Konwersacje dla średnio zaawansowanych

Listen & Learn
Angielski na mp3
Konwersacje dla średnio zaawansowanych
Spis treści Strona Ście\ka
Lesson 1 Family 2 track 1-5
Lesson 2 People s character and feelings 4 track 6-10
Lesson 3 Health 6 track 11-15
Lesson 4 Career prospects 8 track 16-20
Lesson 5 In business 10 track 21-25
Lesson 6 At work 12 track 26-30
Lesson 7 The Environment 14 track 31-35
Lesson 8 Climate 16 track 36-40
Lesson 9 Natural disasters 19 track 41-45
Lesson 10 Politics and the economy 21 track 46-50
Lesson 11 Science and technology 23 track 51-55
Lesson 12 Crime 25 track 56-60
Lesson 13 Entertainment 27 track 61-65
Lesson 14 Socialising 29 track 66-70
Lesson 15 Leisure 31 track 71-75
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Lesson 1 Family
1. Family and social relationships
Repeat the expressions
stan cywilny marital status miesiÄ…c miodowy a honeymoon
nazwisko panieńskie maiden name rocznica ślubu a wedding
kochać kogoś to be in love with sb anniversary
chodzić z kimś to go out with / związek a relationship /
to date sb a couple
adorować to adore zerwać związek to break a
oświadczyć się to propose to sb relationship / to split up / to break up
zaręczyć się to get engaged rozwóda divorce
narzeczony / -a fiance/e rozwieść się to get divorced
pobrać się to get married pogrzeb a funeral
ślub a wedding wdowa a widow
pan młody a bridegroom / wdowiec a widower
a groom spisać testament to make a will
panna młoda a bride odziedziczyć to inherit
świadek a best man fortuna a fortune
przyjęcie weselne a reception
2. Stages in life
Repeat the expressions
zajść w cią\ę to get pregnant dzieciństwo childhood
narodziny birth wiek młodzieńczy adolescence
dzień urodzenia date of birth dorastać to grow up
urodzić się to be born być dorosłym to be grown-up
być podobnym do to take after wychowywać dzieci to bring up children
someone jedynak an only child
chrzest christening rodzeństwo siblings
matka chrzestna / ojciec chrzestny samotny rodzic a single parent
a godmother / macocha a stepmother
a godfather ojczym a stepfather
urlop wychowawczy maternity leave pokolenie a generation
wczesne dzieciństwo / okres niemowlęctwa ró\nica pokoleń a generation gap
3. Family life
Repeat the possible questions about family life.
What s your marital status?
When did you get married?
Where did the reception take place?
Where did you go on the honeymoon?
When did you get pregnant?
When was your child born?
Did you have maternity leave?
Did you bring up the children alone?
Which anniversary did you celebrate this year?
Why did your friends split up?
Do you get on well with& .?
4. Your family
Answer the questions about you.
- When and where were you born? - When did you get engaged?
- ... - ...
I was born in Berlin in 1975. When I was at University.
- Do you take after your mother or - How many guests did you invite to
father? the reception?
- & - ...
I take after my mother. A lot.
- Are you an only child or do you - Is your relationship happy?
- ...
have siblings?
I think so.
- &
I have a brother.
- Did any of your friends get
- Where did you spend your divorced?
- ...
Yes, one couple.
- ...
I lived in a small town near Berlin.
- Will you inherit a fortune after
- Were you in love when you were your grandparents death?
- ...
at school?
Rather not.
- ...
Yes, many times!
5. Family occasions - invitations
Repeat the expressions.
I d like to invite you to my wedding.
Would you like to come?
I d love to.
Are you doing anything at the weekend?
Why don t we visit Grandma?
That s a good idea.
Today s our parents wedding anniversary. Let s buy them a present.
How about taking them to a restaurant for dinner?
That would be great.
Do you fancy coming to my birthday party?
Sorry, I m afraid I m busy.
Lesson 2 People s character & feelings
1. Positive and negative characteristics
Revise some character adjectives. Listen repeat the opposite expressions.
cheerful sad honest dishonest
polite rude calm aggressive
patient impatient sociable lonely
hard-working lazy ambitious unambitious
quiet talkative generous mean
self-confident shy tolerant intolerant
reliable unreliable friendly selfish
2. Character description
Learn more adjectives used to describe people s personalities. Listen and repeat.
sensowny, rozsÄ…dny sensible / punktualny punctual
reasonable niefrasobliwy, wesoły easy-going,
skromny modest light-hearted /
wdzięczny grateful fun-loving
pełen szacunku respectful przyjacielski, towarzyski outgoing /
na którym mo\na polegać reliable / open / extrovert
dependable / radosny, pogodny cheerful /
trustworthy good-natured
zdecydowany determined spontaniczny spontaneous
ambitny ambitious roztargniony absent-minded
dzielny, śmiały brave dominujący bossy
posłuszny obedient zapominalski forgetful
powściągliwy reserved tchórzliwy cowardly
pewny siebie self-confident zarozumiały conceited
wra\liwy sensitive ograniczony, nietolerancyjny
delikatny gentle narrow-minded
czarujÄ…cy charming uparty stubborn / obstinate
poczciwy good-natured samolubny selfish
gościnny hospitable
3. Feelings and emotions
Listen and repeat the expressions used to describe how people feel in different
sfrustrowany frustrated / fed up with sth
depressed rozczarowany disappointed with
zdesperowany desperate samotny lonely
nerwowy nervous about zmartwiony worried about /
zirytowany annoyed with sb / troubled
annoyed about sth wyczerpany exhausted
zły angry with sb / zmieszany confused
angry about sth zaniepokojony anxious about
smutny, przygnębiony upset about sth / przestraszony frightened of /
miserable scared of /
mający kogoś/czegoś dość terrified of
fed up with sb / pod wra\eniem impressed with
zdumiony amazed at / podekscytowany excited about /
amazed by / thrilled with
astonished at / szalony, zwariowany mad about sth
astonished by poruszony, wzruszony moved by /
zafascynowany fascinated with / touched by
fascinated by przytłoczony overwhelmed by
4. Emotions
Learn how to form nouns derived from adjectives describing people s personalities and
emotions. Listen and repeat.
angry anger amazed amazement
depressed depression astonished astonishment
sympathetic sympathy sad / miserable sadness / misery
fearful fear nervous nervousness
free freedom lonely loneliness
enthusiastic enthusiasm kind kindness
fascinated fascination respectful respect
joyful joy hesitant hesitation
5. Emotions
Now finish the sentences with an appropriate noun describing the emotions in the
following situations.
