B J Scott Balls (pdf)

~B.J. Scott~
Gay Erotica
Copyright 2010-10-31: B.J. Scott
All rights reserved
Included in: Balls
1. Openers
2. Introduction
3. Balls
Always fascinated with oral sex, Mike watches gay porn
whenever he gets the chance. His fascination increases with every
passing year and with every new gay porn scene that he finds. He
knows that, given the chance, he would give it just the way he would
want it given to him. Mike doesn t really expect to get the chance to
live out his fantasy, but if he ever does, the man on the receiving end
will not be disappointed.
Book Content:
Mike had always been fascinated with oral sex. He was
fascinated with getting it, watching it, and it didn't matter whether it was
girl on guy or guy on guy. He especially got off on watching gay porn,
though he had never told anyone. Just watching someone suck a dick
aroused him. He had never told anyone any of this and he thought that
he never would. He was married, and he certainly had never thought
of himself as being gay, but for some reason he could actually see
himself on the giving end of oral sex.
Mike rationalized his secret desires. He figured that since he
was a guy, he loved getting sucked, so who better to give good head
to a guy than another guy? Guys know what they like, and how they
like it. It should be easy to give good head to someone. Mike would
give it to them just the way that he wanted it given to him.
Mike had never thought of acting on his secret desire, but the
opportunity presented itself one afternoon, and in a very unlikely
source. It was with his best friend, Chuck. Mike had known Chuck
since the seventh grade, and they were now in their late thirties. They
had kept in touch through the years in the usual ways, a phone call
here, an occasional card there. At a friend s wedding one year, their
wives had met and had become best friends, too, and after that Chuck
and Mike saw a lot more of each other.
Chuck was a big guy, about six feet three or four and buffed.
Mike was not exactly the opposite, but a few inches shorter, and slim.
The two of them would get together and talk about old times while
their wives went out to the mall and did what women did, like shop,
talked about babies, whatever, the guys didn t really know and didn t
really want to know. The guys stayed at home and watched sports
and drank beer.
One time when the women went out on one of their afternoon
sprees, there wasn t much in the way of sports on television that either
of the two men cared to watch. So Chuck jokingly said,  Hey, wanna
watch some porn?  What? You have porn? Your wife know about
this? Chuck thought that would surprise Mike.  Sure does, buddy.
It spices things up in the bedroom. Mike thought Chuck was the
luckiest guy in the world at that moment.  What do you have? Mike
asked. Chuck laughed.  You name it, buddy, and I have it. Then
Mike surprised Chuck, asking,  Got any gay porn?  As a matter of
fact I do, have a secret stash here. Mike had to know,  What are
you doing with a secret stash of gay porn?  Well, what are you doing
requesting it? he shot back.
Mike had to admit his secret now. He had been caught.  I
don't know, but for some reason, I get more excited watching gay than
straight.  Don t tell me you re one of those guys, Chuck said.
 What kind of guy? Mike asked, a little defensively now.  You know,
one of those straight guys who likes to get together with his buddies
and just fuck the shit out of each other and then go back to their wives
and girlfriends. They don't consider themselves gay, but they love gay
sex. I m not passing judgment, just curious.  I don t know, Mike
admitted. He hadn t really thought about why he liked gay porn.
Chuck started the video and sat down on the couch opposite
his friend. They were immediately introduced to a scene of a jock in
the locker room getting gangbanged by other jocks. Chuck began
caressing his crotch through his pants.  So, just how curious are you
about guy stuff shall we say, Mike? he asked, still rubbing himself.
 Very curious, Mike said, watching Chuck the entire time.
Chuck put a beer to his mouth, turned up his head, and
emptied the bottle. He then got up, pulled down his pants and began
caressing his cock. It must have been about seven or eight inches. He
just stood there stroking it, and Mike never took his eyes off of it.
 Come here, Mike. You and I are a perfect match. You want to give
head, and I want to get head. Just watch those teeth. Chuck laughed
at his own joke, but Mike wasn t laughing. He was serious.  How do
you want to do this? Me standing or sitting? Chuck asked.
 Mike was still getting over the shock of his friend s
suggestion.  I don't know, how about sitting first? he finally said.
 First? You planning on giving me more than one blow job today?
Chuck asked.
Chuck sat down, and Mike knelt between his legs, as they
were spread eagle. He knelt there for what seemed an eternity,
looking at his friend s huge cock. It was long and fat, with a huge head
that was throbbing. The veins on the side looked ready to burst.
