inspiration, it also can be
described as the seat of the driving force of life.  It is also the home of
divine judgment, for the 12 Judgment Seats of the Gods and 8 High Chairs of the
Goddesses are beside the Well.


Chief of
all the Gods is Odin [Woden, Wotan, Odhinn], the Allfather, creator of
the Universe and rider (and therefore director of...) of the World Tree (Ygg -Drasil
can also mean the "Steed of Ygg", a kenning for Odin).  As the Chief of the
Aesir, he rules over all the Nine Worlds, and fosters all humanity, through his
gift of life-force.  He is also the God of Death (in the martial/adversarial
sense) in War, and Magick.  He is cognate to Mercury in the Hellenic traditions,
with the understanding that he has taken on the Jupiterian aspect of Chiefdom.   

This God
is often described as sneaky and fickle, for He seemingly turns on His own
heroes; but to place human attributes on His divine purposes limits Him.  In His
role of Allfather, He travels the Nine Worlds relentlessly, seeking all the
Wisdom there is to be had.  He does this so as to ensure life will continue
after the Ragnarok [ON-Destruction of the World].  His motives and decisions may
seem arbitrary, unfair, or even immoral, but as the driver of life-force, He
does what must be done.  As a God of Battle, His symbols include Spear and
Sword.  His own spear, Gungnir, is symbolically hurled over enemies, dedicating
their deaths to the God.  He frequently gives a sword to His heroes, like Sigurd. 

Odin is
frequently accompanied by His two wolves, Geri and Freki.  They represent the
martial aspects of Him.  They are terrible and cunning hunters, and relentless
"dogs of war".  Also in His keep are two ravens, Hugin and Munin.  They are
"Thoughtful" and "Mindful" respectively, and are the traveling eyes and ears of
the Allfather, scouring the Nine Worlds for wisdom and information daily. 

He sends
forth a legion of female warriors, called Valkyries, to collect the noble dead
on the battlefields of Midgard.  There they take the bravest and boldest to His
where every day they will practice the art of war in actual to the death combat,
being reborn each evening for the feast.  At this feast the Valkyrie attend the
soldiers, and keep the Mead-horns full. 

As Chief
of the Gods he is patron of the Royalty, specifically the War Band Leader, the
Drighten.  He is depicted as an old man, wearing a grey or black-blue cloak,
having one eye, and white hair.  The Valknot is His Holy symbol, as well as the
Rune Ansuz.  Also the patron of writing, poetry and song; his form of magick,
Galdur, involves chanting and the use of Runes.  It is reputed that Odin
revealed the Runes to man in the year 250 BE.  The Old Norse Havamal, part of
the Poetic Edda , is a poem describing how Odin won his wisdom. 

I know that hung on that windswept Tree,
 hung there Nine Nights Long.
Pierced by Mine own spear, Myself a gift to Myself.
I Hung on that tree, the roots of which,
no one knows whither they run.
None gave me food, non gave me drink.
But I looked down, and saw the Runes.
I grasped at them, snatching them up,  as I screamed.
And I fell down deep, into their depths.

Odin, as
Alfather has had to make some sort of sacrifice, (to transcend the need for
death and rebirth) to win deeper spiritual knowledge.  This he does, but he also
shares this knowledge with his children, by giving it to them in the Runes.  As
Chief God, he sits on the "High Seat", Hlidskialf, symbol of his
authority, however it also allows him to look out over all the Nine Worlds,
knowing all that transpires therein.  Here the High Seat is a means to gaining
Wisdom in the Second Function, that of "Wyrd Which Is Becoming"; the present
tense.  He also possesses the ring Draupnir, and each ninth night it replicated
itself eight times.  This was Odin's gift to Baldur's funeral pyre. 

His holy
day is Wednesday, which means, Woden's day.  He is married, in the traditional
domestic sense, to Frigga.  However, he also has concubines and other
"relationships", the most prominent of these is his close tie to Freya.  As the
Chieftains of their respective clans (Aesir and Vanir) They are symbolically
united in the merging of these clans into one God-Tribe.  But there is a sexual
relationship and exchange as Odin learns Seith from Freya, and in turn teaches
Her Galdr magick.  Freya is but one of His partners, several giants and humans
have also been  "Handmaidens" of Odin. 