- If someone is fascinated with a new invention, they feel a great&
- &
- fascination
- Any time she felt sympathetic towards others problems she was accused of too
- &
- sympathy
- If someone is depressed after some personal misfortune, they suffer from&
- & .
- depression
- As the President gave a speech, the crowd stood in respectful silence, showing
- &
- respect
- We were all so astonished by the surprising news that we stared at the TV in&
- &
- astonishment
- The miserable living conditions in our old flat made our existence a real&
- &
- misery
- He wasn t hesitant about saving a drowning child and jumped into the cold water
without a moment s&
- &
- hesitation
- She has been desperately lonely after her husband s death and suffered from&
- &
- loneliness
Lesson 3 Health
1. Illnesses and health problems
Repeat the expressions.
cierpieć na to suffer from rak cancer
choroba a disease załamanie nerwowe a nervous
uleczalna / nieuleczalna breakdown
curable / incurable depresja depression
choroba zakazna infectious disease reumatyzm rheumatism
śmiertelna fatal disease alergia allergy
wyzdrowieć to recover from astma asthma
przeziębienie a cold migrena migraine
grypa influenza / flu złamana ręka / noga a broken arm /
zapalenie płuc pneumonia a broken leg
zatrucie pokarmowe food poisoning oparzenie a burn / a scald
choroba serca heart failure oparzenie na słońcu sunburn
zawał a heart attack skaleczenie a cut
2. Symptoms
Repeat the sentences describing what symptoms people feel during an illness.
I have a headache. I'm losing weight.
I've got a fever / a temperature. I have very high blood pressure.
I ve got a runny nose. I lost consciousness.
I'm sneezing. I've lost my appetite.
I've got a sore throat. I've got difficulties in breathing.
I've got a cough. I've got chest pains.
I ve got a rash. I've got painful joints.
I feel sick. I ve got a pain in my back.
I vomited. I feel anxious.
3. Being ill
Talk about the symptoms of illnesses in the following situations.
- You ve got food poisoning. - Your neighbour often suffers
- &
from depression.
I feel sick and I vomited several
- &
She feels anxious.
- Your friend has got flu.
- Old people frequently suffer from
- &
heart failure.
He s got a fever. He s got a sore
- &
throat and a cough.
They have very high blood pressure.
They've got chest pains.
- Your mother suffers from
- Your colleague has got asthma.
- &
- &
She has a headache. She feels sick.
He's got difficulties with breathing.
- Young children are sometimes
- Your workmate suffers from lung
allergic to cats.
- &
- &
They ve got runny noses and they
He s losing weight.
are sneezing.
4. A visit to a doctor
Repeat the expressions.
zbadać to examine
zmierzyć temperaturę to take a temperature
zmierzyć puls to take a pulse
zmierzyć ciśnienie to take a blood pressure
osłuchać to listen to someone s chest
przepisać lekarstwa to prescribe medicines
zaszczepić przeciwko chorobie to vaccinate someone against a disease
prześwietlić ramię to X-ray someone s arm
operować kogoś to operate on someone
zało\yć gips na nogę to put a leg in plaster
zało\yć banda\ to put a bandage on
wziąć środek przeciwbólowy to take a painkiller
wziąć antybiotyk to get an antibiotic
posmarować maścią to put some ointment on
5. Treatment
Talk about the usual treatment in the following situations.
- You ve got pneumonia. - You ve got heart failure.
- ... - &
I take an antibiotic. The doctor takes my pulse and blood
pressure, then prescribes some
- You ve got a broken arm. medicines.
- &
The nurse X-rays it and the doctor - You go away to a tropical island
puts it in plaster. and you need a vaccination.
- &
- You ve got flu. A nurse vaccinates me against
- & infectious diseases.
The doctor listens to my chest and
prescribes medicine. - You ve got lung cancer and you
need an operation.
- You ve got a terrible headache. - &
- & A surgeon operates on me in
I take a painkiller. hospital.
PART II Work & Career
Lesson 4 Career prospects
1. Looking for a job
Repeat the expressions.
dokumenty documents warunki pracy employmemnt
zło\yć podanie o pracę conditions
to apply for a job godziny pracy working hours
wypełnić formularz to fill in a form ubezpieczenie insurance
formularz podania o pracę pensja miesięczna a salary
an application form tygodniówka wages
\yciorys a CV / stawka za godzinÄ™ an hourly rate
a curriculum vitae pensja poczÄ…tkowa a starting salary
załączyć \yciorys to enclose a CV pensja podstawowa a basic salary
referencje references premia bonus
wykształcenie education / zapłata za pracę jednorazową
qualifications a payment
doświadczenie experience podwy\ka a pay rise
zainteresowania interests dostać podwy\kę to get a pay rise
rozmowa kwalifikacyjna
an interview
2. A job interview
Repeat the typical questions from a job interview.
Why do you want this job?
What are your qualifications?
Do you have any experience?
What do you think you are good at?
What languages do you speak?
What are your salary requirements?
What do you expect?
What s the basic salary?
Are there any bonuses?
Do I have any insurance?
What are the working hours?
How much holiday do I have?
3. Forms of employment
Repeat the expressions.
zatrudnić to employ / to hire praca sezonowa seasonal work
pracodawca an employer samozatrudniony self-employed
pracownik an employee kariera career
praca na cały etat a full-time job praca dobrze płatna a well-paid job
praca na pół etatu a part-time job zawód, zajęcie an occupation
praca stała a permanent job pracować dla... to work for...
praca tymczasowa a temporary job pracować w domu to work from home
praca fizyczna physical / zarabiać na \ycie jako...
manual work to earn a living as...
4. Out of work
Repeat the expressions.
stracić pracę to lose a job
wyrzucić z pracy to give sb the sack / to fire / to dismiss
zwolnić kogoś make sb redundant
bezrobotny unemployed / out of work
być na zasiłku to be on the dole / to get unemployment benefit
strajkować to go on strike
rzucić pracę to give up work
zrezygnować to resign
przedło\yć rezygnację to hand in your resignation
przejść na emeryturę to retire
emerytura retirement / pension
zrobić przerwę od pracy to have a break from work
5. Employment conditions
Answer the questions about people s situations at work.
