SHS word index

114 aberrated stable data - and non-aberrated stable data 163 aberration - ability to reach and 255 aberration - activity and 570 aberration - additives and 134 aberration - agreement and 295 aberration - basic purpose and 130 aberration - cause of 165 aberration - cause of 219 aberration - cause of 693 aberration - clear, abberability of 049 aberration - as a "cure" 497 aberration - definition of 026 aberration - doingness and 484 aberration - as an exaggeration of ability 510 aberration - as an exaggeration of ability 134ff aberration - groups and 793 aberration - inspection and 098 aberration - invalidation as the cause of 443 aberration - lies and 000 aberration - native to the thetan. See native aberration. 189 aberration - nature of 203 aberration - nature of 150 aberration - only-oneness and 066 aberration - out-of-PT-ness and 285f aberration - religion and 328 aberration - right conduct and 277 aberration - space and 134ff aberration - third dynamic and 128 aberration - types of 159 aberration - value of 160 aberration - withholding valences and 191 aberration - withholds and ability - assertion of, as an invalidation of self 739 ability - assertion of, as an invalidation of self 750 ability - blown circuits and 758 ability - circuits, a. from. See circuit ability(ies). ability - communicate, a. to, and responsibilty 635 ability - isness, a. to confront 390 ability - duplication and 421 ability - insanity and 203 ability - insanity, as an exaggeration of a. 484 ability - insanity, as an exaggeration of a. 510 ability - loss of circuit a.s 780 ability - lower-scale harmonics of thetan a.s 756 ability - misunderstood words and 661 ability - outflow, a. to, rehab of 640 ability - of the PC. See PC ability. ability - reach, a. to, and aberration 163 ability - regained on grades 610 ability - thetan, a. of to get into trouble 691 ability - work, a. to, and addition of tools 571 ability - wrongnesses of a thetan as lower-scale harmonics of thetan a.s 780 able, the - making the a. more a. 3 able, the - making the a. more a. 763 A-bomb. See atomic bomb. abridged style 690f absent mass in study 660f absolutely basic incidents and relatively basic incidents 408 absolutes - and positives 207 absolutes - unattainability of 327 absolute unawareness 420 absolute unconsciousness 392 absolute unconsciousness 420 absolute unknowingness 392 abundance and scarcity. See scarcity and abundance. abuse and longevity 310 academy, origin of 548 ACC - clearing ACC 595 acceptance level of cause - and case state 547 acceptance level of cause - and dissemination 545ff acceptance level of motivators 168 acceptance level of win(s) 230 acceptance level of win(s) 478f acceptance level of win(s) 598 acceptance level of win(s) - and auditing style 689 accidents 1 accidents 103 accumulation of mass, mechanism of 518 accusation - PC's feeling of being accused - and out-comm 642 acknowledgements. See also TR-2. acknowledgments - of alter-is, and PC directions 288 acknowledgments - and amnesia 696f acknowledgments - attainment of former goals, a. of 696 acknowledgments - attestation as an a. 698 acknowledgments - everything, a. of 241 acknowledgments - expertise in 583 acknowledgments - failure of a. See failed acknowledgement. acknowledgments - future plans, a. of 696 acknowledgments - half-a.s. See half-acknowledgements. acknowledgments - hidden standards and 696 acknowledgments - inadvertent missed withholds and 717 acknowledgments - lack of 13 acknowledgments - of lies 285 acknowledgments - of lies - ARC breaks and 287 acknowledgments - of lies - misemotion and 286f acknowledgments - in listing 251 acknowledgments - multiple 686 acknowledgments - nothing, a. of 280 acknowledgments - persistence and 697 acknowledgments - physical 274 acknowledgments - registrars' use of 696 acknowledgments - retirement as an a. 696 acknowledgments - self-auditing and 344 acting officers 720 action(s). See also doingness, activity. action - auditor, a. of. See auditor actions. action - bad reputation of a. 679 action - confront of 218 action - cycle of. See cycle of action. action - definition of 677 action - discreditability of 88 action - out-creation of 217 action - responsibility for - and case state 635 action - scarcity of 88 action - significance vs. mass, a. as 654 action - suppressive. See suppressive action(s). activity. See also action(s), doingness. activity - aberration and 255 activity - healing and 677 actual goals - and actual GPM's 529 actual GPM's - anatomy of 558-561 actual GPM's - bank, a.g.'s in 537 actual GPM's - checking out an a.g. 565f actual GPM's - description of 506ff actual GPM's - description of 525 actual GPM's - goals - complexity of a.g. goals, and location on the track 563f actual GPM's - items - complexity of a.g. items, and location on the track 563f actual GPM's - implant GPM's and 505f actual GPM's - implant GPM's and 514 actual GPM's - location of the service fac in 514 actual GPM's - nouns and pronouns in 595 actual GPM's - numbers of RI's in 559 actual GPM's - PT a.g. See PT GPM. actual GPM's - repair procedure for 515f actual GPM's - and RI's 507 actual GPM's - second dynamic goals in 591 actual GPM's - variations in 559 acute case conditions 404 adding flows 134 addition of tools and ability to work 571 additives - aberrative value of 570 additives - auditor confusion and 153 additives - cleaning a clean and 736 additives - deletion of 570f additives - evil and 736 additives - misunderstanding and 320 additives - session, a's to 320 additives - tools - addition of and ability to work 571 addressing the bank 586ff Adler, Alfred 224 Adler, Alfred 382 admin 365 admin See also case records. administration. See also organization. administration - and environmental enturbulation 701f administration - and environmental enturbulation 712 admin tech 695 admiration and persistence 336f admiration and persistence 476 Advanced Clinical Course: Clearing ACC 595 advanced processes - use of as rudiments 755 advice - destructive a. 649 advice - dynamics and 647 advice - gradients and 922f advice - how to give a. 523 advice - pan-determinism in giving a. 648 advice - partisan a. 648f advice - role of 648f Advisory Council - continental 788 Advisory Council - international, description of 788 Advisory Council - system of 788 Aesop's Fables - morals not present in the originals. 326 aesthetics 45 aesthetics - reactive mind and 459 affect - release of 734 affinity - definition of 796 affinity - processes, a. as an element used in 410 affinity - know-to-mystery scale and 399 affinity - know-to-mystery scale and 410 affinity - nature of 410 affinity - tolerance of distance and 20f affinity - undercut of reality, a. as 779 after-session sag 13 age and auditing 2 age of love 769 age of reason 769 aging 98 aging - cause of 311 agreement - aberration and 134 agreement - ARC breaks and 281 agreement - bank a. 39 agreement - definition of 117 agreement - delusion and 757 agreement - MEST universe, a. with. See MEST agreement. agreement - other-determinism and 220 agreement - policy as a. 705 agreement - scientology and 6 agreement - sixth dynamic a. 639 agreement - third dynamic a. and overts 629 agreement - third dynamics and 155 agreement - tradition as an a. 667 agreement - dissemination, truth and a. in 764 agreement - war and 154 air cover, pulling the a.c. 430 airplane design 636 alchemy 545 alchemy - and R6 735 Alcoholics Anonymous 50 alcoholism, processes for 692 Alexander the Great 798 Alice in Wonderland 19 alienists 762 alien 291 allness - thirst for in thetans 665 allness - thirst for in thetans 781 alteration and constancy 277 alter-is - acknowledgement of, and PC directions 288 alter-is - education and 526f alter-is - MEST, a. and formation of 285 alter-is - goals, a. of, and the bank 286 alter-is - harmfulness of a subject and 736 alter-is - loss of technology and 636 alter-is - mass and 277 alter-is - not-is, a., and dub-in 204 alter-is - PC a. 287 alter-is - problems and 53 alter-is - processes, a. of 422 alter-is - psychiatry and 382 alter-is - truth, a. of 528f alter-is - truth, a. of - as the basic crime in this universe 736 alter-is - truth, a. of - fixation on 528 alter-is - nature of 205 altitude 109 altitude 150f altitude 224 altitude - definition of 150 altitude - intelligence and 60 altitude - reads and 150 AMA 591 "amazed to react that way" 396 amenability 726 amendments to the Consititution 789 American Medical Association 591 American Personality Analysis. See OCA. amnesia 417 amnesia 453f amnesia - acknowledgement and 696f amnesia - force and 454 amnesia - held-down fives and 664 amnesia - mental mass and 801 analysis of cases. See case analysis. analysis of the track and case analysis 587 analytical circuits 793 analytical havingness scale 33 analytical mind - borderline of the a.m. with the reactive mind 42 analytical mind - definition of 793 analytical mind - latent reads and 355 analytical mind - PC as the a.m. 48 analytical mind - PT and 138 analytical mind - usefulness of 793 analytical reads - latent nature of 247 analytical reads - sensitivity setting and 364 analytical rightness and obsessive rightness 483 anarchism and communism 336 anarchy and totalitarianism 786 anaten. See also boil-off, dope-off, unconsciousness. anaten - case levels and 417 anaten - havingness and 87 anaten - problems of beingness and 420 anaten - rocket reads and 374 anaten - rockslams and 374 anatomy of maybe 58 anatomy of maybe 205 anchor point - of the body. See body anchor points. anchor point - definition of 797 anchor point - definition of 800 anchor point - wing a.p.s 18 anger - at the auditor only 522 anger - at governments, and the Markab Confederacy 454 anger - at PC's 622 animal behavior patterns 211 animal bodies 9 animal now-I'm-supposed-to's 211 animal psychologists 216. See also behaviorists, psychologists. anonymity and rewards 695 anorexia nervosa 493 answer - failure to get a.s to questions, processes for 583f answer - PC running out of a.s 682 answer - PC running out of a.s - handling of 584 antagonistic people - handling by giving them back their own ideas to oppose 766 anti-auditing goals 305 antibiotics, as helpful endowed life units 781 anti-Q-and-A drill 241 anxiety - definition of 58 anxiety - nature of 94 anxiety - about rudiments 253 any organization is better than no organization 770 APA. See OCA. apathy and problems 124 "appear" button on withholds 208 application, duress and a. of study materials 671 Arabian Nights 791 arbitraries - basics and 527 arbitraries - definition of 797 arbitraries - livingness and 535 arbitraries - urgent directive as an a. 797 ARC - auditing comm cycle and 452f ARC - cut a., and Q and A 620 ARC - discovery of scientology and dianetics and 778 ARC - elements used in processes, a. as 410 ARC - goodness and 119 ARC - gradients and 777 ARC - gradients and 779 ARC - mathematics and 316 ARC - mathematics and 778f ARC - MEST, a. with 458f ARC - MEST vias and 459 ARC - out of a. See out-of-ARC. ARC - prime postulates and 409 ARC - telepathy and 458f ARC - thetan reaction and 437 ARC - triangle of. See ARC triangle. ARC - truth without a. 599 ARC break 202 ARC break 285-289 ARC break - abandonment of truth, a.b. as 287 ARC break - acknowledgement of lies, a.b. as 287 ARC break - agreement and 281 ARC break - auditing and 590 ARC break - auditing over an a.b.: effect on the PC 756 ARC break - auditor, a.b. with, importance of 281 ARC break - auditor perception and 344f ARC break - BPC and 533 ARC break - cancer and 471 ARC break - case analysis and 540 ARC break - communication cycle and 446-449 ARC break - continuous a.b.s, process for 398 ARC break - cut theta line and 619 ARC break - cycle of 533 ARC break - delayed onset of 344f ARC break - end-words and 718 ARC break - fundamental forms of 411 ARC break - generalities and 702-705 ARC break - generalities and 718 ARC break - genesis of 533 ARC break - havingness and 201f ARC break - high TA and 147 ARC break - implant as an a.b. 411 ARC break - incomplete communication and 447ff ARC break - incomplete cycles and 737 ARC break - incomplete lists and 368 ARC break - incomplete lists and 372 ARC break - manifestations of 147 ARC break - missed withholds and 184f ARC break - missed withholds and 323 ARC break - missed withholds and 437 ARC break - non-confront of 381 ARC break - OCA graphs and 704 ARC break - overthrown power of choice and 411 ARC break - PC attention and 396 ARC break - with pictures 459 ARC break - problems of missingness and 719 ARC break - process(es) for handling. See ARC break process(es). ARC break - prompt handling of 397 ARC break - proper attitude on 397 ARC break - PTP's and 716f ARC break - differentiation between a.b.s and PTP's 716 ARC break - reads and 147 ARC break - reads and 201 ARC break - reads and 271 ARC break - reads and 285ff ARC break - relevance of auditor actions to the case and 142 ARC break - representation and 787 ARC break - rising needle and 124 ARC break - rising TA and 147 ARC break - the Rock and 22 ARC break - in session a.b.s 137f ARC break - should-have-knowns and 185 ARC break - unintentional withhold, a.b. as 119 ARC break assessment(s) 437 ARC break assessment(s) 588 ARC break assessment(s) - BPC assessments and 590 ARC break assessment(s) - dirty needles and 434 ARC break assessment list, and the expanded CDEI scale 462f ARC break needle 201 ARC break needle 364 ARC break process(es) 95 ARC break process(es) 105f ARC break process(es) 120 ARC break process(es) - regretted communication and 621 ARC break straightwire 99 ARC breaky PC's 79 ARC breaky PC's 93 ARC breaky PC's 125f ARC breaky PC's 477 ARC breaky PC's 578 archeology 390 ARC process 1961 147 ARC straightwire 239 ARC straightwire 409-413 ARC straightwire. See also straightwire. ARC straightwire - conditions of existence and 412 ARC straightwire - cycling to PT on 413 ARC straightwire - implants and 411 ARC straightwire - neurosis and 411 ARC straightwire - order of running processes on 412 ARC straightwire - prefixes in a.s. as a problems intensive 413 ARC straightwire - as a PT 2WC process using prefixes 413 ARC straightwire - release on 262 ARC triangle - cognitions and 410 ARC triangle - origin of 409 arguments 303 aristocracy, danger of producing a scientology a. 170 Aristotle 510 arithmetic 659 arithmetic - truth of 325 arrival and certainty 587 arrogance and study 637 Arslycus 5 Arslycus 68 art, details in 235 art critics 391 arthritis and orgone 471 artistic goals 30 artistic temperament 69 artists and SP's 501f as-ising(-ness) 222f as-ising(-ness) - auditing, a. in 303 as-ising(-ness) - auditing as 624 as-ising(-ness) - auditor understanding and 288 as-ising(-ness) - cause level and 640f as-ising(-ness) - duplication and 692 as-ising(-ness) - GI's and 572 as-ising(-ness) - mass, a. of, and two terminals 282 as-ising(-ness) - problem, a. of a 719 as-ising(-ness) - proper frame of mind for 568 as-ising(-ness) - Q and A and 303 as-ising(-ness) - whatsit, a. of 468 as-ising(-ness) - recognition of 623 assertion of ability, as an invalidation of self 739 assertion of ability, as an invalidation of self 750 assessment(s). See also reads. assessment(s) 146f assessment(s) - ARC break a. See ARC break assessment(s). assessment(s) - auditing and. See assessment and auditing. assessment(s) - auditing, a. as 173 assessment(s) - auditing by lists and 613 assessment(s) - auditing cycle as senior to 589 assessment(s) - auditing style in 210 assessment(s) - automatic withholds and 589 assessment(s) - dirty needles and 240 assessment(s) - dynamic a. by rockslam 298 assessment(s) - dynamic a. by rockslam 305-308 assessment(s) - dynamic a. by rockslam 333 assessment(s) - elimination, a. by 321f assessment(s) - errors in. See misassessment. assessment(s) - listing a. for engram running 426f assessment(s) - method 3 and method 5 a. 464f assessment(s) - method 3 and method 5 a. 613 assessment(s) - out-ruds and 322 assessment(s) - PC "assistance" and 589 assessment(s) - reality and 106 assessment(s) - wrong a. See misassessment. assessment and auditing - assessment as auditing 173 assessment and auditing - assessment, and auditing by lists 613 assessment and auditing - auditing cycle as senior to assessment 589 assessment and auditing - difference between 585-590 assessment and auditing - shifting gears between 588 assessment questions, getting the needle to set at the end of 279 assimilation of truth 601 assist(s) - dianetic a.s and healing 763 assist(s) - locational process as an a. 436 assist(s) - mechanism of 206 assist(s) - processes for. See assist process(es). assist(s) - R2-12 as an a. process 356 assist(s) - representing process as an a. 350ff assist(s) - service fac process as an a. 482 assist(s) - somatics during a.s, reasons for 586 assist(s) - training, a.s in 239 assist process(es) 22f assist process(es) 108 assist process(es) 206 assist process(es) - communication a.p.s, mechanism of 692 assist process(es) - locational a.p. 436 assist process(es) - locational a.p. 703 assist process(es) - representing process as an a.p. 350ff assist process(es) - service fac processing as an a.p. 482 assist process(es) - solution process as an a.p. 570 assist process(es) - undelivered communication process as an a.p. 643f assist process(es) - valences, a.p. using 77 assist process(es) - valence-shifting process as an a.p. 753 asking the PC to repeat something, how to do it 349 ask/say, answering the PC's questions on a./s. 375 association - definition of 652 association - enforced a. See enforced association. association - identification, a., and differentiation 17 association - memory and 663 association - self-determined thought and 545 associative memory 663 athletes, and width of PT 283 atomic bomb 222 atomic bomb 730 atomic bomb - time and 31 attack(s) 215-221 attack(s) - creativity, a.s on, reason for 501f attack(s) - energy, a.s on 216 attack(s) - other-determinism and 221 attack(s) - overt-motivator sequence and 215f attack(s) - reincarnation and 481 attack(s) - sacredness and 219 attack(s) - scientology, a.s on. See attacks on scientology. attack(s) - withholds and 216 attack process(es) - and the overt-motivator sequence 215 attack process(es) - for withholds 216 attacks on scientology 45f attacks on scientology 234 attacks on scientology 312 attacks on scientology 368 attacks on scientology 632 attacks on scientology. See also opposition to scientology. attacks on scientology - handling of 46 attacks on scientology - handling of 234 attacks on scientology - handling of 312 attacks on scientology - using "judo" to handle 312 attacks on scientology - supernatural aura of scientology and 632 attention 87f attention 91 attention 93f attention auditor's a., relevance of to the PC's case, and ARC breaks 142f attention - control of 77ff attention - directing the PC's a. 91 attention - directing the PC's a. 109f attention - directing the PC's a. 187 attention - fixation of 23 attention - havingness and 148 attention - havingness and 187 attention - itsa-maker line and 531 attention - mistakes, a. on 543 attention - PC's a. See PC attention. attention - pressor beam, a. as 253 attention - problems and 125f attention - sudden shift of 53 attention - sudden shift of 253 attention - sudden shift of - and low havingness 148 attention line, and the itsa line 472 attestation, as an acknowledgement 698 attitude(s) - auditor, a.s of. See auditor attitude. attitude(s) - Chart of A.s, and prepcheck buttons 291 attitude(s) - flows, a.s towards 176 attitude(s) - professional a. 230ff attitude(s) - time, different a.s about 676 attitude(s) - time, a.s toward, and decay of civilizations 677 attitude(s) - treatment, a. toward 93 attrition, wars of, and SP's 786 auditable(-ability) - a. cases and preparable cases 294 auditable(-ability) - insane, a. of 268 auditable(-ability) - reads and 289 auditable(-ability) - service facs and 495 auditable(-ability) - unauditability and 294f auditing. See also auditable(-ability), auditor(s), processing. auditing - age and 2 auditing - ARC break, a. over, effect on the PC 756 auditing - as-ising, a. as 624 auditing - as-ising in a. 303 auditing - assessing as a. 173 auditing - attitude in a. See auditor attitude. auditing - bad. See bad auditing. auditing - basic. See basic auditing. auditing - basic actions of a. 540 auditing - basic incidents and 401 auditing - basics of 301ff auditing - body, a. and 387f auditing - "carrier wave" for case progress, a. as 587 auditing - case level and 414 auditing - chain of error in 235 auditing - circuits, a. of 132 auditing - need for complexity in 38 auditing - contract between the auditor and the PC in 83f auditing - craftmanship in 234f auditing - cure illness, a. to 754 auditing - definition of 91 auditing - definition of 587 auditing - description of 88-91 auditing - dianetics, a. of 750-754. auditing - dianetics, a. of. See also dianetics. auditing - directing the PC's attention, a. as 109 auditing - directing the PC's attention, a. as 91 auditing - dub-in, a. of 467 auditing - dub-in, a. of 751 auditing - education and 656 auditing - eleven barriers to 744 auditing - environment, a. and 701f auditing - essential points of 537 auditing - executives, a. of 79 auditing - failed group members, a. of 127 auditing - failures in a., and out-gradients 672f auditing - field a. See field auditing. auditing - for the PC 166 auditing - for the PC 230 auditing - force, a. of 454f auditing - force in 621f auditing - foreign languages, a. in 139 auditing - fundamentals of 342-346 auditing - Galactic Confederation and 456 auditing - games conditions in 48 auditing - getting a. to work 624ff auditing - gradient of. See auditing gradient. auditing - havingness of a. 93 auditing - hidden standards in 695 auditing - hypnosis and 173 auditing - intention to audit 314 auditing - judgment in a. 70 auditing - judgment in a. 172 auditing - lack of. See no-auditing. auditing - Level III, description of a. of 612 auditing - lists, a. by, and assessment 613 auditing - literary criticism, a. as 39 auditing - mass and significance in 580 auditing - matter-of-factness in 74 auditing - mechanics of 301ff auditing - mechanics of 689 auditing - mechanics of 59 auditing - mechanics of - therapeutic nature of 689 auditing - "mud pie" model of 535 auditing - muzzled a. See muzzled auditing. auditing - no-a. See no-auditing. auditing - no-effect, a. towards 38 auditing - other person's problem, a. and 343 auditing - out-gradient in 414 auditing - parents, a. of 13 auditing - PC in front of you, a. the. See auditing the pc in front of you. auditing - PC's above their case levels, a. of 414 auditing - audit the PC, not the process 388 auditing - PC's definition of 87 auditing - practice a., dianetics as 792 auditing - practice a., dianetics as 764 auditing - problems and solutions, a. of 595 auditing - professional a., as a PC 265 auditing - programming and, difference between 398 auditing - PT, a. from, as a stable time-reference 516 auditing - purpose of 21 auditing - purpose of 294 auditing - review a. See review auditing. auditing - rewarding downstats with 754 auditing - rewarding downstats with 763 auditing - rituals in 106 auditing - rituals in 108 auditing - rituals in 141ff auditing - rituals in 160 auditing - rituals in 166 auditing - rituals in 168f auditing - rituals in 234f auditing - role of in body injury and illness 782 auditing - rough a., and low havingness 266 auditing - rudiments and 241f auditing - rules of. See auditing rules. auditing - scarcity of 86f auditing - scientologists, a. of See also experienced PC's. auditing - scientologists, a. of 116 auditing - scientologists, a. of 265 auditing - second dynamic restimulation in 202 auditing - self-a. See self-auditing. auditing - service facs that interfere with a. 488 auditing - "ship" analogy of 540 auditing - solo a., and TA motion 580f auditing - solving a problem in the MEST universe with a. 746 auditing - speed of a., and no-auditing 229 auditing - stills, a. of 178 auditing - stills, a. of 423 auditing - student a. 143 auditing - third dynamic activity, a. as 342f auditing - thought and mass, a. of 580 auditing - three zones of 539ff auditing - three zones of 552 auditing - time required for. See auditing time. auditing - time track, a. and 389 auditing - time track of 277 auditing - tips about 465 auditing - training and 610 auditing - two-terminal universe and 587 auditing - valences, a. of 75ff auditing - what you can get away with, a. as 160 auditing - whole track, a. of. See whole track auditing. auditing - zones of 539ff auditing - zones of 552 auditing by lists, and assessment 613 auditing commands. See commands. auditing comm cycle 303ff auditing comm cycle 449-453 auditing comm cycle. See also auditing cycle. auditing comm cycle - ARC and 452f auditing comm cycle - CCH's and 304 auditing comm cycle - giving the PC another question to answer 583 auditing comm cycle - lack of an a.c.c. in self-auditing 342 auditing comm cycle - power of 304 auditing comm cycle - power of 580 auditing comm cycle - Q and A and 424f auditing comm cycle - TA motion and 580f auditing comm cycle - therapeutic nature of 689 auditing comm cycle - two terminals and 582 auditing comm cycle - violations of, and dirty needles 629 auditing comm line, and gradients 673f auditing cycle. See also auditing comm cycle. auditing cycle 303f auditing cycle - major a.c.