Odin is
descendant of the first God, Bor, who emerged from the Primeval Ice, thanks to
Audhumbla, the proto-zoomorphic cow.  She is in essence primal creation,
appearing from nowhere and disappearing into nowhere.  As a God, born of Buri's
son Bor and the Giantess Bestula, Odin in the triune hypostase of  Woden, Wille,
and We enters into creation and shapes it from within (immanent).  The
implication is that Odin has always been shaping the universe from without
(transcendent).  His steed Slepnir is an eight legged animal, representative of
a carried coffin, and able to journey anywhere in creation (all of Yggdrasil...
Odin's Steed...).  He is the son of Loki and the Giant's horse Svadlfari. 
Faster, stronger, and braver than any steed, it carries Odin or his chosen
servants around the Nine Worlds.  In the final Battle, The Alfather will fight
Fenrir, first falling to him, and then being avenged/retrieved by his son Vidar,
child of a giantess.   

An oral
tradition handed down in
maintains that the reason Viddar pries open Fenrir's jaws is to free the gravely
wounded Odin.  In this oral tale, Odin must recuperate 9 seasons, afterwards. 
He then returns to his Hall, alive and well, and takes charge back from Baldur
and his sons Vali and Viddar.  It makes sense when one realizes that Vidarr,
"...tears open the wolf...", slaying Fenrir would harm the trapped Odin.



The Queen
of Asgard and lawful wife of Odin is Frigga, matron of marriage and the
household.  Like her husband, she sits in the High Seat, and has wisdom beyond
limit... though she keeps silent and does not speak of dire things.  Daughter of
Fjorgynn and sister of Jord, her matronage of loyal couples extended into the
afterworld, in Fensalir the faithful would be united forever.   

As a
matron of domestic arts, the Spindle and Distaff were her symbols.  She presided
over matters of health and hearth, and all the skills needed to maintain them. 
When in the role of protector of the aett, she can be a fearsome opponent.  She
also held such sway over Odin, that the fate of
Battle could be changed by her
intervention.  The Vandal and Lombard war in the Migration Era is the greatest
example of this.  Frigga tricked Odin by turning his bed to face the
thus granting them the victory. 

As mother
of Thor, she also assists mankind by directing Her son to mortals in need.  She
is waited on by Eir, Hlin, Gna, and Fulla.  Fulla, her sister can be equated
with Hulda, and is the shadowy side of the Allmother.   Hlin and Gna are Her
messengers to Midgard, and Eir was a goddess of healing and rest, who acted in
the best interests of family.  The nature of Norse hospitality left it in the
more capable (through their subtle and skillful influence) hands of the Head of
the Home (the Wife), the Key bearer, to take care of guests.  The symbolic
bringing of mead to the guests was designed to show a guest the highest degree
of respect, and also to allow the hostesses feminine charms to work for the good
of the household.  She also helps women in child birth and brings offspring

may be equated with Saga, the Seereress in the Voluspa.  This makes sense as she
shares Odin's complete understanding of Wyrd, and is the female pole of the
transcendent force of Creator.  As Allmother She has shared in the process of
creation, and is the personification of the Feminine Depths. She thus also
equates to a very Vanic trait, that of the Ocean.  Perhaps this is because of
her Giant heritage, as many of the Vanir are married to the Giants, and share a
deep understanding of the force of Wyrd ... a logical outcome of being a part of
the process.  In Her connection to the Ocean, Aegir and Ran may be seen as an
internal polarity within Frigga, imposed by Transcendent Creation on an external
couple.  Ager is a Brewer and "homebody", contrary to the male stereotype, and
His huge cauldron is similar to that of the Gaelic Cerridwen's, or even the
Cornucopia.  Ran with her Net takes the hunter-gather role, decidedly
un-feminine, and is a hypostase of Death from below. 
Can we not posit Ran as Crone, Frigga as Mother, and although somewhat
transexualized, Aegir as Maid?  Thus a Norse "triplicity", also akin to the
Norns, emerges in the common Indo-European tradition.  And if this is true, do
not the frequent attempts to transsexualize Mani make some degree of sense?  If
the Sun is named Sunna (a feminine noun) and Mani (a masculine noun) the Moon,
could not the polar aspects evident throughout manifest in these divine symbols
too? [More on this in the Sunna/Manni entry]. 

As a
presiding aspect of the Moon and Stars, the stars in Orion's Belt are called
Frigga's Spindle, a part of her weaving loom and an aspect of her artistic
matronage.  She watches over the heavens in a steadfast and motherly fashion,
seeking to maintain the health and well being of all the stars in the Sky.  She
shares Friday with Freya, as their Holy day. 