- If someone is earning money from their own business what is their employment
- &
- They are self-employed.
- What kind of job do students get on farms during holidays?
- &
- They get seasonal work.
- What job has he finally got after a lot of part-time jobs?
- &
- He has got a full-time job.
- Where do the people work if they don t leave home to work?
- &
- They work from home.
- If the company suffers from a difficult economic situation what do they do with the
- &
- They make the employees redundant.
- What money do the unemployed people get?
- &
- They get unemployment benefit.
- If the workers are not satisfied with the employment conditions, what may they
- &
- They may go on strike.
- If someone finds a better job what does he hand in to an employer?
- &
- He hands in his resignation.
Lesson 5 In business
1. Business organisation
Listen and repeat the expressions.
firma a company / business
firma międzynarodowa a multinational
prowadzić firmę to run a business
zarządzać to manage / to head
kierownictwo management
siedziba główna headquarters / the head office
pion a division
departament a department
filia regionalna a regional branch
spółka zale\na a subsidiary
fabryka a factory
zlokalizowany based in & / located in&
lokalizacja a location
liczba osób zatrudnionych a number of employees
2. Positions in a company
Repeat the words describing different positions in a company.
prezes President / Chairman of the Board / Chief Executive Officer
wice-prezes Deputy or Vice-President / Deputy or Vice-Chairman
zarzÄ…d the Board
dyrektor zarzÄ…dzajÄ…cy a managing director / head
dyrektor a director
zastępca a deputy director
kierownik, specjalista a senior manager
manager a manager
doradca an executive manager
asystent an assistant
personel staff
zespół a team
pracownik a worker
3. Company activities
Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences describing the tasks of
different departments in a company.
zatrudniać pracowników to recruit employees The Personnel Department recruits
new employees.
wypłacać wynagrodzenie to pay the staff The Wages and Salaries Department
pays the staff.
kursy training courses The Training Department organises
training courses for the employees.
produkować to manufacture / to produce The Production Department
manufactures the products.
sprawdzać jakość to check the quality The Quality Department checks the
quality of products.
wprowadzać produkt to introduce a product The Marketing Department
introduces a new product on the
sprzedawać to sell The Sales Department sells the
prowadzić kampanię reklamową to run an advertising campaign The Advertising
Department runs advertising
zajmować się to deal with The Finance Department deals with
taxation and investment matters.
4. Company fact file
Listen and repeat the expressions.
du\y zakres produktów a wide range wzrastać to increase /
of products to go up / to rise
produkty wysokiej jakości high-quality maleć, spadać to decrease / to go
products down / to fall
zaawansowana technologia advanced obrót turnover
technology przychód income
konkurencyjne ceny competitive prices zysk profit
rynki zbytu markets podatki taxes
zdobywać nowe rynki to gain new markets inwestować pieniądze w...
być liderem na rynku to be a market to invest money in...
leader badania research
udziały w rynku market shares rozwój development
sprzeda\ sales bie\Ä…ce projekty current projects
sprzeda\ na rynku krajowym home sales rozszerzać działalność
export export sales to expand activities
wyniki sprzeda\y sales figures
5. Company presentation
Repeat the statements from the company presentation.
The company produces a wide range of products.
The products are of high quality.
The company sells products at very competitive prices.
They are gaining new markets.
The home sales have increased this year.
The cost of managing the company has fallen.
The financial results have been excellent.
The company uses the most advanced technology.
They invest money in research and development.
They have expanded their activities this year.
The company is planning to introduce new, enhanced products.
Lesson 6 At work
1. Everyday responsibilities
Repeat the expressions.
odpowiedzialność responsibility / duties
być odpowiedzialnym to be responsible for / to be in charge of
wykonywać pracę to do a job
zadanie, projekt a project
przejąć obowiązki to take over from sb
zajmować się to deal with sth
pracować samodzielnie to work alone
pracować w grupie to work in a group
praca zespołowa teamwork
rywalizować to team up with sb
współpracownik a colleague / a workmate
pracować nadgodziny to work / do overtime
być na dy\urze to be on duty
być po dy\urze to be off duty
mieć dzień wolny to have a day off
iść na urlop to take leave / to have a holiday
nosić mundur, uniform to wear a uniform
2. Making appointments
Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat some possible sentences with the
umówić się na spotkanie to make an appointment I d like to make an
zorganizować spotkanie to arrange a meeting Can we arrange a meeting?
pasować to suit What day would suit you?
pasować to be fine Monday s fine.
być wolnym to be free Are you free on 14th?
być zajętym to be busy / to be tied up I m afraid I m busy then.
odpowiedni convenient Is 11 o clock convenient?
ustalić inny termin to fix another time Could we fix another time?
przeło\yć spotkanie to reschedule a meeting I d like to reschedule the
potwierdzić zmianę to confirm the change Can you confirm the change?
dać radę to make it / to manage I can t make it then.
ustalać to make arrangements Let s make some
3. Making arrangements
Take part in a conversation with a secretary. Follow the instructions and arrange a
meeting with the manager.
- Anything I can do for you?
- (Ask if you can arrange a meeting with the manager.) &
Can I arrange a meeting with the manager?
- What day would suit you?
- (Suggest Tuesday.) &
How about Tuesday?
- OK. He s busy in the morning but you can meet him after lunch. Is 3 p.m.
- (Say you can t make it then.) &
- I can t make it then, I m afraid.
- Well, hold on a minute&
- (Ask if you could fix another time.) &
Could we fix another time?
- Certainly, how about 5 p.m.?
- (Say it suits you and thank the secretary.) &
5 suits me. Thank you very much.
- You re welcome. See you then.
4. Telephoning at work
Repeat the expressions.
Mówi pani Brown. This is Ms Brown.
Czy mogę rozmawiać z dyrektorem? Can I speak to the manager, please?
Kto dzwoni? Who s calling, please?
AÄ…czÄ™. I ll put you through.
Proszę mówić. Go ahead.
Numer wewnętrzny 114. Extension 114.
Proszę poczekać. Hang on, please. / Hold on, please.
Linia jest zajęta. The line s busy.
Zaraz go poproszÄ™. I ll just get him.
Przy telefonie. Speaking.
