
Mapping, log viewer
data preparation steps

Negative mapping algorithm


The aim of negative mapping is to reduce the count of
transactions behind a server during a transaction of interest in front of it,
by excluding those usually not related to the front transaction. This is
crucial for intelligible graphical presentation what happens during the
transaction of interest.


Below follows a simple algorithm that has the potential to
exclude many of the unrelated transactions.


each type of a transaction in front of a server, Ai (initial
trial: amongst 3 most frequent and 2 most frequent amongst slow pages),
and each type of transaction behind a server, Xj collect
counts: what percentage of Ai , counting only those shorter
than 25% quartile (or 10%) for that Ai duration, time-includes
a given Ai, each x in Xj is counted at most once
(and marked as assigned). So if transactions Ai overlap, a Xj included in them, is counted as
belonging to the Ai that
ends first. The Ai that ends later can include
another Xj. If more than 1 Xj can be assigned to a Ai only one is counted, as we are
interested in A-X coincidence, not any X per A measure.
for a given pair Ai-Xj the percentage is below 0.1

this is a parameter of the method to tweak with
the pair is assumed not
related, i.e. negatively mapped.


We look only at Ai below certain duration, as not
to count the many unrelated Xs happening during long A. The shorter the upper
time limit the better the result
more A-X negatively mapped
but that also
increases the possibility that we negatively map X exceptionally happening
during long A only. Anyway, such Xs might be impossible to significantly
correlate with an A, due to their low count/exceptional behavior.
