How To Give A Woman A 'Rush' Just By Looking At Her

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An  Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report&
 How To Give A Woman A
 Rush Just By LOOKING At
Her... And Use Your Eyes
To Trigger Her Internal
 Attraction Mechanism
Tips From The  Leil Monthly
David DeAngelo
©2005, All Rights Reserved.
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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 How To Give A Woman A
 Rush Just By LOOKING At
Her... And Use Your Eyes
To Trigger Her Internal
 Attraction Mechanism
This month I was REALLY excited to interview Leil
Lowndes, one of the world's leading authorities on business and
interpersonal communication.
She's appeared in dozens of newspapers and magazines&
and every television network you can think of.
I heard about Leil from some of the people I ve interviewed in
the past& and each had told me I HAD to do an interview with
Well& it finally went down& and as you probably know by
now, she didn t disappoint.
Our session together was fantastic& and as always, I ve put
together this special report to help you get the most out of it.
So let s get started!
1. Make Her EARN IT
One of the things that Leil thought was going to be news to us
was something I ve mentioned to you& oh& maybe once before:
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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Now, I figured this out through personal experience& and
from observing that guys I knew who were AMAZINGLY
successful with women would almost NEVER do this.
But I have to say& I was pleased to hear from Leil that there
have been actual SCIENTIFIC STUDIES to show that attractive
women are TURNED OFF by this.
Of course& the interesting thing about this is that it s
It SEEMS like the sort of thing a woman would respond to&
as most men would love it if a woman approached them and told
them that they were sexy and attractive.
But women just don t work that way.
In the studies, the men that started out being indifferent to
the woman they approached---then slowly warmed up to her---
received much better responses than the men who approached
them with a compliment on their looks.
So how can YOU use this to your advantage?
The key is to make a woman EARN IT.
One way would be to IGNORE the most attractive woman
when you first enter a room.
When you do finally talk to her, be the first to end the
conversation. Then come back later& and leave again.
Don t stand around  jocking her like every other guy does&
and has done to her ALL HER LIFE& simply because she is
Wait until she shows you that she is more than just another
pretty face before you give her any extra attention. It s a surefire
way to earn her respect& and the BEST way to build her
attraction for you.
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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2. LEAD The  Dance of Intimacy
Most guys don t understand just how important their BODY
LANGUAGE is when it comes to communicating with women.
Oftentimes guys will first discover my materials looking for
some kind of secret  pickup line , but the real secret is that BODY
LANGUAGE is twice as important.
If you don t have the right body language, it doesn t matter
WHAT you say& chances are you won t get anywhere.
Leil talks about the body language communication that goes
on between a man and a woman as  the dance of intimacy. I like
And here is an interesting fact she shared that you can use to
your advantage&
Did you know that when a man positions his body more
towards a woman than she is turned towards him, it is a turn-off?
Think about it& by doing this you are showing MORE
interest than she is.
Said in a different way, you are telling her that she  has
you & and the chase is OVER.
So when you first meet a woman, don t position your body
more towards her than she is positioned towards you.
As she turns more towards you, reward her by slowly doing
the same& but make sure that SHE is the one who is subtly doing
the  chasing .
3. Use Eye Contact, Posture And Your Smile
To Supercharge Your Body Language
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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As you become more aware of what your body language is
saying about you, you can start to use it to your advantage& and
use it to say all of the right things to a woman.
Here are a few simple but powerful tips from Leil that you
can go out and use TODAY:
1. The Flooding Smile
When you smile at a woman, don t just flash an immediate,
cheesy grin. First, look at her eyes and her face& and then slowly
let your approval show with a slow and growing smile. Again, you
are making her  earn it & which makes your smile more sincere&
and makes her appreciate you more.
2. The Sticky Eyes
Look into her eyes while she s talking& and then, when she s
finished& keep holding the eye contact for a tiny extra moment&
This is a great one& it gives her a little  rush that FEELS just
like attraction& and practically  fools her brain into getting
turned on for you. Nice.
3. Bedroom Eyes
It s been scientifically proven that enlarged pupils signal
attraction& and are subconsciously appealing to the person that
you are talking to.
It s one of the reasons why dimly lit environments are
considered romantic& they cause a person s pupils to expand&
which in turn causes those romantic feelings. Crazy, I know&
So here s a great trick you can use to take advantage of this:
When you are with a woman you like, think  confident and loving
thoughts, or simply look at a part of her face that you find
attractive. This causes your own pupils to enlarge& which then
triggers those magical  attraction mechanisms inside of her.
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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4. Hang By Your Teeth
This great analogy will help you become aware of your
posture& and make it awesome.