Obawiam siÄ™, \e nie jest osiÄ…galny w tej chwili. I m afraid he isn t available at the
Nie ma go. He s not in.
Nie ma jej w biurze. She isn t in the office now.
Rozmawia przez drugi telefon. She s on the other line.
Czy mam coś przekazać? Can I take a message?
Oddzwonię pózniej. I ll ring back later.
Czy mogę zostawić wiadomość? Can I leave a message?
Proszę poczekać. Wezmę pióro. Hold on. I ll get a pen.
Czy mo\e pani przekazać jej wiadomość? Could you give her a message?
5. Meeting people at work
Repeat the expressions frequently used in discussions.
Musimy to przedyskutować& We need to discuss&
Myślę, \e powinniśmy... I think we should...
Myślę, \e nie powinniśmy... I don t think we should...
Co sÄ…dzisz na ten temat? How do you feel about this?
Jakie masz zdanie na ten temat? Any views on this?
Co o tym myślisz? What do you think about this?
Myślę, \e... I think&
Nie sÄ…dzÄ™, \e... I don t think&
Wydaje mi siÄ™, \e... It seems to me that...
WierzÄ™, \e& . I believe that&
Moim zdaniem... In my opinion...
Z jednej strony... On the one hand...
...ale z drugiej strony... ...but on the other hand...
Tak, zgadzam siÄ™. Yes, I agree.
Całkowicie się zgadzam I agree entirely.
Zgadzam siÄ™ do pewnego stopnia... I agree to some extent.
Obawiam się, \e nie mogę się z tobą zgodzić. I m afraid I can t agree with you.
Rozumiem, o co ci chodzi, ale& I see your point, but...
Rozumiem, co masz na myśli, ale& I see what you mean, but...
Nie mogę się z tobą / z tym zgodzić. I can t agree with you. / I can t agree with that.
Lesson 7 The Environment
1. Landscapes
Repeat the names of different landscapes with the appropriate prepositions
nad morzem at the seaside w dolinie in a valley
wzdłu\ brzegu along the coast w lesie in a forest
na pla\y on the beach wzdłu\ ście\ki along a path
w górach in the mountains nad jeziorem by a lake
w górę / w dół wzgórza w strumyku in a stream
up / down a hill nad brzegiem rzeki on a river bank
na szczycie on a peak na pustyni in a desert
2. Pollution and damage to the environment
Repeat the expressions
zanieczyszczenie powietrza air pollution
zanieczyszczenie wody water pollution
kwaśny deszcz acid rain
wyciek ropy oil spill
emitowanie gazów emission of gases
spaliny exhaust fumes
smog smog
globalne ocieplenie global warming
efekt cieplarniany greenhouse effect
dziury w powłoce ozonowej holes in the ozone layer
składowanie śmieci waste and rubbish disposal
odpady radioaktywne nuclear waste
wycinanie lasów deforestation
zanieczyszczać, ska\ać to contaminate
niszczenie dzikiej przyrody wildlife destruction
gatunki zagro\one endangered species
wyginąć to become extinct
niszczenie naturalnego środowiska destroying the natural habitat
polowanie na zwierzęta hunting animals
3. Environmental problems
Repeat the sentences describing the environment problems.
The air is polluted by gases emitted into the atmosphere.
Factories and cars release poisonous chemicals into the air.
The acid rain contaminates land and crops.
The average temperatures on Earth are rising.
The climate on earth is getting warmer.
The ice in cold regions is melting faster.
The continents may be gradually covered by the oceans and seas.
People are producing more and more rubbish.
Nuclear waste can contaminate land, water and air.
Forests are disappearing as trees are burnt or cut down.
As a result of the destruction of forests there is less oxygen.
The emission of carbon dioxide is getting greater.
There are many endangered species which are becoming extinct.
4. Green living
Repeat the expressions
energooszczędny energy-saving
energia słoneczna solar energy
energia wodna water power
sortowanie śmieci sorting out rubbish
utylizacja recycling
przetworzony papier / plastik recycled paper / plastic
zwrotne opakowania returnable packages
benzyna bezołowiowa unleaded petrol
organiczny organic
przyjazny dla powłoki ozonowej ozone-friendly
produkty ekologiczne ecological products
ponownie wykorzystywać to re-use
5. Solving environmental problems
Repeat the sentences describing the ways of improving the situation of the environment.
The emission of gases should be controlled.
Stricter norms should be imposed on industry and car engines.
People should use ecological sources of energy, e.g. solar energy.
Production of waste should be limited.
We should encourage recycling.
Glass, paper and plastic can be recycled.
People should use reusable containers.
Organic waste can be used in agriculture.
Hunting should be strictly controlled.
People should replace fur coats with artificial furs.
People should use fewer wooden things.
The media should inform people about environmental problems.
The schools should teach children how to protect the environment.
Lesson 8 Climate
1. Weather conditions
Repeat the expressions
słoneczna pogoda sunny weather błyskawica lightning
niestabilna pogoda unsettled weather wiać (o wietrze) to blow
gorÄ…co, upalnie hot / boiling wietrznie windy
zimno cold / chilly huragan, wichura hurricane
lodowato freezing / bryza, wietrzyk breeze
freezing cold mgła fog / mist
mrozno frosty śnieg snow
wilgotno humid pochmurno cloudy
sucho dry bezchmurne niebo blue sky /
przelotny deszcz shower clear sky
słaby deszcz light rain Przejaśnia się It s clearing up.
silny deszcz heavy rain Zanosi siÄ™ na deszcz. It looks like rain.
ulewa downpour średnia temperatura average
opady deszczu rainfall temperature
opady śniegu snowfall powy\ej / poni\ej zera
burza storm above / below zero
grzmot thunder
2. Weather nouns and adjectives
Listen and repeat typical nouns and adjectives describing weather conditions.
sun sunny fog foggy
cloud cloudy mist misty
snow snowy heat hot
rain rainy chill chilly
storm stormy ice icy
shower showery frost frosty
3. The climate of England
Listen and repeat the sentences describing the weather conditions in England.
England has a moderate climate and plentiful rainfall.
It s quite rainy, especially in autumn and winter.
In spring and summer, it is quite showery.
The air is often humid.
The seasons are quite variable in temperature.
In summer the average temperature is about 15 degrees Celsius.
In winter the temperature varies from 4 to 7 degrees Celsius.
It rarely falls below -5 °C.
