
Medical Response to Injury From Ionizing Radiation
Chapter 29
Blast Injuries
Thermal Injuries
Radiation Injuries and Acute Radiation Syndrome
Combined Injury
Contamination: External and Internal
Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1
D. Browne, Colonel, Medical Corps, US Army (Retired); President and Chief Executive Officer, Browne and Associates, Inc., Wash-
ington, DC; formerly, Director, Medical Research and Development, US Army Medical Research and Materiel Command, Fort
Detrick, Frederick, Maryland 21702
Medical Response to Injury From Ionizing Radiation
Military medical health care providers need to cilities, and hospitals. The potential also exists for
be familiar with the health effects of radiation exposure from depleted uranium munitions; indus-
exposure and the other devastating effects of a trial, hospital, and research waste sites; and directed
nuclear explosion or accident. At the same time that energy devices. Military medical preparedness is
superpowers are dismantling nuclear bombs, important to meet the operational challenges pre-
smaller powers are building nuclear arsenals, and sented by these scenarios. Since the late 1940s,
radiation exposure scenarios include those involv- nuclear weapon proliferation has continued to pose
ing low-yield nuclear devices deployed by terror- a global threat and one for which military medical
ists and accidents during transportation or dis- personnel must train and plan. This new opera-
mantlement of weapons. Even without bombs, there tional environment requires a review of the US
is an increasing chance of radiation exposure from military s medical policies, equipment, and research
sources such as nuclear power plants, research fa- requirements.
In the United States, the development of nuclear deaths and more than 90,000 casualties during the
weapons grew out of concern in the 1930s that Ger- first 24 hours. The medical system could not handle
many was developing a nuclear weapon. The start the massive number of casualties because most
of World War II, with the Japanese attack on Pearl medical treatment facilities and personnel were
Harbor and the German and Italian declaration of destroyed in the detonation.2
war on the United States in December 1941, in- In subsequent years, the nuclear capability of the
creased the impetus for the United States to develop superpowers became overwhelming. As the years
its own nuclear weapon. The program to develop a passed and the threat of a nuclear confrontation
bomb was under way by the fall of 1942. To supply grew, efforts to restrain the use of nuclear weapons
the materials needed, the US government secretly also grew. A nuclear nonproliferation agreement
started a massive project to manufacture uranium was signed3 and included most, but not all, coun-
in three plants and plutonium in a fourth. The first tries with nuclear capabilities. At the end of the Cold
three nuclear weapons were detonated in 1945,1 the War, the United States and the Union of Soviet So-
first in a test in the New Mexico desert and the sec- cialist Republics initiated a disarmament program
ond and third over the Japanese cities of Hiroshima to decrease the stockpile of nuclear weapons. While
and Nagasaki. The devastation from these detona- nuclear weapons detonation from a theater or stra-
tions brought an end to the war and a realization of tegic nuclear confrontation is now much less likely
the overwhelming challenges that nuclear detona- to occur, the threat of a detonation from a terrorist
tions or accidents present to medical providers. The group or an accident in one of the many industries
single detonation in Hiroshima caused about 45,000 that uses radioactive material is a growing concern.
The radiation referred to in this chapter is ionizing meters in air and are capable of penetrating several
radiation. Ionizing radiation can be divided into two centimeters into the skin. They represent a cutane-
categories, particulate and nonparticulate radiation. ous radiation hazard and internal contamination
The most important types of particulate radiation are hazard if deposited into deep-lying organs.
alpha, beta, and neutron; the nonparticulate types Neutrons are one of the uncharged particles in
would be gamma rays and roentgen rays (Table 29-1).4 the nucleus of the atom. They are not directly ion-
Alpha particles are helium atoms without their izing but can penetrate the body and interact with
electrons. They are unable to penetrate the outer body water, producing recoil protons that release
layer of the skin. Alpha radiation poses no external energy by excitation and ionization. Neutrons are
hazard but becomes hazardous if it enters wounds effectively shielded by hydrogenous material such
or body orifices. Internal contamination with alpha as water and plastics.
