149 be grammar phrasalverbs5

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Business English Grammar Quiz | Topic: Phrasal verbs in Business English 5
Choose the best response to complete each sentence:
1. Barack Obama has a plan to __________________________ out ( = save, financially speaking)
the automotive industry.
a) give b) make c) bail
2. It will take time for the board to __________________________ ( = clear up, fix) this mess.
a) turn around b) sort out c) put in
3. We can't __________________________ this option. = We have to consider this option.
a) write up b) rule out c) sign off
4. The research was __________________________ ( = conducted) by a team of French scientists.
a) carried out b) led into c) placed under
5. I'm sure we can __________________________ something out. = I'm sure we can arrange
a) lead b) do c) work
6. The committee members have already __________________________ on this project. ( =
formally approved this project)
a) signed off b) worked off c) carried out
7. We have decided _________________ pursuing ( = decided not to pursue) this course of action.
a) against b) out c) off
8. I would like to _________________ my partner in on this discussion. = I would like my partner to
take part in this discussion.
a) take b) carry c) bring
9. The new functionality will speed __________________________ the checkout process. ( = will
make the checkout process faster)
a) in b) up c) on
10. I'm going to ask John sit __________________________ on this meeting. = I'm going to ask
John to attend this meeting (although he won't participate).
a) in b) up c) of
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Business English Grammar Quiz | Topic: Phrasal verbs in Business English 5
1) b 2) c 3) b 4) a 5) a 6) c 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) c


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