The prevailing wind blows from the southwest.
It is driest in the east and warmest in the south.
Snowfall can occur in winter and early spring.
4. The weather in your country.
Answer the questions about the typical weather conditions in your country.
- Is it rainy in autumn and winter?
- &
- It s rainy in autumn but it snows a lot in winter, especially in the mountains.
- Is the air often humid or dry?
- &
- It s quite humid at the seaside, and dry in the rest of the country.
- What are the average temperatures in summer?
- &
- In summer the average temperature is 20 degrees Celsius.
- Which part of the country is the warmest in summer?
- &
- In summer the south and the east are the warmest regions of the country.
- Do the temperatures fall below zero in winter?
- &
- Yes, very often.
- Where does the wind blow from?
- &
- It usually blows from the west or north-west.
5. The weather forecast
Listen and repeat the sentences from the weather forecast.
Here is the weather forecast for the next twenty-four hours.
It ll be mainly dry and sunny, but quite cold.
The temperatures will be around six or seven degrees Celsius.
It should stay dry all day, but there ll be quite a wind.
In the west of the country you can expect some rain in the morning.
And the temperature will be lower than yesterday.
The cold front moves in over the Atlantic.
So over much of the north it will be cloudy and windy at night.
Lesson 9 Natural disasters
1. Disasters
Listen and repeat the expressions.
trzęsienie ziemi an earthquake
powódz a flood
po\ar a fire
huragan a hurricane
wybuch wulkanu a volcanic eruption
susza a drought
lawina an avalanche
2. Causes of disasters
Listen and repeat the expressions.
przedłu\ające się deszcze long-lasting rain
ulewne deszcze excessive rain
topiący się śnieg melting snow
ruchy tektoniczne wewnÄ…trz ziemi tectonic movements inside the earth
piorun lightning
brak opadów lack of rain
ró\nice ciśnień differences of air pressure
wzrost temperatury wewnÄ…trz wulkanu increased temperature inside the volcano
ciśnienie lawy wewnątrz wulkanu pressure of lava inside the volcano
podpalenie arson
błędy ludzkie human mistakes
3. Consequences of disasters
Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences.
być w niebezpieczeństwie to be in danger People panic as their lives are in danger.
ofiary casualties There are plenty of casualties.
ranni injured people There are many injured people.
uwięzić pod gruzami to trap under debris People are trapped under debris.
zawalić się to collapse A lot of buildings collapsed.
uszkodzić to damage Public transport is damaged.
odciąć to cut off Gas and electricity are cut off.
brak a shortage There is a shortage of water.
epidemia an epidemic There is a danger of an epidemic.
zarazić to infect People and animals can be infected.
niszczyć to destroy Fields and villages are destroyed.
własność property People lose homes and property.
straty losses There are losses in agriculture.
4. Rescue actions
Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences about the actions provided.
ewakuować to evacuate The people and animals were evacuated by
the army.
tymczasowe schronienie a temporary shelter Temporary shelters were built.
sprowadzić to bring The food and water were brought from
other areas.
ekipa ratunkowa a rescue team The rescue teams helped the injured.
dostarczyć to provide Some necessary medicines were provided
by the international organisations.
dostępna accessible Accessible medical help was organised in
the temporary hospitals.
ugasić po\ar to put out fire The fire brigade put out the fire as soon as
rozszerzać się to spread They prevented the fire from spreading.
ukryć to hide The people hid in their basements and other
safe places.
oszacować to estimate The government estimated the number of
5. The rescue action after an earthquake.
Answer the questions.
- Who evacuated the people?
- &
- They were evacuated by the Army.
- What was built for the refugees?
- &
- They built temporary shelters.
- Where were the food and water brought from?
- &
- They were brought from other areas.
- Where was the medical help organised?
- &
- It was organised in the temporary hospitals.
- What did the international organisations provide?
- &
- They provided some necessary medicines.
- Who helped the injured?
- &
- The rescue teams helped the injured.
- Where did some people hide?
- &
- The people hid in their basements and other safe places.
- What did the government estimate?
- &
- The government estimated the number of casualties.
Lesson 10 Politics and the economy
1. State & society
Listen and repeat the expressions.
państwo the state / the country demokracja democracy
naród the people / the nation republika republic
ojczyzna a home country monarchia monarchy
granica a border / frontier niepodległość independence
hymn narodowy a national anthem ambasada an embassy
flaga narodowa a national flag ambasador an ambassador
liczba ludności a population konsulat a consulate
mieszkaniec an inhabitant konsul a consul
społeczeństwo a society dyplomata a diplomat
system polityczny a political system
2. Authorities
Listen and repeat the expressions.
władze the authorities koalicja coalition
wybory election opozycja opposition
głosować to vote władze lokalne local authorities
konstytucja the constitution burmistrz the Mayor
parlament the Parliament rada miejska The Town Council
stanowić prawo to make law partia polityczna political party
uchwalać ustawy to pass laws konserwatywna conservative
rozporzÄ…dzenia directives prawicowa right-wing
głowa państwa the head of state lewicowa left-wing
prezydent the President liberalna liberal
rzÄ…d the Cabinet / republikanin republican
a government członek partii a party member
tworzyć rząd to form a lider a leader
government polityk a politician
rządzić to govern / to rule koronacja coronation
Premier the Prime Minister osobistość a celebrity
Rada Ministrów the Council of przewodniczący a chairman
3. The political system in Poland
Listen and repeat the sentences.
Poland is a parliamentary republic.
People vote in an election to choose Members of Parliament.
The elections to Parliament take place every four years.
The members of Parliament are elected by citizens over 18 years of age.
The Sejm and the Senate are the two chambers of Parliament.
Parliament makes law.
The Sejm votes on laws and establishes directives for the activities of the state.
The Senate is a representative body.
The presidential election is held every five years.
The President is the most senior representative of the Polish State.
The winning political party usually forms a coalition to form the Cabinet.
The Prime Minister is appointed by the President.
The Prime Minister states the politics of the government in his expose.
The Opposition plays an important role in politics.
They control the Cabinet to make sure their actions are not against the law.