(s). See major auditing comm cycle(s). auditing cycle - MEST agreement and 627 auditing cycle - repetitive a.c., and Op Pro by Dup 743 auditing cycle - as senior to assessment 589 auditing environment - PC responsibility for 173 auditing environment - rudiments and 228 auditing errors. See also bad auditing, bad auditor, dangerous auditor, GAE's, out tech. auditing errors - chain of 235 auditing errors - chain of 620 auditing errors - dramatization and 281 auditing errors - help as a remedy for 625 auditing errors - PC service facs and 505 auditing failures. See also failed case, no-case-gain case. auditing failures - out-gradient and 672f auditing form. See naturalness, rituals, rules. auditing gradient - auditing the PC above his case level 414 auditing gradient - running a case steeper than it thinks it should be run 423 auditing gradient - underestimation of PC's ability in programming 416 auditing levels 594-598 auditing levels - basic auditing and 580 auditing levels - gradient of communication, a.l.s as 632 auditing question(s). See question(s). auditing rules 88 auditing rules 106 auditing rules 301ff auditing rules 342-346 auditing rules - proper use of 345f auditing rules - purpose of 303 auditing rules - use of to prevent auditing 345 auditing session(s). See session(s). auditing speed and no-auditing 229 auditing styles. See styles of auditing. auditing the PC in front of you 142 auditing the PC in front of you 160 auditing the PC in front of you 162f auditing the PC in front of you 169 auditing the PC in front of you 235 auditing the PC in front of you 342 auditing the PC in front of you 345 auditing the PC in front of you - no longer a senior datum 731 auditing time 299 auditing time - case level and 403 The Auditor 611 auditor(s) - ability to handle ethics depends on a. confidence 761 auditor(s) - attitude of. See auditor attitude. auditor(s) - bad a. 203ff auditor(s) - between-sessions attitude of the a. 230 auditor(s) - blowing session into future time track 318 auditor(s) - case of the a. 170 auditor(s) - classes of. See classes of auditors. auditor(s) - comm lag of 98 auditor(s) - computations of 321 auditor(s) - confront of, and the PC's confront 523 auditor(s) - contract of the a. with the PC 83f auditor(s) - counter-dramatization to the PC's dramatization 484 auditor(s) - dangerous a. See dangerous auditor. auditor(s) - deification of 632 auditor(s) - dub-in by 343 auditor(s) - finding the a. See finding the auditor. auditor(s) - fixed ideas of 319f auditor(s) - fixed ideas of - process for 320 auditor(s) - honesty of 89 auditor(s) - honesty of 619 auditor(s) - impatience of 274 auditor(s) - impingement of 26 auditor(s) - impingement of 54 auditor(s) - impingement of 712 auditor(s) - importance of ARC breaks with 281 auditor(s) - indirect invalidation of the a. by the PC 281 auditor(s) - individuation of 345 auditor(s) - inexperienced a.s 150f auditor(s) - invisibility of 540 auditor(s) - laughter of 446 auditor(s) - "mother", a. as 476a auditor(s) - non-confront of PC ARC breaks 381 auditor(s) - oppterm, a. as 151 auditor(s) - PC's havingness of 170 auditor(s) - perception. See auditor perception. auditor(s) - presence. See presence. auditor(s) - pretense to the PC. See auditor pretence. auditor(s) - purpose of 455 auditor(s) - reaching the a. See reaching the auditor. auditor(s) - reality of the a. to the PC, and reads 143 auditor(s) - repair process for a.s 80 auditor(s) - restimulation of the a., in running GPM's 566 auditor(s) - safe target for PC anger, a. as 522 auditor(s) - self-criticism of. See auditor self-criticism. auditor(s) - service facs of 505 auditor(s) - the SP as an a. 760 auditor(s) - subjective reality of. See auditor subjective reality. auditor(s) - suppression by the a. of the PC's communication 204 auditor(s) - talking too much 170 auditor(s) - tolerance for unknowns, on the part of the a. 474 auditor(s) - training of a.s 170f auditor(s) - training of a.s. See also training. auditor(s) - types of a.s 158f auditor(s) - understanding on the a.'s part, and as-ising 288 auditor(s) - wins of the a., and a. certainty 598f auditor(s) - withholds of. See auditor withholds. auditor actions and BI's 569 auditor attention, relevance of to the PC's case, and ARC breaks 142f auditor altitude. See altitude. auditor attitude 187 auditor attitude 224 auditor attitude 230ff auditor attitude - ARC breaks, a.a. on 397 auditor attitude - between sessions 230 auditor attitude - effectiveness and 187 auditor attitude - towards sec checking 385 auditor clearance 190 auditor comm lag 98 auditor computations 321 auditor confidence 37 auditor confidence 89f auditor confidence 150f auditor confidence - determines the a.'s ability to handle ethics 761 auditor confront and PC confront 523 auditor confusion and additives 153 auditor consistency and PC confidence 228 auditor consistency and PC confidence. See also predictability. auditor control. See also PC directions, directing the PC's attention. auditor control 85 auditor control 115 auditor control 287 auditor control - bank, a.c. of 305 auditor control - giving the PC another question to answer 583 auditor control - self-auditing and 544 auditor dramatization - blowing up at a PC 622 auditor dramatization - as a counter-dramatization to the PC's dramatization 484 auditor dub-in 343 auditor effectiveness 141ff auditor effectiveness 303 auditor fixed ideas 319f auditor flubs. See auditing errors. auditor impingement 26 auditor impingement 54 auditor impingement 712 auditor interest 87 auditor interest 142f auditor interest - and reads 143 auditor judgment 70 auditor judgment 141 auditor judgment 172 auditor judgment - E-meter and 224 auditor judgment - GAE's and auditor ethics j. 761 auditor non-confront of PC ARC breaks 381 auditor observation of the PC's comm cycle 583 auditor originations and TR-2 265 auditor-PC contract 83f auditor perception 343ff auditor perception - ARC breaks and 344f auditor perception - games conditions and 343f auditor presence. See presence. auditor pretense. See also honesty of the auditor, pretending. auditor pretense - reads, a.p. on 264 auditor pretense - reads, a.p. on 279 auditor pretense - understanding of 279 auditor reality 83ff auditor reality - past lives, a.r. on 97 auditor repair process 80 auditor repair process 566 Auditor's Code 106 Auditor's Code 166 Auditor's Code 197 Auditor's Code 229 Auditor's Code 622 Auditor's Code - CCH's and 42 Auditor's Code - history of 197 Auditor's Code - No.s 14 and 16 86f Auditor's Code - overlisting and 261 Auditor's Code - purpose of 197 Auditor's Code - valences and 41 auditor self-criticism 578-581 auditor self-criticism - procedure 581 auditor's report form 365 auditor's report form 501 auditor's subjective reality 84f auditor's subjective reality 95ff auditor's subjective reality 159 auditor's subjective reality - process for 97 auditor talk and TA motion 554 auditor training 170f auditor training. See also training. auditor understanding and as-ising 288 auditor viewpoint and observation of the PC 685 auditor wins and auditor certainty 598f auditor withholds 118 auditor withholds 141 auditor withholds 196 auditor withholds - sec checking and 118 Australia 426 Australia 591 Australia 618 Australia 621 Australia 715 Australia 764 Australia - connection with the U.S. 372 Australia - flap in 621 authoritarianism and stats 703 authority - knowledge and 19 authority - scientology, a. in 19 auto-generated restimulation 267 automatic awakeness and the body 782 automatic bank 791 automatic bank - and O/W 279 automatic endowment of life 783 automaticity - duplication and 407ff automaticity - service facs and 493 automaticity - solutions, a. of 58 automatic OT phenomena 780 automatic OT phenomena 791 automatic withholds and assessment 589 automobile accidents 103 avoidance and mental image pictures 112 avoiding over-restimulation 469ff awakeness, automatic a. and the body 782 "aware of", definition of 715 awareness - behavior and 713 awareness - being, a. as, and position on the a. chart 740 awareness - drugs and 615 awareness - existence of the mind, a. of 768 awareness - gradients and 616f awareness - increased a., as case gain 615 awareness - levels of. See awareness level(s). awareness - unawareness and: the road into and out of the MEST universe 618 awareness - decreased awareness, the way of 616 awareness - what you are in, a. of 768 awareness chart, position on, and awareness as a being 740 awareness level(s) 712-715 awareness level(s) - awareness of a.l.s and manifestations of a.l.s 729 awareness level(s) - below -34 729 awareness level(s) - below -34 740 awareness level(s) - dramatization of a higher a.l. 715 awareness level(s) - grade chart and 741 awareness level(s) - perceived reality, cognitions, and a.l. 629 awareness level(s) - sub-zero. See sub-zero awareness levels. awareness of awareness unit 8 awareness scale 715 awareness scale - problems, O/W, and the a.s. 718 axiom(s) 327f axiom(s) - agreement to the a.s as the thetan's first basic trust 339 axiom(s) - basic goal and 339f axiom(s) - basic purposes and 337f axiom(s) - dianetic a.s 197 axiom(s) - havingness and 33 axiom(s) - OT and 338 axiom(s) - tech catching up with 205 Axiom 1 62 Axiom 10. See also perseverence, revenge, thetan never really gives up. Axiom 10 10 Axiom 10 69 Axiom 10 71f Axiom 10 302f Axiom 10 619 Axiom 10 - communication process and 22 Axiom 10 - communication with the auditor and 302 Axiom 10 - forgetting and 176 Axiom 10 - one-shot clear and 38 Axiom 10 - psychologists and 619 Axiom 10 - revenge and 575 Axiom 10 - slavery and 476 Axiom 10 - Zen Buddhism and 316 Axiom 51 301 Axioms 105 and 107 79 bad auditing. See also auditing errors, dangerous auditor, GAE's, out-tech. bad auditing - as training 159 bad auditing 755 bad auditor 203ff bad control and start-change-stop 239 bad habits, process for 694 bad indicators. See BI's. bad pictures 67f bad session, process for auditing out a b.s. 96 bad training 126f bafflement, definition of 40 balancing whatsit and itsa 469 "Bank", origin of the term 791 bank agreement 39 barriers - to case gain 686 barriers - eleven b.s to auditing 744 barriers - freedom and 431 base for OT's. See OT base. basic(s). See also basic incidents, fundamentals. basic(s) - arbitraries and 527 basic(s) - auditing and 401 basic(s) - basic-basic and 269f basic(s) - basic-basic and 408 basic(s) - definition of 269 basic(s) - GPM's, b. on 440 basic(s) - physical dramatization of a search for b. in "heroic" remedies 59 basic(s) - that are not basic 401 basic auditing 539ff basic auditing 552-555 basic auditing - actions of 540 basic auditing - auditing level and 580 basic auditing - definition of 539 basic auditing - description of 551 basic auditing actions 540 basic auditing hat 539 basic-basic 408f basic-basic - basics and 269f basic-basic - basics and 408 basic-basic - definition of 269 basic-basic - 3DXX and 192 basic goal - axioms and 338f basic goal - bank, b.g. of 386 basic GPM 386 basic incidents - absolute and relative b.i.s 408 basic incidents - heaviness of 409 basic postulates and dianetics 337 basic problem of Man 79 basic purpose(s). See also prime postulate(s). basic purpose(s) - aberration and 295 basic purpose(s) - axioms and 337 basic purpose(s) - dianetics and 220 basic purpose(s) - prime postulate and 285 basics of auditing 301ff basic trust, agreement to the axioms as the thetan's first b.t. 339 batty ideas and doingnesses, process for 642 BBC 61 bear implant 445 becoming what you resist 317 be-do-have 26 be-do-have 42 be-do-have - case level and 210 be-do-have - children and 418 be-do-have - games and 29 beep-meter 149 beginning, earlier b.s and out-of-valenceness 406 beginning ruds, purpose of 173 behavior. See also doingness. behavior - aberrated b., genesis of 484 behavior - awareness and 713 behavior - batty b., process for 642 behavior - insane b., process for 777 behavior - in-session b., as the proper case index 421 behavior - matter, b. of 326 behaviorism. See also animal psychologists, psychologists. behaviorism 72f behaviorism 327 behaviorism 668 being(s) - cure-all propensity of 781 being(s) - experienced. See experienced beings. being in PT and execution of commands 331 beingness. See also be-do-have, identities, items, oppterms, RI's, terminals, valences. beingness 416-421 beingness - anatomy of 177 beingness - can't have and 62 beingness - danger and 418 beingness - definition of 179 beingness - duplication and 417 beingness - duplication and 689 beingness - dwindling spiral of 418 beingness - enforced. See enforced beingness. beingness - granting b. 81 beingness - hope and 418 beingness - identity and 179 beingness - inability and 243f beingness - jealousy of 418 beingness - organizational b. and doingness 699 beingness - prevented b. 419 beingness - problem of b., and anaten 420 beingness - R2-12 and 418 beingness - solution, b. as a solution 29 beingness - somatics and 228 beingness - withholds and 103f beingness - working \fItowards\fR a b. 696 beingness process(es) 26 beingness process(es) 696 being "reasonable". See reasonableness. being right by succumbing 481 being there and communicating 133 being there and communicating 172 being there and communicating 179 being there and communicating 429 belief 142 belief. See also true believer. benign monarchy 220 benign monarchy 535 benign monarchy - problems with 787 Berkeley, Bishop George 434 betrayal - dissemination and 338 betrayal - help and 338 betrayal - wisdom and 327 betterment, definition of 575 between-lives and cold 199 between-lives area 454 between-lives implant - content of 471 between-lives implant - content of 477 between-lives implant - erasing the time track and 457 between-lives implant - memory and 457 between-lives implant - purpose of 457 between-lives screens 466f BI(s) 574-578 BI(s) - auditor actions and 569 BI(s) - being in a body as a BI 574 BI(s) - Book of Case Remedies and 574 BI(s) - grades of 569 BI(s) - grades of 572 BI(s) - PC nervous about auditing, processes for at different levels 576 BI(s) - PC nervous about being audited in a particular auditing room, processes for at different levels 576f BI(s) - PC not in session of his own volition 574ff BI(s) - PC unfriendly to the auditor, processes for at different levels 576f big tiger 295a birth as a wrong date 442 birth engram and the common cold 2 bite - CCH's, b. of 168 bite - new process, b. of: running in the TA 596 bite - new process, b. of: running in the TA 602 bite - process, b. of. See also TA - running in the TA. bite - process, b. of 32 black field 91 black field 102 black field 204 blackness as difficulty of recognition 204 black panther mechanism 463 black panther mechanism - unawareness and 616 blow(s) - non-physical b.s 634 blow(s) - recognition of 623 blowing session(s) - into the future time track, by the auditor 318 blowing session(s) - missed withholds and 233 blowing up at a PC 622 blown circuits and loss of ability 758 blown circuits and loss of ability 780 bodhi 756 bodhi 765f bodhi 790 bodhi - dianetic release and 785 body(ies) 162 body(ies) - animal b.s 9 body(ies) - auditing and 387f body(ies) - automatic awakeness and 782 body(ies) - being in a b. as a BI 574 body(ies) - clearing and 59 body(ies) - communication level of the thetan and 162 body(ies) - composed of facsimiles 8 body(ies) - creation of a b. 9 body(ies) - effect of a thetan on a b. 781 body(ies) - haunted houses, b.s as 122 body(ies) - identity and 177 body(ies) - injury to. See body injury. body(ies) - new b.s 131 body(ies) - overt-motivator sequence and 10 body(ies) - reactive machine, b. as 794 body(ies) - service fac, b. as 492 body(ies) - session, b. of the. See body of the session. body(ies) - survival of a b. without a thetan 781 body(ies) - types of b.s 393 body anchor points 18 body anchor points - illness and 782 body anchor points - nature of 800 body entities 3 body entities 46 body injury - basic causes of 781 body injury - role of auditing in 782 body motion reads and low havingness 249 body of the session 190 body of the session - rudiments and 602 body-plus-thetan combination, tone level of 399f bogs in engram running 409 bogeyman mechanism 393 boil-off. See also anaten, dope-off, unconsciousness. boil-off 87 boil-off - case that b.s o. 415 boil-off - definition of 39 boil-off - missed withholds and 233 Book of Case Remedies 574 Book of Case Remedies 680 Book of Case Remedies 686 Book of Case Remedies 688 Book of Case Remedies 691 Book of Case Remedies - BI's and 574 Book One. See DMSMH. Book One clear 8 boredom and foresight 300 "bottom" of the mind 615 bottom oppterm, nature of 564 bouncers 144 bouncing 409 bouncing out of an incident 758 BPC - ARC breaks and 533 BPC - engram running, b. in 406 BPC - indicating b. 396 BPC - indicating b. 398 BPC - key-in of, and communication failures 533 BPC - locating b. See locating BPC. BPC - no-auditing and 470 BPC - origin of 448 BPC assessments and ARC break assessments 590 bracket(s) 33 bracket(s) - reason for 104 bracket(s) - repair of the right/wrong b. by prepchecking 499 bracket(s) - running b.s 70f bracket(s) - service fac b.s. See service fac brackets. brain - function of 25 brain - mind and 4 brain - neural shock-absorber, b. as 768 brain damage 25 brain damage - dianetics and 25 brainwashing as an assault on certainty 801f brandy snifters 276 break, session b. See session break(s). breakfast, running b. 759 Breeding, Don 290 Bridge 311 Bridge 478 Bridge 598 Bridge 684 Bridge 739ff Bridge - cause level and 638 Bridge - cause level and 641 Bridge - healing as part of the B. 592 Bridge - reality and 594 Briefing Course, reason for 153 British Broadcasting System 61 British silversmiths 637 broken dramatization of a GPM and illness 609 broken meter 141f bromoil prints 655 Buckminster Fuller. See Fuller, Buckminster. Buddha 40 Buddha 769 Buddha - first scientist, B. as 19 Buddha - road to truth and 326 Buddha - teachings of 765 Buddhism 19 Buddhism 316 Buddhism 756 Buddhism 765-768 Buddhism 790f Buddhism - Christianity and 766 Buddhism - peace and 129 Buddhism - quietness and 43f Buddhism - release, in B. 766 Buddhism - spread of 798 Buddhism - view in, that you can only reach enlightenment from a human body 538 Buddhism - Wundt and 768 Buddhism - Zen B. and Axiom 10 316 buttered-all-over-the-universe 16 buttered-all-over-the-universe 50f buttered-all-over-the-universe - definition of 797 buttons. See also specific buttons, e.g., "suppress" button. buttons - disagreement with study materials and 647 buttons - getting in b.s 437 buttons - left-hand b.s 374 buttons - major b.s of the bank 687 buttons - prepcheck b.s. See prepcheck buttons. buttons - right-hand b.s 374 bypassed charge. See BPC. bypassed definition 660f bypassed item(s) 322 bypassed item(s) 363f Caesar, Julius. See Julius Caesar. call-backs 144 callousness of doctors 93 Campbell, John 553 Campbell, John 678 cancellation of old data, new data does not cancel the old 754 cancer 65 cancer - ARC breaks and 471 canned lists. See prepared lists. cans, soup c.s 289 can squeeze 42 can squeeze 544 can squeeze - dead thetan case and 28 can squeeze - procedure 148 can squeeze - rise on 27 can't have - beingness and 62 can't have - create and 62 can't reach, dwindling spiral of 66f capitalism 313 capitalism 443 capitalism - nature of 224 carbon 14 dating 428 "careful" button 255 "careful" button 292 "careful" button - overt-motivator sequence and 255 "careful" button - psychoanalysis and 255 Carnegie, Dale 40 Carnegie, Dale - and false realities 464 "carrier wave" analogy of auditing 587 case(s). See also specific types of cases, e.g., no-case-gain case. case(s) - acute and chronic c. conditions 404 case(s) - auditable c.s and preparable c.s 294 case(s) - classification of c.s by session behavior 421 case(s) - gradient approach to a c., description of 680f case(s) - desperate c.s 438 case(s) - differentness of c.s 382 case(s) - difficult c. 329-332 case(s) - difficult c. See also dog PC, no-case-gain case, failed case. case(s) - doingnesses about c.s vs. wrongnesses with c.s 422 case(s) - failed c. See failed case. case(s) - gain in a c. See case gain. case(s) - index to a c. See case index. case(s) - no-case-gain c. See no-case-gain case. case(s) - "no-problems" c. 691 case(s) - one-shot solution to a c. 673 case(s) - preparable c.s and auditable c.s 294 case(s) - programing of. See programing. case(s) - psychiatric vs. scientologic classifications of c.s 330 case(s) - resolution of c.s and truth 528f case(s) - sacredness of c.s 219ff case(s) - total effect c. 783 case(s) - unusual c.s 238 case(s) - wrongnesses with c.s vs. doingnesses about c.s 422 case analysis. See also case evaluation, case index(ices), programing. case analysis 539ff case analysis - ARC breaks and 540 case analysis - basic steps of 553 case analysis - description of 574f case analysis - gradient approach to a case, description of 680f case analysis - handling what you understand in a case 673 case analysis - important questions to ask about a session 541 case analysis - Q and A and 526 case analysis - questions for 543 case analysis - shift of the c.a. with case change 539 case analysis - track analysis and 587 case analysis - undercutting PC ability in auditing 674 case change. See also case gain. case change - mannerisms and 682 case change - missed withholds and 183 case change - requires a shift in the case analysis 539 case change - withholds and 195 case classifications in psychiatry and scientology 330 case conditions, acute and chronic 404 case entrance 332-335 case entrance - gradients and 777 case entrance - optimism in choosing a c.e. 401 case entrance - optimism in choosing a c.e. 405 case evaluation. See also case analysis, case index(ices), programing. case evaluation and TA motion 330f case gain. See also case change. case gain - auditor recognition of 423 case gain - barriers to 686 case gain - cognitions and 400 case gain - criminality and 681 case gain - definition of 465 case gain - delusion and 400 case gain - lack of. See no-case-gain. case gain - measurement of 74 case gain - measurement of. See also case index(ices). case gain - missed withholds and 232 case gain - PTP's and 516 case gain - reality and 549 case gain - recognition of 414 case gain - self-determinism and 476a case gain - study and 729 case gain - TA motion and 414 case gain - TA motion and 495 case gain - whole track memory and 74 case gain - withholds and 30 case index(ices) 192 case index(ices). See also case analysis, case evaluation, programing. case index(ices) - session behavior as the proper c.i. 421 case level(s). See also case state(s), grades. case level(s) 402f case level(s) 413-416 case level(s) - anaten and 417 case level(s) - auditing and 414 case level(s) - auditing time and 403 case level(s) - be-do-have and 210 case level(s) - CCH's and 210 case level(s) - charge and 416 case level(s) - confront and 417 case level(s) - description of (Nov. 1963) 548ff case level(s) - dissemination and 785 case level(s) - flows and 421 case level(s) - insanity and 403 case level(s) - mental sciences, c.l. of 402 case level(s) - over-restimulation and 486 case level(s) - past lives and 417 case level(s) - prepchecking and 210 case level(s) - processes for different c.l.s 414 case level(s) - programing of 405 case level(s) - scale of 414f case level(s) - sensitivity setting and 554 case level(s) - TA and needle manifestations of 485 case level(s) - thetan-plus-body combination, c.l. of 404 case level(s) - 3DXX and 210 case level(s) - training and 432 case level(s) - upper-level viewpoint of lower levels 555 case level(s) - willingness to duplicate and 417 case levels VII and VIII, handling of 413 case programing. See programing. case progress. See case gain. case records. See also session records. case records - destruction of after pulling withholds 38 case records - handling a PC in the absence of c.r.s 378 case repair. See also repair. case repair 383ff case repair 370-374 case repair - primary datum of 383f case repair - problems intensives and 373 case state(s). See also case level(s), grade(s). case state(s) 31f case state(s) - acceptance level of cause and 547 case state(s) - reads and 582 case state(s) - responsibility for action and 635 case types, optimum number of 421 case types. See also specific types, e.g., "theetie-weetie" case. catalepsy 417 catastrophic expectations 302f catatonia 51 catatonia 70 cathartic therapies 231 Catholic Church - creation and 49 Catholic Church - incomplete confessions produce heretics 137 Catholic Church - the mind and 206 Catholicism and cause level 546 causation and guiding style 690 cause - acceptance level of - case state and 547 cause - acceptance level of - dissemination and 545ff cause - effect and. See cause and effect. cause - grade chart as a c. scale 547 cause - overts and 625f cause - PC willingness and 78 cause - pretended c. 80 cause - the cause of something 544 cause - time and 547 cause and effect 544-548 cause and effect - levels of 782f cause level - as-ising and 640f cause level - Bridge and 638 cause level - Bridge and 641 cause level - Catholicism