From DOS/Windows to Linux HOWTO : For the Impatient
2. For the ImpatientWant to strike out? Have a look at this table:
DOS Linux Notes
ATTRIB (+-)attr file chmod <mode> file completely different
BACKUP tar -Mcvf device dir/ ditto
CD dirname\ cd dirname/ almost the same syntax
COPY file1 file2 cp file1 file2 ditto
DEL file rm file beware - no undelete
DELTREE dirname rm -R dirname/ ditto
DIR ls not exactly the same syntax
DIR file /S find . -name file completely different
EDIT file vi file I think you won't like it
jstar file feels like dos' edit
FORMAT fdformat,
mount, umount quite different syntax
HELP command man command, same philosophy
info command
MD dirname mkdir dirname/ almost the same syntax
MOVE file1 file2 mv file1 file2 ditto
NUL /dev/null ditto
PRINT file lpr file ditto
PRN /dev/lp0,
/dev/lp1 ditto
RD dirname rmdir dirname/ almost the same syntax
REN file1 file2 mv file1 file2 not for multiple files
RESTORE tar -Mxpvf device different syntax
TYPE file less file much better
WIN startx poles apart!If you need more than a table of commands, please refer to the following