Turkish vocabulary
David Pierce
November 28, 2009
1 aban- lean against 33 azal- become less
2 abart- exaggerate 34 az1nl1k minority cf. çounluk
3 acemi inexperienced 35 ba1r bosom
4 ac1- hurt, pity 36 bak1m care
5 ac1n- grieve 37 bask1 oppression
6 aciz, -czi inability 38 belirt- make clear
7 ada- devote 39 bertaraf setting aside
8 adap rules of good manners 40 beyan, beyanname declaration
9 ad1m step 41 biçim exposed
10 aar- whiten 42 bilinç consciousness
11 ah1r stable, shed 43 birey individual
12 âhir last, final 44 birim unit
13 ak- flow 45 bizzat personally
14 akcier lung 46 bol plentiful
15 ak1n raid 47 boynuz horn
16 akis, -ksi reflexion 48 boyut dimension
17 aksa- limp 49 bunalt1 discomfort, anxiety
18 aktar- turn over 50 camia group
19 aleyh against 51 cesaret bravery
20 alg1 perception 52 cesur brave = yiit
21 âmir commanding 53 cinayet murder
22 an- think of 54 çal- play, steal
23 an1msa- remember 55 çarçur squandering
24 apar- carry away 56 çarp- hit, strike; multiply
25 ar- be exhausted 57 çeki_- quarrel
26 art back 58 çerçeve frame
27 art- increase cf. yüksel- 59 çevir- turn, surround
28 asgari minimum 60 çim lawn
29 a_- cross 61 çounluk majority cf. az1nl1k
30 ay1r- separate 62 çoluk çocuk household, children
31 ayr1 ayr1 individually = tek tek 63 da mountain
32 ayr1cal1k privilege 64 da brand
2 Turkish vocabulary [November 28,
65 dala- brand 106 felaket disaster
66 dahi also, even 107 geli_igüzel at random
67 dâhi genius 108 gereksin- consider necessary
68 dava suit, trial 109 g1d1m ?
69 davran- bestir 110 görkem pomp
70 dayan- (-a) lean on, be supported 111 gözya_1 tear
112 günah sin
71 denek stick, cane
113 güt- herd, cherish
72 dek H" kadar
114 hal, -i state, condition
73 denetim control
115 hâlâ still
74 denge balance
116 harca- spend
75 derle- collect
117 harman threshing, harvest
76 deyi_ style of speech
118 harmanla- blend
77 dilen- beg
119 hata mistake
78 diren- resist
120 hattâ even
79 direni_ resistance
121 havale assignment, referral
80 dit- shred
122 hay1f injustice, pity
81 dize verse
123 hemfikir like-minded
82 doku tissue
124 ho_gürü tolerance
83 dola_- wander
125 husus matter, subject
84 dolay1 because of
126 1slak wet cf. ya_
85 duman smoke
127 ibare wording
86 durum situation
128 idare managing
87 duyar sensitive
129 iddia claim
88 duyu sense
130 ifade expression
89 düdük whistle
131 iflas bankrupt
90 dü_ü_ fall, decrease
132 ihale awarding contract, auction
91 dürüst correct ing
92 ecnebi stranger, foreigner 133 ihbar denunciation
93 edin- get, acquire 134 ihraç exporting, expulsion
94 eil- be bent 135 ikamet residence
95 eksen axis 136 ikametgâh place of residence
96 ele_tir- criticize 137 il- tie, baste
97 emin certain (person) cf. kesin 138 ilan announcement
98 ere- melt 139 ileri sür- assert
99 erte next, following 140 ilerle- go forward
100 ertele- postpone 141 ilinek accident
101 esas foundation, fundamental 142 ili_- be attached
102 eser work, opus 143 ili_kin concerning
103 etki effect 144 ilke principle
104 ezgi melody 145 iltifat treating with friendliness
105 fayda profit, use = yarar 146 imece collective labor
2009] Turkish vocabulary 3
147 inanç belief 188 k1s1m part, piece
148 incele- examine 189 k1_k1rt- incite
149 intihar suicide 190 k1vr1m curl
150 ise as for 191 k1zg1n red-hot, angry, in heat
151 ishal diarrhea 192 k1yas comparison
152 istilâ invasion 193 kibar noble, polite cf. nazik
153 isyan rebellion 194 kitle mass
154 i_aret sign 195 komutan commander
155 i_letici operator of a business 196 konum position, location
156 i_letmeci manager 197 korsan pirate
157 i_tah appetite 198 koru- protect
158 itham accusation 199 kucak embrace, lap
159 itina care 200 kurum institution
160 itiraf confession 201 kus- vomit
161 itiraz protest 202 ku_ak generation, belt
162 kaba rude 203 ku_at- surround
163 kabar- swell 204 ku_kusuz doubtless
164 kaç- escape, flee 205 lâf empty words
165 kal1nt1 residue 206 mahkûm condemned
166 kamuoyu public opinion 207 mahsus -a peculiar to
167 kan1t proof 208 maliyet cost
168 kapla- cover 209 maruz exposed
169 kapsam scope 210 mazhar (-a) object (of honors,
170 kar_1la- meet, cover
211 mecbur(en) compulsori(ly)
171 kas1t intention
212 mekân place
172 karacier liver
213 me_gul busy
173 karakol police station
214 mezbaha slaughterhouse
174 karma_a chaos
215 miras inheritance
175 ka_e seal implement or impression
216 muhtemel(en) probabl(y)
176 kat- add
217 munzam ?