radiation is a significant long-term health hazard. Gamma rays are photons that travel great dis-
Beta particles are similar to electrons but come tances at the speed of light and can penetrate deeply
from the nucleus of the atom. They travel several into body tissues. The acute radiation syndrome is
Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1
TABLE 29-1
Name Emitted By Range in Air Tissue Penetration Radiation Stopped By
Alpha Unfissioned uranium and 5 cm First layer of skin Clothing, paper
Beta Fission products 12 m Several layers of skin Clothing
Gamma Fission products 100 m Total body Several feet of concrete,
earth, water, or plastic
Neutron Emitted only during fission 100 m Total body Several feet of concrete,
earth, water, or plastic
Adapted from: Luckett LW, Vesper BE. Radiological considerations in medical operations. In: Walker RI, Cerveny TJ, eds. Medical
Consequences of Nuclear Warfare. In: Textbook of Military Medicine. Washington, DC: Department of the Army, Office of the Surgeon
General, Borden Institute; 1989: Table 10-1, p 229.
largely a result of significant exposure to gamma Blast Injuries
and roentgen rays. Shields for gamma rays are made
of high-density concrete or lead. Blast injuries are either direct or indirect. Direct
The two major radioisotopes used in nuclear injuries result from high pressures of the blast wave
weapons are plutonium-239 and uranium-235. Plu- (also called static overpressure), and indirect inju-
tonium emits alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. The ries result from missiles and displacement of the
type of radioactive exposure in a nonexplosive body by the blast winds (called dynamic overpres-
weapons accident is likely to be alpha radiation. The sure). Following a nuclear weapon detonation, en-
quantity present does not usually cause a signifi- ergy will be generated from the blast effects of the
cant external radiation hazard; contamination detonation and becomes the blast wave as it moves
through intact skin results in little, if any, absorp- out from the blast center. A nuclear detonation also
tion. Internal exposure is another matter. The two has a relatively long pressure pulse, which is more
major routes of internal exposure are through in- effective in causing blast injuries than a conven-
halation and wound contamination. The critical tional weapon detonation. This blast wave produces
organs for systemic contamination are the bones
and the lungs. Whole-body retention of internalized
TABLE 29-2
plutonium is detectable in body tissues for about
200 years, in the skeleton for 100 years, and in liver THE DISTANCE (m) FROM DIFFERING SIZES
The primary physical effects associated with a PRODUCE INJURIES THAT KILL HALF
nuclear detonation are blast, thermal radiation, and THE PERSONS EXPOSED
nuclear radiation. Each of these can cause injury and
death. Burn injuries may occur alone or in combi-
Weapon Yield (kilotons)
nation with blast and radiation injuries. The pro- Injuries 0.5 10 100 1,000
duction of blast and thermal injuries depends on
Static overpressure: 6 psi* 380 1,000 2,200 4,600
the distance from ground zero of the casualty and
the yield of the weapon. In a nuclear theater, the
Thermal: 2 degree burns 580 2,100 5,500 14,500
yield of a nuclear weapon is likely to be between
Radiation: 500 cGy 700 1,200 1,700 2,400
10 and 100 kilotons; the ranges for blast, thermal,
and radiation injuries are likely to be similar.4 The
pounds per square inch
distance from ground zero for production of inju-

ries that are fatal to half of those exposed is given
Source: Giambarresi L. Nuclear weapons: Medical effects and op-
in Table 29-2.
erational considerations. 7th MEDCOM Med Bull. 1986;43(7):7 10.
Medical Response to Injury From Ionizing Radiation
injuries by exerting a crushing effect that engulfs
the human body. The rate of increase of pressure is EXHIBIT 29-1
too rapid for the body to compensate, leading to
large pressure differentials and resulting injuries.
These static overpressure injuries include eardrum
rupture, lacerations in alveoli and pulmonary ves-
sels leading to pulmonary edema, superficial peri-
toneal hematomas, rupture of the liver and spleen,
Static Peak Dynamic Overpressure
and intestinal perforations. Abdominal injuries re-
Overpressure (psi*) Wind Velocity (mph )
sulting from static overpressure can occur in con-
junction with thoracic injuries or by themselves. In
30 670
the ileum, cecum, and colon there may be segmen-
10 290
tal perforations of the intestinal wall that result in
5 160
peritonitis. This type of intestinal injury is more
commonly seen in underwater blast injuries.