More than
once, Tyr was the Chief Aes, however at the time of the Eddas He has devolved
into a God of War, and Martial Justice.  In this he shares a place with Odin,
but unlike the Alfather, Tyr is less interested in the cause of war, and more
interested in the Just Resolution of War.  He is a wise Aes, and the Guardian of

He is
also the patron of self-sacrifice for the greater good.  He alone of the Gods,
willingly gave up His hand and His Cosmic Order so that the Wolf Fenrir could be
bound, and Ragnarok delayed.  Knowing that Fenrir was the catalyst of change,
Tyr willingly fed him, but to the other Gods, Fenrir posed a threat to order, so
Tyr placed the Clan's welfare above His own and allowed the wolf to be bound. 
The One-Handed God is a servant of His fellows, and thus of all His fellows,
greatest.  He is the Patron of all those who serve the community in dire
circumstance (Military, Police, Fire, Rescue...) and upholder the highest tenant
of the spirit of "clan".  He is the "Wolf's Leavings", "Wolf Chain", and the
"Binder of Fenrir" and "Glepnir's Guardian". 

As the
God of the Thing, His decisions are absolutely just, but not necessarily fair;
mercy is not something to be shown on the battlefields nor in matters of
obligations.  He is concerned with rapid resolution, honest action, and the thew
[OE-Custom].   He is a God of Oaths, and upholds the higher elements of "Natural
Law".   Political Correctness has no place before this God, the truth
must be told no matter what the consequences.  Herein lies the first major
dichotomy between Odin and Tyr, Odin will seek the amicable resolution, or use
deception and guile to reach His ends, Tyr will stand for nothing less than what
is absolutely right, achieved in the most straightforward manner.  Politicians
and diplomats must be Odin's followers, for they do what is desired by the
majority in a manner that is least distasteful to the minority, ruffling as few
feathers as possible.  Tyr would simply do what must be done, and let all others
cry in their own pots, and have done with it.  This absolutism means one must be
careful when approaching this God, as the truth often hurts; cutting both ways
(The old adage, the Truth is a double edged sword...).  But be aware, Tyr is the
Truth, and anything He does is in this vein; He will never deceive nor hide
behind ambiguity, what you see is what you get.  Das ist das, und das ist Alles.
(That is that, and That is All)   

His day
is Tuesday, and in the final
Battle, Tyr is pitted against Garm, the
trothful Hel Hound.  The Dog, as man's loyal companion symbolizes this God, as
do swords and spears.  Here He is "Garm's Bane", the keeper of Right Order. 

It should
always be remembered that symbolically, the Irminsul, His symbol, transcends
creation, existing before and after the Nine Worlds.  In true transcendent
manner, Tyr fed the young wolf-pup Fenrir.  Order sustaining Chaos, knowing its
end result.  Tyr's sacrifice, not to Himself, but to everyone, was part of the
cycle of universal being.  He is the first Alfather. 

Polestar, Tyr's Nail, is the airy height of this God, whereas the chasm of the
Mound, and the Dragon of Darkness are his depths.  The Fymbultyr as harbringer
of doom is an apt application of the Dagaz cyclicity found within this God. 
Though few understand his trancendant nature, the bright image maintained by
this God of the Skies has a mirror of shadow that fires the will and drives Him
to endless cyclicity.                                                                             

recently expounded theory holds that Teiwaz (Saxnote-OE) is in fact the
Proto-God, Bor, who was licked from the Brine Ice by the Great Cow.  In this
Heiti, He can be placed outside the creation of "tangibles", but still parents
Odin the "creator" of the Nine Worlds. The pairing of Tyr and Zisa is likely a
mistranslation or femminization of the Zio/Ziu Heiti that this God bore early on
in Germany.  It cognates here with the other Indo-European Sky father titles (Zupater,
Zeus).  A far more likely theory holds he is mated with Vara, the Oath Hearer of
the Temple.


Thor and Sif

Donar, Thunor, Thorr; the Thunderer had many names, and as many followers.  He
is the Hallowing friend of humanity.  As God of the Freeman (Carl) He was the
patron of the majority of the folk.  Farmers looked to Him, as did those
conscripted to war.  He is also God of Storms (thunder and Lightening) and of
Warriors. This son of Frigga and foster son of Odin is the Warder of Midgard and
Asgard, and is constantly at war with the Giants.   

Like Tyr,
Thor hates deception and deceit.  The Thunderer expects that a pact made is a
pact kept.  However, unlike Tyr, the spirit of the agreement is far more
important to Thor than the letter of that contract.  He is concerned with the
overall beneficial nature of interrelationships, and sees oaths as the means to
this end. 

Protector of Midgard, He wages war on the Giants (as archetypes of entropy and
chaos) and Jormundganger, the Midgard Serpent; symbols of the forces at work to
undermine the stability of nature.  He is pulled about on a Chariot, his goats
are Tooth Nasher and Gap Tooth.  He wages this war with the Hammer, Mjolnir, the
skull crusher.  This weapon is so difficult to use that even Thor requires the
Gloves, Jarngreipr (Iron Hand), and a Belt,  Meginjord, gives him
tremendous strength.  The handle is too short, because Loki interfered with its
forging, and has a ring at the end.  This ring was later identified as the Oath
Ring, a specially holy means of heit making.     