 That's one big dick you got there, Chuck.  Never had any
complaints from the ladies, he said. Mike grabbed it and began
stroking his friend s cock. Then he leaned over and began licking the
head.  How's that? he asked.  Good, damn good, better than damn
good, Chuck replied. Mike ran his tongue up and down the full length
of the shaft, licking his friend s huge balls. He worked his way back
up, and then covered the entire head with his mouth, while holding on
to his friend s cock and stroking him with both his hand and his mouth.
 Oh, yeah! he shouted.  Go for it, buddy!
Mike knew he was doing better than okay if Chuck was
enjoying himself, which he apparently was. Mike tried to take in all of
the huge thing, but he began to gag. He backed off a little, but was
soon back at it full force.
 Hey, Mike, unbuckle your pants. Let me play with your ass.
  What time do the girls get back? Mike asked.  Shit, they won't
be back for hours. Besides, Mary always calls before she gets ready
to head back.  Okay, so let s do this right. Why don't we just get
completely naked? Mike suggested.
The two of them stripped down, and then they just stared at
each other. They were both fully erect. Chuck walked over to Mike,
grabbed his cock and began stroking it. He fell to his knees, looked
up at Mike, and said,  What's a little head between friends? At that
very moment, Chuck began sucking Mike. Mike was in heaven. Even
in his dreams it had never been this good. Chuck put his hands on
Mike s ass while he sucked him off freely. While he was sucking
Mike, he was also playing in and around his ass.
Mike had to know.  I m guessing you've done this before.
Am I right?  I was in the service, or have you forgotten? You don t
go away without any sign of a woman for over eight months at a time
without eventually entertaining each other. Do me a favor and turn
around and bend over.  I, I don't think I'm ready for getting it that
way just yet, Chuck, Mike admitted.  No, no, I got something
different in mind. You ll like it. I promise.
At that point, he began licking Mike s asshole. It sent more
than one shiver up and down Mike s spine. His knees were buckling.
 Fuck. I've never felt anything like this before.  Damn Mike, ever
think of shaving your ass? It's like a damn forest back here!
Mike s dick was rock hard and he could see some pre-cum
beginning to ooze out.  Hey, buddy, I'm about ready to explode here.
  Turn around, Chuck commanded. He was more than excited
At that point, Chuck began sucking Mike off. He sucked on
the tip of the head of Mike s cock, licking the hole as he tugged on his
sac. He would take the full length of Mike s dick in his mouth. Mike
wanted to sit down.  No, no, stay standing. Trust me, it's better this
way, Chuck demanded, when he saw that Mike was beginning to sit.
Mike stood and Chuck began licking up and down his shaft,
occasionally stopping to suck on a portion of it here and there.
 Hmmm, mm, he moaned, with each suck and lick.  You ready to
cum yet, buddy?  Oh shit, yes, Mike said. Chuck began to jerk him
off.  Take it, take it, Mike yelled.  Stop your damn teasing.
Chuck covered the head of Mike s cock with his mouth and
stroked him more. Mike could feel a rush, and then he exploded
inside Chuck, and Chuck didn t hesitate as he swallowed. He kept
right on sucking and stroking Mike until he was dry. Then Chuck got
up and helped himself to another beer. Mike got onto his knees and
began to lick his friend s cock, and soon resurrected it to all its full
length glory.
Mike wasn't really looking forward to eating cum, because he
didn't know what to expect. He kept on sucking anyway, and he
licked his friend. Chuck put his hands on Mike s head and gently
forced his big cock down Mike s throat. He held it there, and then he
released it, and then he did the same thing over and more, faster each
time. He was fucking Mike s mouth and Mike was loving it. He
reached underneath Chuck and began to finger his ass.  Oooh, getting
the hang of it, aren t you, buddy?
Chuck began fucking harder and faster, and then he slowed
down.  Get ready, buddy, because here I cum. At that moment,
Mike closed his eyes and a full shot of cum entered his mouth,
followed by another and then another, each one larger than the last.
Mike couldn't hold it all and it began dripping down the side of my
mouth. Mike swallowed and tasted the sweetness of his friend s
juices.  Mmm, give me more, he said. Chuck laughed a little.
 That's all I got for now, buddy. I may have some more later, he
said. Mike sucked him dry, just as he had done to him.
They both became hard again, so they threw some pillows
down on the floor and began to suck each other off sixty-nine style.