Indirect blast injuries from a nuclear detonation A nuclear weapon likely to be used during war-
fare would likely be in the 10 to 100 kiloton range
are similar to those of conventional weapons. The
and would produce 5 to 6 psi and roughly 160 to
missile and displacement injuries from the blast
200 mph winds. Distance from ground zero also
wind of a nuclear detonation are products of lower
has an effect, as does whether the detonation oc-
overpressures than injuries from the blast wave.
curs in the air, underground, underwater, or on
Injuries resulting from dynamic overpressures may
the surface. For a 1 megaton detonation, 6 psi
be caused by the physical displacement of persons
would occur at about 4 km, lethal burns at about
by winds and by impact injuries.4 The relationship
14 km, and 5 Gy radiation levels at 2 km.
between static overpressure and dynamic overpres-
pounds per square inch
sure wind velocities is shown in Exhibit 29-1.

miles per hour
Source: Giambarresi L. Nuclear weapons: Medical ef-
Thermal Injuries
fects and operational considerations. 7th MEDCOM
Med Bull. 1986;43(7):7 10.
Of the wide spectrum of energies resulting from
a detonation of a nuclear weapon, 35% is thermal
energy. Thermal radiation causes direct burn inju-
ries (ie, radiant energy absorbed by the skin) and bined injuries, that is, burns and other radiation
indirect burn injuries (ie, ignition or heating of exposure or wounds and radiation exposure. Burns
clothing by fires started by the radiation). The en- produced the most significant synergistic effect on
ergies that cause these injuries are infrared radia- mortality in the combined injury model.5
tion and visible light.Burns from infrared radiation Visible light energy will cause eye injuries,
are the most frequently seen injury. The burns are such as flash blindness and retinal burns. Flash
classified as flash burns or flame burns. Flash burns blindness is caused by the initial flash of light pro-
are caused by the direct effect of short pulses of ther- duced by the nuclear detonation and results in
mal energy being absorbed by the skin, causing in- transient blindness due to bleaching of the visual
tense burns and charring of the skin. Because the pigments in the retinal photoreceptors. The retina
skin is a poor heat conductor and the exposure is cannot receive the energy as rapidly as it is sent.
quick, though, flash burns are most often only su- This causes reversible blindness lasting from a
perficial. Flame burns are caused by secondary fires fraction of a second to about 3 seconds and an
(eg, burning buildings, tents, or clothing) ignited after-image lasting several minutes if the deto-
by radiation. Burn injuries add significantly to the nation occurs during the day. If the detonation
patient load of the medical units. They occur alone occurs at night, the flash blindness will be pro-
or, what is more likely, in combination with blast longed about 3-fold, with resulting inability to
and radiation injuries. The complications and lo- adapt to darkness for about 30 minutes. Retinal
gistical requirements for treating warfighters with burns are caused by the thermal energy focused
burn injuries would place great demands on the directly on the retina when the fireball is in the
battlefield medical units. It is predicted that at least direct line of vision. Retinal burns usually cause
two thirds of the radiation casualties will have com- permanent deficits in the visual field. Both types
Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1
of thermal radiation (infrared and visible) travel The Hematopoietic Syndrome
at the speed of light so there is no chance of warn-
ing the affected population once a device has been The hematopoietic syndrome is seen after acute
detonated. whole body exposure in the range of 1.5 to 8 gray (Gy,
a measure of absorbed radiation dose equivalent to
Radiation Injuries and Acute Radiation Syndrome 100 rads). Doses less than 1 Gy of gamma radiation
(in cases of exposure from a radiation accident, the
Neutrons and gamma rays are emitted in the fis- radiation is likely to be primarily gamma radiation
sion process of a weapons detonation. They are re- and some limited neutron radiation that cause ARS)
ferred to as  prompt nuclear radiations because they usually produce few or no symptoms in humans.