He is the
vital electrical force; thunderbolts issue from His Hammer.  Always a protector,
a Hammersign hallows any area, repelling evil.  The Hakenkreutz, or Crooked
cross, the Swastika, is symbol of His hammer, and glaring-staring eyes are His
symbols.  His red beard is remembered in a kenning, Red Thor. 

Thor is
fond of food and drink, and His appetite is legendary.  At symbel He can fondly
remembered for the many adventures He has had, and the jovial nature that
surrounds Him.  He truly acts as a friend to mankind.  He fathers two sons on
Jarnsaxa (a Giantess), Modi, and Magni, and a daughter Thrund, with Sif.  In
Uppsala it was Thor, Odin, and Frey who were given high honors...in that order. 
Oak is his favorite tree, and a hammer handle made from the oak of a lightening
struck tree is considered to be a powerful tool. His Holy day is Thursday, and
the wearing of His pendant Hammers denote a belief in any of the Northern
European Heathen-Folk practices, not just those dedicated to this Aes. 

His wife,
Sif, is a Goddess of Excellence and the Golden Haired Goddess of the Harvest. 
Her beautiful blond hair was cut off by Loki, and Her Golden Locks were crafted
by the Dwarves.  Her symbolic attachment includes that of the flax and yarn
spinning, as well as chief knotmaker.  It is Sif who checks the bindings of the
Wolf Fenrir, so she presides over bindings and knot magicks.


Baldur and Nanna

bright and beautiful son of Odin is the embodiment of a Solar Deity.  He is
loved by everything in creation, and mourned by all but Loki, in Death. 
Integral to the Ragnarok Myth, He is reborn with the new world, released from
Hel's grasp by the cosmic cataclysm.  Called the "White God" in some myths (a
title He shared with Heimdall) for His fair complexion and hallowed brilliance,
Baldur embodies the energy of the nurturing process.  Here He relates to Sunna
(a feminine form...) and to the sky aspect of the Aesir.                             

own brother is the instrument of His death, however Loki is the agent
provocateur.  Hod is a Blind War God, an apt metaphor for war, Who's dart of
mistletoe kills Baldur during a "mock" battle.  Frigga had secured protection
from everything in Nature (except mistletoe), thus Baldur was thought to be
invulnerable.  But since mistletoe was overlooked, it became the source material
for Loki's trap.  But in keeping with the almost Odinically hypostasic nature of
the Trickster, Baldur's death serves as a means for the Gods to maintain some
Heavenly order in the wake of Ragnarok. 

He is wed
to Nanna, who dies from her grief at His death.  She is another of the female
Fertility Goddesses.  She pines for Baldur, as the Nine Worlds do, reflective of
Nature's understanding of the loss.  While in Hel, the God Hermod receives gifts
from Baldur and Nanna.  He takes back Odin's ring, Draupnir, brings Frigga a
linen headdress, and has a golden ring for Fulla.  The initiatory process in the
life of a shaman continues... 

will release Baldur from Helheim; thus we may conjecture that Odin whispered the
reason Baldur couldn't go to
Valhalla: He had to remain safe in Hel throughout Ragnarok, so as to
be able to rule in Odin's place while the Old Aes recuperated from His wounds.  


Bragi and Idunna

God of Poetry and Inspiration is the foster son of Odin, and music maker of the
Aesir.  Idunna is a Golden Goddess, Giver of Renewal to the Earth and Gods
alike.  Her apples keep the Gods young, and Her festival marks the return of the
Green Earth from it's slumber of Winter. 

It is
said that eloquent boasting at symbel is bragging, and it is the skaldic beauty
of this wordsmith that inspires the epic Sagas, and lyrical Eddas.  Bragi can
make song of any topic, and His gift to mankind, the Bard/Skald, is one kept
dear by high prince and low servant.   The God of Poetry and Prose gleans his
gift from the wisdom of divine inspiration, and thus is intimately connected
with Odin.   The Northern priesthoods (both Celtic and Germanic) had many such
poets, and they were the lore-keepers and historians, via these timeless songs. 

giver of immortality and restorer of vitality, was worshipped as the embodiment
of Earthly renewal.  Her festival was held on the first full moon after the
Spring Equinox.  This Solar aspect is decidedly feminine, however it relates
nicely with Baldur's masculine Sun image.  Both offer renewal, and both overcome
the "death" of winter. 