When you walk into a room, imagine that there is a bit
hanging in the doorway that you can grab with your teeth on the
way in. Imagine yourself hanging on to it, and pulling your entire
body into a confident, alert position.
Do this a few times and will become a habit. It s time to kiss
that  beat me again master slouch goodbye.
5. Epoxy Eyes
This is a step up from the  Sticky Eyes where you kept eye
contact with her after she finished speaking. With the  Epoxy
Eyes you continue looking at her when somebody else in the
group begins speaking.
This communicates that you are watching her to see how she
will react to what the other person is saying. It is actually a
judgmental thing to do and will make her even more nervous& in
a good way. But don t overdo it& you don t want to come off like
you re staring.
4. Pay Attention To Your Shoes
& because she certainly is.
Women judge men by the  little things & and since that s not
going change anytime soon, you better get used to it.
Things like how you are dressed, grooming, posture and how
you present yourself are WAY more important to women than
these things are to men.
A woman will take these things and try to figure out
EVERYTHING about you& including whether or not she wants to
sleep with you or not.
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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Strange& but true.
So it s worth investing a bit into your clothing and
appearance. A few nice pieces of clothing go a long way.
And& pay attention to the details of how it s all put together.
Think about it this way: Your clothing is having a separate,
private conversation with the women you want& and they re
talking about you&
Think about what you want it to say& and make it happen.
5. Learn About How Women Think
I know& if they talk with your clothing, how can you possibly
hope to understand the way a woman thinks?
Well& it ain t easy. But here is something that might shed
some light:
Read a woman s romance novel.
That s right.
You can grab one at any bookstore& and while it might be a
bit embarrassing to walk over to the cashier with one, it ll be
worth it.
When you first start reading it, you ll probably feel like you
are reading something written in a different language.
And actually& you re partially right.
But remember& these things sell like CRAZY. Women get
ADDICTED to them.
And you can learn a lot from them about how women think&
and more importantly& what turns them on.
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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When you read one, note how much more time is spent
describing the guy s moods and attitudes than his appearance.
Notice that they almost always describe the sound of the
men s voices& and pay particular attention to the kinds of things
the guys say, and the kinds of conversations that they have.
Think about why these novels turn women on so much& and
how you can use what you learn to do the same.
6. Be A  Man Among Men
Newsflash: Women WILL judge you by the quality and
quantity of your friends.
Women are attracted to men that other men are friends with
and especially men that have the RESPECT of other men.
If you have cool,  high value friends that respect you, women
will definitely take notice.
It s very important to learn to interact with other men
especially with other dominant or  alpha men.
You can t be insecure or weak around these kinds of guys. If
you don t hold your ground, you re going to lose some major
I m not saying you should go starting any fights, or go out of
your way to cause any trouble. It s far better just to show that you
are equal to the guys that you meet, and earn their respect.
And don t forget& women also judge you on how you interact
with other men outside of your circle of friends from the waiter
at the restaurant, to when you meet her boss at a party.
So make sure to show her that you are a classy gentleman
that can hold his own. This is a great opportunity to win some
easy points& use it!
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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7. Use Your Words
Leil pointed out that when approaching a woman, you don t
need something clever or original to say to start a conversation.
In fact, when you say something TOO CLEVER, it can come
across as trying TOO HARD.
Don t be afraid to get things going by saying something that is
normal and low-key.
And instead of worrying about  the line , focus on your
Use the things we talked about before& that s what REALLY
8. Give Her an Adventure
Leil shared some particularly good tips on where to take a
Think  emotionally stirring and maybe even  dangerous .
Something physical where you are the expert is also a great
move. Do you like to rollerblade or ride a bike? Perfect.
Think about the unpredictability, danger and excitement that
women love about  bad boys & these are great ways to give her
the same feelings and emotions without being a jerk yourself.
Remember& it s not the  bad that she likes& it s those
qualities that coincidentally tend to go with so many bad boys that
9. Treat Her Like Her  Daddy
A woman LOVES to be treated like she s a little girl.
Women want men who are stronger than they are.
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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They also want a man who can take care of them& but not
necessarily financially&
She also wants to feel that he is not dependent on her in any
When a woman is with this kind of man, it makes her feel
secure and taken care of. And that leads to MASSIVE
Cultivate these three great  daddy characteristics to make
her melt:
1. Be Judgmental
When interacting with a woman, appreciate her& but also
judge her.
It may seem counter-intuitive, but being judgmental is good.
It lets her know that you have other options and that you have
high standards&
And because it s a  daddy thing to be judgmental, it makes
her respect you& and feel more secure.
