word formation

Egzaminy wstępne 2003
Word-formation exercises (derivation=słowotwórstwo)
Fill each of the blanks in the passage with a word that is formed from (or related to) the one in
W ćwiczeniach tego typu istotne są dwie rzeczy: jaką część mowy mamy stworzyć i w jakiej formie jej u\yć.
Co do pierwszej kwesti, musimy ją rozwiązać tak samo, jak w przypadku zwykłych dziurawców, teraz jednak
mamy podpowiedz - słowo bazowe w nawiasach; teoretycznie powinien to być wyraz, do którego wystarczy doło\yć
przedrostek lub przyrostek (warto powtórzyć - końcówki przymiotnikowe, rzeczownikowe, czxasownikowe...) i gotowe; w
praktyce autorzy testów serwują nam czasem "dalekie skojarzenia", poćwiczmy więc: jakie słowa mo\na stworzyć,
wychodząc od rzeczownika "part"? Otó\: a party, to party, a partner, a partnership, apart, to part (from), to depart,
departure - to ju\ mo\e przesada, ale idzmy dalej - partly, to participate, a participant, participation, partial, impartial,
partially, impartially, a partisan - i mo\e coś jeszcze.
Druga sprawa to kwestia odpowiedniej formy; jeśli tworzymy czasownik, nie zapominajmy o uzgodnieniu osoby i
czasu! Zła forma nie zostanie uznana. To samo dotyczy liczby rzeczowników.
Pamiętajmy: o formie ka\dego słowa tak naprawdę decyduje jego otoczenie, czyli sąsiednie wyrazy. Nie dajmy się
zaskoczyć - nie twórzmy rzeczowników niepoliczalnych po "a", albo przysłówków przed rzeczownikami. No i na końcu -
spelling, ta zmora - zwłaszcza uwa\ać nale\y na końcówki przymiotników (-able,- ible, czy -uble? -ous,- eous czy -ious?
Polecamy powtórkę maturalną, pakiet 7, sekcja leksykalna)
The next two weeks passed in a whirlwind of (active)& & & & .. The season was in full
swing, and they were soon caught up in the (fever)& & & & & .. pace of it. There were parties and
dances and dinners and breakfasts, visits to the theatre and (drive) & & & & . in the park, calls paid
and (turn)& & & ... Claire and Beth both soon developed their own circle of friends, which was
composed of (married)& & & & .. young ladies of compatible temperament and similar ages. Gabby
made many (agree)& & & & . acquaintances of her own, but found that she was often the odd person
out in any (gather)& & & & & . of ladies. She was too old to be numbered among the unmarried girls,
but the young matrons who were her contemporaries (evade) & & & & .. talked of husbands and
babies, which left her with very little to say. Not that she bemoaned her status. She had acquired a
very (respect)& & & beau of her own - a widower with children, to her secret (amuse)& & & & ,
who was quite devoted - and, more important, Claire was a raving success. Every afternoon their
drawing room was packed with (elect)& & & & & . gentlemen jockeying for a favoured place on the
sofa beside the Beauty; and Claire received so many bouquets and other small tokens of esteem that
Gabby, not without some (proud)& & & & .., was forced to contemplate the
(necessary)& & & & & & of throwing a great many of them out. Preparations for their own ball, to be
held on the fifteenth of May, proceeded apace. In addition, the vouchers for Almack's having arrived
as promised, they were involved in making ready for Claire's first (appear)& & & & & . there. These
preparations included repairing a shocking lapse in Claire's education: although she could perform her
part in country dances (credit)& & & & . enough, thanks to Twindle's tutoring and those assemblies
in York, she had never been taught to waltz. Having left (fashion)& & & & . London behind when
she had moved with Claire's mother to Hawthorne Hall, Twindle had never learned the steps, and so
was (ability)& & & ... to instruct her charges in them. (adapted from Scandalous by Karen Robards)
THE KEY: activity; feverish; drives; returned; unmarried; agreeable; gathering; inevitably; respectable; amusement;
eligible; pride; necessity; appearance; creditably; fashionable; unable;
Wszelkie prawa zastrze\one
Egzaminy wstępne 2003
Complete the sentences with words related to the ones that are given:
1) expect:
Your early arrival is quite & & & & & & & ..
& & & & & & & & & . , the army retreated, leaving the wounded soldiers behind.
Will I ever come up to my father's & & & & & & & & & & ..?
2) friend
She seems quite rude and & & & & & & & & ., but in fact she is very likeable.
& & & & & & & between a man and a woman is hardly possible, don't you think?
His tenderness and & & ..& & & & . towards his children comes as a surprise, when you know him as
a boss.
3) part
Are you going to & & & & & & & .. in the action organized by our school?
Which & & & & & & & & will you support in the next election?
& & & & & & from the ones that I've already mentioned, I have one more reason.
4) competition
All my colleagues are very & & & & & & & & so in fact we do not form a real team.
I think all countries will & & & & & & & & . for better conditions of accession to the Union.
5) law
She insists on consulting a & & & & & & ., which I think is pointless.
Are you familiar with all those & & & & & & & . aspects of the transaction?
I'm afraid that you are an & & & & & & & alien - you must leave our country within five days.
6) consider
That is so & & & & & ..& & . of you! How can you be so rude and cruel?
The prices of cars will increase & & & & & & & & during the summer.
The boss will have to take our demands into & & & & & & & & .
This is such an & & & & & & & . change! We could as well overlook it, don't you think?
7) doubt
& & & & & & & & ..your mother will be willing to help, but I just can't accept her sacrifice.
The explanations that those politicians offer seem rather & & & & & & .
THE KEY: 1) unexpected, unexpectedly, expectations; 2) unfriendly, friendship, friendliness; 3) participate, party, apart;
4) competitive, compete; 5) lawyer, legal, illegal; 6) inconsiderate, considerably, consideration, inconsiderable;
Wszelkie prawa zastrze\one
Egzaminy wstępne 2003
7) undoubtedly, doubtful;
Wszelkie prawa zastrze\one


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