technical data sheet
electronic controller for refrigerating units milk preservation
release 01.00
03-2000/ Eng
cod. 9IS21005
controller for refrigerating units milk preservation oriented
the Setpoint value will appear on the If a password has been enabled, on
display and the "SET" LED will light up. request to access the parameters
To change the Setpoint value operate on programming phase, the label PAS will
The instrument provides an input probe
the UP and SET/DOWN keys within 10 appear. Press down simultaneously and
for temperature control, and three
seconds. If no action is taken on the immediately release the UP and
output relays for the compressor, the
keypad within this time, normal mode DOWN keys; at this point, set the
agitation system and the management of
will be restored. correct value of the password using the
the alarms.
UP and DOWN keys. If the password
As a standard feature it can be connected
MANUAL ACTIVATION OF THE is correct, pressing together and
to the Televis system (by means of the
AGITATION CYCLE immediately releasing the UP and
specific interface module). The
DOWN keys will enable the user to
instrument can be configured according Manual activation of the agitation cycle is
access the parameter programming
to its application by means of a series of obtained by keeping the UP key
parameters. pressed down for over 7 seconds (this
The instrument comes in the standard key is not active during Setpoint or
ELIWELL 32x74 mm format. parameter programming). Activation of
the agitation cycle may also be started on
closure of the specific digital input. PROGRAMMING
The programming phase can be accessed
by pressing the UP and "SET/DOWN"
An alarm status is signalled by the
keys for more than 7 seconds.
The instrument is provided with two keys:
lighting up of the ALARM LED and
The first parameter is displayed and the
activation of the related relay.
SET LED will flash. In order to access
SET/DOWN: by pressing this key the
The alarm can be silenced by pressing
the other parameters press the UP or
Setpoint is displayed.
one of the two keys on the front panel;
SET/DOWN key. In order to view the
The same key can be used to decrease
the relay will be disabled, while the LED
values of the parameters shown on the
the values during Setpoint change or
will flash as long as the alarm status
label press the UP and "SET/DOWN"
parameters programming.
keys simultaneously. To change the value
UP: button used to increase values. Used
press the UP or SET/DOWN key.
to change both the Setpoint and the
The storage of new values takes place
Appropriate programming of the "Loc"
automatically on exiting the
This key also permits manual activation
parameter allows the user to disable the
programming mode, which comes about
of the agitation cycle.
keypad so as to avoid undesired use of
by not operating on the keys for several
COMPRESSOR LED: LED linked to the
the functions or parameters of the
compressor relay. Lit up when the
compressor is working.
When the keypad is disabled, the
SET LED: permanently lit up during
Setpoint and the parameters can only be
Setpoint display and programming, diF: diFferential.
displayed (and not changed); the only
flashes during parameter programming. Setpoint intervention differential.
exception is the Loc parameter itself,
AGITATION LED: LED associated with For applications in the field of
which can be used to unlock the keypad.
the agitator. Lit up when the cycle is refrigeration the differential must be set
underway, flashes in the event of manual at positive values: the compressor will
activation of said cycle. stop when the Setpoint value set is
ALARM LED: LED associated with the reached (on the indication of the control
A password can be set to allow access to
alarm. It is on when the alarm is active, probe) and start again when the
the parameter programming phase.
and flashes when the alarm has been temperature reaches the Setpoint plus
In order to set (or change) the password
silenced. the differential value.
simply access the PAS parameter and
key in a number from 1 to 15 (by setting
the value 0 the password is disabled). The
password will be enabled on exiting the
In order to display the Setpoint value,
parameter programming phase.
press and release the SET/DOWN key;
EWPX MILK CONTROLLER Rel. 01.00 03- 2000 / Eng 1/4
SC = Stop Compressor (the agitation
Table of parameters
cycle takes place every time the
compressor stops);
Parameter Description Range Default Unit
Fr = Free (the compressor relay is
diF diFferential -12& 12 2 °C / °F
released from the functions of the
LSE Lower set -999& HSE -50 °C / °F
agitator, and continues to regulate on the
HSE Higher set LSE& 999 40 °C / °F
Setpoint independently from the value of
dty Agitator type EL/in EL flag
the dty parameter).
dit agitator int. time 0& 31 3 minutes
dEt: agitator Endurance time.
dct agitator count dF/rt/SC/Fr Fr flag
Duration of the agitation cycle; expressed
in minutes or seconds.
dEt agitator End. 1& 250 30 seconds
time dPo: agitator (at) Power-on.
dPo agitator power n/y n flag
Agitation cycle on start-up.
y = yes;
Att Alarm Ab/re Ab flag
n = no.
temperature type
Att: Alarm temperature type.
HAL High Alarm -999& 999 50 °C / °F
Interpretation mode for the HAL and
LAL Low Alarm -999.1& 999 -50 °C / °F
LAL parameters.