and 546 cause level - O/W and 547 cause level - O/W and 641 cause point, reversal of 544f caution 180 cave-in, social 628 cave metaphor of Plato 709 CCH-havingness process and finding the auditor 275 CCH's 34 CCH's 46f CCH's 212-215 CCH's 226f CCH's - auditing comm cycle and 304 CCH's - Auditor's Code and 42 CCH's - causativeness and 212 CCH's - children and 43 CCH's - circuits and 46f CCH's - conditioning and 224 CCH's - development of 212 CCH's - dramatizations on 215 CCH's - duplication and 408 CCH's - EP of 214 CCH's - exteriorization and 227 CCH's - finding the auditor with 46 CCH's - flatness of 42 CCH's - GPM's and 226 CCH's - handling originations on 214 CCH's - handling originations on 273f CCH's - havingness process for use with 275 CCH's - letting them bite 42 CCH's - letting them bite 168 CCH's - letting them bite 213 CCH's - mechanism of 215 CCH's - mechanism of 304 CCH's - no-change on 777 CCH's - not-isness and 215 CCH's - PC originations on 47 CCH's - PC originations on 240 CCH's - prepchecking and 210 CCH's - prepchecking and 229f CCH's - presence and 27 CCH's - problems intensives and 130 CCH's - purpose of 43 CCH's - reason for rotating c.s 213 CCH's - R-factor for c.s before and after session 214 CCH's - using rudiments with 214 CCH's - running c.s 42f CCH's - running c.s 46 CCH's - running c.s 226f CCH's - shock treatment and 43 CCH's - somatics and 214 CCH's - TA motion and 211 CCH's - TA motion and 381 CCH's - theory of 212f CCH's - time spent on 26 CCH's - two-way communication in c.s 226 CCH's - two-way communication in c.s 240 CCH's - use of 26 CCH's - use of 41 CCH's - use of 213 CCH's - use of 223 CCH's - use of 229 CCH's - valences and 34 CCH's - varying the pace of 46 CDEI scale, expanded. See expanded CDEI scale. cellophane analogy of OT 394 cellular memory 600 censorship 618 central orgs - games conditions in 152f central orgs - reason for 152 central postulate of an RI and service facs 507ff central service fac 493 central service fac - of the case 400 central service fac - service facs and 519 certainty - arrival and 587 certainty - auditor c. and auditor wins 598 certainty - brainwashing, as an assault on c. 801f certainty - cycles of action and 587 certainty - definition of 801 certainty - General Semantics and 207 certainty - reads and 206f certainty - study and 657 certainty - time and 207 certainty process on overts 644 certainty processing 205f certainty processing - chronic somatics and 206 certainty processing - hidden standard and 206 certification and classification 548 cessation, no-inspection of c., and the assumption of persistence 491 chain(s) - engrams, c. of. See engram chains. chain(s) - error, c.s of in auditing 235 chain(s) - overt c.s in dianetics 759 chain(s) - prepcheching, c.s in 237 chain(s) - running engrams by c.s 406-407 chain(s) - session mistakes, c.s of 620 chain(s) - similarity of thetan reactions and the basis for a c. 437 chain(s) - solutions, c.s of 617 chain(s) - specificity of the item that a c. is based on 235 chain(s) - too late on the c. 753 chain(s) - overts, c.s of, and engram c.s 407 challenge in the environment 555 change(s) 31 change(s) - in a case. See case change. change(s) - characteristic, c. of 29 change(s) - O/W and 33 change(s) - self-determined c.s. See self-determined changes. change(s) - time and 222 change of characteristic 29 change of mind processing 101 change of space processing 477 change of space processing - description of 550 changing when the PC changes 244f changing wordings 412 channel - for flow: an organization as providing a c. for flow 706 channel - goals c. See goals channel. channel - rockslam c. 332f channel - rockslam c. 356 chanting a modifier 183 chaos. See also confusion. chaos - merchants of 555f chaos - responsibility and 113 chaos - wrong source and 286 character armor 471 charge - accumulation of 404 charge - bypassed c. See BPC. charge - case level and 416 charge - electrical confusion, c. as 492 charge - flows forward in time 406 charge - knowingness and 454 charge - knowingness and 471 charge - makes the universe aberrative 404 charge - MEST universe and 404 charge - reach and 405 charge - time and 465 charge - universe as a trap and 404 Chart of Attitudes and prepcheck buttons 291 checking listing questions for read 350 checking out an actual GPM 565f checking out an RI 526 chemistry 325f chemistry and physics, truth in 325 children - adult unreality about 132 children - asking c. what they want to be when they grow up 418 children - auditing c. 2 children - be-do-have and 418 children - beingness and 418 children - breakage amongst 166 children - CCH's on 43 children - confront process for 22 children - drawing as a therapy for c. 693 children - obeying c.'s auditing commands 446 children - prepchecking c. 293 children - running R2-12 on c. 377 children - rebelliousness of 575 children - spoiling c. and intention 603 children's sec check, use of 110 China 25 choice, power of. See power of choice. Christ 45 Christ 766 Christ - missed withholds and 183 Christ - Buddhism and 766 Christ - false overts and 626 Christianity - idea of the soul in 767 Christianity - reincarnation and 768 Christianity - release in 766 Christianity - sex and 65 Christianity - vias of 766 Christian Science 62 Christian Science - gradients and 627 chronic case conditions 404 chronic somatics 114 chronic somatics. See also disabilities, hidden standards, psychosomatic illness, PTP's of long duration, service facs. chronic somatics - certainty processing and 206 chronic somatics - handling of 111 chronic somatics - processes for 99f chronic somatics - stable data, c.s.s as 114 chronic somatics - valences and 76 chronological order of repair 366 circuit(s) 46f circuit(s) - analytical c.s 793 circuit(s) - auditing of 132 circuit(s) - blown c.s and ability 758 circuit(s) - CCH's and 46f circuit(s) - confront and 694 circuit(s) - definition of 197 circuit(s) - figure-figure and 252 circuit(s) - flows and 197 circuit(s) - formation of. See circuit formation. circuit(s) - glibness and 624 circuit(s) - havingness and 40 circuit(s) - havingness and 268 circuit(s) - havingness and 333 circuit(s) - havingness of c.s 199 circuit(s) - hidden standards and 377 circuit(s) - knowingness and 121f circuit(s) - nature of 131 circuit(s) - no-charge c.s, running of 470 circuit(s) - use of 47 circuit(s) - valences and 121ff circuit(s) - valences and 131 circuit(s) - valences and 198 circuit ability(ies) 758 circuit ability(ies) - loss of 780 circuit formation 122 circuit formation - dwindling spiral of 122a city offices 300 civil defense 216f civil defense 677 civilization(s) 219 civilization(s) - cycle of action of 116 civilization(s) - decay of. See decay of civilization. civilization(s) - how to make a c. 61 civilization(s) - make-guilty and 127 civilization(s) - meat body c.s and theta traps 429 civilization(s) - western c. and the Markab Confederacy 454 Civil Rights Act 668 civil war 154 civil war 220 civil war - representation and 787 civil war - slavery and 476 civil war - Spanish c.w. of 1936 and paperback books 676 clapstick therapy 735 clapstick therapy 765 clarifying the PC's answer, method for 447 Class I auditor (Sep. 1961) 205 classes of auditors - Sep., 1961 113 classes of auditors - Sep., 1961 152 classes of auditors - May, 1962 237ff classes of auditors - Dec., 1962 321 classes of auditor - Sep., 1963 - and control of the PC's attention 495 classes of auditors - Nov., 1963 548ff classes of auditors - Dec., 1964 691 classification(s) - above Level VI 711 classification(s) - cases, c. of. See classification of cases. classification(s) - certification and 548 classification(s) - extrapolation and 639 classification(s) - generality and 802 classification(s) - insanity of 665 classification(s) - itsa and 474 classification and gradation chart. See grade chart. classification and gradation program 610f classification of cases 421 classification of cases - psychiatric and scientologic c. of c.s 330 classification of cases - by session behavior 421 Clausewitz, Karl von 726 cleaning a clean. See also false reads. cleaning a clean 188 cleaning a clean 301 cleaning a clean 322 cleaning a clean 468 cleaning a clean - additiveness and 736 cleaning a clean - cutting the itsa comm line, c. a c. as 530 cleaning a clean - inviting itsa and 544 cleaning a clean - missed reads and 278 cleaning a clean - needle reactions and 612 cleaning a clean - overrunning ruds and 737 cleaning a clean - the thought that there is potential itsa and 530 cleaning a needle with prepchecking 357 cleaning a needle with prepchecking 383 clean needle(s) - definition of 267 clean needle(s) - definition of 362 clean needle(s) - description of 362 clean needle(s) - Mark V E-meter and 364 clean needle(s) - PC confidence and 268 clean needle(s) - PC confidence and 383 clean needle(s) - set-ups and 268 clear(s) - aberratability of 693 clear(s) - approach to not-knowing of the c. 714 clear(s) - Book One c. 8 clear(s) - characteristics of 708 clear(s) - cognition 756 clear(s) - confronting c.s 784f clear(s) - confront of old universes and 21 clear(s) - definition of 791f clear(s) - description of 37 clear(s) - description of 113 clear(s) - educated c. 665 clear(s) - effect on others of 785 clear(s) - eidetic memory of 712 clear(s) - experienced c.s 44 clear(s) - experienced c.s 759 clear(s) - exteriorized c., characteristics of 792 clear(s) - false c.s 37 clear(s) - fear of 784f clear(s) - grades of release above c. 769 clear(s) - high TA and 144 clear(s) - illness and 792 clear(s) - keyed-out c. See keyed-out clear. clear(s) - life-span of a c. 309 clear(s) - manifestations of being close to being c. 309 clear(s) - memory and 801 clear(s) - MEST c. See MEST clear. clear(s) - MEST universe as the c.s bank 706 clear(s) - one-shot c. See one-shot clear. clear(s) - OT and 248 clear(s) - OT and 440 clear(s) - OT and 784 clear(s) - OT and - difference between 666f clear(s) - OT and - going from c. to OT 792 clear(s) - particular subjects, being "c." on 665 clear(s) - pictures and 792 clear(s) - postulates and 769 clear(s) - problems of c.s 708f clear(s) - stable c., definition of 31 clear(s) - stabilization of 248 clear(s) - standard for 698 clear(s) - theta c. See theta clear. clear(s) - three routes to c. 610f clear(s) - time track of a c. 712 clear(s) - types of c. 112 clear(s) - untrained c.s 284 clear check 382 clear cognition 756 clear exterior, characteristics of 792 clearing 294f clearing - auditor clearance 190 clearing - body, the, and 59 clearing - commands, c. of 138f clearing - commands, c. of 410 clearing - commands, c. of 584 clearing - description of 663-667 clearing - earliest method of 78 clearing - ethics of 311 clearing - games and 30 clearing - "inoculation" theory of 665 clearing - questions, c. of. See also clearing commands. clearing - questions, c. of 584 clearing - somatics during c. 309 clearing - speed of c. and TA motion on the right significances 465 clearing - work and 159f clearing - world, c. of 298ff Clearing ACC 595 clearing commands 138f clearing commands 410 clearing commands 584 Clearing Congress 733 clearing questions 584 clear OT 790ff clear reads, male and female 568 cleverness and squirreling 141 closing terminals. See also snapped terminals. closing terminals - mechanism of 112 coaching 776 co-action 117f co-action. See also co-motion. co-action - overt-motivator sequence and 117f co-auditing and dissemination 548 co-auditor groups, history of 548 Coca-cola and OT's 568 cocktail party "communication" 447 code of an auditor. See Auditor's Code. codes, moral. See moral codes. cognition(s) - ARC triangle and 410 cognition(s) - awareness level, perceived reality, and c.s 629 cognition(s) - case gain and 400 cognition(s) - clear c. 756 cognition(s) - continuing a process after a c., in a different area 643 cognition(s) - EP of a major auditing cycle, c. as 446 cognition(s) - fishing for 265 cognition(s) - fishing for 274 cognition(s) - held-down fives and 665 cognition(s) - lack of c.s. See no-cognitions. cognition(s) - PC who never cognites 226 cognition(s) - sec checks and 110f cold - between-lives and 199 cold - vacuums and 106 cold - valences and 199 cold war and peaceful coexistence 687 collapsed pictures 406 collapsed terminals. See closing terminals, snapped terminals. collapsed track and cold 199 college. See university. college education and success 670 color wheel and harmonics 673 combination terminal(s) 335ff combination terminal(s) 670 combination terminal(s) - closeness to PT and 365 combination terminal(s) - definition of 335 combination terminal(s) - formation of 337 combination terminal(s) - lock, c.t.s as a 335 combination terminal(s) - opposing of 365 combination terminal(s) - politics and 336 combination terminal(s) - squirrels as c.t.s 340 Comm. See communication. command(s). See also question(s). command(s) - clearing c.s 138f command(s) - clearing c.s 410 command(s) - clearing c.s 584 command(s) - concepts and 138 command(s) - execution of 331 command(s) - execution of - asking about 21 command(s) - execution of - being in PT and 331 command(s) - flubbed c.s and the bank 533 command(s) - formation of 71 command(s) - formation of 138f command(s) - implicit c.s 531f command(s) - implicit understandings about c.s 53f command(s) - PC's repeating c.s 53 command(s) - repetitive c.s. See repetitive commands. command(s) - wrong c., handling of 97 command value of valences 199 comm cycles(s) - ARC breaks and 446-449 comm cycles(s) - homo sapiens, c.c. of 345 comm cycles(s) - military c.c 452 comm cycles(s) - native aberration and 697 comm cycles(s) - PC origination c.c 452 comm cycles(s) - remedying the PC's c.c 582-585 comm cycles(s) - self auditing, out c.c in 583 comm cycle errors - dramatization connected to c.c.e.s is of the root word 687 committee, how to paralyze 171 comm lag - auditor's c.l. 98 comm lag - between a negative political assertion and a positive action 692 comm line - auditing, c.l. in, and gradients 673f comm line - overloading a c.l. 527 comm line - theta c.l. See theta line. common cold and the birth engram 2 communal property 200 communication(s) - auditing levels as a gradient of 632 communication(s) - auditor, c. with, and Axiom 10 302 communication(s) - channel of c. See Communication Channel. communication(s) - cocktail parties, c. at 447 communication(s) - confront and 23 communication(s) - customs and 669f communication(s) - cut c. See cut communication. communication(s) - cycle of c. See comm cycle. communication(s) - dangerousness and 317 communication(s) - definition of 165 communication(s) - dissemination and 742 communication(s) - distance across which c. occurs and conflict 604 communication(s) - doing something for the PC and c. 633 communication(s) - doing something for the PC and c. 642ff communication(s) - processes, c. as an element used in 410 communication(s) - end-word in chronic restimulation, c. as 687 communication(s) - failed c. and key-in of BPC 533 communication(s) - formula of c., overts as a violation of 634 communication(s) - God, failed c. with 232 communication(s) - gradient on duplication, c. as 692ff communication(s) - "heroic" solutions and 632 communication(s) - incomplete c. See incomplete communication. communication(s) - junior to the thetan's need for orientation 476f communication(s) - lack of c. as a withhold 166f communication(s) - maintaining two-way c. with the PC 342 communication(s) - missed withholds and 693 communication(s) - orientation and 476 communication(s) - PC certainty of receiving c. and TR-3 690 communication(s) - policy and 667ff communication(s) - process(es) using c. See communication process(es). communication(s) - PTP's and 693 communication(s) - reach and 165 communication(s) - reach/withdraw and 583 communication(s) - reality as an undercut of c. 779 communication(s) - regretted c. - ARC break process and 621 communication(s) - regretted c. - overts as r.c.s 693 communication(s) - responsibility and ability to communicate 635 communication(s) - sec checks and 119 communication(s) - space and 21 communication(s) - symbols, c. through 267 communication(s) - two-way c. See two-way communication; 2WC (process). communication(s) - undelivered c. See undelivered communication. communication(s) - withdrawal from c. and persistent mockups 584f communication(s) - withholds and 693 communication channel, maintenance of 632 communication channel, maintenance of - pulling W/H's and 634 communication channel, maintenance of - pulling W/H's and 642f communication cycle. See comm cycle. communication formula, an overt as a violation of 634 communication process(es) - assist, c.p. as, mechanism of 692 communication process(es) - Axiom 10 and 22 communication process(es) - improving the PC's communication, c.p.s for 643 communication process(es) - PTP's, c.p.s for 643 communism. See also Russia. communism 40 communism 116 communism 200 communism 217 communism 243 communism 296 communism 313 communism 428 communism 669 communism 671 communism 689 communism 695 communism - anarchism and 336 communism - fear of individuation and 23f communism - inflation and 604f communism - nature of 224 communism - obsessive togetherness, c. as 23f communism - based on Pavlov 443 communism - promotion of 704 communism - scientology organization is more radical than c. 773 communism - takeover of Tibet by 427 co-motion. See also co-action. co-motion 135 co-motion - and withholds 135 comparable magnitude, problems of, and mental mass 718 compartmenting a question 120 compartments of thought in the GPM 225f complacency about study and illiteracy 658 completeness of a list - TA motion and 275 completeness of a list - test for 362 completing cycles of action, reluctance about 677 completing "oppose" lists 366 complexity - actual GPM goals and items, c. of, and location on the time track 563f complexity - MEST and 9f complexity - MEST and 583 complexity - need for in auditing 38 complexity - problem, c. of 614 complexity - processes, c. of 421 complex solution, need for a c.s. to a complex problem 614 compliments as interest in the PC's body, not the PC 143 compulsion. See also obsession. compulsion to itsa 477 compulsive. See also obsessive. compulsive outflow - handling of 274 compulsive outflow - origination, c.o. as 274 compulsive outflow - process for 585 computation(s) - auditor, c.s of 321 computation(s) - definition of 797 concentration on evil as the source of evil 480 concepts and commands 138 concept therapy 311 condensed thetan 9 condition(s) - auditing of 80 condition(s) - cases, c. of: acute and chronic 404 condition(s) - existence, c.s of, and ARC straigtwire 412 condition(s) - misapplication of c.s in the Roman Empire 724 condition(s) - Objects, c. of, as a havingness process 27 condition(s) - valences and 80 conditional confront 803 conditional itsas 474 condition formulas 723-726 conditioning and CCH's 636 conduct, right c. See right conduct. confessions - handling glib c.s 636 confessions - incomplete c.s as the cause of heretics in the Catholic Church 137 confidence. See also self-confidence. confidence - auditor, c. of. See auditor confidence. confidence - definition of 801 confidence - inflation and c. in the government 801 confidence - PC, c. of. See PC confidence. confidence - predictability and 268 confidentiality 38 confidentiality - upper-level materials, reason for c. of 776 conflict. See also war. conflict - caused by communication across a large distance 604 conformity 454 confront. See also tolerance. confront - ability to c. an isness 390 confront - action, c. of 218 confront - ARC breaks, c. of 397 confront - auditor's c. and the PC's c. 523 confront - bank, c. of, and training 542 confront - case levels and 417 confront - circuits and 47 confront - circuits and 694 confront - clears, c. of 784f confront - common denominator of reactions, c. as 427 confront - communications and 23 confront - conditional c. 803 confront - creation and 55 confront - death and 60 confront - definition of 802 confront - duplication and 421 confront - everything, c. of: a suppressive concept 803 confront - goals and 54f confront - goals and items, c. of 236 confront - havingness and 147f confront - incident, c. of, and time 675 confront - judgment and 57f confront - mental image pictures and 47 confront - motion, c. of 43 confront - obsessive c. 802f confront - OT's, c. of 784 confront - PC's c. and the auditor's c. 523 confront - persistence and 56 confront - pictures, c. of, and R2H 458 confront - prediction and 47 confront - reach/withdraw and 23 confront - release and 756 confront - resisting and 21 confront - selective c. See selective confront. confront - service fac as a substitute c. 513 confront - solutions and 56 confront - space and 459 confront - subjective havingness, c. as 40 confront - suicidal c. case 499 confront - superbeings, c. of 784 confront - suppositional realities and 391 confront - survival and 22 confront - talking c. drill 380 confront - time track, c. of 389 confront - time track, c. of 391 confront - time track, c. of - engrams and 416f confront - unknown, c. of, and the misunderstood word phenomenon 88 confront - unknowns and 80 confront - willingness and 421 confront drill, talking c.d. 380 confront process - children, c.p. for 22 confront process - six-way 58 Confucius 40 confusion. See also chaos. confusion 69f confusion 74 confusion - auditor c. and additives 153 confusion - creation of c. 70 confusion - creation of c. - by omission 70 confusion - nature of 112 confusion - non-aberrative c.s 493 confusion - overt, as a way to handle a c. 296 confusion - O/W, problems and c. 122f confusion - O/W, problems and c. 130 confusion - O/W, problems and c. - valences and 128 confusion - prior c. See prior confusion. confusion - psychosomatic conditions and 112 confusion - Routine 3D, c. in 157 confusion - sensation and 332 confusion - time and 115 confusion - unknowns and 462 confusion - withholds, reach and c. 163 conservation of energy 222 conservation of energy - mind and 639 conservation of space 222 conservative nature of scientology 662ff conservative nature of scientology 669 considerations about entanglements 411 consistency of the auditor and PC confidence 228 constancy and alteration 277 Constitution of the United States. See U.S. Constitution. Constitutional amendments 789 constructiveness and destructiveness 624 Continental Advisory Councils 788 continual past overts case, handling of 683 continual PTP's and service facs 494 continuing 602 continuing a process after a cognition, in a different area 643 continuous ARC break case, process for 398 continuous creation of the bank 534 continuous missed withholds 184 continuous missed withholds 231 continuous PT overts 47 continuous PT overts 681f continuous PT overts - problems and 688 continuous PT overts - psychiatrists and 688 continuous PT overts - rollercoastering and 688 contract between the auditor and the PC 83f contradictions between moral codes 198 control - auditor c. See auditor control. control - attention, c. of 77ff control - attention, c. of. See also directing the PC's attention. control - bad c. and start-change-stop 239 control - intelligence and 60 control - PC, c. of. See auditor control. control - session, c. of 43 control - time, c. of 299 conversation, therapeutic effectiveness of c. at different grade chart levels 768 conviction 142 convulsions, rockslams as thetan c.s 305 cooperation and implants 428 coping 173f coping - session break, c. by means of 590 correction lists - using the right c.l. 449 correction lists - using the right c.l. 462 corrective technology 670f corrective technology - modern education as a c.t. 671 counter-creation 25 counter-dramatization, auditor c-d. to the PC's dramatizations 484 counter-emotion, definition of 801 course, three elements of a successful c. 611 course supervision, zones of responsibility in 609 course supervision, zones of responsibility in 611 courtyard and boulder, in the treatment of insanity, reasons for 130 cowboys in the white hats (and black hats) 692 craftsmanship in auditing 234f creation 22 creation 68f creation. See also specific things created, e.g., MEST universe, pictures, etc. creation - can't have and 63 creation - Catholic Church and 49 creation - confront and 55 creation - collapse of the bank and 718 creation - confusion, c. of 70 creation - confusion, c. of - by omission 70 creation - continuous c. of the bank 534 creation - counter-creation and 25 creation - dwindling spiral of 70 creation - games conditions and 69 creation - goal "to create" 386 creation - impact and 68f creation - obsessive c. See obsessive creation. creation - ownership and 200 creation - reactive and analytical c. 64 creation - reactive mind, c. of 73f creation - space, c. of 304 creation - suppositional realities and 390 creation - time, c. of 675 creation - time, c. of 692 creation - reversing the c. of the universe 429 creative processing. See also Step 6 phenomenon. creative processing 54f creative processing 68 creative processing - cure for ill effects of 54 creativity, reason for attacks on 501f crime - prevalence of 11 crime - punishment as an indicator of a prior c. 317 crime - two c.s in this universe. See being there