2. Be The Man
Be cool, calm and unflappable in the face of things that go
If you spill your wine in a restaurant, you should be the kind
of guy who knows how to handle himself gracefully and
Use things that go wrong to further show off your qualities of
3. Be a Gentleman
Being protective and showing little points of etiquette are
great ways of demonstrating masculine strength.
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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Pulling out chairs, putting your hand on her back to guide her
across a street, and helping her put her coat on are all protective
gestures that let her know she is with a MAN.
Wow& Leil sure  tore it up in our interview. Awesome stuff.
Make sure you listen to it 2 or 3 times& and take some notes.
Every piece of what she shared is an important clue to the
puzzle of female attraction.
Apply these principles with consistency and you WILL get
great results.
Make it happen!
I ll talk to you again soon.
Your Friend,
David D.
P.S. If you re ready to put your success with women on steroids&
check out some of my BRAND NEW programs that are designed
to help you do just that:
Double Your Dating eBook
If you're looking to increase your success with women
DRAMATICALLY, "Double Your Dating" is a MUST
READ. Its JAM PACKED with dozens and dozens of
specific strategies for overcoming fear, approaching
women, getting phone numbers and email address from
women quickly, great inexpensive or even free date ideas,
and advice on how to take things to a "physical" level
smoothly and easily.
For more details, go here:
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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Advanced Dating Techniques
In this program you're going to learn the core
technologies for meeting, dating, and attracting
women. This material requires no special skills or
previous experience. You'll be using the materials
that you learn IMMEDIATELY and seeing better
results INSTANTLY with women. I guarantee it.
The contents of this program were taped live over a special 3-Day event I
did that was specifically designed to systematically teach all aspects of
my theories, models, and techniques.
Over 12 full hours of digitally recorded material on 11 Audio CDs, an
accompanying workbook full of teaching slides and aides, a detailed
track listing for quick access, plus a sturdy 3-ring binder to hold your
For more details, go here:
Attraction Isn t A Choice eBook
As a man, the most important skill you will ever discover
is how to trigger SEXUAL ATTRACTION inside of a
woman& and this e-book shows you exactly how to do it.
You'll learn the secrets of the guys who have
INCREDIBLE and consistent success with women, and
the hidden primal  triggers you can use to make women
feel that irresistible, "gut-level" attraction for you...
every time! You ll get the 169 page Downloadable e-
book, plus a FREE bonus e-book, "How to Change Yourself"
For more details, go here:
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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Sexual Communication
Women are VERY "fluent" in the language
of Sexual Communication but most men
are NOT. The men that who ARE fluent in
this language have incredible success with
women. Some men have been with
literally hundreds and hundreds of
women... and I've met men who have been
with ZERO women. The men who have been with more
women universally know the language of Sexual Communication well,
and those who haven't been successful with women, do not. Start
speaking this hidden language.
Your package includes either 6 digitally- recorded and edited audio CDs
or 3 DVD s of me PERSONALLY teaching you everything I've described
above, a 47- page, detailed workbook, and a sturdy 3-ring binder to hold
your material.
For more details, go here:
Cocky Comedy
Cocky Comedy is the single most
effective way to spark attraction in a
woman FAST. It s no coincidence that
every  natural I ve ever met has been
a master of Cocky Comedy, whether
they knew it by name or not. This
program will show you how to make
this powerful skill a permanent and
natural part of your personality, quickly and easily. It s filled with
literally HUNDREDS of word-for-word lines you can start using
TONIGHT to attract women& from tips on starting conversations,
building attraction and sexual tension fast, making phone conversations
exciting, to how to drive a women crazy in the bedroom, you ll learn
something for every situation.
This program contains over 6 full hours of material on 6 CD s or 3
DVD s , plus a workbook and binder to hold your additional materials.
For more details, go here:
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.
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Mastery With Women And Dating
My new Mastery program is the
ultimate A-Z guide to dating success.
In it you ll discover strategies and
techniques for every aspect of
attracting women& for how to use
body language and eye contact to
make a woman notice you to killer
word-for-word opening lines for
DOZENS of unique situations. Best
of all, you ll learn the exact steps you
need to transform yourself into the type of man who consistently
attracts desirable women as a regular part of your life& with no special
 efforts on your part.
This power packed program contains over 20 hours of raw material and
features guest appearances from guys who are some of the best in the
world with women and dating. It contains either 20 CD s or 10 DVD s
and a 160 page quick-reference workbook to guide you along. If you re
serious about taking your success with women to the next level, it s an
For more details, go here:
Interviews With Dating Gurus Special Report  Leil Interview  ©2005, All Rights Reserved.


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