AFd Alarm/fan diff. 1& 50 2 °C / °F
Ab = absolutes;
PAO Power-on Alarm 0& 10 2 hours
re = relative to the Setpoint.
HAL: Higher ALarm.
dAo agitator alarm ov. 0& 999 0 minutes
Maximum temperature alarm
tAo temperature 0& 250 0 minutes
alarm ov.
LAL: Lower ALarm.
cPP comp. Probe oF/on/dc on flag
Minimum temperature alarm
The value of this parameter MUST have a
Ont On time 0..250 10 minutes
negative value if the parameter Att is
set to re .
OFt OFF time 0..250 10 minutes
AFd: Alarm differential.
Operating differential of temperature
ctP comp. type nP/don/doF/dbi doF flag
PAO: Power-on Alarm Override.
cdP comp. delay 0& 15 0 minutes
Protec. Alarm exclusion after instrument start-up;
odo out delay (at) on 0& 99 0 minutes
expressed in hours.
CAL CALibration -20& 20 0 °C / °F
dAo: agitator Alarm override.
dEA dEvice Address 0& 14 0 number
Alarm exclusion after an agitation cycle;
FAA FAmily Address 0& 14 0 number
expressed in minutes.
AOP Alarm Output di/in in flag
tAo: temperature Alarm override.
Temperature alarm signalling delay;
ndt number display Int/dEc/hFn dEc flag
expressed in minutes.
cPP: compressor Probe Protection.
Loc (keyboard) Lock n/y n flag
Allows the selection of the output status
PAS PASsword 0..15 0 number
in the event of a faulty probe.
rEL RELease firmware / / /
oF = relay OFF in event of faulty probe.
Hdc Hardware code / / /
tAb tAble of / / / on = relay ON in event of faulty probe.
dc = duty cycle; the ON and OFF times
for the relay are established by the Ont
and OFt parameters.
Ont: On time (compressor).
LSE: Lower SEt. in = compressor switched on during
ON time of the compressor (when CPP =
Minimum value that can be assigned to agitation.
dc); expressed in minutes.
the Setpoint. dit: agitator interval type.
OFt: OFF time (compressor).
Usually set to the minimum value Interval between agitation cycles;
OFF time of the compressor (when CPP =
measurable by the probe. expressed in hours or in minutes.
dc); expressed in minutes.
HSE: Higher SEt. dct: agitator counting type.
ctP: compressor type Protection.
Maximum value that can be assigned to Counting mode for agitation interval.
Allows the user to select the type of
the Setpoint. dF = only the running time of the
protection against close together start
dty: agitator type. compressor is counted;
ups of the output (the time is set using
Agitation cycle mode rt = real time (the running time of the
the subsequent parameter).
EL = compressor switched off during instrument is counted);
nP = no Protection.
EWPX MILK CONTROLLER Rel. 01.00 03- 2000 / Eng 2/4
don = delay on start. Delay in activating
instrument: 12 V~/c Ä…15% (extremely low
the relay.
safety voltage).
doF = delay on switching oFf. Minimum MOUNTING
The outputs on the relays, linked by two
time for relay deactivation.
terminals, are voltage-free. Do not
The instrument is designed to be panel
dbi = delay between two successive
exceed the maximum electrical current
mounted. Drill a 29x71 mm hole and
starts. Minimum time between two
permitted (compressor and alarm: 8(3)A
insert the instrument, securing it with the
successive starts on the relay.
250V~; agitator: 5(2)A 250V~). In the
special bracket provided.
cdP: compressor delay Protection.
event of greater loads use a contact with
The room temperature range for correct
Time referring to the previous parameter;
a suitable capacity.
functioning is between 5 and 60 °C.
expressed in minutes.
The maximum current allowed for each
Furthermore, avoid mounting the
odo: output delay (at) on.
terminal is 17 A; this current must not be
instruments in locations subject to high
Activation delay of the outputs on start-
exceeded on the terminals of the
levels of humidity and/or dirt: said
up of the instrument; expressed in
common outputs (terminals 6 and 7).
instruments are in fact suitable for use in
The NTC-type probe does not require a
environments with an ordinary or normal
CAL: CALibration.
connection polarity and may be extended
level of pollution.
Enables calibration of the displayed value.
using a normal bipolar cable (remember
Make sure that the area near to the
dEA: dEvice Address.
that extending the probe adversely
cooling slits is left aerated.
Allows the selection of the device
affects the conduct of the instrument in
address within the context of the screen-
terms of electromagnetic compatibility;
based control network.
FAA: FAmily Address.
Allows the selection of the device family
within the context of the screen-based
control network
AOP: Alarm Output Polarity.
Polarity of the alarm output
di = direct,
in = inverted.
ndt: number of digits.
Type of display
int = reading without decimal point;
dEc = reading with decimal point,
definition of 0.1 °C;
hFn = reserved; not utilised.
Loc: keyboard Lock.
