1 // idspl = spill type (1 - evaporating pool release, 2
horizontal jet release, 3
vertical jet or stack release, 4
instantaneous or short duration evaporating pool release
1 // ncalc = sub-step multiplier
0,016043 // wms = molecular weight of source material [kg]
2238,0 // cps = vapor heat capacity at const. p. [J/kg/K]
111,7 // tbp = boiling point temperature [K]
0,0 // cmed0 = initial liquid mass fraction [-]
509900,0 // dhe = heat of vaporization [J/kg]
3348,5 // cpsl = liquid heat capacity [J/kg/K]
424,1 // rhosl = liquid density of source material [kg/m3]
-1,0 // spb = saturation pressure constant (default = -1,0) [-]
0,0 // spc = saturation pressure constant (default = 0,0) [-]
111,7 // ts = temperature of source material [K]
117,0 // qs = mass source rate [kg/s]
657,0 // as = source area [m2]
107,0 // tsd = continuous source duration [s]
0,0 // qtis = instantaneous source mass [kg]
0,0 // hs = source height [m]
10,0 // tav = concentration averaging time [s]
1000,0 // xffm = maximum downwind distance [m]
0,0 // zp[1] = concentration measurement height [m]
0,0 // zp[2] = concentration measurement height [m]
0,0 // zp[3] = concentration measurement height [m]
0,0 // zp[4] = concentration measurement height [m]
0,0002 // z0 = surface roughness height [m]
2,88 // za = ambient measurement height [m]
4,0 // ua = ambient wind speed [m/s]
306,0 // ta = ambient temperature [K]
4,6 // rh = relative humidity [%]
0,0 // stab = atmospheric stability class value (A-F : 1,0-6,0 : unstable-stable) 0,0 means using ala
0,0665 // ala = inverse Monin-Obukhov length (used when stab==0) [1/m]
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