are produced simultaneously with the nuclear explo- Higher doses may cause significant symptoms, and
sion. Some neutrons may also undergo a scatter colli- doses greater than 2.5 Gy may be life-threatening with-
sion. Alpha and beta particles are quickly absorbed out therapeutic intervention. The prodromal stage,
and only reach a few feet from the detonation. Radia- with its symptoms of transient nausea, vomiting, and
tion may produce injuries as a result of a single acute diarrhea, occurs about 2 hours following exposure and
exposure to prompt neutrons and gamma rays from may persist for several days. The latency stage may
a nuclear detonation or from continual or intermit- last for 2 to 3 weeks, at which time the manifest ill-
tent exposure to residual radiation or fallout. The char- ness stage becomes evident. Significant symptoms oc-
acteristic manifestations of radiation injury are dose cur at this time and may include fever, diarrhea, mal-
and dose-rate related and called acute radiation syn- aise, petechiae, epilation lymphopenia, and sepsis.
drome (ARS).6 ARS is a combination of relatively well- The characteristic pathology of pancytopenia and
characterized clinical syndromes that occur in stages death will result from hemorrhage and infection at
over a period of hours to weeks following exposure doses of greater than 2.5 Gy without medical support.
to radiation. The severity of symptoms depends on Half the humans exposed to a mid-lethal radiation
the dose, dose rate, dose distribution, duration of ex- dose of approximately 4.5 Gy will die if they do not
posure, sensitivity of the cells to radiation, and cellu- receive medical intervention.9 Though survival is still
lar replication time. Cells that are more immature or possible after acute whole-body exposures of around
undifferentiated are more sensitive to radiation. As 8 Gy, exposures greater than 8 Gy usually result in
cells mature or become more differentiated, they be- 100% mortality, especially if there has been no medi-
come less sensitive to radiation. cal intervention.10
The clinical syndromes that make up ARS are he-
matopoietic syndrome, gastrointestinal syndrome, The Gastrointestinal Syndrome
and central nervous system syndrome (sometimes
called the cardiovascular/central nervous system syn- The gastrointestinal syndrome occurs after acute
drome or the neurovascular syndrome). Each of these whole-body exposure to a wide range of doses (8
syndromes follows a clinical course manifested in four to 20 Gy). It is manifested earlier than the hemato-
stages that differ in intensity and duration based on poietic syndrome, usually occurring within 1 week
the radiation dose. The first stage is the prodromal or of exposure. As early as 2 hours following expo-
initial stage, which occurs minutes to several days sure, the onset of prodromal symptoms will begin,
after exposure. Symptoms include acute incapacita- and the latency stage can be as short as several days
tion by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyperthermia, to about a week or even absent at the higher end of
erythema, hypotension, and central nervous system the dose range. Radiation interferes with the turn-
manifestations.7 The latency stage, which follows the over of the mucosal cells lining the digestive tract.11
prodromal stage, is a period during which the patient The gastrointestinal mucosa lines the glandular
is symptom-free and appears to have recovered from structures in the submucosal space of the crypt epi-
the radiation exposure. Next is the manifest illness thelium. The columnar stem cells within the crypt
stage, which is difficult to manage therapeutically regions are one of three less-differentiated cells. The
because it is the period of maximum immunosuppres- intestinal stem cells are extremely radiosensitive,
sion. Patient survival depends on the rapidity and ag- consequently leading to severe gastrointestinal
gressiveness of clinical therapy. The final stage is re- symptoms from radiation damage. The damaged
covery, which depends on early treatment immedi- mucosa allows bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
ately after exposure and during the first several weeks Patients present with vomiting, diarrhea, denuda-
following exposure coupled with individual sensitivi- tion of the small bowel mucosa, and sepsis. Early
ties and preexisting conditions.8 mortality is likely and is due to volume depletion
Medical Response to Injury From Ionizing Radiation
and electrolyte imbalance with the characteristic ataxia, respiratory distress, and convulsive seizures;
symptoms of crampy abdominal pain and watery these can quickly develop into coma and death.
diarrhea that becomes bloody. This is followed by Pathological changes are evident and include mi-
shock and death. While the gastrointestinal syn- crovascular damage (vasculitis) and increased in-
drome has a grave prognosis, those with lower-dose tracranial pressure, cerebral edema, and cerebral
exposures may recover with medical management. anoxia. Radiation doses in this range are univer-
sally fatal even with medical intervention.
