eim3 11 answer

Unit 11 Answer key
Level 3
1 2 f 3 2 He's got an expensive camera, although he
& &
hardly ever uses it. / Although he's got an
3 g
expensive camera, he hardly ever uses it.
4 c
3 She didn't call the dentist, despite having
5 d
toothache. / Despite having toothache, she
6 a
didn't call the dentist.
7 b
4 In spite of the exam tomorrow, they aren't
studying much. / They aren't studying much,
2 2 However
& in spite of the exam tomorrow.
3 Even though
5 Our new teacher is friendly. However, the
lessons are more dif®cult. / The lessons are
4 despite
more dif®cult, however.
5 Although
6 Even though it was raining hard, I walked to
6 even though
school. / I walked to school, even though it
7 In spite of
was raining hard.
8 Despite
4 2 [7] I don't feel nervous, despite having) the
exam this afternoon.
3 [7] Although we stood up, we couldn't see
the match.
4 [3]
5 [7] Despite not having a ticket, we managed
to get in.
6 [3]
# Cambridge University Press 2005 Level 3 Unit 11


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