and communicating. crime prevention. See also police. crime prevention 119 criminal(s) 113 criminal(s) 115 criminal(s) 121 criminal(s) 626 criminal(s) - property and 546 criminal(s) - solipsism and 546 criminal(s) - thinkingness of 546 criminality 356f criminality - case gain and 681 criminality - U.S. government and 482 critical thoughts. See also unkind thoughts. critical thoughts 59 critical thoughts 151 critical thoughts 188 criticism 167 criticism 191f criticism 194ff criticism 243 criticism - auditing as literary c. 39 criticism - enforced beingness and 244 criticism - handling of 257 criticism - handling of 358 criticism - hidden standards and 695 criticism - impulse to destroy, c. as 195 criticism - motivators and 194ff criticism - overts, misunderstanding words, and c. 662 criticism - process for 257 criticism - suppositional reality and 391 critics of art 391 crossing org divisions 707 crossover 559 crossover drift 559 cross-representation 787 Crundall, Peter 720 cults 37 cultural differences and war 648 cultural relativity 164 cure(s). See also solution(s). cure(s) - basic means of c. 781 cure(s) 49 cure(s) 617 cure(s) - diseases and 49 cure(s) - fixation on 422 cure(s) - problems and 468 cure-all propensity of beings. See also allness, thirst for. cure-all propensity of beings 781 custom(s). See also tradition. custom(s) - communication and 669f custom(s) - destruction of c.s and decay of civilizations 669 custom(s) - laws and 668 custom(s) - violation of c.s as cutting a theta line 668 cut ARC and Q and A 620 cut communication. See also incomplete communication, undelivered communication. cut communication - environment, c.c. with 633f cut communication - SP's, c.c with 726f cut itsa line 473 cut itsa line - cut theta line and 619 cut itsa line - PTP, c.i.l. as 477 cut theta line 618 cut theta line - ARC breaks and 619 cut theta line - cut itsa line and 619 cut theta line - violation of customs as a c.t.l. 668 cycle(s) - action, c.s of. See cycles of action. cycle(s) - auditing c. See auditing cycle. cycle(s) - definition of 675 cycle(s) - GPM's and 297 cycle(s) - incomplete c.s and ARC breaks 737 cycle(s) - individuation and identification, c.s of 317 cycle(s) of action 627-631 cycle(s) of action 675-678 cycle(s) of action - certainty and 587 cycle(s) of action - reluctance about completing c.s of a. 677 cycle(s) of action - continuing c.s of a. 602 cycle(s) of action - death, c. of a. ends in 677 cycle(s) of action - fatalism and 602 cycle(s) of action - troubles with the c. of a., handling of 678 cycle(s) of action - ARC breaks and incomplete c.s of a. 737 cycle(s) of action - maybe and 205 cycle(s) of action - other-determined c.s of a. 678 cycle(s) of action - TA motion and c. of a. of a process 629 cycle(s) of action - reality and 602 cycle(s) of action - self-determined c.s of a. 678 cycle(s) of action - span of a c. of a. 678 cycle(s) of action - time and 628 cycling on the track - in ARC straightwire 413 cycling on the track - in repetitive prepchecking 280 Dale Carnegie. See Carnegie, Dale. danger - beingness and 418 danger - knowledge, d. of 326f dangerous auditor. See also auditing errors, bad auditor, bad auditing, GAE's, out-tech. dangerous auditor 95 dangerous auditor 97f dangerous auditor 191 dangerous auditor 204f dangerous auditor 282 dangerous auditor 291 dangerous environment 555 dangerous environment - lion-tamer analogy of 595 dangerous environment - manufacture of 556 dangerousness - communication and 317 dangerousness - escape and 101 dangerousness - rightness and 45 dangerous objects 137 dangerous PC 567 dangerous withholds, degree of danger in withholds 192 Dark Ages 619 Dark Horse Nebula 395 dark stars 428 Darwin, Charles 16 Darwin, Charles - Helatrobus implant and 416 Darwinian implant 427 Darwinian implant - content of 444f data - evaluation of importance of 247 data - evaluation of importance of 741 data - location and 172 data - making d. your own 172 data - omitted d. See omitted data. data - overwhelming people with d. 741 data - scientology d. See scientology data data line - hidden d.l. from unreleased tech 698 data line - verbal d.l., instability of 526 data withholds and flow withholds 177 date, wrong d. See wrong date. date/locate and R3T 511 dating - facsimiles, d. of, on objective processes 443 dating - GPM, d. of 467 dating - GPM, d. of 536 dating - itsa line and 467f dating - magnitude of errors in 442 dating - purposes of 408 datum - comparable magnitude to scientology, d. of 311 datum - comparable magnitude to scientology, d. of 317 datum - definition of 172 datum - missing d. See missing datum. datum - substitute for a thetan, d. as 177 datum - substitute for a thetan, d. as 530 datum - substitute for a thetan, d. as. See also idea as a substitute for a thetan. deadfiling 728 dead horse case 367 dead horse list(s) 348f dead horse list(s) 351 dead horse list(s) 376f dead horse list(s) - definition of 377 dead horse list(s) - rockslams and 351 dead horse list(s) - skunked lists and 377 dead horse list(s) - sources of 367 Dead Sea Scrolls 766 "dead thetan" case 162 "dead thetan" case 273 "dead thetan" case - can squeeze and 28 "dead thetan" case - creation of 317 "dead thetan" case - help and 28 "dead thetan" case - listing and 352 "dead thetan" case - service facs and 496 dealing items off the bank 261 death 86 death - confront and 60 death - cycle of action and 677 death - ego, d. of 41 death - failed postulaate, d. as 180 death - illness and 131 death - invention of 12 death - mechanism of 69 death - mechanism of 250 death - missed withholds and 250 death - nature of 40 death - perfect motionlessness, d. as 129 death - past d., running of, to handle a stuck past lifetime 753 death - solution, d. as 131 death wish and other-determinism 221 decadence caused by lack of observation 217 decay of civilization - attitude toward time and 677 decay of civilization - destruction of customs and 669 decay of civilization - technology and 636f decision(s) - goals and 295 decision(s) - observation, importance of, and 217f decision(s) - reads, d.s about 231 decreased awareness, the Way of d.a. 616 ded-dedex, definition of 796 dedication to science 222 definition(s). See also things defined, e.g., ded-dedex. definition(s) - bypassed d. 660f definition(s) - scientology terms, d.s of 789-803 definition(s) - thoughts and masses, d.s about 674 degradation 136 degradation - impulse or goal, d. of 575 DEI scale. See also CDEI scale. DEI scale - flows, d.s. applied to 176f DEI scale - lower harmonic d.s. 176f delusion(s) - agreement and 757 delusion(s) - case gain and 400 delusion(s) - grandeur, d.s of and SP's 776 delusory knowingness 96 democracy(ies) 168 democracy(ies) 313 democracy(ies) 336 democracy(ies) - Greek "d." 786 democracy(ies) - lack of promotion of d. 704 democracy(ies) - literacy and 771 democracy(ies) - monarchy, d. vs. 786 democracy(ies) - understanding and 171 democratic fascism 336 deniers 144 deniers 409 dependency - E-meter, d. on, and the itsa line 467f dependency - PC d. 475ff depersonalization and war 605 depression, post-partum 293f depth perception 43 deputy officers 720 Descartes, Rene 473 descriptive processing 53 descriptive processing 79 desperate cases 438 desperate remedies. See also "heroic" solutions. desperate remedies - as a physical dramatization of a search for basic 593 destimulation 487 destimulation - definition of 799 destimulation - discharge and 484f destimulation - erasure and 586 destimulation - itsa line and 512 destimulation - prepchecking and 485 destimulation - purpose of 586 destruction and failed help 621f destructive advice 649 destructive effects 621 destructiveness - constructiveness, d. as 624 destructiveness - alter-is and d. of a subject 736 detachment 67 detail and art 235 deterioration of matter, speed of 428 determinisms. See also other-determinism, pan-determinism, self-determinism. determinisms - valences and 219ff detested persons 243 detested persons 307 dharma 40 dharma - definition of 769 dharma - dissemination and 767 dharma - education and 765 dharma - kleenex and 769 dharma - Magna Carta and 767 dharma - philosophy of 765-768 dharma - release in 766 dialectical materialism 14 dialectical materialism 686 dialectical materialism 746 dialectical materialism - GPM's and 795 dianazene 65 dianetic assists and healing 763 dianetic auditing 750-754 dianetic axioms 197 dianetic clear 769 Dianetic Foundation - SP's in 773 Dianetic Foundation - First D.F. and whole track 290 dianetic release and bodhi 785 dianetics. See also engram running, R3R. dianetics 757ff dianetics 762-765 dianetics - basic purpose and 270 dianetics - brain damage and 25 dianetics - dissemination and 764 dianetics - E-meter and 289 dianetics - E-meter, use of to find incidents in d. 758 dianetics - expanded d. See expanded dianetics. dianetics - Flow 2 chains in 754 dianetics - free track and 513 dianetics - havingness and 753 dianetics - industrial d. 1 dianetics - E-meter-steering in d. 758 dianetics - Dianetics the Modern Science of Mental Health. See DMSMH. dianetics - Dianetics, The original Thesis 197 dianetics - practice auditing, d. as 750 dianetics - practice auditing, d. as 754 dianetics - practice auditing, d. as 762 dianetics - practice auditing, d. as 764 dianetics - prepchecking and 269f dianetics - releases in 753 dianetics - releases in. See also dianetic release. dianetics - release from this lifetime in d. 768 dianetics - modern auditing, role of d. in (Aug., 1966) 763 dianetics - in-session lock of a past incident, running of 758 dianetics - and scientology. See dianetics and scientology. dianetics - spiritual nature of Man and 763 dianetics - study of free track, d. as 355 dianetics - trying to erase the bank with d. 758 dianetics and scientology - difference between 20 dianetics and scientology - difference between 794 dianetics and scientology - history of 24 dianometry 413 dichotomies in GPM's. See GPM dichotomies. differences - not-is of d.s between people 140 differences - similarities, identities and d. 17 differences - similarities, identities and d. - and GPM running 334 differentiation - identification, association and d. 17 differentiation - nulling as d. 351 differentiation - time, d. of, and mental MEST 357 differentness of cases 382 difficult case. See also dog PC's, failed case, no-case-gain case. difficult case 329-332 dignity and deciding on policy 668 dilettantism 659 dimaxian geometry 225 diplomacy 106 directing the PC's attention 91 directing the PC's attention 109f directing the PC's attention 187 directing the PC's attention 303ff directing the PC's attention 473 directing the PC's attention. See also auditor control, control of attention. directing the PC's attention - class of auditor and (Sep., 1963) 495 direction of flows 132f directions from the PC. See PC directions. directives, urgent. See Urgent Directives. directive listing 386-389 direct style 691 dirty needle(s) 267ff dirty needle(s) - ARC break assessments and 434 dirty needle(s) - assessment and 240 dirty needle(s) - auditing comm cycle violations and 629 dirty needle(s) - definition of 362 dirty needle(s) - dirty read and 340 dirty needle(s) - faulty meters and 269 dirty needle(s) - goals listing and 340 dirty needle(s) - handling of 358 dirty needle(s) - handling of 383 dirty needle(s) - havingness and 267 dirty needle(s) - incomplete lists and 340 dirty needle(s) - listing, handling of d.n.s during 364 dirty needle(s) - mechanism of 267 dirty needle(s) - no-auditing and 358 dirty needle(s) - nulling, causes of d.n.s on 340 dirty needle(s) - out-gradient and 268 dirty needle(s) - out-ruds and 269 dirty needle(s) - out-ruds and 363 dirty needle(s) - R2-12 and 362 dirty needle(s) - rockslams and 292 dirty needle(s) - rockslams and 296ff dirty needle(s) - TR's and 446 dirty needle(s) - types of 267 dirty read(s) - description of 363 dirty read(s) - dirty needle and 340 dirty read(s) - rockslams and 363 disability. See inability. disagreement(s) - education by d., process for 320 disagreement(s) - loses and 424 disagreement(s) - not-is and 60 disagreement(s) - reads and 42 disagreement(s) - reads and 59 disagreement(s) - reads and 206f disagreement(s) - ruds question for d.s 59 disagreement(s) - service fac as a d. between auditor and PC 491 disagreement(s) - study, handling of d.s in 647 disagreement(s) - study material, bank buttons and d. with 647 disagreement(s) - word clearing and, process for 320 disassociation(s) 17 disassociation(s) 176 disassociation(s) - identification and 460 disassociation(s) - non-sequitur responses and 460 discharge(s) 487 discharge(s) - destimulation and 484f discharge(s) - two terminals needed for d. of mass or energy 581f discharge(s) - withholds and 178 disconnection 728 disconnection - ineffectiveness of d. as an indicator of having found a wrong SP 746 disconnection - power and 725 discreditable incidents 195 diseases as former cures 49 disorientation 96f disorientation - valences and 97 dispersals and flows, differences between 800 dissemination. See also PE course(s), PE lectures, PE foundations. dissemination 35 dissemination 478ff dissemination 465 dissemination - acceptance level of cause and 545ff dissemination - betrayal and 338 dissemination - case level and 785 dissemination - co-auditing and 548 dissemination - communication and 742 dissemination - thoughts, definitions about in d. 674 dissemination - dharma and 767 dissemination - failures of and missed withholds 234 dissemination - grade chart and 739 dissemination - gradients in 739 dissemination - gradients in 764 dissemination - gradients in - relative to study 671f dissemination - longevity as a point of d. 310f dissemination - misunderstood words and 661 dissemination - obnosis and 672 dissemination - OT and 779 dissemination - overcommunication in d. 779 dissemination - personal reality and 547 dissemination - purpose and 659 dissemination - role of dianetics in 764 dissemination - tech of. See dissemination tech. dissemination - thought as a d. gradient 674 dissemination - training and 549 dissemination - truth and agreement in 764 dissemination - two-terminal universe and 317 dissemination tech 711 dissemination tech 738 dissemination tech - leeway in 742 distance - across which communication takes place, and conflict 604 distance - tolerance of 20f distractions - handling of 78 distractions - nearby auditing sessions as d.s 274 distractions - in past auditing, process for 94 distractions - in session 142 distrust, handling of PC d. 338f divine right of kings 220 divisional organizers 788f divisions - crossing org d.s 707 divisions - inclusiveness of successive d.s on the org board 710 DMSMH 197 DMSMH 286 DMSMH - GPM's in 384 DMSMH - paralleling the mind and 311 DMSMH - prepchecking and 270 DMSMH - responsibility and 23 DMSMH - 3GA and 270 doctor(s) - callousness of 93 doctor(s) - proper role of 649-652 Doctor Looks at Dianetics, A 774 "doesn't want auditing" and missed withholds 233 "do-gooders", nature and handling of 378 dog PC's. See also difficult cases, failed case, no-case-gain case. dog PC's - goals and 318 doingness(es). See also be-do-have, behavior, action, activity. doingness(es) - aberration and 26 doingness(es) - cases, d. about, vs. what is wrong with the case 422 doingness(es) - having to have and 571 doingness(es) - not-doingness and 71f doingness(es) - obsessive d. See obsessive doingness. doingness(es) - organizational beingness and d. 699 doingness(es) - prehav scale and 45 doingness(es) - problem of d. 71 doingness(es) - service facs and 510 doingness(es) - service fac as a d. 504 doingness(es) - significance and 655 doingness(es) - study and 659f doingness(es) - understanding and 659 doingness(es) - outmoded d. as a significance 655 doingness process 26 doing something for the PC - communication and 633 doing something for the PC - communication and 642ff doing something for the PC - TA motion and 642 doll bodies 216 doll bodies 343 doll bodies - drunkenness in 276 domination - SP's and 776 domination - survival and 476 domination - survival and 480f "done(s)" - force and getting the d. 454f "done(s)" - withhold, getting the d. in 167 "done(s)" - responsibility, process for undercutting: d.s by reason of placement 635 dope-off. See also anaten, boil-off, unconsciousness. dope-off - havingness and 202 dope-off - missed withholds and 373f dope-off - reads and 202 dope-off - stuck flows and 33 double questioning 244 double questioning 256 double tick - mechanism of 249 double tick - missed withholds and 257f doubtful public 167 downgrades of "psyche" 653 downstats, rewarding of with auditing 754 downstats, rewarding of with auditing 763 dramatization(s) 183 dramatization(s) - auditing errors and 281 dramatization(s) - auditor counter-d. to the PC's d.s 484 dramatization(s) - broken d. of a GPM, and illness 609 dramatization(s) - CCH's, d. on 215 dramatization(s) - root word, d. connected with comm cycle errors is connected to 687 dramatization(s) - definition of 399 dramatization(s) - higher awareness level, d. of 715 dramatization(s) - higher tone levels, d. of 396 dramatization(s) - PC intentions and 603 dramatization(s) - reality and 423 dramatization(s) - replay of experience, d. as 757 dramatization(s) - science that dramatizes one of its parts is incomplete 483 dramatization(s) - valences, d. of, and auditing 156 dramatization(s) - validated error, d. of 578f dramatization(s) - wrong goals and 578 dramatizing psychotic, definition of 797 drawing as a therapy for children 693 dreams 96 dreams 100 drill(s). See also specific drills, e.g., TR's. drill(s) 238 drill(s) - talking confront d. 380 drill(s) - thetans exterior, d.s for 478 dropped-out time and overts 716f drugs and awareness 615 Druids and Jung 780 dub-in 74 dub-in - alter-is, not-is, and d. 204 dub-in - auditing of d. 467 dub-in - auditing of d. 751 dub-in - auditor, d. by 343 dub-in - dub-in of. See dub-in of dub-in. dub-in - failed not-is, d. as 204 dub-in - false track and 467 dub-in - invalidation of the time track and 467 dub-in - MEST universe, d. of 774 dub-in - based on reality 751 dub-in - responsibility and 174 dub-in - running of 467 dub-in - wrong date and 432 dub-in - wrong date and 442 dub-in of dub-in - suppositional reality and 417 dub-in of dub-in - d. of d. case 415 dumbbell items 333 dunnage 14 dunnage 48 duplication - ability and 421 duplication - as-ising and 692 duplication - auditing question and 14 duplication - automaticity and 407f duplication - beingness and 417 duplication - beingness and 689 duplication - case level and willingness to duplicate 692 duplication - protest: d. less basic than protest 423 duplication - CCH's and 408 duplication - common denominator of processes, d. as 417 duplication - communication as a gradient on d. 692ff duplication - confront and 421 duplication - dwindling spiral and 692 duplication - engram running and 407f duplication - judgment and 171f duplication - obsessive d. and unwillingness to d. 692 duplication - psychiatric practice of telling someone that he is duplicating something that he said he would never duplicate 694 duplication - reverse d. and the overt-motivator sequence 476 duplication - SOP-8C and 693 duplication - understanding and 171 duplication - unwillingness to duplicate and obsessive d. 692 duplication - willingness to duplicate and erasure 692 duplication process 414 duplication process 421 duplicative. See repetitive. duration, wrong d. 432f duress. See also force. duress - and application of study materials 671 dwindling rockslam cycles 350 dwindling spiral - being, d.s. of 418 dwindling spiral - can't reach, d.s. of 66f dwindling spiral - circuit formation, d.s. of 122a dwindling spiral - creation, d.s. of 70 dwindling spiral - duplication and 692 dwindling spiral - enforced beingness, d.s. of 420 dwindling spiral - MEST agreement, d.s. of 6 dwindling spiral - postulates, d.s. of 70 dynamic assessment by rockslam 298 dynamic assessment by rockslam 305-308 dynamic assessment by rockslam 333 dynamics. See also specific dynamics, e.g., second dynamic. dynamics - advice and 647 dynamics - inverted d.s. See inverted dynamics. dynamics - overts on the d.s., process for 195 dynamics - self-determinism and 156 dynamics - slow assessment by d.s 479 earlier beginnings and out-of-valenceness 406 earlier incidents. See also going earlier. earlier incidents - earliest incident and 447 earlier misunderstoods 657 earlier practices - releases in 745 earlier practices - unflat e.p.s 630 earlier similar(s) - to the Helatrobus implant 457 earlier similar(s) - on withholds 209 earlier subjects, misunderstoods in 662 earliest incident and earlier incidents 447 earth - dumping ground, e. as 428 earth - evolution on e. 428 earth - nature of e. inhabitants 679 earth - non-conformity on e. 454 earth - OT base, e. as 606 earth - plans for 780 earth - reasons for a thetan being on e. 429 earth - safe location, e. as 478 eastern religions 316 echelons of existence 4 echo metering 424 economics. See also money. economics 61 economics - politics and 605 economics - politics and 749 economics - Russia, p. of 605 economics - scientology and 749 economics - time and 436 ECT. See shock treatment. Eddy, Mary Baker, and gradients 627 educated clear. See also experienced being, experienced clear. educated clear 665 education. See also study. education - alter-is and 526f education - auditing and 656 education - college e. and success 670 education - dharma and 765 education - disagreement, e. by, process for 320 education - getting the student there 656 education - GPM's and 356 education - inspection and 619 education - inspection of the end-product of e. 656 education - locational processing in 656 education - modern e. as a corrective technology 671 education - reverence in e. 685 education - schooling and 654ff education - skipped gradient in e. 657 education - thinkingness and 238 education process 171 effect(s) - cause and. See cause and effect. effect(s) - destructive e.s 621 effect(s) - reactive mind, e.s on 64 effect(s) - SP's and 783 effect(s) - unknowing e. on self 72 effectiveness - auditing attitude and 187 effectiveness - reality on e. of auditing 311 effectiveness - auditor, e. of 141ff effectiveness - auditor, e. of 303 effectiveness - reality and 67 effectiveness - therapeutic e. of conversation at different grade chart levels 768 effect point as a return cause point 544f effect scale and amount of restimulation 471 effort, estimation of, and missed withholds 324 effort withholds 161 effort withholds - process for 161 "ego death" 41 Egypt 108 eidetic memory and clear 712 "S", origin of the symbol 462 Einstein, Albert 429 Einstein, Albert - observation and 146 electricity 326 electricity - flows and 176 electric shock treatment; electro-convulsive therapy. See shock treatment. electrodes, heavy steel e.s 590 electropsychometer. See E-meter. elimination, truth by 614 Elliot, James 289 emanation of thetans 343 emergency, definition of 376 emergency formula, overuse of in U.S. business 704 E-meter(s) 289ff E-meter(s) - auditor judgment and 224 E-meter(s) - broken e. 141f E-meter(s) - confront and 752 E-meter(s) - dependency on the e. and the itsa line 467f E-meter(s) - dianetics and 289 E-meter(s) - discontinuance of use of the e. (temporary) 290 E-meter(s) - history of 144f E-meter(s) - history of 289ff E-meter(s) - influencing the e. 64 E-meter(s) - invalidation of the e. 246 E-meter(s) - invalidation of the PC with the e. 468 E-meter(s) - lie detectors and 288 E-meter(s) - Mark IV, development of 291 E-meter(s) - Mark V e. See Mark V E-meter. E-meter(s) - Mathison model 289 E-meter(s) - no-responsibility and 174 E-meter(s) - preview of coming attractions, e. as 467 E-meter(s) - prime postulate and 291 E-meter(s) - purpose of 289 E-meter(s) - purpose of 291 E-meter(s) - self-determinism and 553 E-meter(s) - steering with the e. in dianetics 758 E-meter(s) - sub-itsa and 578 E-meter(s) - tension and 28 E-meter(s) - training in the use of the e. 282ff E-meter(s) - truth-verifier, not a lie detector 288 E-meter(s) - heavy steel electrodes, use of 590 E-meter(s) - use of to find incidents in dianetics 758 E-meter(s) - what the e. measures 4 E-meter(s) - whole track and 289 E-meter cans. See cans. E-meter reactions; E-meter reads. See reads. emotion, definition of 796 emotional curve of pulling withholds 189 emotion of objects, as a havingness process 27 enchantment, mechanism of 246 encounter groups 18 Encyclopedia Britannica article on space, time, and the mind 325 encysted withholds 191 ending session 202f end of session 375 end of session - havingness at e.o.s. 264 end of session - PC should feel better at e.o.s. 301 endowed life 780ff endowed life - automatic e.l. 783 endowed life - faith healing and 782 endowed life - antibiotics as helpful e.l. units 781 endowed life - hostile e.l. units 781 endowing MEST with life 459 end phenomenon(a). See EP(s). end-ruds 244 end-ruds - mid-ruds, e.r.s as 253 end-ruds - purpose of 173 end-ruds - purpose of 247 end-ruds - questions for 253f endurance - problems, e. of 521 endurance - truth, e. of, and recognition of truth 599 end-word(s) - ARC breaks and 718 end-word(s) - "communication" as an e.w. in chronic restimulation 687 energy - attacking e. 216 energy - conservation of. See conservation of energy. energy - definition of 800 energy - need two terminals to discharge e. 581f energy - clear, e. phenomena of 712 enforced association and overts 317 enforced beingness - criticism and 244 enforced beingness - cycle of 242f enforced beingness - dwindling spiral of 420 enforced beingness - O/W and 476 enforced outflow 165 engineering 7 English, on the whole track 141 English upper class 671 engram(s) - beingness process for running e.s 26 engram(s) - birth e. and the common cold 2 engram(s) - chains of e.s. See engram chains. engram(s) - confront of the track and 416f engram(s) - definition of 795 engram(s) - evaluating the factualness of e.s 408 engram(s) - finding e.s, processes for 99 engram(s) - getting stuck in e.s and missed withholds 341 engram(s) - hidden standards and 102 engram(s) - inability to run e.s, process for 27 engram(s) - interiorizing the PC into an e. 409 engram(s) - necessary to resolve the case 78 engram(s) - not-know processing and forgettingness processing of e.s 74 engram(s) - out of valence in e.s, process for 99 engram(s) - overt e.s 407 engram(s) - pretended knowingness and 102 engram(s) - reactions to e.s 490 engram(s) - running e.s See engram running. engram(s) - social e.s 2 engram(s) - sympathy e.s 1 engram(s) - telepathy of e.s 1 engram(s) - three reactions to e.s 490 engram(s) - unburdening of e.s 102 engram chains - overt chains and 407 engram chains - running e.c.s 406-409 engram phrases. See phrases. engram running. See also dianetics, R3R. engram running 102f engram running 108 engram running - backwards e.r. 102 engram running - bogs in e.r. 409 engram running - bypassed charge in e.r. 406 engram running - chains, e.r. by 406-409 engram running - duplication and 407f engram running - Flow 2 e.r. 407 engram running - going earlier in e.r. 408f engram running - listing assessment for e.r. 426f engram running - procedure 407 engram running - procedure 409 engram running - rote e.r. 416 engram running - Routine 3 and 102 enslavement, mechanism of 481 entanglements, considerations about 411 entheta campaigns, handling of 234 entheta talk and theta talk, handling of 466 entity, body e. 3 entrance to cases. See case entrance. entrance point - study, e.p. to 638 entrance point - this universe, e.p. to 800 entrapment. See also traps. entrapment - elements of 622 entrapment - ignorance and 428 entrapment - obsessive doingness and 634 entrapment - over-restimulation and 502f entrapment - problems and 622 entrapment - service facs and 517 enturbulation from the environment. See environmental enturbulation. environment - auditing e. See auditing environment. environment - auditing and 701f environment - cut communication with the e. 633f environment - dangerous. See dangerous environment. environment - fear of the e. in psychotics 784 environment - handling the e. 556ff environment - handling the e. 631 environment - suppression of the e. 203-208 environmental challenges 555 environmental enturbulation 333 environmental enturbulation - administration and 701f environmental enturbulation - administration and 712 environmental invalidation 709 environmental restimulation - acceptable randomity and 498 environmental restimulation - auditing whole track and 500 environmental restimulation - lion-tamer analogy of 595 environmental restimulation - service facs and 500 environmental restimulators 203 environmental suppressors 203-208 EP(s). See also flatness. EP(s) - cognition as an EP of a major auditing cycle 445 EP(s) - power processes, EP of 737 EP(s) - TR-0, EP of 381 EP(s) - types of 410 EP(s) - types of 453 EP(s) - types of 601f epistemology, scientology as 19 equality 140 equivocal reads, handling of 282 erasing the bank with dianetics 758 erasing the time track and the between-lives implant 457 erasure - destimulation and 586 erasure - over-restimulation, introversion and e. 498 erasure - points of restimulation, e. of, and release 799 erasure - release and 737 erasure - release and 756 erasure - willingness to duplicate and 692 error(s) - auditing e.s. See auditing errors. error(s) - chain of e.s in auditing 235 error(s) - dramatizations connected with comm cycle e.s is of the root-word. See also comm cycle(s). error(s) - dramatizations connected with comm cycle e.s is of the root-word 687 error(s) - misunderstanding and 321 error(s) - time, e.s in. See time errors. error(s) - validated e.s, dramatization of 578f escape 60 escape 84f escape 95 escape 98 escape - dangerousness and 101 escape - tendency to e., process for curing 85 escape - time-stream, e. from 627 Espinol Confederacy 478 Espinol Confederacy 428 Espinol Confederacy - implanting and 475f ESP research and proof 343 Essenes 766 estimation of effort and missed withholds 324 estimation of mystery 324 E-therapy 9 ethics - bank, e. and the 720 ethics - clearing and 311 ethics - GAE's and auditor e. judgment 761 ethics - getting e. in on the e., not on other scientologists 749f ethics - lack of e. in psychiatry 761 ethics - light e. 721 ethics - organization and 719-730 ethics - OT actions and 721 ethics - OT actions and 726 ethics - OT power and 394 ethics - personal retribution and 726 ethics - purpose of e. is to get tech in 720 ethics - scientists and 327 ethics - technology and 152 Ettleman's attack on scientology 46 Europe 181 evaluation - accuracy of 273 evaluation - TA motion and e. of cases 330f evaluation - factualness in engrams, e. of 408 evaluation of importances 200 evaluation of importances 247 evaluation of importances 527 evaluation of importances 675 evaluation of importances - data, e. of i. in 741 evaluation of importances - repetitive processing and 741 evaluation of importances - rudiments, e. of i. in 241 evaluation of information and study 658f event, planning by e., not by time 216 everything reading on a list 322 evil - additiveness and 736 evil - concentration on e. as the source of e. 480 evil - itsa line and 475 evil - postulates and 761 evil - universe, e. in, and SP's 793 evil impulses 164 evolution 16 evolution 445f evolution - earth, e. on 428 "exact sciences" 325f exaggerated danger havingness process 557 exaggeration - insanity and 510 exaggeration - method of pulling withholds, e. as 770 Excalibur 614 Excalibur 702 execution of commands 331 execution of commands - asking about 21 execution of commands - being in PT and 331 executives, auditing of 79 exhaustion - insanity and 12 exhaustion - missed withholds and 233 existence - conditions of e. and ARC straightwire 412 existence - mechanics of e. and O/W 327 existence - parts of e. and R2-12 370f existence process 710 expandability and contractability of an organization 772 expanded CDEI scale - ARC break assessment list and 462f expanded CDEI scale - first four postulates and 463 expanded CDEI scale - inversions of 463f expanded dianetics - prepchecking and 269 expanded dianetics - prime postulates and 285 expanded dianetics - PT environment list of e.d. See PT environment list. expanded dianetics - R2-12 and 347 expanded dianetics - "wants handled" rundown of e.d. See "wants handled" rundown. expansion - organization, effect of e. on 300 expansion - continuous e., need for in Normal Operation 724 expansion - organizational weakness, e. shows up 699 expectations, catastrophic 302f experience - dramatization as a replay of e. 757 experience - havingness and 62 experience - non-therapeutic nature of 692ff experience - remedy of scarcity of 18 experience - resistance to e. and reactive pictures 795 experienced being 44 experienced being 419 experienced being 431 experienced being 759 experienced clear. See also educated clear. experienced clear 44 experienced clear 759 experienced OT's 790 experienced PC's. See also scientologists, auditing of. experienced PC's 96 experiencing as an out-gradient 693f experimental processes 289 expertise and ease 263 explanation(s) 195f explanation(s) - handling of 195f explanation(s) - PC, e.s by 191f explanation(s) - why something isn't an overt 626 explanatory overts 644 Explorer's Club 699 exponential flare in scientology scales 20 extending lists - nulling and 361 extending lists - "oppose" list, extension of 366 exteriorization 8 exteriorization 16f exteriorization 43 exteriorization 129 exteriorization 227f exteriorization 600 exteriorization - CCH's and 227 exteriorization - definition of 16 exteriorization - definition of 798 exteriorization - fear of 566 exteriorization - harmonic of OT, e. as 766 exteriorization - manifestations of 16 exteriorization - mind and 791 exteriorization - other-determined e. 223 exteriorization - part of all processes 227 exteriorization - process for e. See exteriorization process(es). exteriorization - sanity and 570 exteriorization - sanity and 766 exteriorization - sanity and 798 exteriorization - scarcity and 17 exteriorization - 3DXX and 224 exteriorization process(es) 16f exteriorization process(es) 552 exteriorization process(es) 766 exteriorization process(es) - MEST universe, e.p. for exteriorization from 792 exteriorization process(es) - liability of 552 exteriorized clear, characteristics of 792 exterior thetans, drills for 478 extrapolation and classification 639 extra-sensory perception research and proof 343 eye, "shutter speed" of 284 eye color changes 162 eyesight and metering 282 Fac One 3 Fac One 5 facsimile(s). See also pictures. facsimile(s) - body and 8 facsimile(s) - dating of f.s on objective processes 443 facsimile(s) - handling of 5 Factor 2 and one-shot clear 38 factualness, evaluation of in engrams 408 faculty psychology 72f faculty psychology 224 faculty psychology - scientology and 662f failed acknowledgement 244f failed acknowledgement 344 failed acknowledgement - creates a PTP 171 failed acknowledgement - insanity and 697 failed case. See also dog PC's, no-case-gain case, difficult case. failed case 681ff failed case - handling of 682f failed case - responsibility level of a f.c. 682 failed communication - God, f.c. with 232 failed communication - key-in of BPC and 533 failed group member, handling of 127 failed help - destroy 621f failed postulates, process for 69 failed purpose(s) 69 failed purpose(s) - pictures and 269 failed technology: change of titles is the mark of unsuccessful activities 762 "fail to reveal" button 292 failures in auditing and out-gradients 672f failure to itsa and service facs 498 faith 783 faith - scientology, f. in 234 faith healers and endowed life 782 fallout as a restimulator 395 "false" button 464 false clears 37 false futures 445 false itsas 474 false overts and Christianity 626 false reads. See also cleaning a clean. false reads - deliberate f.r.s 64 false realities: the Dale Carnegie course as a course in f.r.s 464 false time in GPM's 444 false time tracks - characteristics of 444f false time tracks - dub-in and 467 familiarity 96 familiarity - with the bank 92 family problems, handling of 779 fascism 220 fascism - democratic f. 336 fatalism and the cycle of action 602 'fat" on cases 542 FDA 377 FDA 496f FDA 764 FDA - denial of itsa by 497 FDA - raid on scientology by 368 FDA - raid on scientology by 440 fear - clears, f. of 784f fear - exteriorization, f. of 566 fear - fear, f. of 69 fear - looking at the mind, f. of 783 feelingness and lookingness 227 fever and valences 199 field - black f. 91 field - black f. 102 field - black f. 204 field - invisible f. 69 field - invisible f. 91 field - invisible f. 204 field auditing 152 field auditing - healing professions and 550 fifth dynamic - creation of thetans and 9 fifth dynamic - thetans and 780 "fifth stage release" on GPM's 736 figure-figure and circuits 252 "final solution" - definition of 498 "final solution" - problems, f.s. to 616 "final solution" - service fac as a f.s. 498 finding goals. See goals finding. finding service facs, process for 492 finding the auditor. See also reaching the auditor. finding the auditor 13 finding the auditor - CCH's and 46 finding the auditor - CCH-havingness process and 275 finding the auditor - havingness and 203 finding the PC's havingness process 249 first basic trust, agreement to the axioms as the thetan's f.b.t. 339 First Dianetic Foundation and whole track 290 first dynamic(s) - composition of 8f first dynamic(s) - two f.d.s make a games condition, not a third dynamic 343 first four postulates 14f first four postulates 73 first four postulates 285 first four postulates - expanded CDEI scale and 463 first overt, definition of 799 first postulate - nature of 800 first postulate - second postulate and 800 first session, process for handling the charge of the PC's f.s. 174 fish and fumble 245 fish and fumble 257f fish and fumble TR 257 fishing a cognition 265 fishing a cognition 274 fives, held-down. See held-down fives. fixation - alter-is of truth, f. on 528 fixation - attention, f. of 23 fixation - curing, f. on 422 fixation - position on the time track and f. in time 436 fixed ideas - auditor, f.i.s of 319f fixed ideas - insanity and 517 fixed ideas - judgment and 637 fixed time causes a fixed reaction 436 flags. See tags. "flashlight" analogy for rockslamming items 348 flatness. See also EP(s). flatness - indicating that processes are flat 477 flattening processes 211 flattening processes 601-604 flatworm experiment 600 floating needle 261 floating needle - listing, FN in 260 floating needle - MEST clear and 31 floating needle - MEST clear and 329 floating needle - R6, FN in 733 flow(s) 169 flow(s) 175-179 flow(s) - adding f.s to a process 134 flow(s) - attitudes towards f.s 176 flow(s) - case levels and 421 flow(s) - cause of 175 flow(s) - circuits and 197 flow(s) - definition of 800 flow(s) - DEI scale and 176 flow(s) - direction of 132f flow(s) - dispersals, f.s and, differences between 800 flow(s) - electricity and 176 flow(s) - implants and 423 flow(s) - intention and 176 flow(s) - locational processing and 176 flow(s) - missed withholds and 178 flow(s) - motivators and 169 flow(s) - processes involving f.s 169 flow(s) - rudiments and 175 flow(s) - rudiments and 177 flow(s) - running of 169 flow(s) - stuck f.s. See stuck flows. flow(s) - two-terminal theory and 175 flow(s) - understanding and 179 flow(s) - valences and 177 flow(s) - withholds and 132 flow(s) - withholds and 175 flow(s) - withholds and 177ff Flow 2 in engram running 407 Flow 2 chains in dianetics 759 flow channel: organizations as providing a f.c. 706 flowers, talking to 780 flow processes 169 flow withholds and data withholds 177 flubbed commands and the bank 177 flubs in auditing. See auditing errors, GAE's. flying ruds 81f flying ruds - tips on 187 Food and Drug Administration. See FDA. food faddists 352 force. See also duress. force - amnesia and 454 force - auditing and 454f force - auditing, f. in 621f force - TA motion and blowing of f. 455 force - encysted f. 455 force - getting the "done" and f. 454f force - "goodness" and 218 force - ideas and 686f force - intelligence and 427ff force - intelligence and 431 force - intention and 384 force - OT and 393f force - service facs, formation of, and overwhelming f. 492 force - reality and 355 force - rockslams and 355 force - sanity and 355 force - trickery and 454 forcing the PC's attention 533 Ford Foundation and the Hubbard Research Foundation 246 foreign language(s) - auditing in f.l.s 139 foreign language(s) - repair process for f.l.s 80 foresight - boredom and 300 foresight - width of PT and 300 forgetting. See also memory, occlusion. forgetting 70-73 forgetting - Axiom 10 and 176 forgetting - identification and 176 forgetting - mechanism of 176 forgetting - past lives, f. of 176 forgetting - process for 73 forgiveness as propitiation 575 form - alteration of f. as pain 215 form - reactive mind and 460 Form 3 186 formation of commands 138f Formula 13 42 fortune-telling 390 fortune-telling - mechanism of 262 Foundation, Dianetic. See Dianetic Foundation. fourth dynamic(s) - conflict between 648 fourth dynamic(s) - species as a f.d. 162 fourth dynamic(s) - species as a f.d. 211 Fowler 291 "fragile TA" and service facs 494 France and Germany 154 Frankie the Limper 429 free being 427-431 freedom - barriers and 431 freedom - responsibility and 431 freedom - wisdom and 519 freedom - wisdom and 765-768 freedom - working for f. 159f freedom - working for f. 431 freedom from 671 freeing thetans from theta traps 429 free track - definition of 225 free track - dianetics and 513 free track - dianetics as the study of 355 French Revolution as an out-gradient 599 Freud, Sigmund. See also psychoanalysis. Freud, Sigmund 67 Freud, Sigmund 110 Freud, Sigmund 430 Freud, Sigmund - death wish and 221 Freud, Sigmund - Freudians and 652 Freud, Sigmund - know-to-mystery scale and 7 Freud, Sigmund - prepchecking and 231 Freud, Sigmund - psychoanalysis and 770 Freud, Sigmund - R6 and 734 Freud, Sigmund - squirrels of 224 Freud, Sigmund - squirrels of 382 Freud, Sigmund - squirrels of 652 Freud, Sigmund - stuck in a win 264 Freud, Sigmund - withholds and 185f frontier society 17 front line treatment 130 Fuller, Buckminster 225 Fuller, Buckminster - two-terminal universe theory and 596 function monitors structure 310 fundamentals. See also basics. fundamentals - auditing, f.s of 342-346 fundamentals - change of importances of f.s in scientology 23 fundamentals - importance of having f.s 536f fundamentals - session, f.s of 465f fundamentals - time track and 286 fundamentals - which data in scientology are f. 527 future(s) - false f.s 445 future(s) - need for a f. 418ff future plans 299 future plans - acknowledgement of 696 future track, pictures of 434 GAE's 137 GAE's 175 GAE's 228f GAE's 264 GAE's 432 GAE's 743 GAE's. See also auditing errors, bad auditing, bad auditor, dangerous auditor, out-tech. GAE's - auditors' ethics judgment and 761 GAE's - cause of 37 GAE's - hidden standards and 113f GAE's - suppressives and 759f GAE's - unusual solutions and 144 gain - case g. See case gain. gain - residual g. from repairing R2-12 359 gain - residual g. from repairing R2-12 362 Galactic Confederation 476 Galactic Confederation - auditing and 476 Galactic Confederation - organizational flow in 703 Galactic Confederation - org board of 703 Galactic Confederation - org board of - Qual missing in 707 Galactic Confederation - org board of - scientology org board and 705 Galactic Confederation - org board of - scientology org board and 707 Galactic Confederation - OT hierarchy of 430 Galactic Confederation - psychotherapy in 735 Galactic Confederation - psychotherapy in 765 Galactic Confederation - technology of the G.C. and scientology technology 430 Galactic Council 158 galaxies, nature of 393 games. See also games condition(s). games 29f games - be-do-have and 29 games - clearing and 30 games - need for 29 games - overt-motivator sequence and 29 games - O/W and 323 games - problems, solutions and g.s in GPM's 157 games - revelation and 206f games - scarcity of 63 games - theory of 29f games - two conditions for 206f games - valences and 30 games condition(s). See also games. games condition(s) 29f games condition(s) 61ff games condition(s) 65-68 games condition(s) 74 games condition(s) 91 games condition(s) 129 games condition(s) - auditing, g.c.s in 48 games condition(s) - ARC breaks and 141 games condition(s) - auditor perception and 343f games condition(s) - central orgs, c.g.s in 152f games condition(s) - creation and 69 games condition(s) - definition of 65 games condition(s) - havingness and 42 games condition(s) - havingness and 147 games condition(s) - havingness and 149 games condition(s) - havingness and 152f games condition(s) - marriage and 65 games condition(s) - PC's g.c. with the auditor 167f games condition(s) - perception and 343f games condition(s) - rockslams and 335 games condition(s) - scarcity and 152f games condition(s) - stuck flows and 134 games condition(s) - two first dynamics make a g.c., not a third dynamic 343 games condition(s) - unintentional withholds and 120 games condition(s) - withholds and 186 Gaul as the common ancestor of France and Germany 154 Gautama Siddharta. See Buddha. GE - anchor points of the GE. See body anchor points. GE - definition of 799 GE - packaged valence, GE as 109 GE - rule by GE 220 generality(ies) - ARC breaks and 702-705 generality(ies) - ARC breaks and 718 generality(ies) - Bank, as a g. 718 generality(ies) - classification and 802 generality(ies) - definition of 802 generality(ies) - God as a g. 716 generality(ies) - GPM's as g.s 704 generality(ies) - loss and 704f generality(ies) - SP's and 727 generality(ies) - SP's and 744 generality(ies) - SP's and 802 general O/W, commands for 279 General Semantics 40 General Semantics 802 General Semantics - certainty and 207 genetic entity. See GE. genetic line 9 geriatric research 310 geriatrics 309ff Germany 8 Germany 178 Germany - France and 154 gerontology 309 Gestalt therapy 18 Gestalt therapy 26 Gestalt therapy 777 getting angry only at the auditor 522 getting in buttons 437 getting the needle to "set" at the end of assessment lines 279 getting a PC into an incident 437 getting a PC to fly 577f getting things done and having to have 571 getting your questions answered, processes for 583f GI(s) - as-ising and 572 GI(s) - auditing question, GI's on 569f GI(s) - BI's and GI's, relationship between 568ff GI(s) - BI's and GI's, relationship between 572 GI(s) - hope factor and 575 GI(s) - Level VI and lower levels, GI's at 573f GI(s) - observing the disappearance of 575 GI(s) - standards and 568 girdles in pregnancy 1 Glade implant 445 glib confessions, handling of 636 glibness and circuits 624 glib students, handling of 662 "glum areas" and service facs 512f goal(s) 32 goal(s) - acknowledging the attainment of former g.s 696 goal(s) - actual g.s. See actual goals. goal(s) - actual GPM's, complexity of g.s in and location on the track 563f goal(s) - against auditing 305 goal(s) - alter-is of g.s and the bank 286 goal(s) - artistic g.s 30 goal(s) - basic g. and axioms 338f goal(s) - "to create" aa a g. 386 goal(s) - confront and 54f goal(s) - decisions and 295 goal(s) - degradation of g.s 575 goal(s) - dog PC's and 318 goal(s) - finding g.s. See goal finding. goal(s) - gains and g.s in model session 202 goal(s) - items, getting g.s from 341 goal(s) - individuality and 318 goal(s) - invalidated g.s. See invalidated goal(s). goal(s) - confront of items and g.s 236 goal(s) - life and livingness, g.s for, and PTP's of long duration 201 goal(s) - listing rules for g.s 566 goal(s) - lists of g.s. See goals lists. goal(s) - mentioning g.s, reason for avoidance of 566 goal(s) - misownership of g.s 259 goal(s) - old g.s 308 goal(s) - overt, g. as 138 goal(s) - overt process for g.s 138 goal(s) - finding the PC's g., effect of 295 goal(s) - postulates and 69 goal(s) - prime postulates and 262 goal(s) - R2-12 and 340 goal(s) - goal as an RI 387 goal(s) - goal as an RI 559 goal(s) - goal as an RI 568 goal(s) - the Rock and 305f goal(s) - rockslams and 297f goal(s) - rudiments, g.s in 201 goal(s) - second dynamic g.s in actual GPM's 591 goal(s) - service facs and 506ff goal(s) - session g.s 230 goal(s) - source of GPM g.s 384 goal(s) - wrong g.s. See wrong goals. goal as an RI 387 goal as an RI 559 goal as an RI 568 goal finding - prepcheck, g.f. by 341 goal finding - problem intensives and 341 goal finding - R2-12, g.f. on 367f goal finding - service fac, g.f. via 514 goals assessment, use of in GPM running 236 goals assessment, use of in GPM running 252 goals channel 333 goals channel - find the g.c. by rockslam 298 goals listing - dirty needle and 340 goals listing - procedure for 298 goals lists 371 goals problem mass. See GPM(s). goals process for keyed-out clear 597 goals processing 26 goals processing - mechanism of 69f goals processing - not-know and 74 goals processing - power of choice and 69 goals series 586 goals series 591 goal "to create" 386 God - failed communication with 232 God - generality, G. as 716 God - resurrection of 33 God - tributes to 429 going earlier. See also earlier incidents. going earlier 237 going earlier 758 going earlier - engram running, g.e. in 408f going out by the same door you came in 240 gold balls. See also body anchor points. gold balls 18 gold balls - definition of 800 golden mean 510 golden rule 117 good indicator(s). See GI(s). goodness - ARC and 119 goodness - force and 218 goodness - strength and 316 "good PC" 319 "good people" 216ff Gorilla implant 445 gossip 188 gossip - auditor, g. about 141 gossip - newspapers as g. 751 gossip - newspapers as g. 779 government(s). See also organization(s). government(s) 368 government(s) 377f government(s) - hats and 48 government(s) - individual, g.s vs. 218 government(s) - inflation and confidence in the g. 801 government(s) - knowledge and 24 government(s) - lessening the overt 296 government(s) - Markab Confederacy and anger at g.s 454 government(s) - organizations and 786 government(s) - overts and 296 government(s) - "the people" and 135 government(s) - political future of g.s 336 government(s) - programs of the g. 165 government(s) - raison d'e\*^tre of 313 government(s) - religion and 798 government(s) - riot, g. by 397 government(s) - salesmen and 336 government(s) - society for the prevention of g. 336 government(s) - SP's and 786 government(s) - substitute for disabilities, g. as 313 