Central Nervous System Syndrome
Combined Injury
The central nervous system syndrome is the least
well characterized of the ARS syndromes. It is be- Combined injury is the association of radiation in-
lieved that doses of above 10 Gy may result in di- jury with thermal burns, traumatic or other mechani-
rect toxic damage to the nervous system,12 but this cal wounds, or both. The mortality rate for combined
syndrome occurs after doses of radiation of 20 to injuries increases significantly in the absence of medi-
30 Gy or greater.9 Prodromal symptoms usually oc- cal care. An otherwise benign traumatic or burn in-
cur within minutes of exposure and persist for about jury may become lethal when combined with radia-
2 days. Laboratory animal data are relied on for this tion exposure in excess of 2 Gy. Radiation and con-
syndrome as there is little human information avail- ventional injury seem to act in a synergistic manner
able on exposures in this range. It is known that and result in increased mortality. The biological ef-
death occurs relatively quickly following exposure. fect of combined injuries will significantly increase
The presenting symptoms are lethargy, hypoten- the casualty s burn injuries and affect his or her abil-
sion, hyperexcitability, disorientation, confusion, ity to recover from a nuclear detonation.13,14
Traditionally, military medical readiness for nuclear victims with a good likelihood of recovery. The two
warfare has been focused on the management of large keys to effectiveness and efficiency in the triage
numbers of casualties resulting from a massive system are speed of assessing and categorizing pa-
nuclear exchange between major powers. Modeling tients and coordination of resources. Patient flow
of nuclear scenarios for today s medical preparedness and response to care are integral parts of triage.
requires readiness training and understanding of They must be continually reassessed and reevalu-
medical operations in a nuclear environment or a ra- ated. The designated triage officer must have a well-
dioactively contaminated environment.15 17 With in- trained response team. Good clinical judgment, intui-
creasing use of nuclear materials, there is an increased tive clinical acumen, ability to handle stress, and
probability of accidental radiation exposure or con- awareness of available resources are but a few of the
tamination of individuals working with or around required characteristics of a good triage officer.
such nuclear material. Examples include the release The health and safety of the general public in a
of radiation in Chernobyl, Ukraine (1986)18; Brazil nuclear exposure, whether from nuclear weapons
(1987)19; and Tokaimura, Japan (1999).20 A person s detonation or power plant accidents, is a critical
external or internal exposure to radiation or radioac- concern for the first emergency management re-
tive material does not, however, constitute a medical sponders to arrive at the accident scene (the re-
emergency. Contamination, whether internal or ex- sponse team) and depends on the exposure rate, the
ternal, must be minimized as soon as possible to pre- quantity of radioactive material present, and the
vent further exposure to the individual and decrease public s perception of radiation exposure.21 A
the possibility of spreading contamination to the gen- nuclear weapons accident may result in immediate
eral public. nonradiological threat from toxic or explosive haz-
ards to the general public. The radiological contami-
Triage nation can also create a long-term concern of risk to
the public s health. In a weapons accident, it is likely
Triage is a mechanism of rapid evaluation of ca- to be alpha particles that are the primary radiological
sualties based on their clinical condition and the hazard, not beta or gamma radiation. Dose effects
prioritization of their treatment based on that evalu- from given exposures and dose rates of external and
ation. It is a process of sorting at the accident or internal contamination provide data for the predic-
detonation site. Triage priority should be given to tion of clinical response in the contaminated patient.
Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1
Contamination: External and Internal TABLE 29-3
Fallout causes an external hazard from gamma
and high-energy beta emitters. Significant reduc-
tion in this exposure can be achieved through timely
Time Passed Fraction of Original
decontamination or prevention of external contami-
(h) Reading Remaining
nation. To keep the exposure to a minimum, the
principles of time, distance, and shielding should
1 1.0
be applied. Shielding is simply using protective
7 0.1
clothing or placing dense material between the per-
49 0.01
son and the radiation source. Surgical attire such
343 0.001
as gowns, caps, shoe covers, and gloves will pro-
vide protection from beta radiation. Minimizing the
Source: Vesper BE. External decontamination. 7th MEDCOM
time spent in the contaminated environment will
Med Bull. 1986;43(7):30 31.