Keypad lock
Allows disabling of the keypad functions
so as to avoid undesired use of the
y = yes;
n = no.
PAS: PASsword.
Allows the user to select the password
value (see section on Password to access
parameter programming ).
take great care when wiring).
0 = no password is requested to access
The output for the EWRS 485 interface
parameter programming.
module of the Televis system must be
1& 15 = possible value for the password.
connected according to the indicated
rEL: rELease firmware. CONNECTIONS
Read-only parameter which indicates the
Never work on electrical connections
The probe cables, the connection cable
device version code.
when the machine is switched on.
for the EWRS 485 interface module and
Hdc: Hardware code.
The instrument is equipped with a
the power supply cable must be kept at a
Read-only parameter which indicates the
terminal board for the connection of
distance from the cables connected to
hardware code of the device.
electric cables with a maximum 2.5 mm2
the relays. In particular, the co-ordinated
tAb: tAble of parameters.
section (only one conductor per terminal
European safety regulations lay down
Index of factory set parameter
for power connections).
that the relay contact conductors (and,
configurations; cannot be modified by
Ensure that the voltage of the power
generally speaking, all parts subject to
the user.
supply conforms to that required by the
dangerous voltage) should be kept away
from extremely low safety voltage
EWPX MILK CONTROLLER Rel. 01.00 03- 2000 / Eng 3/4
connections (probe, Televis serial, power standards or dictated by common sense Analog inputs: a NTC probe for
supply) using insulation systems and due to obvious safety reasons should be temperature control.
distances which guarantee at least a applied externally. Digital input: for the remote control of
double or reinforced insulation. the agitation cycle.
Electromagnetic compatibility Temperature range: from 50 to 100 °C
requirements suggest/impose greater (from 58 to 212 °F).
attention with regard to such separation Definition: 1 °C or 0.1 °C depending on
by means of using separate insulation the programming.
Eliwell shall not be liable for any damages
runs and suitable cable fixing methods. Accuracy: the best of 0.5% at end of
deriving from:
- installation/use other than that
Power consumption: 3 VA.
prescribed and, in particular, that which
Power supply: 12 V~/c Ä…15%.
does not comply with safety standards
In the event of a shorted, interrupted or
anticipated by regulations and/or those
disconnected probe, the instrument
given herein;
anticipates the display of an E1 error
- use on apparatus which does not
guarantee adequate protection against
The same message will appear in the
electric shock, water or dust under the
event of under range namely the
conditions of assembly applied;
exceeding of the minimum display limit
- use on apparatus which allows access to
( 55 °C) or over range , namely the
dangerous parts without the use of tools
exceeding of the maximum display limit
and/or without warnings;
(125 °C).
- tampering with and/or alteration of the
Before replacing the probe, always check
its connections beforehand.
- installation/use on apparatus not
complying with the standards and
provisions of current legislation.
For safety reasons the control device
must be installed and used according to
the instructions provided and in
particular, under normal conditions, parts
Housing: plastic in PC+ABS resin with V0
bearing dangerous voltage levels must
extinguisher rating.
not be accessible.
Dimensions: front panel 76x34 mm,
The device must be adequately protected
depth 58 mm.
from water and dust as per the
Mounting: panel mounted, on holes of
application and must also only be
71x29 mm.
accessible via the use of tools (with the
Protection: IP65 front.
exception of the frontlet).
Connections: on screw terminal board for
The device is ideally suited for use on
conductors 2.5 mm2 (only one
household appliances and/or similar
conductor per terminal for power
refrigeration equipment and has been
tested with regard to the aspects
Serial connections: TTL port for the
concerning European reference standards
connection to the interface for the
on safety. It is classified as follows:
purposes of linking up to the Televis
- according to its manufacture as an
automatic electronic control device to be
Display: on a 3 digit + - sign display;
incorporated by independent mounting;
digit height 12.5 mm.
according to its automatic operating
Commands: two keys on the front panel,
features as a 1 B-type operated control
a terminal board digital input.
Data storage: on a non-volatile memory
- as a Class A device in relation to the
category and structure of the software.
Room temperature: 5& 60 °C.
Storage temperature: 30& 75 °C.
Main outputs: 1 output on the N.A. relay
Any other use other than that permitted
8(4)A 250V~ for the compressor and 1
is de facto prohibited.
output on the N.A. relay 5(2)A 250V~ for
It should be noted that the relay contacts
the agitation device.
provided are of a practical type and
Alarm outputs: 1 output on the N.C. relay
therefore subject to failure. Any
8(3)A 250V~.
protection devices required by product
EWPX MILK CONTROLLER Rel. 01.00 03- 2000 / Eng 4/4
Invensys Climate Controls s.p.a.
via dell'Industria, 15
Zona Industriale Paludi
32010 Pieve d'Alpago (BL)
Telephone +39 0437 986111
Facsimile +39 0437 986066
Internet http:/
An Invensys company
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