4. The economy
Listen and repeat the expressions.
system ekonomiczny economic system przemysł industry
waluta a currency przemysł cię\ki heavy industry
bud\et a budget górnictwo mining
system podatkowy tax system rolnictwo agriculture
inflacja inflation opieka zdrowotna health care
stopa inflacji a rate of inflation wojsko army
finanse finances policja police
handel zagraniczny foreign trade słu\by ratunkowe emergency services
import / export import / export
5. Economic report
Listen and repeat the sentences from the report on the performance of the UK economy
in the last few years.
The UK has the second largest economy in Europe.
It is a member of the European Union and the G8 Group.
Inflation and unemployment remain relatively low.
The rate of inflation was 2.3% in 2006.
Unemployment reached 5.6%.
The main industries are transport equipment and electronics.
The manufacturing industry accounted for 16% of national output.
Agriculture is highly mechanised, producing about 60% of food needs.
The service sector is the dominant sector of the UK economy.
46% of the labour force was employed in the service sector in 2004.
Imports are growing at a faster rate than exports.
The USA remains the UK s most important economic partner.
Its share in the total value of UK exports was 15% in 2004.
It amounted to 8.7% in imports.
Lesson 11 Science and technology
1. New inventions and discoveries
Listen and repeat the expressions
wynalazek an invention laboratorium a laboratory
wynalezć to invent eksperyment an experiment
opatentować wynalazek to patent an przeprowadzić eksperyment
invention to carry out an experiment / to do an
odkrycie a discovery experiment /to perform an experiment
odkryć to discover dowiedzieć się to find out
rozwój a development nauka science
rozwijać to develop naukowy scientific
polepszenie an improvement teoria naukowa scientific theory
polepszyć to improve rewolucjonizować to revolutionise
osiągnięcie an achievement wpływać to influence
osiągnąć to achieve statystyka statistics
badania naukowe research dane statystyczne statistical data
prowadzić badania to carry out / to do /
to conduct research
2. Modern communications and computers
Listen and repeat the expressions
media the media twardy dysk a hard disk
fax a fax dyskietka a floppy disk
telefon a phone napęd CD CD drive
telefon komórkowy a mobile przenośny dysk a pen drive
poczta głosowa voice mail plik a file
Internet the Internet program komputerowy a computer
bezprzewodowy wireless program
podłączony do Internetu wired informatyk a programmer
e-mail an e-mail technologia informatyczna
komputer osobisty a personal computer information
monitor a monitor technology
klawiatura a keyboard pisać programy to write computer
drukarka a printer programs
laptop a lap-top computer projektować strony www to design
dane data websites
baza danych database
3. Computer technology in everyday life
Listen and repeat the expressions
włączyć komputer to start up / to power up a computer
otworzyć plik to open a file / to open a document
wprowadzać informacje to enter information
kopiować to copy
wyciąć to cut
wkleić to paste
usunąć to delete
przewijać stronę to scroll up and down a page
szukać w Internecie to surf the Internet
ściągnąć pliki, zdjęcia to download files, photos
zainstalować program to install a program
odinstalować to uninstall
wysyłać wiadomości to send messages
sprawdzać skrzynkę to check your message box
otrzymywać wiadomości to receive messages
wysłać e-mail na adres to send an e-mail to an address
wysłać w załączniku to send sth as an attachment
przechowywać informacje to store
mieć dostęp do informacji to access information
wydrukować to print
robić obliczenia to do calculations
wpisać formułę to write a formula
edytować dokument to edit a document
formatować dysk to format a disk
 czatować to chat online
grać w gry komputerowe to play computer games
 wypalić płytę to burn a CD / a DVD
zamknąć plik to close a file
zapisać dane to save your work
zamknąć komputer to shut down a computer
wymienić pojemnik z tuszem to replace a cartridge
naprawić to fix / to repair / to mend
4. Requests
Listen and repeat the expressions
Can you help me download the program?
Can you give me some advice how to do calculations in this program?
Could we carry out the experiment?
Will you help me use my voice mail?
Can we format a disk together?
Do you think you could show me how to surf the Internet?
Do you think you could possibly fix my printer?
Would you mind sending me an e-mail?
Help me replace the cartridge, please.
5. Instructions
Listen and repeat the expressions. Then repeat the sentences giving instructions how to
use a mobile.
uruchomić to assemble To assemble your phone, first insert the SIM card.
wło\yć to insert Then insert and charge the battery.
podłączyć to connect Connect the charger to the phone.
ładować to charge Allow 2 hours for the battery to charge.
uaktywnić to activate To activate the services in your phone, enter the PIN.
przytrzymać to hold To turn the phone on and off, press and hold the  start
wybrać to select At first set-up, select the language for phone menus.
wprowadzić to enter To make a call, enter the phone number and press  Call
wcisnąć to press Press  End call to end the call.
odebrać telefon to answer To answer a call, open the phone.
Lesson 12 Crime
1. Crimes and criminals
Listen and repeat the expressions
kradzie\ / złodziej theft / a thief
kradzie\ w sklepie / złodziej sklepowy shoplifting / a shoplifter
kradzie\ kieszonkowa / kieszonkowiec pickpocketing / a pickpocket
napad uliczny / rabuÅ› mugging / a mugger
kradzie\ z włamaniem / włamywacz burglary / a burglar
napad / złodziej robbery / a robber
morderstwo / morderca murder / a murderer
porwanie samolotu / porywacz hijack / a hijacker
porwanie / porywacz kidnapping / a kidnapper
gwałt / gwałciciel rape / a rapist
podpalenie / podpalacz arson / an arsonist
przemyt / przemytnik smuggling / a smuggler
handel narkotykami / handlarz narkotyków drug trafficking / drug dealing //
a drug dealer
szanta\ / szanta\ysta blackmail / blackmailer
oszustwo / oszust fraud / a fraudster
wandalizm / wandal vandalism / a vandal
przekroczenie prędkości speeding
2. Breaking the law
Listen and repeat the expressions
złamać prawo to break the law zgwałcić to rape
popełnić przestępstwo szmuglować to smuggle
to commit a crime sprzedawać narkotyki to sell drugs
kraść to steal przekroczyć prędkość to speed
kraść w sklepie to shoplift niszczyć to smash
napaść i obrabować to mug być uzbrojonym w bombę to be armed
włamać się do& to burgle with a bomb
zamordować to murder / to kill nosić maskę to wear a mask
porwać samolot to hijack a plane przekupić to bribe
porwać to kidnap
3. Investigation
Listen and repeat the expressions
wezwać policję to call the police
prowadzić śledztwo to investigate
przesłuchiwać świadka to question a witness
znalezć dowody/zebrać dowody to find evidence / to gather evidence
odciski palców fingerprints
narzędzie zbrodni murder weapon
złapać przestępcę to catch a criminal
podejrzewać to suspect
aresztować podejrzanego to arrest a suspect
oskar\yć to accuse sb of a crime / charge sb with a crime
zwolnić podejrzanego to release a suspect
uciec to escape
uniknąć kary to get away
4. Punishment
Listen and repeat the expressions
podać kogoś do sądu to take someone to court
pozwać to sue someone
sÄ…d a court of law
sądzić oskar\onego to try an accused
sędzia a judge
ława przysięgłych a jury
adwokat a barrister /a lawyer
prokurator a prosecutor
proces a trial
wyrok a sentence
wydać wyrok to pass a sentence
uznać kogoś za winnego/niewinnego to find sb guilty / innocent
skazać kogoś na& to sentence sb to&
kara więzienia imprisonment
kara do\ywocia life imprisonment
kara śmierci capital punishment
wysłać kogoś do więzienia to send sb to prison
ukarać mandatem / grzywną to fine sb
zwolnić kogoś za kaucją to release sb on bail
5. Crime description
Listen and repeat the sentences.
