function ldap read

ldap_readPHP ManualPrevNextldap_readldap_read -- Read an entryDescriptionint ldap_read(int link_identifier, string base_dn, string filter, array [attributes]); Returns a search result identifier or false on error. ldap_read() performs the search for a specified filter on the directory with the scope LDAP_SCOPE_BASE. So it is equivalent to reading an entry from the directory. An empty filter is not allowed. If you want to retrieve absolutely all information for this entry, use a filter of "objectClass=*". If you know which entry types are used on the directory server, you might use an appropriate filter such as "objectClass=inetOrgPerson". This call takes an optional fourth parameter which is an array of the attributes required. See ldap_search() notes.PrevHomeNextldap_next_entryUpldap_search

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