SHSpec 198 6210C04 Modern Security Checking

6210C04 SHSpec-198 Modern Security Checking

We have had dissensions and upsets over the last twelve years. Things
now are more even and more easily handled, but we still have occasional
upsets. There was an HCOB on a new style of sec check we have [HCOB 12Sep62
"Security Check Again". This involves looking for rock slams with commands
with the wording, "Consider committing overts against _______ ."] This HCOB
points the way to a resolved case and to peace and quiet, while we get cases
cleared. For a long time, we have tried to find out what made some people
nervous, obsessed, and prone to revolt and cutting their own throats. We have
wondered if there was some international group that was closely opposed to the
advance of scientology. The answer is, "No." Communism has some goals which
would make you nervous if you knew about them, such as the goal to take away
everything of yours. This leads to a total games condition. Socialism is
also nutty. It rewards people for not working. It says, "If you are working
real hard, you should share with people who won't help you." Another
antipathetic philosophy is that of the South American division into ricos and
pobres. Capitalism has one small group owning everything. Democracy goes
like this: "Take a ... bunch of uninformed people and take the mean of their
opinion and say that [it is] valid and therefore disregard it, and then do
things and tell them it's their fault.... It's the perfect mechanism to
prevent revolt. No better one has ever been invented. It's a
self-perpetuating machine that is pure idiocy." You are given a choice of
voting between two goons you wouldn't let clean your chicken coop and then if
everything goes wrong, it is your fault.

"All government is merely a substitute for the disabilities... of the
individuals in the population." In an absence of understanding of the human
mind, you inevitably have government, and you have as much government as you
have crime, until the whole government is crime. There is nothing a
government does that has not been done privately at one time. This includes
fire departments, police, etc. Police forces [that are a part of government]
have nothing in common with public safety. The more government you have, the
less liberty you will have because government is a non-producer. The laws
that the government passes against crime apply to you, who are in theory
honest hired men. Next thing you know, you haven't even got yourself

But there is no international group that faces and opposes Dianetics and
Scientology, except to the degree that aberration opposes sanity. A
medium-good auditor gets chewed up from time to time. An excellent auditor
never gets chewed up. The only enemy of Man is his aberration. You just need
to audit, that's all. If people attack you, it is because you are not
auditing them. What they want is relief from their own misery and agony, and
you are giving them no auditing. Once you have embarked on this sort of
thing, you are in for it if you don't carry through with it. In the past,
when we have not executed our commitments, we have been in trouble. You have
to make some kind of arrangement whereby auditing can occur.

A PC who has a screaming ARC break can be smoothed out just by auditing
him smoothly and well, though, true enough, he has missed withholds for you to
clean up. PC's ARC break over no auditing. Auditing can also be conducted so
as to amount to no auditing of any kind. Making auditing occur and making it
possible is an even stronger action than pulling missed withholds, although
that is necessary too. Auditing is pure magic.

The pretense of auditing without auditing is pure poison. It is
dangerous to be almost an auditor, going through the motions of auditing
without really listening to the PC, etc. A PC will put up with a relatively
poor auditor, but not with a pretended auditor. All the things you are having
trouble with are resolvable with auditing. Therefore you must not fall short
as an auditor. In Last night's TVD, it turned out that the PC had set up the
room in such a way that the meter wasn't secure. It bounced around and had to
be fixed. When it was fixed, the PC's needle cleaned up.

The above truth applies regardless of the dynamic you are addressing.
You can't counterfeit the intention to audit. If you have that, you will
win. If you don't, you won't. Even if the PC doesn't perceive the intention,
you should handle the situation by auditing. Put in the hope factor and the
R-factor and audit.

What causes the apparent revolt against dianetics and scientology, when
it occurs? It is a particular sort of missed withhold: a missed dynamic,
item, or goal. It doesn't much matter what it is. The person is a thetan who
is basically good. An appeal directly to the thetan bypasses all the garbage
and secures his cooperation, if you truly intend to audit him. All the
crimes, wars, and insanity in the world are not caused by the individual
himself. They are caused by the misapprehensions of that individual. The
greatest misapprehensions of all are his considerations of the dynamic and
item, as a result of his carelessly postulated goal.

We are dealing here with human behavior. If an individual exists and can
be reached, anything wrong he does thereafter is the result of his not being
reached or audited. Here is what makes him tough to reach:

1. His goal.

2. His item, which is his pet antipathy.

3. His dynamic, in which he has included all the badness of existence.

"He's fighting against shadows which are quite real to him." A person's goal
may commit scientology to the status of being -- in his consideration -- his
oppterm, whether it makes any sense or not to you, the scientologist. You
can't predict this just from knowing the goal. It involves the PC's
interpretation of the goal and his track experience. You match up to his
oppterms, in his universe.

A rockslamming case is one who would get a rock slam on, "Consider
committing overts against:.

1. Scientology.

2. Ron.

3. The organization.

4. Me. (The auditor)"

If you get a rock slam on any of those four commands, the person considers you
an enemy. He is not unauditable, but the meter behaves oddly. It is
rockslammers who have made things unpeaceful for the last twelve years, not
governments, psychiatrists, or some international organization. These people
make up not more than twenty percent of an organization.

[If psychiatrists or psychologists had come up with results like ours],
they would have published our case histories, with graphs and all.
Nevertheless, they would undoubtedly rock slam, because they have a basic
disagreement with what we are doing. The psychologist has agreed that Man is
an animal, a meat robot. There is an earlier fundamental that makes this a
lie. "Psychology" means "study of the psyche". If you talk to a
psychologist, don't get into a discussion about whether Man is an animal.
Talk about the derivation of "psychology", their fundamental name. You will
thereby blow off their disagreement with us and clear up something that was
definitely antipathetic to themselves.

The individual existed before the goal. The goal is less fundamental
than the individual. It is only the antipathetic goal that gives you trouble.
[Cf. Expanded dianetics: evil purposes.] Don't reward the rebel. Put him on
the meter and check the four commands given above. If someone rockslams on
one of those, don't hire him or enrol him on a co-audit. You could enrol him
on a sub-co-audit, hang the rock slam around his neck, and he won't cause any
trouble because you have as-ised the fact that he is a rockslammer.
Rockslammers will dramatize in a 1.1 manner if you don't get them audited.
You get an emergency telephone call, and they write down the message for you.
Then, as they leave the room, their coat brushes it off into the wastebasket.
You don't see it, but later on they can prove that they wrote it down for
you. They will also agree with you about doing all the silly things you
mention, and they will dissuade you somehow from doing all the right things.

Knowing these principles, you can understand human behavior much better.
In an organization, a clearing co-audit, a marriage, or any other group, you
have a sure-fire way of testing for the person who has to be straightened
out. It is the person who rockslams when the group or person is mentioned in
"Consider committing overts against _______ ." It is not one bad act that
makes a rock slam. It takes a long accumulation of overts. The thing that a
person rockslams on may be so suppressed that it has to be thoroughly tiger
drilled [See p. 295a] before it rockslams. Find and handle rockslammers.
Neither snuff them nor let them foul up the non-rockslammers.

We are in the weird situation that if we lose, everybody loses, while if
we win, everybody wins. So it is an overt act for an auditor not to pick up
and pay attention to a rockslammer, because if he omits to do this, he is
letting the person lose and making it possible for everybody to lose. The
rockslammer will only win if you do something. Only finding a goal will make
a rockslammer go straight.


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