Uller and Horn

originally a pair of presiding deities, in the later myths they are reduced in
stature.  Uller remains God of the Moving Hunt, and of Snow Skills, and Horn
retains the Earthly mother attributes.  Uller has become a step son of Thor, and
natural son of Sif and a Rime Giant.  He is at home on ski and skate, as well as
sled and snowshoe.  Archery is the attribute for which He is most revered.   

His name
inspired a kenning for a shield, Uller's Boat.  As anyone familiar with the
snowy slopes knows, a shield inverted and sat upon sails effortlessly down a
mountainside covered with snow.  Thus, early hunters closing in on prey could
rapidly gain ground and with their bow, kill the prey.  If escape needs be the
case, a faster getaway down a mountain couldn't be found than tobogganing  down
on one's shield.  Uller's boat is a splendid kenning indeed! 

Uller is
one with His environment, using it to the utmost advantage.  The God is
resilient and always in motion.  The  Bogi, His bow, symbolized by the Yew,
never misses, he always hits the mark.  Consider him the archetypal William Tell
and Robin Hood! 

Horn is a
mysterious Goddess, and the remnants of information that survive liken her to
Freya and Jord, Frigga and Hulda.  A clear image is impossible, but it may be
suggested that she also resembled the Goddess/Giant Skadi, due to her
acclimation to the snowy mountains and winter. 



Warder of the Rainbow Bridge, and progenitor of the races of mankind.  In His
horn, Gjallahorn, sits besides him outside Valgrind, the Gate to Asgard.  He
will blow this horn to warn the Gods of the approach of Ragnarok.  As Watchman
of the Nine Worlds, he sees that all things transpire according to divine plan. 

says He is born of Nine Sea Giantesses, though this may be an illusion to the
Germanic understanding of the source of life: the Ocean. (The primeval,
life-generating, amino acid soup...)  They believed that the ripples in the tide
held a significance, and that every ninth crest represented Heimdall, and the
act of procreation. In his guise as Rig [OC-King] he sleeps with three couples
and fathers the three classes of society (another multiple nine): Slaves,
Freemen, and Nobility.  First, he sleeps with the couple called Ai and Edda
(Great Grandparents), and the Thrall is born nine months later.  Next he sleeps
with Afi and Amma (Grandparents) and fathers the race of Carls.  Lastly, he
sleeps with Fathir and Mothir (Parents), and begets the Jarls.  This is a post
creation refinement of mankind, and designed to give heightened order to the
universe.  Heimdall does his part to keep the universe running smoothly.  

called the "White" God, the allusion serves to contrast Him with Loki, whom he
will face at Ragnarok.  The purity of purpose of this God (the maintenance of
Order) is contrasted with the polar opposite in Loki's randomness (the
attainment of Chaos).  These two polar deities literally snuff each other out in
the final battle.  Thus the absolutes of Order and Chaos give way to balance and



of the bright Gods, Forseti is the Divine Arbiter.  He is fair and just,
settling disputes amicably and reasonably.  Forseti is the son of  Baldur an
Nanna and His name means Presiding One.  The double sided axe is his symbol, and
consequently of Justice (balanced and cutting both ways).  There is a relation
to Syn, as defender of the accused, and protector of rights. 

Also a
God of Oaths, he is called the Reconciler of Men.  He helps in the shaping of
just laws, legal process, and tempers these with mercy.  He can be invoked to
settle disputes and bring peace. 


The Entourage

A number
of other deities inhabit Asgard, lesser in outward roles, but no less
important.  Each region of Northern Europe localized names, and therefore some
divine functions seem duplicated.  In some cases however, this was a practical
and necessary duplicity, or a refinement. 

Among the
male children of the Gods, Modi and Magni are reputed to take up Thor's Hammer
after Ragnarok, and silent Viddar His father, Odin's, High Seat.    

Of the
female Aesir (Asynjur), Vor, is a Goddess of Wisdom and Perception, and Hnoss
the innocent child Goddess of  Odin and Freya.  Lofn is the Goddess who brings
couples together and Var is the witness of the vows these married couples then
make.  Jord, the embodiment of Earth, and sister of Frigga, can be cognate to
Hulda or Nerthus, as well as compared to Fjorgyn.