Mike came again, but Chuck was done for the time being. The two of
them just lay there exhausted.
When the phone rang, they jumped. It was Mike s wife.  Hi,
honey, what s up? he asked.  No, we're okay, another case of a beer
would be fine. Okay, see you in about half an hour.
Mike and Chuck quickly ran upstairs and took a shower
together, enjoying each other one last time. Their wives came home
and found them waiting for them in the living room, just as they had left
 Did you boys behave yourselves? You didn t make a mess,
did you? Chuck s wife asked. Mike looked at Chuck, and Chuck
looked at Mike. They were about to split a gut trying to keep from
laughing.  We were good, very good, they said in unison.  We were
just doing some guy things, you know.
Mike and Chuck went back to their usual lives after that, but
whenever they were together they thought of their afternoon together,
almost blushing at the thought of it.
It was about a month later that Mike was adding another coat
of paint to his kitchen when Chuck stopped by.  Guess the girls are
going shopping, he said, walking right on in.  Yeah, looks like it,
Mike said, glancing Chuck s way.  So, you up for a ride up the
beach?  The beach? Kinda cold, don t you think? Chuck gently
touched Mike s arm.  It doesn t have to be.  Let me put the paint
away, Mike said, with a grin.
They drove up the beach a ways and found a secluded part in
the sun. It was in the seventies out, warm for this time of year. No
one was around, so the two of them stretched out on their backs in
their swim trunks and relaxed.
Mike hadn t realized that he had dozed off, but when he
awoke he was staring at Chuck s cock. He looked up into Chuck s
face.  You d better cover up. Even though it s not all that warm, the
sun is burning you. Chuck sat down next to Mike.  Here, let s share
the blankets.  Okay, Mike agreed, not really awake yet. Chuck
looked better out here in the sun.
He sat down next to Mike and Mike took him all in. He could
see him a lot better than he could their first time together, back at his
house. The man did look good. He had clear skin, few wrinkles, was
fairly hairless, but Mike s stare was focused mostly on his friend s
Chuck reached over and grabbed a couple of beers from the
cooler and handed one to Mike. Mike was getting horny after staring
at Chuck s cock and after resting for awhile. He turned over onto his
stomach. He was getting hard and he didn t want Mike to know it just
yet.  Want some sunscreen on our back? Mike turned and looked at
his friend.  Sure, he said, nonchalantly. He wanted nothing better
than his friend s hands on his back or on any other part of his body, for
that matter.
Chuck reached into his bag, pulled out the bottle of lotion, and
began to spread it all over Mike s back. The back rub was nice, and it
soon became more of a caress, Chuck s hands moving slowly
downward. When he got to the top of Mike s shorts, he pulled them
down. Mike opened his legs without thinking, and let Chuck rub the
lotion on his butt. He began to rub between the mounds of flesh,
slowly, sensuously, along his crack. Mike was without a doubt rock
hard now. This felt so good.  Your ass feels good to the touch.
Mike couldn t believe the words that he had just heard. The next thing
he felt was a finger probing his asshole.
Chuck kept on rubbing lotion all over Mike s butt cheeks, and
then he was shoving two fingers into his hole. Mike turned his head to
look at Chuck s cock again. It was up, way up, and bigger than Mike
had remembered. Mike was moving his ass against Chuck s hand,
wanting more and more. Chuck had three fingers in him now, and it
felt good.  Oh, Chuck, he moaned.  Damn, Chuck.
Chuck moved around in front of Mike and his cock was now
right in front of Mike s mouth. He opened wide and his cock went
right in. There was already pre-cum waiting for him on the tip.
 Mmm, I needed a nice warm mouth like yours. I didn t forget what it
felt like.  Me either, Mike admitted. Chuck began to move his hips,
fucking Mike s mouth in full long strokes.  Oh, man, he said. Mike
could feel the heat from his friend s cock and then it began to throb.
Mike pulled it hard with his mouth, and Chuck s cock blasted down
his throat. Mike took every drop of his friend s cum.
Mike continued to hold the cock in his mouth as it became a
little softer and smaller. It was a little more comfortable to suck him
now.  Mike, you re the best, he said. Then he moved away from
Mike turned over, and Chuck looked at his friend s cock. He
nestled his face in Mike s crotch, took the hard cock into his mouth,
and began sucking it hard. Mike was afraid the head was going to
blow off. He was soon moaning and thrusting.  Chuck, he said. He
wanted to say more, but there was no time. He blasted a full load
down his friend s throat.