reduce the radiation dose, and maintaining a sig-
nificant distance from the radiation source can re-
duce the exposure. From ground zero or the point
source of radiation, the level of radiation falls off radionuclides into the bronchial tree and alveoli and
by the square of the distance away from the source. transport across the alveoli into the bloodstream
This is similar to the seven-ten rule, which indicates depend on the particle size and solubility. Of the
that at any given time after exposure the radiation radioactive isotopes inhaled, about 25% are depos-
reading seven times later will decrease by a factor ited in the nasal passage and upper bronchial tree;
of ten from the original reading22 (Table 29-3). cilia move them to the nasopharynx where they are
Most radiation does damage only after entering swallowed and enter the gastrointestinal tract. The
the body. Cursory decontamination, such as brush- remaining particles are deposited in the airways,
ing off radioactive fallout dust or washing exposed trachea, and pulmonary lymph nodes and deep in
skin, will reduce the radioactive exposure and the lungs. Highly insoluble oxide forms of com-
minimize the risk that radioactive material will be pounds are retained in the lungs for a longer pe-
internalized. Radiation injuries from internal con- riod of time before being translocated to the tracheo-
tamination occur through various routes, such as bronchial and pulmonary nodes and finally to the
inhalation, ingestion, and absorption from con- liver years after exposure.24
tamination on the skin or in wounds. The number
of radionuclides with potential for internal contami- Treatment
nation are many, but they are rarely encountered or
represent only minor hazards to humans. The hu- For treatment purposes, patients with radiation
man body rarely incorporates enough radioactivity injury are classified according to the severity of ra-
to cause ARS or to become acutely life-threatening. diation exposure. The categories are mild, moder-
The late consequences of internal contamination, ate, severe, and lethal. Treatment should be based
however, pose a greater potential risk. Whenever an on the injury, not the radiation dose estimated from
unusually large dose of radionuclide is internalized, a film badge or other measuring device (Figure 29-1).
it is important to treat the individual as if he or she The most reliable guides are changes in levels of
had ARS while also attempting to decorporate, mo- blood cells and cytogenetics resulting from bone
bilize, or block the radionuclide. The hematopoietic marrow injury. Hematopoietic growth factors, such
system, gastrointestinal system, and lungs should be as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF),
given special attention. Radioactive isotopes of an are potent stimulators of hematopoiesis and when
element can behave differently when internalized administered early following radiation exposure
into a biological system. Some isotopes preferentially may induce effective granulocytosis and prevent the
taken up via gastrointestinal absorption are cesium consequences of severe neutropenia. Marrow trans-
(137Cs), iodine (131I), phosphorus (32P), strontium plantation may also be indicated in some cases.25
(90Sr), and tritium (3H).23 Management of those with internal contamina-
Some actinides (eg, plutonium, americium, ura- tion depends on the ability of the provider to de-
nium, curium) and other radionuclides (eg, polo- crease internal absorption and deposition or to in-
nium, radium, iodine) of medical significance en- crease excretion and elimination of the absorbed
ter the body primarily via inhalation. Inhalation of radionuclide. Early care is the most effective.26 Lung
Medical Response to Injury From Ionizing Radiation
contamination may quickly spread to the blood and sublethal levels of radiation, infections can be pre-
target organs if the material is soluble and smaller vented with the use of immunomodulators to en-
than 5 µm. Larger soluble particles will likely re- hance nonspecific resistance to infection. Initial
main in the lung, resulting in direct damage to lung medical care of patients with moderate (2-5 Gy) and
tissue. Treatment for soluble material is dilutional severe (5-10 Gy) radiation doses should include
(eg, blocking, chelating, mobilizing) to enhance ex- early measures to reduce pathogen acquisition, such
cretion. Lung lavage may be useful for insoluble as emphasis on food with low microbial content,
radionuclides but should only be used as a last re- frequent hand washings or the wearing of gloves,
sort because of associated complications of the pro- and air filtration. Prophylactic selective gut decon-
cedure and the need for an experienced provider to tamination with oral antibiotics is recommended.
perform it. Antiemetic agents, such as the H2 blockers, are re-
quired to control nausea and vomiting.