government(s) - suppressive, g. as 760 government(s) - United States g. See U.S. government. GPM(s) 208f GPM(s) 505-510 GPM(s) 514ff GPM(s) 519f GPM(s) 524ff GPM(s) 529 GPM(s) 536ff GPM(s) 558-567 GPM(s) 579 GPM(s) 591 GPM(s) 593 GPM(s) 595-598 GPM(s) - actual g.s. See actual GPM's. GPM(s) - anatomy of 225f GPM(s) - anatomy of 236 GPM(s) - anatomy of 354f GPM(s) - anatomy of 386f GPM(s) - avoidance of g.s in R3SC 502 GPM(s) - basic g. 386 GPM(s) - basic on g.s 440 GPM(s) - CCH's and 226 GPM(s) - chewed-up g.s 735 GPM(s) - complex solution, g. as 618 GPM(s) - cycles and 297 GPM(s) - dating of 536 GPM(s) - definition of 795 GPM(s) - dialectical materialism and 795 GPM(s) - dichotomies in. See GPM dichotomies. GPM(s) - discovered through looking at PTP's 686 GPM(s) - in DMSMH 384 GPM(s) - double firing of 441 GPM(s) - education and 356 GPM(s) - false time in 444 GPM(s) - "fifth stage release" on running g.s 736 GPM(s) - formation of 155f GPM(s) - formation of 337f GPM(s) - formation of 507f GPM(s) - games, problems, and solutions in g.s 157 GPM(s) - generalities, g.s as 704 GPM(s) - Gorilla g. See Gorilla GPM. GPM(s) - identities and 208 GPM(s) - imperviousness of 383f GPM(s) - implant g.s. See implant GPM's. GPM(s) - implants and 440 GPM(s) - intention and 582 GPM(s) - keeping a g. keyed in while running it 248 GPM(s) - laws of life and 481 GPM(s) - masses with significance, g.s as 596f GPM(s) - MEST and 357 GPM(s) - missed withholds and 232 GPM(s) - nature of 223 GPM(s) - nature of 225f GPM(s) - non-PT g.s, why they get restimulated 524f GPM(s) - other-determinism and 155f GPM(s) - other-determinism and 221 GPM(s) - pan-determinism and 155f GPM(s) - past lives and 194 GPM(s) - patterns of g.s 386 GPM(s) - problems and 154-158 GPM(s) - problems and solutions and 576 GPM(s) - problems, solutions, and games in g.s 157 GPM(s) - protest against 441f GPM(s) - PT g. See PT GPM. GPM(s) - PT and 434 GPM(s) - PTP's and 536 GPM(s) - PTP, g. as 346 GPM(s) - reactive mind and 384 GPM(s) - lack of perceptics in g.s, reason for 433 GPM(s) - "right" and "wrong" in g.s 482 GPM(s) - rocket reads and 505 GPM(s) - Routine 3D and 145 GPM(s) - running g.s. See running GPM's. GPM(s) - "rush" button in 441 GPM(s) - scrambled time and 441 GPM(s) - self-determinism and 155f GPM(s) - service facs and 505-510 GPM(s) - sex in 681 GPM(s) - size of g.s and location on the time track 525 GPM(s) - solutions, problems, and games in g.s 157 GPM(s) - solving of g.s 441 GPM(s) - source of goals in g.s 384 GPM(s) - Step 6 phenomena and 153 GPM(s) - stuck TA and 466f GPM(s) - "survive" not present in g.s 489 GPM(s) - time span of 559 GPM(s) - time track cycles and 297 GPM(s) - truncated g.s 524 GPM(s) - truncated g.s 561 GPM(s) - ideas in g.s, types of 508 GPM(s) - unburdening of 151 GPM(s) - ways of handling g.s 157 GPM dichotomies - cause implants to be ineffective 475f GPM dichotomies - time and 457 GPM items - age of 354 GPM items - double firing of, and time 457 GPM items - mechanism of listing g.i.s 209 GPM items - opposing g.i.s. See GPM dichotomies. GPM masses - labeling of 252 GPM masses - unbalancing of 252 GPM running. See running GPM's. grade(s). See also case level(s), case state(s). grade(s) 754 grade(s) - abilities regained and 610 grade(s) - interim release points of 756 grade(s) - next higher g., running into it after a release on the next lower g. 769 grade(s) - quickie g.s 733 grade(s) - quickie g.s 759 Grade IV release, therapeutic effect of 785 Grade Va - mechanism of 737f Grade Va - R6EW and 737f Grade VI as the make-break point of a PTS 760 grade chart. See also awareness scale. grade chart 548 grade chart - awareness levels and 741 grade chart - cause scale, g.c. as 547 grade chart - dissemination, g.c. and 739 grade chart - responsibility, g.c. and 553 grade chart - therapeutic effectiveness of conversation at different g.c. levels 768 grade chart - whole track and 754 grades processes - precursor to 576 grades processes - rudiments, g.c.p.s as 756 gradient(s) 671-674 gradient(s) - advice and 522f gradient(s) - ARC and 777 gradient(s) - ARC and 779 gradient(s) - auditing, g.s in. See auditing gradient. gradient(s) - auditing comm line and 673f gradient(s) - awareness and 616f gradient(s) - case entrance and 777 gradient(s) - Christian Science and 627 gradient(s) - communication as a g. on duplication 691-694 gradient(s) - dissemination, g.s in 739 gradient(s) - dissemination, g.s in 764 gradient(s) - Mary Baker Eddy and 627 gradient(s) - programming cases, description of the g. in 680f gradient(s) - proper g. 776f gradient(s) - pulling overts on a g. 673f gradient(s) - reality and 594 gradient(s) - restimulation, g. of 469ff gradient(s) - skipped g. See skipped gradient. gradient(s) - thought as a dissemination g. 674 gradient(s) - too steep a g. See out-gradient. gradient(s) - of truth 599 Graeco-Roman philosophy and scientology 662 granting beingness 81 gravity 57 gravity 161 Greece, "democracy" in 786 Greek philosophy 39 green thumb phenomenon 780 gross auditing errors. See GAE's. group(s) 116ff group(s). See also organization(s), third dynamic(s), government(s). group(s) - aberration and 134ff group(s) - individual, g.s formed to handle an individual 328 group(s) - individual, g.s formed to handle an individual 727 group(s) - leaving a g. 116f group(s) - optimum number in a working g. 772 group(s) - session an a g. 119 group(s) - thetans and 140 group(s) - true g.s 118 group agreement. See third dynamic agreement. grouped track 389 grouper(s) 106ff grouper(s) 198 grouper(s) 466f grouper(s) - definition of 106 grouper(s) - processes for 107f group members, handling failed g.m.s 127 grudges 575 guiding secondary style 686 guiding secondary style 690 guiding thetan of a planet 428 "guilt complex" 626 guilt feelings, source of 180 guilty, making others g. See make guilty. GUK 65 habits, bad h.s, process for 694 Haley, Jay 51 Haley, Jay 490 half-acknowledgements 696 half-acknowledgements - TR-4 and 53 half-knowns 166 half-knowns. See also missed withholds, nearly-found-out(s). half-knowns - missed withhold as a h. 185 handling originations on CCH's 214 handling originations on CCH's 273f happiness - factors in 412 happiness - putting h. into PT 435 happy living, two rules for 545 Hare, Fred 611 harmonic(s) - color wheel and 673 harmonic(s) - definition of 797 harmonic(s) - exteriorization as a h. of OT 766 harmonic(s) - lower-scale h.s. See lower-scale harmonics. harmonic(s) - lower-scale mockery and 797 Harvey, William 45 haunted houses, bodies as 122 havingness. See also be-do-have, havingness process(es), reach. havingness 18f havingness 26f havingness 42 havingness 147ff havingness 199 havingness - anaten and 87 havingness - auditing, h. of 93 havingness - ARC breaks and 201f havingness - attention and 148 havingness - attention and 187 havingness - PC's h. of the auditor, process for 170 havingness - Axioms 1 and 2 and 33 havingness - bank, h. of 149 havingness - circuits and 40 havingness - circuits and 268 havingness - circuits and 333 havingness - circuits, h. of 199 havingness - creation and 147f havingness - condition of objects as a h. process 27 havingness - confront and 147f havingness - definition of 19 havingness - definition of 200 havingness - definition of 212 havingness - definition of 802 havingness - dianetics and 753 havingness - dirty needles and 267 havingness - dope-off and 202 havingness - emotion of objects, as a h. process 27 havingness - end of session, h. at 264 havingness - EP of 148 havingness - experience and 62 havingness - finding the auditor and 203 havingness - games conditions and 42 havingness - games conditions and 147 havingness - games conditions and 149 havingness - games conditions and 152f havingness - having to have before you can do 571 havingness - identification and 557 havingness - importance of 249 havingness - ho h. See low havingness. havingness - mechanism of 149 havingness - money, h. on 125 havingness - negative h. processes 557f havingness - not-isness and 207 havingness - not-knowingness, running of, and 80 havingness - number of commands 40 havingness - overts and 199 havingness - O/W and 42 havingness - PC's h. of the auditor 170 havingness - perception and 149 havingness - perception, h. as 200 havingness - personal ownership, h. as 199f havingness - pictures, h. of 199 havingness - prehav running and 27 havingness - quality of 62 havingness - "rediscovery" of 332 havingness - remedying h. See remedy of havingness. havingness - Routine 2 and 42 havingness - Routine 3 and 42 havingness - rudiments and 127 havingness - rudiments and 148 havingness - rudiments and 187 havingness - second dynamic and 62 havingness - stuck needle and 183 havingness - subjective h. = confront 40 havingness - testing h. 148f havingness - time track and 391 havingness - use of 202 havingness - valences and 40 havingness - valences and 83 havingness - valences, h. of 199 havingness - Winter, Joe and 264 havingness process(es) 27 havingness process(es) - best h.p. 375 havingness process(es) - CCH-havingness process 275 havingness process(es) - condition of objects as a h.p. 27 havingness process(es) - exaggerated danger h.p. 557 havingness process(es) - finding the PC's h.p. 201 havingness process(es) - finding the PC's h.p. 249 havingness process(es) - inability to run engrams, h.p. for 27 havingness process(es) - mechanism of 40 havingness process(es) - negative h.p. 559f havingness process(es) - large objects, rule of in h.p.s 148 havingness process(es) - safety of 148 havingness process(es) - secondary, h.p.s for 557 havingness process(es) - sure-fire h.p. 190 havingness scale, analytical h.s. 33 having to have and doingness 571 H-bomb. See hydrogen bomb. healing. See also assist(s), psychosomatic healing. healing 591f healing - activity and 677 healing - bridge, h. as part of 592 healing - dianetic assists and 763 healing - faith h. and endowed life 782 healing - key-ins and 593 healing - "research" in h. and real search into h. 591f healing - schools of 303 healing - scientology and 489 healing - service facs and 490 healing professions and field auditing 550 healing sciences 338 heavy steel electrodes 590 hedges, rudiments as "hedges" 252f Helatrobus implant(s) 392-396 Helatrobus implant(s) 411 Helatrobus implant(s) 419 Helatrobus implant(s) 445 Helatrobus implant(s) 558 Helatrobus implant(s) - Darwin and 416 Helatrobus implant(s) - date of 439 Helatrobus implant(s) - earlier similar incident to 457 Helatrobus implant(s) - prenatals and 408 held-down fives 664f held-down fives - amnesia and 664 held-down fives - cognitions and 665 Hell 150 Hell and brimstone religion 11 help 150 help - betrayal and 338 help - dead thetan case and 28 help - limits of 785 help - MEST universe, h. process for 393 help - overts and 30 help - PC, helping the PC 476a help - auditing errors, h. as a remedy for 625 help - therapeutic effect of helping others 557f Henry VIII 575 heretics produced by incomplete confessions 137 "heroic" methods. See also desperate remedies. "heroic" methods - communication and 632 "heroic" methods - search for basic, h.m.s as a physical dramatization of 593 H-factor. See hope factor. HGC's, reason for 152 hidden data line from unreleased tech 698 hidden standard(s). See also chronic somatics, inability, psychosomatic illness, PTP's of long duration, service facs. hidden standard(s) 30 hidden standard(s) 35 hidden standard(s) 77 hidden standard(s) 121ff hidden standard(s) 131f hidden standard(s) 164 hidden standard(s) 510f hidden standard(s) 695-698 hidden standard(s) - acknowledgement and 696 hidden standard(s) - auditing, h.s.s in 695 hidden standard(s) - auditor, process for h.s.s about 698 hidden standard(s) - certainty processing and 206 hidden standard(s) - circuits and 377 hidden standard(s) - criticism and 695 hidden standard(s) - definition of 132 hidden standard(s) - engrams and 102 hidden standard(s) - finding the h.s. 59 hidden standard(s) - GAE's and 113f hidden standard(s) - individuation and 35 hidden standard(s) - knowingness and 132 hidden standard(s) - marriage and 695 hidden standard(s) - "normality" and 695 hidden standard(s) - Presession 38 and 35 hidden standard(s) - processes for 73 hidden standard(s) - processes for 369 hidden standard(s) - sec checks and 110f hidden standard(s) - why the h.s. is "hidden" 510 hiding and itsa 473 high TA 139f high TA 158 high TA - ARC breaks and 147 high TA - clear and 144 high TA - mechanism of 139 high TA - moral codes of terminals and 158 high TA - overrun and 745 high TA - overrun and - mechanism of 135 high TA - persistent h.t., causes of 370 high TA - prepchecking and 357 high TA - rudiments and 139f high TA - after session breaks, processes for 468 high TA - terminals' moral codes and 158 high TA - withholds and 132 high TA - withholds and 140 high tone arm position. See high TA. history. See specific subjects, e.g., prepchecking, history of. hitting someone hard enough to make him give you something 653 holders 108 holders 144 holders 409 holiness. See sacredness. home universe - definition of 796 home universe - MEST universe and 403 homo sapiens, comm cycle of 345 homosexuality 67 honest people's rights 103 honesty of the auditor. See also auditor pretense, pretending. honesty of the auditor 89 honesty of the auditor 619 hope - beingness and 418 hope - elements of 521 hope factor 37 hope factor 314 hope factor 784 hope factor - GI's and 575 hope factor - Scientology 0 and 521 hope factor - itsa line and 475 Horney, Karen 382 horticulture 310 HPA, definition of (May, 1961) 152 Hubbard, L. Ron - attempted abduction of 700 Hubbard, L. Ron - certainty of 206 Hubbard, L. Ron - LORAN and 738 Hubbard, L. Ron - pseudonyms for 645 Hubbard, L. Ron - U.S. government, relationship with 700 Hubbard, L. Ron - subordinate, LRH as 700 Hubbard, L. Ron - theft of LRH's research papers 24 Hubbard, L. Ron - theft of LRH's research papers 749 Hubbard, L. Ron - word "Hubbard", use of in scientology terminology 699 Hubbard Guidance Center. See HGC. Hubbard Professional Auditor. See HPA. Hubbard Research Foundation and the Ford Foundation 246 humanities, as a wastebasket subject 639 human vegetables 780 hydrogen bomb 222 hydrogen bomb - revelation of 206 "Hymn to the Dawn Child" 677 hypnotism. See also suggestion. hypnotism - auditing and 173 hypnotism - implants and 795 hypnotism - postulates and 592 hypnotism - suppressive mental technology, h. as 735 hypocrisy, cause of 132 Ice Cube implant 392 idea(s) - batty i.s, process for 642 idea(s) - force and 686f idea(s) - substitute for a thetan, i.s as 508 idea(s) - substitute for a thetan, i.s as. See also datum as a substitute for a thetan. idea(s) - traps, i.s as the only real traps 769 idea(s) - GPM's, types of i.s in 508 ideal state 412 ide\*'es fixe\*'es. See fixed ideas. identification - differentiation, association and i. 17 identification - dissociation and 460 identification - forgetting and 176 identification - havingness and 557 identification - cycle of individuation and 317 identification - listing and 352 identification - MEST, i. with, and inspection 223 identification - overwhelm and 176 identity(ies). See also beingness, items, oppterm, RI's, terminals, valences. identity(ies) - beingness and 179 identity(ies) - body and 177 identity(ies) - definition of 179 identity(ies) - differences, similarities, and i.s 198 identity(ies) - differences, similarities, and i.s 350f identity(ies) - differences, similarities, and i.s - GPM running and 334 identity(ies) - GPM's and 208 identity(ies) - observation of 223 identity(ies) - past i.s, pictures in 199 identity(ies) - responsibility for 181 identity(ies) - solutions and 507 identity(ies) - states of 780-785 identity(ies) - survival of 179f identity(ies) - withholds and 179f identity crisis 76 identity shifts in 3DXX 183 ignorance - creation of 517 ignorance - entrapment and 428 illiteracy and complacency 658 illness - auditing with the purpose of curing i. 754 illness - body anchor points and 782 illness - broken GPM dramatization and 609 illness - clears and 792 illness - cycle of action of i. 650 illness - death and 131 illness - four aspects of 649f illness - medical view of prolongation of i. 650 illness - psychosomatic i. See psychosomatic illness. illness - psychosomatic nature of all i. 592 illness - PTP, i. as 651 illness - recovery from i., and withholds 130 illness - role of auditing in 782 "I'll repeat the auditing question," why you say this 690 illusion - newspapers and 751 illusion - product of the actual, i. as 751 impact - creation and 68f impact - hitting someone hard enough to make him give you something 653 impact - scarcity of time and 436 impact knowingness 121f impact knowingness 320 impact knowingness - psychiatrists and 320 impatience of the auditor 274 impingement 26 impingement 54 impingement 712 implant(s). See also specific implants by name, e.g., Gorilla implant. implant(s) 411 implant(s) - ARC break, i. as 411 implant(s) - ARC straightwire and 411 implant(s) - cooperation and 428 implant(s) - definition of 795 implant(s) - flows and 423 implant(s) - GPM's and 440 implant(s) - hypnotism and 795 implant(s) - intention and 603 implant(s) - intentional nature of 795 implant(s) - itsa line and 473 implant(s) - lifespan of 483 implant(s) - negative ARC processes and 411 implant(s) - technology of i.s, difficulty with 482 implant GPM's - actual GPM's and 505f implant GPM's - actual GPM's and 514 implant GPM's - design of 514 implant GPM's - training and 514 implant GPM's - variations in 558 implanting - Espinol Confederacy and 475a implanting - ineffectiveness of i., and GPM dichotomies 475f implanting - rightness and 482f implant tech, difficulty with 482 implicit commands 531f importance of PT to the PC 137f importances, evaluation of. See evaluation of importances. impossibility of scientology technology 430 impulses - degradation of 575 impulses - evil i.s 164 inability. See also hidden standards, PTP's of long duration. inability - beingness and 243f inactivity. See also motionlessness, peace, stillness, stills. inactivity - psychiatric cures and 677 inadvertent withholds. See unintentional withholds. incident(s) - amount of i. and time 675 incident(s) - confront of i. and time 675 incident(s) - discreditable i.s 195 incident(s) - earlier i.s. See earlier incidents. incident(s) - getting a pc into an i. 437 incident(s) - out-ruds in i.s 398 incident(s) - running the in-session lock of a past i. 758 incident(s) - plotted against time 675 incident(s) - rerunning i.s and TA motion 409 incident(s) - too late on the chain of i.s 753 income tax - Markab Confederacy and 454 income tax - military appropriations and 605 income tax - overwhelm of the individual by a group, i.t. as 771 incomplete communication. See also cut communication, undelivered communication. incomplete communication - ARC breaks and 447ff incomplete communication - psychosomatic illness and 643 incomplete confessions cause heretics 137 incomplete cycles and ARC breaks 737 incomplete list(s) 349f incomplete list(s) - ARC breaks and 368 incomplete list(s) - ARC breaks and 372 incomplete list(s) - dirty needles and 340 incomplete list(s) - missed withholds and 364 incomprehensible people 259 incomprehensibility - not-is and 288 incomprehensibility - psychotics, i. of 288 increased awareness as case gain 615 index(ices) to cases. See case index(ices). India 17 India 25 Indian rope trick 316 indicating bypassed charge 396 indicating bypassed charge 398 indicating items, procedure for 379 indicating that a process is flat 477 indicating a wrong item, handling of 372 indicators. See also BI(s), GI(s). indicators 567-578 indicators - locating the right SP, i.s on 705 indicators - locating the right SP, i.s on 732 indicators - locating the right SP, i.s on 747 indirect invalidation of the auditor 281 individual(s) - basic rights and duties of, in an organization 789 individual(s) - government vs. the i. 218 individual(s) - groups are formed to handle an i. 328 individual(s) - groups are formed to handle an i. 727 individual(s) - importance of 217f individual(s) - inverted third dynamics and 328 individual(s) - organizations and 216 individual(s) - organizations and 218 individual(s) - organizations and 771 individual(s) - organizations and 786 individual(s) - organizations and - relationship between 789 individual(s) - organization vs. the i. 419 individual(s) - organization vs. the i. 771 individual(s) - overwhelm of an i. by an organization 771 individual(s) - Russia, the i. in 328 individual(s) - shrinking of 218 individual(s) - truth and the i. 329 individual(s) - utopia and the i. 217 individuality and goals 318 individual observation and scientology 19 individual observation and scientology 234 individual purpose and MEST universe laws 338 individuation 111 individuation 118 individuation - auditor, i. on the part of 345 individuation - havingness and 199 individuation - hidden standard and 35 individuation - cycle of i. and identification 317 individuation - mechanism of 181 individuation - organizations and 316 individuation - O/W and 316 individuation - organizations, i. of 317f inertia of the needle 279 inertia of the needle 612 inexperienced auditors 150f infatuation with the auditor, process for 275 inflation - communism and 604f inflation - confidence in the government and 801 influence of others' reactive minds 694 influencing the E-meter 64 information, evaluation of, and study 658f injury. See body injury. "inoculation" analogy of clearing 665 in-ruds - definition of 162 in-ruds - necessity of i. for listing 236 Inquisition, Spanish 338 insane behavior, process for 777 insane person. See psychotic(s). insanity 40 insanity 66 insanity. See also aberration. insanity - ability and 203 insanity - auditability and 268 insanity - bank, i. = being the bank 85 insanity - case level and 403 insanity - classification of 665 insanity - definition of 40 insanity - definition of 51 insanity - definition of 76 insanity - definition of 192 insanity - definition of 203 insanity - exaggeration of ability, i. as 484 insanity - exaggeration of ability, i. as 510 insanity - exhaustion and 12 insanity - failed acknowledgement and 697 insanity - fear of the environment in 784 insanity - ide\*'es fixe\*'es and 517 insanity - inability to observe, i. as 712 insanity - instability of 631f insanity - know-to-mystery scale and 324 insanity - Laing's view that i. is part of the road up 783 f.n. insanity - manifest i., as an assertion of rightness 691 insanity - mathematics, i. of 778 insanity - mechanism of 60 insanity - mechanism of 483 insanity - missed withholds and 250 insanity - missed withholds and 324 insanity - nature of 250 insanity - nature of 268 insanity - not-knowingness and 76 insanity - overts and 634 insanity - problems and 51 insanity - process for 160 insanity - process for insane behavior 777 insanity - psychiatry and 51 insanity - PT and 283 insanity - punishment and 192 insanity - reach/withdraw and 268 insanity - responsibility and 23 insanity - sanity and 294 insanity - selective nature of 665 insanity - self-determinism and 12 insanity - withholding valences and 160 in-session lock, running the i.s.l. of a past incident 758 in-sessionness 173ff in-sessionness 301f in-sessionness - definition of 81 in-sessionness - definition of 173 in-sessionness - getting the PC in session 302 in-sessionness - process for producing 12 in-sessionness - reads and 280 in-sessionness - relaxation of the PC and 190 in-sessionness - rudiments and 200f in-sessionness - TR-0 and 167 in-sessionness - TR-4 and 167 inspection. See also obnosis, observation. inspection - aberration and 793 inspection - before the fact 727 inspection - before the fact 773 inspection - before the fact - in study 657 inspection - education and 619 inspection - identification with MEST and 223 inspection - no-i. of cessation of something, and assuming that it persists 491 inspection - reactive mind and 36 instant read(s) 36f instant read(s) 64 instant read(s) 145 instant read(s) 246f instant read(s) - definition of 41 instant read(s) - definition of 247 instant read(s) - definition of 262f instant read(s) - reactive mind and 355 instant read(s) - reactive nature of 247 instant sanity, process for 40 intelligence - altitude and 60 intelligence - control and 60 intelligence - force and 427ff intelligence - force and 431 intelligence quotient. See I.Q. intelligence tests 7 intention(s) 603f intention(s) - audit, i. to 314 intention(s) - definition of 796 intention(s) - flows and 176 intention(s) - GPM's and 582 intention(s) - implants and 603 intention(s) - involuntary i. 394 intention(s) - bank dramatizations and PC i.s 603 intention(s) - postulation and 802 intention(s) - power and 603 intention(s) - PTP's and 603 intention(s) - restraint of i. 604 intention(s) - scientology, i. of 604 intention(s) - seniority of 603f intention(s) - spoiling children and 603 intention(s) - study and 770 intention(s) - time and 604 intention(s) - force and 394 interest - auditor i. See auditor interest. interest - PC i. See PC interest. interest - session, i. in, instead of the case 88 interiorization - definition of 799 interiorization - goodness or badness and 242 interiorization - mechanism of 224 interiorization - overt-motivator sequence and 224 interiorization - engram, PC i. into 409 International Advisory Council, description of 788 International City 604-609 International City 722 International City - complex solution, I.C. as 615 International City - steps for the formation of 606f interpersonal psychology. See also Haley, Jay, oneupsmanship, symptom prescription. interpersonal psychology 796 introversion 147 introversion - erasure, over-restimulation, and i. 498 introversion mass 147 invader force 108 inval. See invalidation. "inval" button 292 invalidated goal(s) 543 invalidated goal(s) - prepchecking and 563 invalidation - aberration, i. as the cause of 98 invalidation - assertion of ability as self-invalidation 739 invalidation - assertion of ability as self-invalidation 750 invalidation - auditor, indirect i. of 281 invalidation - E-meter, i. of 246 invalidation - E-meter, i. with 468 invalidation - environment, i. by 709 invalidation - PC ,i of 86 invalidation - reads on i. 240 invalidation - somatics and 554 invalidation - dub-in, and i. of the time track 467 invalidation - time, i. of, by the newspapers 676 invalidation - unreality and 467 inventedness and collapse of the bank 718 inventors 80 inversion - definition of 798 inversion - obsessive rightness as an i. 482 inversion - repentence as an i. 482 inversion - service, i. of 509 inverted distance 20 inverted dynamics 339 inverted dynamics - inverted withdrawal, i.d. as 585 inverted third dynamics and individuals 328 invisible field 69 invisible field 91 invisible field 204 invisibility as suppression of glass objects 204 involuntary intention 394 involuntary withholds. See unintentional withholds. I.Q. - definition of 166 I.Q. - mental mass and 411 I.Q. - misunderstood words and 670 I.Q. - process for raising 411 iron curtain 40 isness. See also reality. isness - ability to confront an i. 390 isness - case, i. of 81f isness - composition of 390 isolation of leadership 116 Italy 8 Italy 61 item(s). See also beingness, identities, oppterms, RI's, terminals, valences. item(s) - actual GPM i.s, complexity of, and location on the track 563f item(s) - bypassed i.s 322 item(s) - bypassed i.s 363f item(s) - confront of i.s and goals 236 item(s) - correct i., manifestations of finding 368 item(s) - dumbbell i.s 333 item(s) - getting goals from i.s 341 item(s) - in GPM's. See GPM items. item(s) - "item reads" 563 item(s) - list i.s. See list items. item(s) - listing rules for i.s 566 item(s) - missing i. as a missed withhold 372-376 item(s) - indicating i.s, procedure for 379 item(s) - reliable i.s. See RI's. item(s) - rockslamming i.s. See rockslamming items. item(s) - source lists and 370 item(s) - specificity of the i. that a chain is based on. 235 item(s) - suppressed i.s 368 itsa(s) - balancing whatsit and i. 469 itsa(s) - classification and 474 itsa(s) - compulsion to i. 477 itsa(s) - conditional i.s 474 itsa(s) - denial of i. by the FDA 497 itsa(s) - false i.s 474 itsa(s) - hiding and 473 itsa(s) - inviting i. and cleaning a clean 544 itsa(s) - know-to-mystery scale and 473f itsa(s) - service facs and lack of i. 498 itsa(s) - letting the PC i. 476a itsa(s) - letting the PC i. - when to do it 532 itsa(s) - negative i. 578 itsa(s) - service facs and 497 itsa(s) - service facs, as a substitute for i. 513 itsa(s) - sub-itsa. See sub-itsa. itsa(s) - sub-itsa and i., in running GPM's 566 itsa(s) - taking over the PC's i. 542 itsa comm line 530 itsa comm line - and the itsa line 474 itsa line 455f itsa line 467ff itsa line 472-477 itsa line - attention line and 472 itsa line - control of 472f itsa line - cut i.l. See cut itsa line. itsa line - dating and 467f itsa line - destimulation and 512 itsa line - evil and 475 itsa line - getting the i.l. in 472 itsa line - getting the i.l. in 474 itsa line - hope factor and 475 itsa line - implants and 473 itsa line - itsa comm line and 474 itsa line - line plot and 475 itsa line - meter dependency and 467f itsa line - nature of 473 itsa line - prepchecking the i.l. 477 itsa line - psychoanalysis and 475 itsa line - putting in the i.l. for the PC 467 itsa line - Scientology 0 and 522 itsa line - service fac, as a substitute for an i.l. 493 itsa line - service facs, loses, and the i.l. 491 itsa line - TA position, effect of the i.l. on 468 itsa-maker line 451 itsa-maker line 529-532 itsa-maker line - attention and 531 ivory tower rule 732 jails 50 jails 496 Japan 22 Japan 312 Japanese painting 89 jealousy - beingness, j. of 418 jealousy - cause of 420 jealousy - unknowns and 80 Jesus Christ, Jesus of Nazareth. See Christ. Jo'burg, definition of 239 Jo'burg, definition of 811 Journal of Scientology 205 judgment - auditor, j. of. See auditor judgment. judgment - confront and 57f judgment - duplication and 171f judgment - fixed ideas and 637 judgment - relative to rules 678f judgment - teaching of 172 "judo" in handling attacks on scientology 312 Julius Caesar 724 Julius Caesar - valence of 758 Jung, Karl 224 Jung, Karl 471 Jung, Karl - Druids and 780 Jung, Karl - poltergeists and 780 justice - invention of 218 justice - public reaction to scientology j. 720 justice - public reaction to scientology j. 723 justification(s) 626 justification(s) - overt, as a j. for a misunderstood 663 justification(s) - power of choice and 628 justification(s) - problem about an overt, j. as 683 justification(s) - test for self-determinism, j. as 795 Kant, Immanuel 40 Kant, Immanuel 172 Kant, Immanuel 600 Kant, Immanuel - unknowable, I.K. and the 326 karma 218f karma - overt-motivator sequence and 218f karma - stimulus-response cycles and 544 keeping out of trouble 92 Kennedy, John F. 368 keyed-out clear 462 keyed-out clear - goals process for producing 597 keyed-out clear - OT and 485 keyed-out clear - prepchecking and 484 keyed-out clear - prepchecking and 489 key-ins - BPC, k. of, and communication failures 533 key-ins - healing and 593 keying out a picture, process for 765 key-out of masses with significance by means of objective processes 596 Keynes, John Maynard 726 "kindness" 187 "kindness" - cruelty, k. as 153 kings, divine right of 220 killing thetans 453 killing thetans 476 kleenex and dharma 768 knowingness. See also knowledge. knowingness - charge and 454 knowingness - charge and 471 knowingness - circuits, k. from 121f knowingness - delusory k. 96 knowingness - hidden standards and 132 knowingness - impact k. See impact knowingness. knowingness - knowledge of overts, k. as 184 knowingness - reads and PC k. 281 knowingness - pretended k. 80 knowingness - pretended k. 92 knowingness - pretended k. 94 knowingness - pretended k. 167 knowingness - pretended k. - engrams and 102 "knowingness" button 279 knowing that you don't know 714 knowing the truth and self-confidence 599 knowledge. See also knowingness. knowledge - authority and 19 knowledge - dangerousness of 326f knowledge - governments and 24 knowledge - mind and 290 knowledge - taking responsibility for k. 730 knowledge - self-knowledge and R6EW 739f knownness. See knowingness, knowledge. "know thyself" as a trap for thetans 225 know to mystery scale 6ff know to mystery scale - affinity and 399 know to mystery scale - affinity and 410 know to mystery scale - Freud and 7 know to mystery scale - insanity and 324 know to mystery scale - itsa and 473f know to mystery scale - levels of the k.s. and barriers 7f know to mystery scale - missed withholds and 324 know to mystery scale - Routine 3 processes and 252 know to mystery scale - rudiments and 251f know to mystery scale - tone scale and 399 Korzybski, Count Alfred 207 Korzybski, Count Alfred 802 Krishnamurti, J. 527 Krishnamurti, J. 675 Krushchev, Nikita 678 labeling GPM masses 252 labor and management 60 lack of cognitions 226 lack of cognitions - handling of 110 Laing, Ronald D. 51 Laing, Ronald D. - view that insanity is part of the road up 783 Lamaism 19 Lamaism 38 Lamaism 316 Lamaism - squirrel Buddhism, L. as 765 Lamaism - redefinition of "bodhi" in 789 lambda, definition of 800 language(s) - bank, l.s and 267 language(s) - foreign l.s. See foreign languages. Lao Tse 40 Lao Tse 600 large objects, rule of, in havingness processes 148 last lifetime, therapeutic value of 237 latent read(s) 35ff latent read(s) 140 latent read(s) - analytical mind and 355 latent read(s) - analytical nature of 247 latent read(s) - definition of 139 later incidents, appearance of , while running a chain 271 Latin America 8 laudable withholds 161f laudable withholds 164 laudable withholds 196 laughter, on the part of the auditor 446 law(s) - customs and 668 law(s) - GPM's and the l.s of life 481 law(s) - individual purpose and MEST universe laws 338 law(s) - time and 46 law(s) - listing and nulling, l. No. 14 of 236 leader, isolation of 116 leaving a group 116f left-hand buttons 374 leprechauns 222 lessening the overt 32 lessening the overt - government and 296 letting the PC itsa 476a letting the PC itsa - when to do it 532 level(s) - auditing, l.s of. See auditing levels. level(s) - awareness, l.s of. See awareness levels. level(s) - case, l.s of. See case levels. level(s) - cause, l.s of. See cause level. level(s) - failed case, l. of responsibility of 682 level(s) - scientology l.s 462 level(s) - scientology l.s 477-480 level(s) - win, l.s of, for a PC 478f Level IV auditing 524ff lie(s) - aberration and 443 lie(s) - acknowledgement of 285 lie(s) - acknowledgement of - ARC breaks and 287 lie(s) - acknowledgement of - misemotion and 286f lie(s) - enforcement of l.s and society 599 lie(s) - problem, what the lie in it is 737 lie(s) - time, l.s about 444 lie(s) - undoing of 600 lie detectors 145 lie detectors 147 lie detectors 280 lie detectors - E-meters and 288 life - divesting living beings of 459 life - endowed l. See endowed life. life - endowment of MEST with l. 459 life - handling l. with a vessel made of l. 770 life - GPM's and the laws of l. 481 life - test of a science of l. 483 life - things of l. 458f life and livingness goals and PTP's of long duration 201 life continuum 128 life-endowment of MEST 459 life insurance 310 life repair release 262 lifespan of Man 781 light - sound, looking at, with l. 673 light - speed of 31 light ethics 721 line plot(s) 194 line plot(s) 591 line plot(s) - itsa line and 475 line plotting 157 lines of force of the universe 395 lion, TR-1 with a recording of a l. 381 lion tamer analogy for dangerous environment 595 list(s). See also assessment, listing, nulling. list(s) - service facs, appearance on l.s 495 list(s) - canned l.s. See prepared lists. list(s) - prepared l.s. See prepared lists. list(s) - completeness of a l. See completeness of a list. list(s) - correction l.s, using the right one 449 list(s) - correction l.s, using the right one 462 list(s) - dead horse l.s. See dead horse lists. list(s) - extending l.s. See extending lists. list(s) - incomplete l.s. See incomplete lists. list(s) - proper length of in R2-12 370 list(s) - proper length of in R3SC 500 list(s) - non-nullable l.s. See non-nullable lists. list(s) - nullable l.s and extending l.s 361 list(s) - "oppose" l.s. See "oppose" lists. list(s) - out-lists, manifestations of 370 list(s) - reads on everything on a l. 322 list(s) - "represent" l.s, wrong-way-to 364 list(s) - skunked l.s. See skunked list(s). list(s) - source l.s. See source list(s). list(s) - taking items off a l. 349 list(s) - wrong-way-to l.s and rockslams 372 List 1 for R2H 462 List One - asking "What question would complete l.o.?" 372 List One - contents of 346 List One - mid-ruds and 350 List One - PC adding items to l.o. 350 List One - reason for 360 listening, importance of 465 listing. See also assessment, list(s), nulling. listing 155 listing - acknowledgement in l. 261 listing - auditing, l. as 352 listing - "dead thetan" case and 352 listing - directive l. 386-389 listing - dirty needle during l., handling of 364 listing - floating needle in l. 260 listing - goals l. See goals lists, goals listing. listing - GPM items, mechanism of l. of 209 listing - identification and 352 listing - mechanism of 227 listing - misemotion and 362 listing - in-ruds needed for 236 listing - oppterms, l. of 377 listing - rudiments and 375 listing - significances, l. of 361 listing - somatics during l. 322 listing - TA motion and 370 listing - terminals, getting the PC to list terminals 378 listing - tips of l. 260f listing - writing down list items 260 listing - wrong source in l. 351 listing - wrong-way-to l. 370-373 listing and nulling, laws of. See laws of listing and nulling. listing GPM items, mechanism of 209 listing question(s) - checking l.q.s for reads 350 listing question(s) - reads on l.wq.s 352 listing question(s) - repetition of the l.q. 261 listing question(s) - rockslamming l.q.s 371 listing rules for goals and items 566 list item(s) - dealing l.i.s off the bank 261 list item(s) - recurring l.i 346 list item(s) - removal of i.s from a list 349 list item(s) - repeating l.i.s after the PC: don't do it 349 list item(s) - rewording of 349 list item(s) - writing down 260 literacy - importance of 658 literacy - prerequisite for democracy, l. as 771 literary criticism, auditing as 39 little tiger 295a living beings, divestment of life from 459 livingness and arbitraries 535 locating BPC - getting the specific BPC 449 locating BPC - getting the specific BPC 461 locating BPC - indicators on finding the right BPC 705 locating SP's, indicators on locating the right SP 732 locating SP's, indicators on locating the right SP 747 locating thetans 100f location - data and 172 location - masses and 175 location - reactive mind and 460 location - universes and 100 location - unknownness of l. 96 location - unwanted l. and protesting time 436 locational process(es) - assist, l.p. as 436 locational process(es) - assist, l.p. as 703 locational process(es) - education, l.p. in 656 locational process(es) - flows and 176 location in space, holding of, and power 175 lock(s) - running an in-session lock of an incident instead of the incident 758 lock(s) - misunderstoods as l.s 667 lock scanning 174 lock service facs 524 Logics 197 logistics 216 London Daily Mail 748 longevity 309ff longevity - abuse and 310 longevity - dissemination, l. in 310ff looking at the mind, fear of 783 lookingness - feelingness and 227 lookingness - space and 15 looped time track 185 LORAN and Hubbard 738 lose(s) - definition of 424 lose(s) - disagreement and 424 lose(s) - itsa lines, l.s, and service facs 491 losing processes, reason for 422 loss - generality and 704f loss - unknowns and 79f loss of technology and alter-is 636 Love, Age of 769 lower harmonic DEI scale 176f Lower-scale harmonics - abilities, l.s.h.s of thetan abilities 756 Lower-scale harmonics - abilities, l.s.h.s of thetan abilities - wrongnesses of a thetan as 780 lower-scale mockery and harmonics 797 low havingness - body motion reads and 249 low havingness - manifestations of 249 low havingness - missed withholds and 233 low havingness - rough auditing and 266 low havingness - sudden shifts of attention and 148 low-level reality processes 777 low reality, signs of 400 low TA, persistent, causes of 370 Low TA case and service facs 496 LRH. See Hubbard, L. Ron. long cancer and smoking 65 machines of the thetan 9 macrocosm and microcosm 326 Magellanic Clouds 392 Magellanic Clouds 395 Magellanic Clouds 419 magic button 264 magic button. See also one-shot clear. Magna Carta and dharma 767 Maharaja of Jaipur 738 major auditing cycle(s) 445 major auditing cycle(s) - cognition as an EP of 446 make-guilty 119f make-guilty 163 make-guilty 169 make-guilty - civilization and 127 make-guilty - handling of 140 make-guilty - prcess for 120 make-guilty - service facs and 489 make-wrong - service facs, make-wrong of the auditor in 504 make-wrong - non-production as 501 making the able more able 3 making the able more able 763 male and female clear clear read 568 male-female anxiety, process for 275 mammoths 430 Man - animal, M. as 326 Man - basic problem of 79 Man - lifespan of 781 Man - outflow mechanism, M. as 640 Man - parts of 5 Man - parts of 8-11 Man - spiritual nature of, and dianetics 763 management - labor and 60 management - succession and 773 "mania" and SP's 774 manic behavior, cause of 516 "Man is mass" as a stable datum 518 mannerisms and case change 682 Man's spirit, search for 615 manuscripts, theft of Hubbard's m.s 24 Marie of Rumania 605 marital counseling 620 marital problems, cause of 420 Mark IV E-meter, development of 291 Mark V E-meter 362 Mark V E-meter - clean needles and 364 Mark V E-meter - compared to the Mark IV E-meter 364 Markab Confederacy 37 Markab Confederacy 453f Markab Confederacy - anger at governments and 454 Markab Confederacy - income tax and 454 Markab Confederacy - medical training in 93 Markab Confederacy - Western civilization and 454 marriage - games conditions and 65 marriage - hidden standards and 695 marriage - modern m. 668 Mars, command post on 428 Martians, SP's are fighting m.s 759 martyrdom 45 Marxism and taxation 723 mass(es). See also mental mass. mass(es) - absent m. in study 660f mass(es) - prime postulates and accumulation of m. 276f mass(es) - alter-is and 277 mass(es) - two terminals and as-ising of m. 282 mass(es) - auditing of thought and 580 mass(es) - collapsed locations, m. as 175 mass(es) - definition of 175 mass(es) - two terminals, need for, to discharge m. 581 mass(es) - accumulation of mass, mechanism of 518 mass(es) - mental m and physical m. 386 mass(es) - mental m and physical m. 751 mass(es) - prepchecks, m. on indicates the presence of a service fac 491 mass(es) - RI, m. of, how it accumulates 507f mass(es) - significance and. See mass and significance. mass(es) - significance, m. with. See masses with significance. mass(es) - time track and 389 mass(es) - wrong items and 368 mass(es) - definitions about thoughts and definitions about m.s 674 mass and significance 647 mass and significance - action and 654 mass and significance - auditing, m. and s. in 580 mass and significance - balance of 654f mass with significance - GPM's as 596f mass with significance - keying out of, with service fac brackets 597 mass with significance - objective processes and key-out of 596 mass with significance - prepchecking of 597 mass with significance - RI's as 596f mass with significance - running of 596f Mata Hari 586 materialism 326 materialism dialectical m. See dialectical materialism. mathematics - ARC and 778f mathematics - definition of 778 mathematics - insanity of 778 mathematics - nature of 778 Mathison, Volney 289 Mathison E-meter 289 matter. See also MEST. matter - behavior of 326 matter - enduring forever 429 matter - energy, m., space, and time. See MEST. matter - persistence of 429 matter - postulates of 326 matter - speed of deterioration of 428 matter-of-factness 74 maybe - anatomy of 58 maybe - anatomy of 205 maybe - cycle of action and 205 maybe - "maybe" case 167f McMasters, John 747 meat body civilizations and theta traps 429 mechanics of auditing 301f mechanics of auditing - therapeutic nature of 689 mechanics of existence and O/W 327 medical monopoly 591f meditating 483 Medusa 57 Melbourne Inquiry 632 memory. See also forgetting, recall, remembering. memory - association and 663 memory - associative m. 663 memory - between-lives implant and 465 memory - cellular m. 600 memory - clear and 801 memory - eidetic m. and clear 712 memory - no-responsibility and 174 memory - not a molecular phenomenon 757 memory - overts and 237 memory - pain and 758 memory - responsibility and 174 memory - sec checks and 111 memory - selective nature of 664 memory - whole track m. and case gain 74 memory - withholds and 32 Metchnikoff, Elie 309 mental image pictures. See pictures. mental mass. See also mass. mental mass 50 mental mass - amnesia and 801 mental mass - I.Q. and 411 mental mass - manifestations of 370 mental mass - physical mass and 386 mental mass - physical mass and 751 mental mass - problems and solutions and 718 mental mass - problems of comparable magnitude and 718 mental mass - recall and 801 mental mass - running problems and m.m. moving in 718 mental MEST and time differentiation 357 mental particles 133 mental sciences. See also psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychology, psychotherapy. mental sciences 438 mental sciences 454 mental sciences 714 mental sciences - case level of 402 mental sciences - mistakes of 399 mental technology, suppressive. See suppressive mental technology. mentioning goals, reason for avoidance of 566 merchants of chaos 555f mesmerism as physical pan-determinism 676 MEST. See also energy, matter, space, time. MEST - agreement with. See MEST agreement. MEST - ARC with 458f MEST - complexity and 9f MEST - complexity and 583 MEST - endowment of m. with life 459 MEST - formation of m. and alter-is 285 MEST - GPM's and 357 MEST - identification with, and inspection 223 MEST - significance plus m. See MEST plus significance. MEST - survival effort and 223 MEST - thoughts and 133 MEST - wavelength of 387 MEST agreement 5f MEST agreement - auditing cycle and 627 MEST agreement - dwindling spiral of 6 MEST agreement - sequence of events in 6 MEST clear 341 MEST clear 356 MEST clear - definition of 31 MEST clear - definition of 112f MEST clear - floating needle and 31 MEST clear - floating needle and 329 MEST clear - prepchecking and 194 MEST clear - problems intensive and 329 MEST plus significance - reaction to, and persistence of pictures 436 MEST plus significance - thetan's reaction to 434ff MEST universe - anger at 338 MEST universe - awareness and unawareness, as the roads into and of of the m.u. 618 MEST universe - bank, m.u. as a 733 MEST universe - bank, m.u. and the 285 MEST universe - booby traps in the m.u. 59 MEST universe - charge and 404 MEST universe - clear's bank, m.u. as 706 MEST universe - dub-in of 774 MEST universe - entrance point to 418 MEST universe - entrance point to 800 MEST universe - home universes and 403 MEST universe - motion and 4 MEST universe - no-responsibility for 173 MEST universe - origin of 393 MEST universe - persistence of 49 MEST universe - persistence of 56 MEST universe - exteriorizing from the m.u., process for 792 MEST universe - reversing the creation of 429 MEST universe - solving m.u. problems with auditing 746 MEST universe - SP's and evil in the m.u. 793 MEST universe - how thetans came to be in the m.u. 403f MEST universe - thought and 390 MEST universe - time spent in 403 MEST universe laws and individual purpose 338 MEST universe motion and the static 4 MEST vias and ARC 459 meter. See E-meter. meter dependency. See also PC dependency. meter dependency - itsa line and 467f metering 291 metering - echo m. 424 metering - eyesight and 282 metering - rockslams and 321 metering errors 278-289 metering errors - self auditing and 282 meter-reading. See metering. meter steering in dianetics 758 method 3 and method 5 assessments 464f method 3 and method 5 assessments 613 Mexico 168 Microcosm and macrocosm 326 mid-ruds 241 mid-ruds 253-258 mid-ruds - definition of 251 mid-ruds - List One and 350 mid-ruds - PC originations and 349 mid-ruds - prepchecking and 251 mid-ruds - prepchecking and 257 mid-ruds - prepchecking m.r.s 256 mid-ruds - end-ruds, use of as m.r.s 353f mid-ruds - end-ruds, use of as m.r.s 272 military appropriations and income tax 605 military comm cycle 452 Mill, John Stuart 770 mimicry - low-level reality process, m. as 713 mimicry - low-level reality process, m. as 777 mimicry - running m. 23 mind 4 mind - actions of 4 mind - awareness of the existence of the m. 768 mind - "bottom" of the mind 615 mind - brain and 4 mind - conservation of energy and 639 mind - definition of 18 mind - definition of 25 mind - exteriorizing and 791 mind - fear of looking at the m. 783 mind - knowledge and 290 mind - modern science and 639f mind - paralleling the m. See paralleling the mind. mind - premises needed to handle the m. successfully 639f mind - sacredness of 222 mind - tampering with the m. 158 mind-reading. See also telepathy. mind-reading 262 mind's protection 332f mind's protection - restimulation and 498f missed withhold of nothing 142 missed withhold of nothing 234 missed withhold of nothing 282 missed withhold of nothing - mechanism of 280 missed withhold phenomena and survival 182 missing datum 79 missing datum - overt, m.d. as 71 missing item as a missed withhold 372-376 mistakes - attention on 543 mistakes - honesty about 619 "Mister Roberts" 678 misunderstood(s). See also misunderstood word(s). misunderstood(s) 320 misunderstood(s) - additives and 320 misunderstood(s) - earlier m.s 657 misunderstood(s) - blows on m.s 88 misunderstood(s) - errors and 321 misunderstood(s) - locks, m.s as locks, e.g., on GPM's 667 misunderstood(s) - overt as a justification for a m. 663 misunderstood(s) - prior subjects, m.s in 662 misunderstood(s) - psychiatric abuses and 663 misunderstood word(s) - ability and 661 misunderstood word(s) - dissemination and 661 misunderstood word(s) - I.Q. and 670 misunderstood word(s) - overts and 747 misunderstood word(s) - overts, m.w.s, and criticism 662 misunderstood word(s) - talent and 661 misunderstood word phenomenon - confront of unknowns and 88 misunderstood word phenomenon - mechanism of 114 misunderstood word tech, history of 657 misused words and study