177 kavga fight
218 mutlak absolute
178 kavra- comprehend
219 mutlaka certainly
179 kavram concept
220 müdahale interference
180 kavu_- be reunited with, reach
221 mülkiyet possession
181 kaydet- register
222 müsaade permission
182 kayg1 worry
223 müteahhit contractor
183 kay1t registration
224 müttefik ally
184 kazanç gain, earnings
225 müzakere discussion
185 kesin certain (thing) cf. emin
226 name document, &c. in com
186 k1r1k crack(ed)
187 k1s- reduce
227 nazik delicate, polite cf. kibar
4 Turkish vocabulary [November 28,
228 nice how many 269 sarma_1k ivy, vine
229 nitekim likewise 270 sat1r line of writing
230 nitele- qualify 271 sat1r meat cleaver
231 nitelik quality 272 sayesinde owing to positively; cf.
232 niyet intention
273 sayg1n respected
233 olanak possibility
274 sermaye capital
234 olay event
275 sesle- hearken
235 olumsuz negative
276 seslen- call out
236 onay approval
277 seyyar itinerant
237 ordu army
278 s1- fit into
238 ortam environment
279 s1z- leak
239 oyunbaz playful
280 sol- fade, wilt
240 ozan folk poet cf. _air
281 solu- breathe, pant
241 öbek group, mass
282 solunum respiration
242 öneri suggestion, proposal
283 sorumlu responsible
243 önle- prevent
284 soy- rob
244 önlem precaution
285 söylenti rumor
245 ör- knit
286 subay officer neol.
246 örgüt organization
287 sus- be(come) quiet
247 ötürü because of
288 suskun quiet
248 özen care, pains
289 sürece while
249 özgün original
290 süreç process
250 paha value
291 sürükle- drift
251 pansuman wound dressing
292 _air poet cf. ozan
252 perhiz fasting (Christian or Jewish)
293 _antaj blackmail
253 ramen despite
294 _a_- be amazed
254 rant unearned income
295 _a_1r- be at a loss
255 ruhsat authorization
296 _ebeke network, system
256 sala- provide
297 _emsiye umbrella
257 sala- move right
298 _er evil
258 saha field
299 _erh explanation
259 sahip ç1k- be protector
300 _1r1l _1r1l with a gentle continuous
260 sakatla- injure
261 sak1n- beware
301 _ikâyet complaint
262 sak1nca objection, drawback
302 _öhret reputation
263 sakin quiet; dweller
303 _ura council
264 salg1n epidemic
304 tabaka layer, sheet
265 san fame, title
305 taciz annoyance
266 san- suppose
306 takdir appreciation
267 san1k suspect, accused
307 takip pursuit
268 sanki as if
308 talep demand
2009] Turkish vocabulary 5
309 tamamen completely 350 vazgeç- give up
310 tan1m definition 351 vaziyet condition, situation
311 tart1_- struggle, dispute 352 vekil agent &c.
312 tasar1 proposal, bill 353 veryans1n et- attack verbally
313 ta_1- carry 354 vurgu stress, accent
314 tav1r attitude 355 yak- light, burn
315 tavsiye recommendation 356 yakala- catch
316 tehdit threat 357 yak1n near
317 tek tek individually = ayr1 ayr1 358 yak1n- (-dan) complain (about)
318 teklif proposal 359 yak1_- befit
319 tekme kick 360 yan- burn
320 tekmele- kick 361 yanda_ supporter, follower
321 temenni heartfelt wish 362 yan1t answer
322 temsil representation 363 yans1- reflect
323 teslim delivering, yielding 364 yarala- wound
324 tezgâh counter 365 yarar benefit
325 tercih preference = seçim 366 yarat- create
326 ters reverse 367 yarg1 idea, judgment
327 tescil approval = onay 368 yar1_ race
328 tetik quick, trigger 369 ya_ wet, fresh cf. 1slak, gözya_1
329 t1n1 tone 370 yay- spread
330 tiran tyrant 371 yekûn total amount
331 tutuk hesitant; under arrest 372 yemin oath
332 tutum manner 373 yerle_- settle
333 tüket- consume 374 yet- suffice
334 tür kind, species 375 yeti_kin mature
335 türe- spring up 376 yetki authority
336 ura- stop by, undergo 377 y1k- pull down
337 ura_ struggle 378 y1pran- wear out
338 ula_- reach, arrive at 379 yit- be lost = kaybol-
339 unsur element = öe 380 yitir- lose = kaybet-
340 unvan title 381 yitik loss = kay1p
341 ut, utanç shame, modesty 382 yöntem method
342 uyan1k awake 383 yumak ball of string
343 uyruk citizen 384 yut- swallow
344 uzant1 extension, prolongation 385 yüksel- rise cf. art-
345 uzman expert 386 yürek heart = kalp
346 ürk- be frightened 387 yürürlük validity, being in force
347 üslup style 388 yüzünden because of negatively; cf.
348 vade term, period of time
389 zab1ta municipal police
349 vana valve, stopcock
390 zan opinion
6 Turkish vocabulary [November 28,
391 zannet- suppose = san- 396 zevk taste
392 zarif elegant 397 zihin, -hni mind
393 zaten anyway, in fact 398 zihniyet, -ti mentality
394 zehir poison 399 ziyaret visit
395 zeki intelligent 400 zorunlu necessary
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