MNL Still no flying cars The future promises something better ele

Still no flying cars? The future promises something better
Level 1 l Elementary
1 Warmer
Which of the following would you like to own and why?
" an electric car
" a driverless car
" a flying car
2 Key words
Fill the gaps in the sentences using these key words from the text. The paragraph numbers will help you.
ageing pedestrian emission congestion concern
1. ________________________ is a feeling of worry about something. (para 1)
2. If something is ________________________, it is getting older. (para 2)
3. ________________________ is when a place is crowded with vehicles. (para 2)
4. An ________________________ is a gas that goes into the air. (para 2)
5. A ________________________ is someone who is walking, especially in a town or city, instead of driving or
riding. (para 3)
era connectivity carpooling commonplace app
6. ________________________ is the ability of computers and other types of electronic equipment to connect
successfully with other computers or programs. (para 5)
7. An ________________________ is an application for use on a mobile phone. (para 5)
8. An ________________________ is a period of time that has a particular quality or character. (para 5)
9. If something is ________________________, it is not unusual. (para 8)
10. ________________________ is when a group of people travel together so that they use only one car.
(para 11)
Find the information
Find the following information in the text as quickly as possible.
1. When was the film Back to the Future II made?
2. What is Uber?
3. What is Waze?
4. Who uses their cars more, people born in the 90s or the older generations?
5. When did Google begin testing driverless cars?
6. What is the average age of cars on the road?
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2015
NEWS LESSONS / Still no flying cars? The future promises something better / Elementary
Still no flying cars? The future promises something better
Level 1 l Elementary
to tell traffic control systems not only that it is
Still no flying cars? The future of
present but also where it is going and how fast it
transit promises something
is travelling.
even better
Alison Moodie
2 November, 2015 8 We have known about driverless cars ever
since Google began testing the vehicles in
1 We do not yet live in an age of flying cars, as
2012 but no-one really knows when driverless
predicted in the 1985 film Back to the Future II,
cars will become commonplace. But, there is
but smartphones and other new technologies
already some automation of cars. Automation
are creating exciting possibilities. Experts agree
will probably happen in stages: first, there might
that economic and population changes, new
be automated buses with their own lanes, then
technology, and environmental concerns are
perhaps lorries in ports or mining towns: vehicles
having a big effect on transportation.
that are connected electronically and travel one
behind another.
2 With an ageing transport infrastructure, cities
in the US have to change and improve their
9 The idea of a fully automated transportation
transportation. Experts and scientists now realize
system is interesting because it could improve
that old ways of reducing traffic congestion aren t
safety  people s mistakes won t cause accidents
enough to solve the problems of population
any more. It could also help reduce carbon
growth and carbon emissions, and transportation
emissions and traffic congestion. But, it will take
is now an environmental problem.
a long time to get fully automated because the
average age of cars on the road is 11.5 years old.
3 Big US cities like Los Angeles and Chicago are
adding more bus lanes and pedestrian walkways,
10 To see what driverless cars might look like on the
and expanding rail networks. At the same time,
road, go to the video at:
they are creating advanced technologies that will
Environmental concern
allow a vehicle to drive itself and communicate
with other vehicles and its environment.
11 The world is trying to slow down climate change
and countries and cities are trying to reduce
4 Here are three of the key ideas that experts
emissions. These things could have a big effect
predict will change transportation in the future.
on the future of transportation and lead to
zero- and low-emission vehicles and apps that
encourage more walking, cycling and carpooling.
5 Taxi-sharing services like Uber and apps like
Waze, which finds the quickest routes for
12 When thinking about the future of transportation,
drivers, are completely changing how people
it s also important to think about why people
move around and affecting the way traffic
travel: they may be going to work, to meet friends
moves through a city. Communication between
or family, or to do the shopping. Technologies that
riders and drivers, between different vehicles
reduce the need for those trips  for example,
and between cars and infrastructure is bringing
online meetings or online work  could also have
transportation into a new era.
a big effect on transportation.
6 According to a recent study, people born in the
© Guardian News and Media 2015
1990s are using cars less than older generations.
First published in The Guardian, 02/11/15
According to the study, people born in the 1990s
are making 4% fewer car trips and travelling 18%
fewer miles per year, on average, than older
generations did at the same time in their lives.
And, people who still drive cars are experiencing
less traffic thanks to Waze.
7 Traffic congestion is improving in other ways,
too. At the moment, a traffic light knows when
a car is getting close but that s all. Companies
are developing technology that allows a vehicle
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2015
NEWS LESSONS / Still no flying cars? The future promises something better / Elementary
Still no flying cars? The future promises something better
Level 1 l Elementary
4 Comprehension check
Match the beginnings with the endings to make statements about the text.
a. & using cars less than older generations.
1. Apps like Waze find &
b. & will probably be buses.
2. Traffic lights know &
c. & for people to use their cars to travel to work or
3. The first driverless vehicles &
go shopping.
4. A fully automated transport system could & d. & the quickest route for drivers.
5. People born in the 1990s are & e. & improve safety.
6. Technology may reduce the need & f. & when a car is getting near.
5 Chunks
Rearrange the words to make phrases from the text.
1. the city way traffic through a moves
2. transportation new a into bringing era
3. recent according a study to
4. lives time at in their the same
5. will time it long a take
6. to going they work be may
6 Adjective + noun phrases
Match the words in the left-hand column with the words in the right-hand column to make expressions
from the text.
1. climate
a. age
2. older
b. route
3. average
c. change
4. big
d. technology
5. quickest
e. effect
6. advanced f. generation
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2015
NEWS LESSONS / Still no flying cars? The future promises something better / Elementary
Still no flying cars? The future promises something better
Level 1 l Elementary
7 Compound words
Complete the words using the words in the box.
way common phone net less line
1. _______work
2. smart_______
3. driver_______
4. on_______
5. walk_______
6. _______place
8 Discussion
" Are driverless cars a good idea? Why? Why not?
" Should petrol and diesel vehicles be illegal? Why? Why not?
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2015
NEWS LESSONS / Still no flying cars? The future promises something better / Elementary
Still no flying cars? The future promises something better
Level 1 l Elementary
2 Key words 6 Adjective + noun phrases
1. concern 29. c
2. ageing 30. f
3. congestion 31. a
4. emission 32. e
5. pedestrian 33. b
6. connectivity 34. d
7. app
8. era
7 Compound words
9. commonplace
10. carpooling
35. network
36. smartphone
3 Find the information 37. driverless
38. online
11. 1985 39. walkway
12. a taxi-sharing service 40. commonplace
13. an app that finds the quickest route for drivers
14. the older generations
15. 2012
16. 11.5 years
4 Comprehension check
17. d
18. f
19. b
20. e
21. a
22. c
5 Chunks
23. the way traffic moves through a city
24. bringing transportation into a new era
25. according to a recent study
26. at the same time in their lives
27. it will take a long time
28. they may be going to work
© Macmillan Publishers Ltd 2015
NEWS LESSONS / Still no flying cars? The future promises something better / Elementary


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