Charles Chang was suspected for months.
When the police gathered some evidence against him he was arrested.
He was questioned and his fingerprints were taken.
He was accused of several burglaries in the area.
He was tried for the crime. / He was sent for trial.
The jury found him guilty.
He was sentenced to 5 years in prison.
He didn t get away with the crime.
Lesson 13 Entertainment
1. Art
Repeat the expressions
sztuki piękne fine arts malarstwo painting
dzieło sztuki a piece of art / rzezba sculpture
a work of art grafika graphics
arcydzieło a masterpiece fotografia photography
galeria sztuki art gallery portret a portrait
wystawa an exhibition pejza\ a landscape
eksponat an exhibit rysunek a drawing
pracownia artysty an art studio szkic a sketch
profesjonalista a professional projekt a design
amator an amateur
2. Literature, theatre and film
Repeat the expressions
literatura piękna, beletrystyka przedstawienie, spektakl
fiction a performance /
literatura faktu non-fiction a show
powieść a novel przerwa w sztuce an interval
opowiadanie a story widownia an audience
poezja poetry grać w filmie to act / to play /
wiersz a poem to star / to feature in
biografia a biography a film
dramat a drama adaptacja an adaptation
akcja, wÄ…tek a plot film oparty na a film based on&
bohater / postać literacka scenariusz a screenplay
a character re\yser a director
krytyka literacka literary criticism obsada a cast
bestseller a bestseller postać wiodąca a main / leading role
recenzja a review osadzić akcję to set
dramaturg a playwright ście\ka d\więkowa a soundtrack
sztuka teatralna a play efekty specjalne special effects
musical a musical kaskader a stuntman
3. Music
Repeat the expressions
muzyka klasyczna classical music autor piosenek a songwriter
muzyka współczesna modern music tekst piosenki lyrics
komponować to compose zespół muzyczny a band / a group of
kompozytor a composer musicians
sala koncertowa a concert hall nagrać album to record an album
orkiestra an orchestra wydać singiel to release a single
dyrygować to conduct lista przebojów the charts
opera opera dać koncert to give a concert
balet ballet
wziąć udział w festiwalu to take part wygrać to win
in a festival
4. Expressing preferences
Repeat the expressions.
bawić się to entertain / to enjoy
interesować się to be interested in&
lubić to be keen on& / to enjoy
woleć to prefer
być fanem to be a fan of
nie móc znieść can t stand
zniechęcać to put off
ulubiony favourite
jest warte... it s worth...
sądzić o& to feel about& / to speak one s mind
nie ma sensu there s no point in&
szczerze mówiąc frankly speaking
w zasadzie as a matter of fact
5. Asking for and giving opinions
Answer the questions and give your opinion about different forms of entertainment?
- Do you enjoy going to the theatre?
- &
- Not, really. As a matter of fact, I prefer the cinema.
- Are you interested in classical music?
- &
- Yes, Mozart is my favourite.
- How do you feel about jazz?
- &
- I enjoy it very much.
- Do you think ballet is worth seeing?
- &
- It depends. Frankly speaking, I can t stand it.
- What is your favourite piece of poetry?
- &
- I don t have a favourite but I m keen on Eliot s poetry.
- What s your opinion on action films?
- &
- I don t like them very much. Too many special effects put me off.
Lesson 14 Socialising
1. Social relations
Repeat the expressions
być z kimś w dobrych stosunkach to get on well with someone
polubić kogoś to take to someone
okazywać szacunek to respect / to look up to someone
uwa\ać za wzór to regard sb as a role-model
traktować z pogardą to despise / to look down on someone
wspierać to support
ufać to trust
polegać na kimś to rely on
liczyć na kogoś to count on someone
wątpić w kogoś to doubt someone
rozczarować to disappoint / to let sb down
przyjaznić się to make friends with someone
podziwiać to admire
być zauroczonym, zafascynowanym kims to be fascinated by
zazdrościć to envy
mieć zastrze\enia do kogoś to have reservations about sb
być z kimś w konflikcie to be in conflict with sb
2. Ways of communicating
Repeat the expressions
porozumiewać się to communicate fantazjować to fantasise
skontaktować się to get hold of / przechwalać się to boast
to get in touch wyznać to confess
być w kontakcie to keep in touch błagać to beg
zamienić z kim słowo kontynuować to carry on
to have a word with gwizdać to whistle
ogłosić to announce wykrzyknąć to exclaim
zakładać to assume okazać złość lub zdziwienie marszcząc brwi
potwierdzić to confirm to frown
przeszkodzić to interrupt poklepać przyjaznie to pat
wspomnieć to bring up lamentować to moan
mówić prawdę to tell the truth szlochać to sob
kłamać to tell lies nucić to hum
3. Arguing
Repeat the expressions
kłócić się to argue / to have an zmuszać kogoś do czegoś
argument with to force sb to do sth
sprzeczać to row / naciskać na kogoś, wywierać presję
to have a row to put pressure on
skar\yć się to complain / przeciwstawiać się to contradict
to make a complaint twierdzić to claim
obrazić kogoś to insult sb nalegać to insist
zle zrozumieć to misunderstand przypomnieć to remind
zaprzeczyć to deny
grozić to threaten udawać to pretend
mieć śmiałość to dare doprowadzac kogoś do szału
odmówić to refuse to drive sb mad
domagać się to demand zachowywać się stosownie do wieku
ostrzec to warn to act your age
oskar\ać to accuse zostawić kogoś w spokoju
przeszkadzać to disturb to leave sb alone
4. Solving problems
Repeat the expressions
zachęcić to encourage przyznać to admit
proponować to suggest / rozwa\yć to consider
to recommend zdecydować to decide /
obiecać to promise / to make a decision /
to make a promise to make up one s
poradzić to advise mind
przeprosić to apologise / wierzyć to believe
to say sorry rozwiązać problem to sort out a
\ałować to regret problem
wybaczyć to forgive znalezć rozwiązanie to come up with a
przekonać to persuade solution
zaakceptować to accept zdołać to manage to do
zgodzić się to agree pogodzić się to make up with sb
przekonać to convince
5. Complaining and dealing with complaints
Repeat the expressions
Mam problem z.... I ve got a problem with...