Infections The management of existing or suspected infection
(eg, neutropenia, fever) in irradiated persons is simi-
Infectious complications are another conse- lar to care provided to other immunocompromised,
quence of radiation exposure. For those exposed to febrile, neutropenic patients. First, a regimen of
Prodromal Symptoms
Biological/Physical Dosimetry
Standard Emergency Care
Combined Injury
Mild Moderate Severe Lethal Emergency Observation
<2 Gy 2-5 Gy 5-10 Gy >10 Gy Surgery Follow-up Surgery
Reverse Isolation
Reverse Isolation
Close Observation Intensive Care
Intensive Care
Supportive Care
Daily CBC/ Gut Decontamination
Gut Decontamination
Platelets Growth Factors?
Growth Factors?
Marrow Transplantation?
Marrow Transplantation?
Absolute Neutropenia
Severe Platelets Absolute Neutropenia Symptomatic
(<0.5 x 109/L)
Burn Care
(<20 x 109/L) with Fever (>38°C) Anemia
without Fever (<38°C)
Appropriate Cultures Packed Red
Wound Care
Empiric Antibiotics
No Yes
Identify Organism
Close Random Donor
Yes No
Observation Platelets
No Yes
Continue Random
Fig. 29-1. Treatment Schema for Radiation Injury
Reproduced with permission from Browne D, Weiss JF, MacVittie TJ, Pillar MV, eds. Treatment of Radiation Injuries. New York:
Plenum Press; 1990.
Military Preventive Medicine: Mobilization and Deployment, Volume 1
empiric antibiotics should be selected based on the ventional insults (eg, trauma, burns). Emergency and
pattern of bacterial susceptibility, nosocomial infec- definitive care for combined injuries include early
tions in the care facility, and the degree of neutro- surgical interventions. Management of burns and soft
penia. Combination antibiotic regimens (eg, broad tissue injuries is more difficult in combined injured
spectrum beta-lactam penicillin or cephalosporin casualties due to loss of skin and muscle, damage to
plus aminoglycoside with or without vancomycin) vasculature, and necrotic tissue. It is recommended
are recommended for initial therapy for patients that surgical management for combined injury
with profound neutropenia. Monotherapy, using wounds and thermal burns be initiated as soon as
drugs such as imipenem or ceftazidime, is appro- possible but at least within 36 to 48 hours of radiation
priate for patients with less intense neutropenia. exposure. Elective surgical procedures should not be
Antifungal drugs such as amphotericin B or flu- done until the patient is showing signs of recovery
conazole should be added, if indicated, for patients from the hematopoietic injury or is responding to
who remain febrile for 7 days or more while on or cytokine therapy.
after 7 days of antibiotic therapy. If the fever and
neutropenia persist for more than 48 hours after the The Skin
start of antibiotic and antifungal therapy, viral ti-
ters should be obtained and antiviral therapy (eg, Skin damage from radiation exposure occurs in
acyclovir) added. In cases where there is resistant varying degrees and is related to radiation quality
gram-positive infection, vancomycin should be and absorption of the radiation dose. Radiation
added. Cultures may be useful for monitoring ac- burns may require repeated therapy and prolonged
quisition of resistant bacteria and the emergence of rehabilitation. Initial management is conservative;
fungal infections.25 analgesic support, antibiotics, and surgical interven-
tion may become necessary as the tissue becomes
Combined Injuries necrotic, painful, and infected. Good clinical judg-
ment and management expertise in local radiation
Because the prognosis for combined injuries is injury is necessary to prevent unnecessary suffer-
worse than for either traumatic injury or radiation ing by the patient. Magnetic resonance imaging,
injury alone, it is important that comprehensive medi- radioactive isotope scanning, and thermography
cal care is initiated to reduce mortality, especially if a can help assess the extent of tissue damage, suffi-
total-body radiation exposure of sublethal or medium- ciency of local microcirculation, and viability of the
lethal levels is combined with various types of con- remaining tissue.27
Every effort must be made to minimize radiation exposure. Time can be used to allow the radiation
exposure and contamination in a radiation environ- to decay naturally. The seven-ten rule is a good gen-
ment. Time, distance, shielding, and contamination eral rule (see Table 29-3).