The Vanir
were a tribe of Gods immanent in Nature, part of the very fabric of the
universe, but in some way constrained to it.  Frequently They bred with Giants,
and more often they married them.  They are Gods connected to the Sea, as it is
the wellspring of life.  The war between the Aesir and Vanir forged the Frith
that later united Them.                             

being Gods of the Earth and Nature, they lacked the order and social structure
of the Aesir.  Interestingly, They permitted brother and sister to marry (or
engage in sex) and frequently practiced magick that, during the Viking Age,
could be considered homosexual at worst, highly erotic quasi-bisexualism at
best.  These traits were toned down and almost submerged when they joined the
Aesir, as the practices were thought to be "unnatural" by the Aesir.  However
their practices continued as Seith magick, practiced by Freya and her followers
in Midgard.   

They are
Gods of Plenty and Fertility, givers of food, drink, and sex (three of the most
sought after things in Norse society).  They are sensual and pleasure seeking
Gods, but no strangers to struggle and War.  While seemingly Fertility Gods,
their magick shattered the Walls of Asgard, and their battle-victories were
numerous.  There is more than meets the eye to the Vanes. 



Queen of
the Vanir, and Goddess of Passion and Fertility, Freya embodies the Natural
World.  Her name means "Lady" in the royal sense, and she fits this title well. 
However she is also a powerful magician, the archetypal Witch.   

magick, Seith, was so powerful that even Odin wished to learn it.  She is the
"sister" with whom He shares His last Rune Secret.  This magick involves an
altered state of consciousness, attained through a variety of stimuli.  One can
deduce that this included everything from sexual stimulation to hallucinogenic

In the
Voluspa, Freya first enters Asgard as the witch, Gullveig.  She undergoes a
ritual initiation, being speared and burned three times by Odin.  The Vanir
taking offense start the Divine War.  However, Freya survives the initiation,
and willing lives among the Aesir afterwards. 

Half of
the Battle dead are sent to Her hall, Folkvangr, and she is a Goddess of Death
in this regard.  The Disir attend the Vanir, and the Valkyrie seem to be select
Disir, given as gifts to Odin in His mission to stave off Ragnarok. 

She can
shape change, and has a Falcon Coat, that allows Her to roam the Nine Worlds. 
Her animal is the cat, further likening Her to the Archetypal Witch.  Two cats
pull Her chariot across the Heavens. 

As a Sex
Goddess, She also encompasses Love and Commitment, however their seems to be a
discernible difference between Her role in "responsible fun" and Frigga's 
"marital commitment".  Nothing is wrong with either, as long as they are
approached in an intelligent manner by two consenting partners. 

symbol is the Heart and Necklace.  The connection to love in the Heart is as the
center of life (though reputable anthropologists submit it is not a "heart", but
rather a representation of the female genetalia), but the Necklace refers to Her
own gem, Brisingamen.  This necklace was crafted by the dwarves, and is both a
magickal tool and regal sign of Her station in life.  Her day is Friday, which
she freely shares with Odin's first wife, Frigga.  Her father is Njord and a
Giantess, and with her brother Frey, she rules over the Vanir with might and



Known as
Ing, Ingvar, Freyr, and Frey, the God who's name means "Lord", was first among
the male Vanir.  His sister dominated Their tribe, and shared the throne with
Him.  He is a God of Fertility and Harvest, a Solar Figure.  He watches over
livestock and blesses agriculture, constantly maintaining the natural rhythm of
the cycle of the year. 

Frey is
concerned with Hearth and Home in the male sense, and is thus a homebody akin to
Frigga, a dealer in the practical aspects of life.  Their respective "mates"
Odin and Freya, are wanderers, and mystics.  He is a bringer of good and the
giver of Frith. 

In his
Frithful aspect it is said that no man may enter a Hof dedicated to Him bearing
weapons.  Bloodletting in His groves will bring down an uncharacteristically
terrible wrath from this God.  He is a skilled warrior, and His blade is to be
feared and respected. 

Associated with animal cults, Frey presides over the horse and boar.  The horse
is a particularly phallic animal, expressing the male potency, and the boar
represents the strength and courage of a battle-hunt.  These animals further
symbolized royalty, or royal lineage throughout the North.  The horse drawn
wagon (Godcart) was taken from town to town by His Priests. His ship,
Skidbladnir can be folded up and carried in His pocket. 

addition to his phallic role, Frey was also Chief of the Alfs, the male
equivalent to the Disir.  These were usually the spirits of the deceased males
of a family.  Here he can be seen as a God of the Dead. 

He takes
a giantess as a wife after unwisely sitting atop Odin's High Seat.  He falls in
love with the beautiful Giantess, named Gerd and all nature suffers as He pines
for her.  Threats and gifts are offered by His servant Skirnir, but the Giantess
refuses.  As a wedding gift the servant is forced to surrender Frey's magick
sword, that fights on it's own.  In the final Battle, Frey will fight Surt, the
Fire Giant, and lose because he has given up this sword.  He is usually depicted
with a large erect penis.  