Chuck came up from Mike s crotch, licking his lips. Then he
pulled two more beers from the cooler. They lay back down on the
blanket and drank their beer, not saying much. Mike set his beer
down and turned over onto his stomach. Chuck set his beer down,
and took up right where he had left off before. He started to play with
Mike s ass again, but this time it was his face that Chuck felt inside his
crack as Mike began to tongue him. It felt good. It was erotic.
After awhile, Mike turned his head and said,  Let s take a dip
in the water.  It s going to be cold.  Come on, he urged. Mike got
up and began running toward the water. Chuck was right behind him.
Mike dove into the water and when he came back up, Chuck was
behind him and grabbed his hips and held on so tight that Mike could
feel the hardness of his cock between his butt cheeks. He started to
grind his crotch against Mike s ass. It felt so good that Mike was soon
pushing back against him. After a few more teasing minutes, Chuck
suggested they catch a few more rays before they had to get back
When Chuck emerged from the water, he looked like a Greed
god arising from the earth. He had a damn nice build, better than Mike
had remembered. Mike was wondering how it would feel to have that
big cock of his sliding into him between his butt cheeks with the rest of
that gorgeous body holding onto him. Mike was getting horny just
thinking about it.
They sat down again and finished their beer. Mike put his
hand on Chuck s thigh, poured some lotion on him, and slowly began
to rub up and down along the smooth muscled leg, gradually coming
closer and closer to his crotch. Mike was getting him really hot, and
that cock of his was visibly throbbing. Mike put some more lotion in
his hand, grabbed Chuck s cock and began to stroke it. Then he
brought his mouth down to Chuck s crotch, took the cock into his
mouth, and gave his friend a good five minutes or so of sucking on that
purple head. He licked away the first few drops of pre-cum, and then
he took every inch of the thing into his mouth until he felt the tip touch
the back of his throat. Gently squeezing at the base, Mike made the
veins stand out and the entire cock quiver. He watched as it began to
throb like crazy, and Chuck could not sit still. He was moving and
twisting, writhing and moaning.
Mike knew that it wouldn t be long before Chuck s juices
would shoot everywhere, so he got him to lie down on his back while
he sat astride him. He placed the tip of Chuck s gorgeous cock at the
entrance to his ass and very slowly and deliberately began to slide
down the solid rod. Expecting it to hurt like hell, Mike took it real
slow, but it wasn t hurting him. He kept on taking more and more of
it, little by little, until it was completely inside him. Then he began to
pump and he couldn t believe how good it felt. Each stroke was more
pleasurable than the one before it, and he gripped and released his
friend s cock with every stroke. Chuck s hands were kneading Mike s
butt and their hips were moving together. Mike soon felt his friend s
cock getting bigger as the veins filled up for the finale. The juices
began to rise from his balls. They coursed along the length of Chuck s
rigid pole, and then blasted out of him and into Mike. He gasped as
he was filled with his friend s juices. He never wanted it to stop. The
orgasm was unending.
Eventually, though, Chuck was pumped dry. Mike waited for
awhile, holding his friend s cock inside of him, and then eased himself
off. They both then lay back and rested in the sun.
Their thirst had been awakened and was still unquenched, and
within a short while they were hot for each other again. Mike got
down on all fours this time, point his ass skyward with his hole
completely exposed. He was ready for Chuck to take him that way,
from behind this time. Chuck slipped right in this time, and Mike s
moans of pleasure grew louder and louder with every thrust. When
Mike felt the hairs brush against his butt, he knew that all of Chuck
was his now. He began pumping Mike with all the vigor of the first
time. Then suddenly, he grabbed Mike s hips and let his hot cream
flood his friend s love channel. It was better than last time.  Oh,
Chuck, he moaned. Chuck was grunting and moaning just as loud as
his friend.
Finally exhausted, Chuck collapsed on Mike s back, and the
two lovers and friends fell asleep in the warmth of the sun and the
warmth of their lust for each other.
When they awoke, it was getting dark and they knew they had
to get back.  I didn t get much painting done today, did I?  No, you
didn t, you bad, bad boy, Chuck slapped his friend on the ass. They
arrived home just as the wives were getting back.  Where have you
two been? The beach? It s too cold. Chuck looked at Mike. Mike
just smiled.  It really wasn t cold at all, he said.
The foursome grilled steaks that night, the wives keeping their
shopping secrets between them, and the husbands keeping secrets of
their own.
~B.J. Scott~
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