Mutual Inductor
PLECS 1.5 Online Help Mutual Inductor
Mutual inductor.
Passive Components
This component provides two or more coupled inductors. Electrically, it is
equivalent with a vectorized Inductor. In contrast to the vectorized Inductor, this
component displays the individual inductors in the schematic as separate
In the symbol of the mutual inductor, the positive terminal of winding 1 is
marked with a little circle. The positive terminals of all other windings are marked
with dots.
Parameters and Dialog Box
Number of windings The number of ideal inductors represented by the
Inductance The inductance in henries (H). All finite positive and negative values
are accepted, including 0.
If the parameter is a scalar or a vector no coupling exists between the windings. In
order to model a magnetic coupling between the windings a square matrix must be
entered. The size of the matrix corresponds to the number of windings. is the
self inductance of the internal inductor and the mutual inductance:
Initial current The initial current in the windings at simulation start, in amperes (A).
This parameter may either be a scalar or a vector corresponding to the number of
windings. The direction of the initial current inside the component is from
the positive to the negative terminal. The default of the initial current is
Probe Signals
Winding i current The current flowing through winding i. The direction of a
positive current corresponds to the small arrow in the component symbol.