The Swing Combat Sheet

Combat Sheet
Combat Mode
Combat Points
Action Reaction
Points Points
+2 Bonus
Can act/react only to targets/
1 1
events in Focused area
2 2
3 3
+1 Bonus
4 4
Can act/react to targets/events
in focused or Aware areas
5 5
6 6
7 7 No Bonus
Can act/react to targets/events
8 8
in Focused , Aware or
Alert areas
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
Difficulty Number
13 13
14 14
Modifier Order
Range Level
15 15
4  7 Auto
1. Static Modifiers
8  11 Very Easy
16 16
2. Combat Mode
3. Attackers Movement
12  15 Easy
17 17
4. Weapon Modifiers
16  19 Normal
5. Weapon Mode
18 18
20  23 Extended
6. Target Size
19 19 7. Target Concealment
24  27 Hard
8. Environmental Conditions
28  31 Very Hard
20 20
9. Aiming
32  35 Difficult
21 21
36  39 Very Difficult
22 22
40 - 44 Impossible
Wound Points Severe Wounds Deadly Wounds Fatigue Points
Copyright © 2003 93 Games Studio  May Photo Copy for use with The Swing


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