function hw mapid

hw_mapidPHP ManualPrevNexthw_mapidhw_mapid -- Maps global id on virtual local idDescriptionint hw_mapid(int connection, int server id, int object id); Maps a global object id on any hyperwave server, even those you did not connect to with hw_connect(), onto a virtual object id. This virtual object id can then be used as any other object id, e.g. to obtain the object record with hw_getobject(). The server id is the first part of the global object id (GOid) of the object which is actually the IP number as an integer. Note: In order to use this function you will have to set the F_DISTRIBUTED flag, which can currently only be set at compile time in hg_comm.c. It is not set by default. Read the comment at the beginning of hg_comm.c PrevHomeNexthw_InsertObjectUphw_Modifyobject

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