Chciałbym zło\yć za\alenie na& I d like to complain about&
Przykro mi to mówić, ale... I m sorry to say this but...
Przepraszam, \e przeszkadzam, ale& I m sorry to trouble you but&
Bardzo przepraszam. I m very sorry. / I m terribly sorry.
ProszÄ™ wybacz. Please forgive me.
Nie chciałem tego zrobić. I didn t mean to do it.
To się więcej nie powtórzy. It won t happen again.
Wymienimy to. We ll replace it.
W porzÄ…dku, nie martw siÄ™. That s all right, don t worry.
Nic nie szkodzi Never mind.
To nie twoja wina. It s not your fault.
Jak mogłeś to zrobić? How could you do that?
Co zamierzasz z tym zrobić? What are you going to do about it?
PoproszÄ™ o nowy egzemplarz. Could I have a new one?
Chciałbym zwrot pieniędzy. I d like a refund.
Wolałbym zwrot pieniędzy. I d rather have my money back.
Lesson 15 Leisure
1. Meeting people
Repeat the expressions
wpaść do kogoś to come round wziąć udział to take part in
czuć się jak u siebie to make yourself at witać to greet / to welcome
home przedstawić to introduce
zaprosić to invite uścisnąć dłonie to shake hands
urządzić przyjęcie to throw a party przenocować kogoś to put sb up for the
powiedzieć kawał to tell a joke night
przyłączyć się to join świętować to celebrate
być gotowym to be ready czekać z niecierpliwością
tęsknić to long for to look forward to
2. Travelling
Repeat the expressions
być w drodze to be on one s way odebrać kogoś to pick sb up
pytać / pokazać drogę to ask the way / podrzucić kogoś to drop sb
to show the way somewhere
zgubić się to get lost benzyna się skończyła to run out of petrol
przyjechać to arrive in a town / zatankować to fill up
to arrive at a place wyruszyć w podró\ to set off / to set out
autostrada a motorway / on a journey
a highway złapać samolot to catch a plane
dodać gazu to speed up zrobić rezerwację to make a
jechać z du\ą prędkością reservation
to go at high speed wycieczka zorganizowana
zapiąć pasy to fasten a seatbelt package holiday
ruch uliczny traffic plan wycieczki itinerary
korek a traffic jam podró\ować autostopem to hitch-hike
utknąć w korku to be held up in wędrowiec a hiker
traffic wędrować to wander
godzina szczytu rush hour przybyć do miejsca przeznaczenia
pojechać na skróty to take a short cut to reach a
podwiezć kogoś to give sb a lift destination
3. Shopping
Repeat the expressions
robić zakupy to do the shopping / to go shopping
okazja bargain
oferta specjalna a special offer
po obni\onej cenie reduced
obni\ka a discount / a reduction in
wyprzeda\ sale
na wyprzeda\y in the sale
za darmo, bezpłatny free
płacić gotówką / kartą to pay cash / to pay by credit card
szukać czegoś to look for sth
rozglądać się to look around / to browse
przymierzyć to try on
pasować, być w odpowiednim rozmiarze to fit
odpowiadać, być do twarzy to suit
zwrócić coś to bring / to take sth back
wymienić coś na coś to exchange sth for sth / to replace
brakować to miss
zwrot pieniędzy a refund
4. Asking for and giving permission
Repeat the typical expressions.
Czy mogę wyjść wcześniej? Can I leave earlier?
Czy mógłbym skorzystać z komputera? Could I use the computer?
Czy mogę otworzyć okno? May I open the window?
Czy będzie w porządku, jeśli& ? Is it OK if...? / Is it all right if...?
Tak. OK. / Yes, sure.
Tak, oczywiście. Yes, of course.
Nie ma problemu. No problem.
Obawiam siÄ™, \e nie. I m afraid not.
Nie sądzę, \e to dobry pomysł. I don t think that s a good idea.
Wolałbym, \ebyś tego nie robił. I d rather you didn t.
Czy masz coś przeciwko, jeśli...? Do you mind if& .?
Nie. Not at all. / Go ahead.
Czy masz coś przeciwko, jeśli zamknę okno? Do you mind if I close the window?
Prawdę mówiąc, mam. I do, as a matter of fact.
Czy miałbyś coś przeciwko temu, gdybym nie zrobił tego dzisiaj?
Would you mind if I didn t do it today?
Tak naprawdę, to miałbym. Actually, I would.
5. Offering help
Repeat the typical expressions.
Czy mogę ci pomóc z zakupami? May I help you with the shopping?
Czy mam wysłać ten list za ciebie? Shall I send the letter for you?
Pozwól, \e to dla ciebie zrobię. Let me do that for you.
Czy chciałbyś, \ebym ci pomógł? Would you like me to help you?
ZrobiÄ™ to za ciebie. I ll do it for you.
Dziękuję. Thank you very much. / Thanks a lot.
To bardzo miło z twojej strony. That s very kind of you.
Nie, dziękuję. No thanks, it s all right.
Dziękuję, nie trzeba. That s OK, thanks.
Dziękuję, ale dam radę. No thanks, I ll manage.
To miło z twojej strony, ale mogę zrobić to sam. That s kind of you, but I can do it myself.


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