Njord and Skadi

Father of
the Twins Frey and Freya, Njord is a God of the Sea and Fjords.  He presides
over Fishermen and Sailors.  His weapons is the trident.  Njord resides in
Noatun, and married the Giantess Skadi.  Although His wife, Skadi rarely resides
with Her husband.  As a Rime Giantess, she prefers her home atop the mountains,
far from the Sea.  In fact, legend says they spend but nine days a year
together.  Skadi married Him because of his feet; which She thought belonged to
Baldur, because they were so beautiful. 

Njord is
also a God of Wealth and Bringer of Good Luck; his breeze the Wind of Good
Fortune, and his ship, allegorically "Your ship [that] has come in ! ".  He is a
simple God to understand, given to the simple life of the coast.  Survival based
on pragmatics. 

Skadi is
a Giantess of slope and tundra, at home in the rocky summit of the Northern
mountains.  She is a Goddess by marriage, and plays the role of the ideal
"independent wife".  While more often apart from Her husband than with Him, She
loves Him dearly, and is faithful to Him.  She can get along without, but
prefers to be with Him, though natural habitats make that difficult.

Aegir and Ran

Two other
Sea Vanes play a major role in Vanaheim, Aegir, the Brewer of the Gods, and His
wife, Ran.  Aegir is a homebody, cooking and brewing constantly.  He prepares
the feasts and serves them as well.  He is elementally transsexualized, as is
His wife.  Ran is the Hunter-Gather of the Seas, She acts as the male provider. 
While She is feared by sailor and fisherman alike, a suitable offering to Her
will ensure a good catch or fair winds.  Her huge net can swallow up the largest
fleet and carry it to the bottom.  Here She echoes Hel as a Goddess of Death.



Sunna and Manni

confusion (or intentional ambiguity) seems part and parcel of Vanic traits, the
Goddess Sunna, and Her male counterpart, Manni, illustrate this point nicely. 
While grammatically feminine, the sun is often described in masculine terms, and
personified throughout Indo-European culture as the Male, Sky-God, Solar Hero. 
The moon is likewise polarized, as feminine mysteries, like the Menstrual Cycle,
and the Fates (as they relate to the months and the passage of time), despite
it's masculine grammar-form. 

often a sore spot of debate, the understanding of polarities quickly throws
"light" on the darkness.  Each is bipolar (has two poles) and manifest them
separately, and distinctly, depending on the situation.  Like all the Vanir, the
situation at hand and it's needs are far more important than a simple thing like
natural tendency, so Manni and Sunna show themselves in different lights.  They
are children of Mundliferi. 

It should
be noted, that in the Voluspa, the translation of 5:3 and 5:5 transsexualizes
this pair, "The Sun knew not what stead He held... The Moon knew not what stead
She held...".  The Snorri translation may have been due to Roman influences,
however, since he frequently pointed out these contrasts, it seems unlikely he
would have reversed them unless there was a preexisting ambiguity.  


The Entourage

other Vanir, including the Disir and some of the Alfs, frequent Vanheim.  Sjofn
and Snorta are consorts of Freya, matchmaking people and giving the gifts of
etiquette and grace to women in Midgard.  Gefjn the strong willed Goddess who
stole land from the King of Sweden is frequently counted among the Vanes, as is
dark, Lunar Hulda...at home nowhere. 


Not Quite

deities fall outside the realm of definition, and need to be explored.  First
and foremost of these is Loki.  He is married to the Goddess Sigyn, presumably
an Aesir, but one should never presume with Loki.  It appears that Loki, also
called Lodurr, is an Etin, made blood brother to Odin at the beginning of
time.   He apparently helps Woden shape the Worlds, and gave the gift of form to
mankind.  Thusly he may represent the darkest side of the Alfather.  At any
rate, the child of Farbauti and the Giantess Laufey, is the only chaotic and
random factor in Asgard. 

the problems He causes the Gods, He is allowed to remain.  Among the great gifts
He provides the Gods with are: Slepnir, Odin's eight legged steed, Gungnir, His
spear, Thor's Hammer, Frey's ship, Skidbladnir, and the Wall of Asgard.  He
brings Form and Fire to mankind and thus is called the "Fire Wight" and "Wise
Etin".  In contrast to the Good, he also creates much evil. 

fathers Hel, the World Serpent and the Wolf Fenrir.  The Giantess Angrboda, is
His mistress and the mother of these Evils.  As a fire giant, he is brother of
Surt, who will kill Frey and scorch the whole Earth. These creatures play an
integral role in the doom of the world.   

