
PIC Tape Measure by John Becker

EPE Online, November 1998

This ultrasonic distance calculator uses a PIC16C84
with a pair of 40kHz ultrasonic transducers to create
a solid-state digital version of the traditional tape
measure. Battery operated, compact hand-held design.

The EPE Online PIC tape Measure drives an LCD display to
show the measuring distance in metres as well as feet and
inches. A special 'mask' function permits screening out
of echoes generated by objects in the foreground.

The latest version of this software is availale from
EPE Online's Web site at www.epemag.com (just check in
the library).

The 'tape99' files are associated with the standard version
of the PIC tape measure, while the 'tape100' files are
associated with the extended version allowing 30 measurements
to be stored.

Please refer to the constructional article in the November 1998
issue of EPE Online for more details. Also, please check the
EPE Online Web site for details of subscriptions, Back Issues,
PCB availability, and so forth.


Last updated 18th October 1998