control are the basic factors to consider in control- Respiratory protection and contamination control
ling or minimizing radiation exposure. After a during the weapons recovery phase (the period when
nuclear detonation, fallout can be expected to con- the weapon is being located and it is determined if
taminate equipment and personnel. The radiation the nuclear component has detonated) is a priority
dose received is directly proportional to the time of task for a nuclear accident response team. The first
exposure. The shorter exposure, the less radiation responders, such as the firefighters and the explosive
received, so minimizing the time spent in the con- ordnance personnel, will not usually have enough
taminated area will reduce radiation exposure. The radiation survey equipment to assess the situation
radiation dose can be estimated by multiplying the properly because of the urgent need to reduce the se-
dose rate at a specified point by the time the per- rious hazards of fire and potential explosion. These
son remains at that location. To minimize exposure, personnel rely on well-rehearsed standard operating
tasks that must be performed in a contaminated area procedures and well-designed protective equipment.
must be planned in advance and a stay-time estab- Following the initial operations, the response force
lished so as not to exceed a certain dose of radia- will establish a contamination control station near but
tion. Exposed personnel should decontaminate as upwind from the accident location. At the accident
quickly as possible to lower their total radiation site, there may be extremely high levels of contami-
Medical Response to Injury From Ionizing Radiation
nation on equipment and debris and resuspension of exposure of 2 x 10-4 Sv for each hour of exposure. For
fine particulate, which will make respiratory protection the initial phase, 250 hours of work can be performed
necessary. There may also be physical and toxic hazards. before the annual dose limit of 0.05 Sv is attained.28 If
Respiratory protection criteria are based on the the air concentration is well documented, a person
conditions at the accident site. Less respiratory pro- can be allowed to enter an area of higher activity for a
tection may be needed in locations where the contami- shorter period of time, as long as the whole-body ex-
nation is no longer airborne than in areas with high posure is well documented. Decontamination is nec-
resuspension rates or during periods of high winds. essary for all persons and equipment after leaving the
Workers exposure to airborne particles should be lim- contaminated area, and qualified technicians must
ited, but this must be done within the imperatives of monitor the level of radioactivity before granting ac-
the operations being performed. To quantify the con- cess to noncontaminated areas.
tamination level, a target protective action guide The isolation gowns or surgical scrub garments
(PAG) is established. If the averaged air concentra- used when universal precautions are being followed
tion of radioactive particles is above this PAG, the situ- for communicable disease control are suitable for pro-
ation should be evaluated and respiratory protection tection from external radiation contamination. There
considered. For most work, the PAG is an averaged is also specially made anti-contamination protective
air concentration of 1.5 Bq/m2. This approximates an clothing.
It is an increasing probability that military forces of the medical operations will depend on the adequacy
will be faced with situations of radiation exposure in of the planning, training, and pre-positioning.
operational environments other than war. This risk Based on past massive casualty situations, a signifi-
can occur as a result of weapons dispersal, damaged cant disparity may exist between the available medi-
nuclear reactors, medical and research facilities cal resources and the casualties needing therapeutic
sources, industrial waste dumps, depleted uranium management. The establishment of policies and doc-
munitions, and terrorist attacks. With the increased trines along with a rigorous plan for training and imple-
nuclear capabilities in the world today there is an ever- mentation must be instituted before a contingency
present likelihood of radiation accidents occurring. looms. Past experiences and wartime consequences
Health care providers must be prepared to handle the have shown that it is imperative to be prepared for
medical aftermath of an accidental nuclear exposure. any nuclear contingency and include mechanisms to
While much of the medical management will be based handle the psychological stresses that follow radia-
on clinical judgement and astute evaluation, it is nec- tion exposure and its potential late effects.
essary to have a plan of medical management avail- A better understanding of the effects of radiation
able to deal with the contingency of an unforeseen and trauma will result in improved management of
nuclear event. The casualty must be assessed for the radiation casualties and a decrease in the logistical
presence of a combined injury, the type and level of drain on limited medical resources. A multi-
radiation exposure must be calculated, and the treat- disciplinary approach is needed to manage life-
ment and decontamination begun as rapidly as safely threatening outcomes resulting from accidental ex-
possible. In a massive casualty situation the success posure to radiation.
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