Yet, Loki
even in tricking Hod into killing Baldur, acts in the cycle of life and death. 
He kills Baldur, so that Baldur may survive Ragnarok; and Ragnarok is the
culmination of the macrocosmic cycle of death and rebirth, each building upon
and improving the other.  Fire is a purifying element.   Loki is the refiner,
the agent of purification, without which things would grow old and stale.  He is
bound by his own son, Nari's entrails, tied by Sif's knots to the Great Rock,
and Gefjn hangs a serpent dripping venom - until Ragnarok when he will lead the
armies of death. 

hard to place are Kvasir and Mimir, both Gods of incredible Wisdom and
foresight.  Kvasir is created from the spittle of the oath made by the Aesir and
Vanir, He is said to be All Wise.  Mimir, while given as a hostage by the Aesir
to the Vanir, is called the Wise Etin, underlying an ancestry outside of
Asgard.  He is mentioned as a Giant, and brother of Odin's mother (the maternal
uncle giving the gift of wisdom to his nephew).  Both are symbolized by Mead,
the drink of Wisdom, and both guard Wells at the roots of Yggdrasil.

cannot be an Aesir, for He slays Hod, as Odin's child He is not of the Vanir. 
Within the Aes, there are prohibitions against murdering kinsmen, even ones who
do wrong (which is why they do not slay Loki, but bind Him upon the great rock),
so His actions indicate other affiliations.  Yet He is said to share Odin's High
Seat with Viddar after Ragnarok. 

Volund, or Weyland, a smith and possibly a Dwarf or Alf, is worshipped as the
patron of metalworkers.  He is celebrated as the builder and craftsman, as well
as a warrior.



allows those called etins, giants, thurses, trolls, rises, and jountuns to be
lumped together.  These beings embody raw, uncontrolled force, in particular
manners.  They are essentially neutral, but due to their Chaotic nature work far
more woe than weal.  Etins and Jountins are primeval beings, who often marry the
Gods, despite their animosity.  They may be of extraordinary beauty or wisdom. 
The Rises are mountain giants, similar to the lowland trolls.  The Thurses are
elemental giants and embody the forces of Fire and Ice directly.  The trolls are
almost neutral land wights, that may even bear you weal if gifted.  Many witches
who worked woe were said to be "half-troll", [More on Trolls in the section on
Wights] and the magick of the giants can be incredibly strong.  As a rule, their
unstable nature and chaotic bend makes contact with them dangerous, that is why
Thor is forever out hunting them.  He seeks to bring all force in the universe
under the direction of the Aesir, and thereby eliminate the danger inherent in

The Chief
of the Rime (Frost) Giants is Hyrm, and He will ride forth at Ragnarok, across
Nifelheim and into Midgard.  Surt, the Fire Giant Chieftain, will slay Frey,
with His brand.  They lead the Giant Armies into the final battle.                                                                                         

Other Evil

The Spawn
of Loki and Angraboda, who were born in the Iron Woods are terrible monsters,
and the woe workers of the Nine Worlds.  First and Foremost is Fenrir, the

bound by the Gods, he will loose his fetters and swallow up Odin in the end. 
His brother is Garm, who sits outside Hel's gate.  He too will loose his fetters
and attack His brother's binder, Tyr.  Jormundganger, the World Serpent will
loose his tail from His mouth, and constrict

but will die in the battle with the Warder of Midgard.  Skoll and Hati, another
pair of wolves circle the Earth, seeking to devour the Sun and Moon. 

At the
Ragnarok [ON-Doom of the Gods] Skoll and Hati swallow the Sun and Moon, three
winters pass without a summer, the Fimbulwinter. Odin is felled by the Wolf
Fenrir, but is retrieved / avenged by Vidarr who slays the wolf.  Loki sails
with legions from Hel in Nafalgar.  He and Heimdall slay each other, in a
brilliant flash of light.  Tyr and Garm slay each other and Troth dies.  Thor
fells the Serpent but staggers only nine paces and dies from its venom.  Frey
falls to Surt's fire, for he has lost his sword.  Freya (or Frigga) slays Hel, 
freeing Baldur and Hod.  The Einherjar fight Loki's legions of the dead and all
fall.  The Tree itself shakes to its foundation, as Midgard is set ablaze by
Surt, who is consumed in his own fire.  Two humans take refuge in the tree and
survive, they are Lif, and Lifthrasir.  Thus the worlds can begin anew, ritually
cleansed by fire.  The Norse universe oscillates, waxes and wanes; it is
inherently entropic, and the actions of the Gods can only delay, but never
prevent, the end.  But that entropy is natural and integral part of the
progression that the Universe must have, in order to be.

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