problems 658 mocked-up track and missed withholds 324 mockery, lower-scale mockery, and harmonics 797 mockups - people as m.s for SP's 724 mockups - persistent m.s and withdrawal form communication 584f mockups - walls, m.s of 774 model session 160 model session 168f model session 235 model session - (March, 1962) 200-203 model session - (June, 1962) 262ff model session - (Jan., 1962) 373f model session - (July, 1964) 446 model session - courtesy, m.s. as 85f model session - history of 263 model session - R-factor and 263f model session - repetitive processes in 275f model session - two-way communication in 265 modern education as a corrective technology 671 modern science 325f modern science 518 modern science - attitude of m.s. toward certainty 206 modern science - definition of 421 modern science - fallacies of 639f modern science - inflow theory, m.s. as 640 modern science - mind and 639f modern science - priesthood, m.s. as 248 modern science - priesthood, m.s. as 222 modifier(s) 141 modifier(s) - chanting of 183 modifier(s) - phrases in 144 monarchy - benign m. See benign monarchy. monarchy - democracy, m. vs. 786 money. See also economics. money - havingness on 125 money - registrars and 703 monomania 37f mood, matching the PC's mood 265 moral code(s). See also morals, ethics. moral code(s) 111 moral code(s) 115f moral code(s) 161 moral code(s) - contradictions between different m.c.s 198 moral code(s) - definition of 115 moral code(s) - disintegration of 115f moral code(s) - "solutions", m.c.s as 52 moral code(s) - terminals, m.c.s of 211 moral code(s) - terminals, m.c.s of - high TA and 158 moral code(s) - withholds and 115 moral code(s) - withholds and 196 morality and somatics 198f morals 328 morals - definition of 1 morbidity of a thetan 135 mores. See moral code(s), morals. Morgan, Parker 548 Morgan, Parker 553 "mother", auditor as 476a motion - confront of 43 motion - MEST universe and 4 motion - Newton's second law of. See Newton's second law. motion - ownership of 135 motion - perception of 284 motion - psychiatrists and 381 motion - stillness and 283f motion - stills and 130 motion - tolerance of 100f motion - unpredicted m. and pain 44 motionlessness. See also inactivity, quietness, stillness, stills. motionlessness - death and 129 motionlessness - mysticism and 677 motivational research 658 motivator(s) 191f motivator(s) 194ff motivator(s) - acceptance level of 168 motivator(s) - criticisms and 195ff motivator(s) - definition of 545 motivator(s) - flows and 169 motivator(s) - handling of 194 motivator(s) - other people's overts and 195 motivator(s) - "overts on self", m.s as 545 motivatorish cases and oppterms 348 mourning 1 "mud-pie" model of auditing 535 multiple acknowledgement 686 multiple out-ruds, reason for 271f multiple SP's 747 "murder" routine 209 "murder" routine 681 mushing engrams - O/W and 464 mushing engrams - prepchecking and 411 mushing engrams - prepchecking and 464 mutiny, white. See white mutiny. mutual out-ruds 41f mutual out-ruds - processes for 42 muzzled auditing 413 muzzled auditing - reason for 342 mystery 79f mystery - estimation of 324 mystery - overts, m. of 323 mystery sandwich 79 mystery sandwich 323f "mystical mystic" 677 mysticism and motionlessness 677 naming and restimulation 504 nationalities, transfer of thetans between 211 native aberration and the comm cycle 697 native state 14 native state processing 38 natter - handling of 109 natter - handling of 147 natter - handling of 303 natter - how long to listen to 188 natter - mechanism of 188 natter - withholds and 166f natter - withholds and 178 natural law - agreement, n.l. as 5 natural law - changes in 5 naturalness. See also rituals, rules. naturalness 89 naturalness 142 navigation 770 nearby auditing sessions 274 nearly-found-outs. See also half-knowns, missed withholds, should-have-knowns. nearly-found-outs - general process for (three flows) 324 near-misses 324 needle - behavior of at different case levels 485 needle - cleaning a n. with prepchecking 357 needle - cleaning a n. with prepchecking 383 needle - controlling the n. with the TA knob 554 needle - dirty n. See dirty needle. needle - inertia of 279 needle - inertia of 612 needle - rising n. See rising needle. needle - TA and 612 needle - vibration of 28 needle action and TA motion 472 needle manifestations, description of 362 needle pattern(s) 240 needle pattern(s) 340 needle pattern(s) - definition of 362 needle pattern(s) - missed withholds and 233 needle reactions and cleaning a clean 612 need of change and newspapers 715 negative ARC processes and implants 411 negative gain 549 negative gain 575 negative gain 698 negative gain 712 negative gain - training and 610 negative havingness processes 557f negative itsa 578 negative ruds 241 neurosis - ARC straightwire and 411 neurosis - definition of 482 neurosis - delicacy of 397 neurosis - not-knowingness and 76 neurosis - psychosis and 76 new bodies 131 new PC's 302 new processes - letting them bite 596 new processes - letting them bite 602 new processes - running in the TA of 596 new processes - running in the TA of 602 new scientology data does not cancel the old 754 newspapers 556 newspapers - gossip, n.s as 751 newspapers - gossip, n.s as 779 newspapers - illusion and 751 newspapers - invalidation of time by 676 newspapers - need of change and 715 Newton's laws of motion 32 Newton's second law 33 Newton's second law 216 Newton's second law - overt-motivator sequence and 25 Nicene Creed 766 nightmares 473 nightmares - process for 97 Nineteenth American ACC 733 nirvana 791 nirvana - GPM, n. as 316 Nixon and the secret service 335 no-answer of questions, processes for 583f no-auditing 84 no-auditing 86f no-auditing 92-96 no-auditing 134 no-auditing 142 no-auditing 170 no-auditing 187 no-auditing 313f no-auditing - auditing speed and 229 no-auditing - BPC and 470 no-auditing - charge connected with n., process for 87 no-auditing - dirty needles and 358 no-auditing - handling of 210 no-case-gain 233 no-case-gain - rollercoastering and n., difference between 727 no-case-gain case(s) 30 no-case-gain case(s) 681 no-case-gain case(s) 727 no-case-gain case(s) - SP's. n.c.s as 759f no change on CCH's 777 no-charge circuits, running of 470 no-cognition(s) 58 no-cognition(s) 226 no-cognition(s) 573 no-cognition(s) - handling of 110 no-cognition(s) - process for 58 no-cognitions case 226 no-effect, auditing towards 38 no-effect case 167f no-effect case 171 no-effect case - process for 168 no-inspection of cessation of something and assuming that it persists 491 no-itsa and service facs 498 non-aberrative confusions 492 non-basic basic incidents 401 non-conformity on earth 454 non-confront - auditor n., process for 584 non-confront - PC ARC breaks, n. of 381 non-confront - time track as a n. 417 nonexistence and not-isness 207 non-nullable list(s) 351f non-nullable list(s) - definition of 366 non-physical blows 634 non-production as a make-wrong 501 non-PT GPM's, why they get get restimulated 524f non-sequitur responses and disassociation 460 "no-problems" case 691 no-responsibility - E-meter and 174 no-responsibility - memory and 174 no-responsibility - MEST universe, n. for 173 normality 59f normality - hidden standards and 695 Normal Operation, need for continuous expansion in 724 no TA. See stuck TA. not-doingness - doingness and 71f not-doingness - value of 71 nothing - acknowledgement of 280 nothing - missed withhold of. See missed withhold of nothing. not-isness - alter-is, n., and dub-in 204 not-isness - automatic n., process for 59 not-isness - CCH's and 215 not-isness - definition of 801 not-isness - havingness and 207 not-isness - incomprehensibility and 288 not-isness - nature of 205 not-isness - nonexistence and 207 not-isness - process for handling 64 not-isness - somatics and 204 not-is straightwire, theory of 22 "not-know" button 172 not-knowingness. See also unknownness(es), unknowns. not-knowingness 39f not-knowingness 160 not-knowingness - absolute n. 392 not-knowingness - clears, n. in 714 not-knowingness - enforcement of 172 not-knowingness - goals processing and 74 not-knowingness - havingness and, running of 80 not-knowingness - overt, n. as 52 not-knowingness - overts and 38f not-knowingness - reads and 195 not-knowingness - scarcity of 15 not-knowingness - thetan's unknowing effect on self 782 not-knowingness - unconsciousness and 39 not-knowingness - withholds and 166 not-know processing for engram running 74 nouns and pronouns - actual GPM's, n.s and p.s in 595 nouns and pronouns - use of in processes 595 now-I'm-supposed-to's 156f now-I'm-supposed-to's 328 now-I'm-supposed-to's - animals, n.s of 211 nullable list, signs of 351ff nulling. See also assessment, listing, lists. nulling - differentiating, n. as 351 nulling - dirty needle on n., causes of 340 nulling - extending and n. lists 361 numbers of RI's in an actual GPM 559 obeying children's auditing commands 446 objective processes. See also specific processes, e.g., CCH's. objective processes - dating facsimiles on 443 objective processes - key-out of masses with significance on 596 objective processes - TA motion and 330f objective processes - use of 330 objective processes - organizational problems and 695 obnosis 171 obnosis. See also inspection, observation. obnosis - dissemination and 672 observation. See also inspection, obnosis. observation 146f observation - Albert Einstein and 146 observation - comm cycle, auditor o. of 583 observation - decision: o., and decision, importance of 217f observation - identities, o. of 223 observation - importance of 247 observation - individual o. and scientology 19 observation - individual o. and scientology 234 observation - insanity as inability to observe 712 observation - lack of o. and decadence 217 observation - PC, observation of, and auditor viewpoint 685 observation - reads, o. of 246 observation - second-hand o. and study 658 observation - separateness and 225 observation - stable datum as a substitute for o. 518 observation - study as o. 658 observation - TA motion and 227f obsession. See also compulsion. obsession - with a problem, and overts 625f obsessive. See also compulsive. obsessive confront 802f obsessive creation 757 obsessive creation - process for 25 obsessive creation - reactive mind: impulse toward o.c. contained in it 719 obsessive doingness - entrapment and 634 obsessive doingness - PTP's and 633 obsessive duplication and unwillingness to duplicate 692 obsessive rightness as an inversion 482 obsessive togetherness and fear of individuation 23f obtaining things by impact 653 OCA. See also psychological tests. OCA graphs - ARC breaks and 704 OCA graphs - changes in, and valences 751 occlusion(s). See also forgetting, forgettingness. occlusion(s) 70 occlusion(s) - processes for 21f occlusion(s) - reactive mind and 73 occlusion(s) - regret and 185 occlusion(s) - revolt and 68 occlusion(s) - whole track o. 72 occlusion(s) - whole track o. 191 occlusion(s) - whole track o. - mechanism of 185 offending PC's with O/W questions 120 Office of George Washington, need for 773 Office of LRH 706 old age, cause of 218 old school tie 177 old soldiers 116 O-meter 29 omission - creation of confusion by 70 omission - overts of. See overts of omission. omitted data and study problems 658 one-shot clear. See also magic button. one-shot clear 37f one-shot clear 124f one-shot clear 179 one-shot clear 192 one-shot clear 471 one-shot clear 614 one-shot clear - Axiom 10 and 38 one-shot clear - Factor 2 and 38 one-shot clear - process for 38 one-shot PTP process 620 one-shot solution to a case 673 one's own valence 75 one's own valence 99 oneupsmanship and service facs 490 only-one 40 only-one - aberration and 150 only-one - SP as an o. 722 only-one - stuck TA and 596f ontology 684 OOV. See out of valence. open-minded case 206 "operating bodies" 162 "operating GE" 222 operating thetan. See OT. operating valence 109f "oppose" lists - completing of 366 "oppose" lists - extending of 366 "oppose" lists - wrong-way-to o.l.s 366 "oppose" lists - wrong-way-to o.l.s 376 opposing and solving in running GPM's 565 opposing combination terminals 365 opposing the goal as an RI 565 opposing a person with his own ideas 796 opposing rockslamming items 358 opposing rockslamming items 373 opposing significances 361 opposing wrong-way-to 366 opposing wrong-way-to 376 opposing wrong-way-to - results of 385 opposition terminals. See oppterms. opposition to scientology. See also attacks on scientology. opposition to scientology 313f Op Pro by Dup 223 Op Pro by Dup 239 Op Pro by Dup - repetitive auditing cycle and 743 Op Pro by Dup - space and 304 oppterm(s). See also beingness, identities, items, RI's. oppterm(s) - auditor as an o. 151 oppterm(s) - bottom o. 564 oppterm(s) - listing o.s 377 oppterm(s) - motivatorish cases and 348 oppterm(s) - terminals and o.s, signs of 196 oppterm(s) - tone level of o.s 381 oppterm(s) - top o. See top oppterm. orders from the PC. See PC directions. org(s) 152f org(s) 298ff org(s) - central o.s. See central orgs. org(s) - history of 699ff org board 705-708 org board 772f org board - cylinder, o.b. as 772 org board - inclusiveness of successive divisions on 710 org board - flow pattern, o.b. as 772 org board - Galactic Confederation, o.b. of 703 org board - Galactic Confederation, o.b. of - Qual missing from 707 org board - Galactic Confederation, o.b. of - scientology o.b. and 705 org board - Galactic Confederation, o.b. of - scientology o.b. and 707 org board - nature of 710 org board - philosophical machine, o.b. as 705 org board - philosophical machine, o.b. as 711 org board - power processing and 709ff org board - unexpressed functions on the o.b. 705 org titles 719f organization(s). See also administration, government(s), group(s), third dynamic(s). organization(s) 770-773 organization(s) - advantages of 771 organization(s) - any o. is better than no o. 770 organization(s) - being and not doing in 699 organization(s) - central o.s. See central orgs. organization(s) - drawbacks of 771 organization(s) - expansion, effect of on 300 organization(s) - ethics and 719-730 organization(s) - expandability and contractability of 772 organization(s) - formed to handle an individual 727 organization(s) - government and 786 organization(s) - handling life with a vessel made of life 770 organization(s) - individual, and o.s 216 organization(s) - individual, and o.s 218 organization(s) - individual, and o.s 771 organization(s) - individual, and o.s 786 organization(s) - individual, vs. o.s 419 organization(s) - individual, vs. o.s 771 organization(s) - individual, overwhelm of by an o. 771 organization(s) - individuation and 316 organization(s) - individuation of an o. from other o.s 317f organization(s) - misuse of 11f organization(s) - need for 315 organization(s) - need for 418ff organization(s) - environmental enturbulation, o. needed to handle 712 organization(s) - connections between sub-groups in, need for 772 organization(s) - optimum number of people in a working group 772 organization(s) - OT's and 418ff organization(s) - OT's and 427 organization(s) - OT o.s 771 organization(s) - power processing, o.s required for 728 organization(s) - problems of and objective processes 695 organization(s) - flow channel, provided by o.s 706 organization(s) - scientology o.s. See org(s). organization(s) - sub-groups needed, instead of just individuals, in an o. 771 organization(s) - technology of o.s. See admin tech. organization(s) - tough o.s and survival 721 organization(s) - war and 216 organization(s) - expansion of shows weaknesses in structure 699 orgone and arthritis 471 orientation - communication and 476 orientation - thetan's need for o. is senior to communication 476f orientation process, whole track o.p. 680f Original Sin 768 Original Sin - Wundt and 768 origination(s). See also PC origination(s). origination(s) - auditor o.s and TR-2 265 origination(s) - compulsive outflow as o. 274 origination(s) - handling o.s in CCH's 214 origination(s) - handling o.s in CCH's 273f origination(s) - physical o.s in CCH's 240 orthodoxy, absence of a definition for 669 OT(s) - actions of, and ethics 721 OT(s) - actions of, and ethics 726 OT(s) - axioms and 338 OT(s) - cellophane analogy of 394 OT(s) - clear and. See clear and OT. OT(s) - clear OT 790ff OT(s) - Coca-cola and 568 OT(s) - confront of OT's 784 OT(s) - definition of OT 112 OT(s) - definition of OT 248 OT(s) - definition of OT 789ff OT(s) - dissemination and 779 OT(s) - exteriorization as an harmonic of OT 766 OT(s) - fear of OT's 430 OT(s) - foibles of OT's 430 OT(s) - force and 393f OT(s) - keyed-out clear and 485 OT(s) - making an OT 248 OT(s) - organization and 427 OT(s) - power of choice and 680 OT(s) - released OT. See released OT. OT(s) - running the time track and 441 OT(s) - service fac of 492 OT(s) - state of 392-396 OT(s) - Tone 40 and 790 OT(s) - training and 530 OT(s) - training and 541ff OT base 747ff OT base - earth as an o.b. 606 OT base - purpose of 747 other-determined cycles of action 678 other-determined exteriorization 223 other-determinism 219ff other-determinism. See also determinisms, pan-determinisms, self-determinism. other-determinism - agreement and 220 other-determinism - attack and 221 other-determinism - death-wish and 221 other-determinism - GPM's and 155f other-determinism - GPM's and 221 other-determinism - sacredness and 221 other-determinism - somatics and 220 other people's overts. See overts, other people's. other people's problem(s) - auditing and 343 other people's problem(s) - handled by handling the PC's problem 746 other people's reactive minds, influence of 694 other people's withholds 188 other people's withholds 191 OT hierarchy of the Galactic Confederation 430 OT-meter 291 OT organizations 771 OT phenomena, automatic 780 OT phenomena, automatic 791 OT power and ethics 394 OT processes as upper-scale harmonics of ruds 756 ought-to-be's - PC's o.s about 86 ought-to-be's - reads, o.s about 231 out comm - PC feeling of being accused and 642 out comm - unconsciousness as 755 out comm cycle in self-auditing 583 out-creation of action 217 outflow - compulsive o. See compulsive outflow. outflow - enforced o. 165 outflow - Man, as an o. mechanism 640 outflow - rehab of ability to o. 640 out-gradient - auditing failures and 672f out-gradient - dirty needle and 268 out-gradient - experiencing as an o. 693f out-gradient - French Revolution as an o. 599 out-gradient - misemotion as a sign of an o. 694 out-gradient - study, o. in 660f out lists, manifestations of 370 outmoded doingness, as a significance 655 outmoded policies 668 outmoded tradition 668 out-of-ARC processes 619 out-of-ARC processes - withhold process as an out-of-ARC process 643 out-of-PT-ness and aberration 66 out-of-sessionness 83 out-of-sessionness - causes of 174 out-of-sessionness - missed withholds and 183 out-of-sessionness - PC not in session of his own volition 574ff out of valence 99 out of valence - earlier beginnings and 406 out of valence - engrams, process for OOV in engrams 99 out ruds - assessment and 322 out ruds - dirty needle and 269 out ruds - incident, o. in 398 out ruds - manifestations of 755 out ruds - multiple o.s, reason for 271f out ruds - mutual o. See mutual out-ruds. out ruds - persistent o. 47 out ruds - persistent o. - handling of 210 out ruds - stuck TA and 229 out ruds - withholds and 166 out tech. See also auditing errors, bad auditing, bad auditor, dangerous auditor, GAE's. out tech 743ff out tech - definition of 743 out tech - eleven reasons for 744 out tech - in the PC 744 overcommunication in dissemination 779 overlisting 261 overlisting - Auditor's Code and 261 overlisting - manifestations of 308 overlisting - manifestations of 353 overloading a comm line 527 over-restimulation. See also restimulation. over-restimulation 484-489 over-restimulation - avoidance of 469ff over-restimulation - case level and 486 over-restimulation - causes of 504 over-restimulation - description of 535f over-restimulation - entrapment and 502f over-restimulation - introversion, erasure and o. 498 over-restimulation - nature of 502 over-restimulation - overwhelming PC power of choice and 491 over-restimulation - stuck TA and 490f over-restimulation - symptoms of 486 over-restimulation - effect on the TA of 471 over-restimulation - things that prevent the cure of o. 488 over-restimulation - tips on avoiding o. 504 overrun 733 overrun - asking what was overrun 745 overrun - high TA and 745 overrun - high TA and - mechanism of 133 overrun - R2-12, o. of 738 overrun - R2-12, o. of 755 overrun - R2-12, o. of 758 overrun - rockslams, o. of 124 overrun - ruds, o. of, and cleaning a clean 737 overrun - suppressive action, o. as 746 overt(s). See also missed withholds, O/W, withholds. overt(s) - activated by withholds 686 overt(s) - assertions, o.s as 207 overt(s) - cause and 625f overt(s) - certainty process for 644 overt(s) - chains of, and engram chains 407 overt(s) - continual past o.s case, handling of 683 overt(s) - continuous PT o.s. See continuous PT overts. overt(s) - criticism, misunderstood words, and o.s 662 overt(s) - definition of 545 overt(s) - dropped-out time and 716f overt(s) - dynamics, o.s on, process for 195 overt(s) - enforced associations and 317 overt(s) - explaining why something isn't an o. 626 overt(s) - PC condition, o.s as an explanation of 644 overt(s) - Christianity and false o.s 626 overt(s) - first o., definition of 799 overt(s) - goal as an o. 138 overt(s) - governments and 296 overt(s) - havingness and 199 overt(s) - help and 30 overt(s) - insanity and 634 overt(s) - misunderstood, o. as a justification for 663 overt(s) - justification of an o. as a solution to a problem 683 overt(s) - knowledge of o.s as knowingness 184 overt(s) - lessening of 32 overt(s) - memory and 237 overt(s) - missing datum as an o. 71 overt(s) - misunderstood words and 747 overt(s) - mystery of 323 overt(s) - nature of 431 overt(s) - not-know and 38f overt(s) - obsession with a problem and 625f overt(s) - omission, o.s of. See overts of omission. overt(s) - other people's o.s. See also withholds, other people's. overt(s) - other people's o.s 195f overt(s) - other people's o.s - handling of 195 overt(s) - other people's o.s - motivators and 195 overt(s) - particles and 404 overt(s) - PC use of o.s to explain his condition 644 overt(s) - perversion of the theta line, o.s as 620 overt(s) - politics and 296 overt(s) - problems and 719 overt(s) - problems and 716f overt(s) - problems and 683 overt(s) - PTP's and 643 overt(s) - pulling o.s. See pulling overts. overt(s) - reads and 258 overt(s) - reason for 242 overt(s) - regretted communication, o. as 693 overt(s) - rockslams and 296 overt(s) - self, o.s on. See also self-damage. overt(s) - self, o.s on - motivators as "overts on self" 545 overt(s) - self-determined change and 293 overt(s) - social responsibility and 681 overt(s) - solution to a problem, o. as 716f overt(s) - solution to a problem, o. as 683 overt(s) - suppression and 205 overt(s) - third dynamic agreement and 629 overt(s) - "unlessening" of 32 overt(s) - unreal o.s, process for 644 overt(s) - violation of the communication formula, o. as 634 overt(s) - confusion, o. as a way to handle confusion 296 overt(s) - whole track o.s 644 overt(s) - whole track o.s 688 overt chains in dianetics 759 overt engrams 407 overt/justification process 683 overt-motivator sequence 53 overt-motivator sequence 215-219 overt-motivator sequence 544f overt-motivator sequence - age of 416 overt-motivator sequence - attack and 215f overt-motivator sequence - attack processes 215 overt-motivator sequence - body and 10 overt-motivator sequence - "careful" button and 255 overt-motivator sequence - co-action and 117f overt-motivator sequence - games and 29 overt-motivator sequence - high-level untruth, O/M s. as 635 overt-motivator sequence - interiorization and 224 overt-motivator sequence - karma and 218f overt-motivator sequence - know-to-mystery scale and 8 overt-motivator sequence - mechanism of 133 overt-motivator sequence - not one-for-one 199 overt-motivator sequence - origin of 215f overt-motivator sequence - Newton's second law, O/M s. as a Q and A with 25 overt-motivator sequence - resolution of 215 overt-motivator sequence - reverse duplication and 476 overt-motivator sequence - right/wrong and 483 overt-motivator sequence - stuck flows and 104 overt-motivator sequence - survival and 182 overt-motivator sequence - unmotivated acts and 10 overt(s) of omission 70f overt(s) of omission 161 overt(s) of omission - process for 161 "overt on self", motivator as 545 overt postulates 69 overt process for goals 138 overt products 68 overt/withhold. See O/W. overwhelm - identification and 176 overwhelm - individual, o. of by an organization 771 overwhelming force and formation of service facs 492 overwhelming the PC's power of choice, and over-restimulation 491 overwhelming with data 741 O/W. See also missed withholds, overts, withholds. O/W - auditor repair process, O/W as 566 O/W - automatic bank and 279 O/W - cause level and 547 O/W - cause level and 641 O/W - change and 33 O/W - confusions, problems and o. 122f O/W - confusions, problems and o. 130 O/W - confusions, problems and o. - valences and 128 O/W - enforced beingness and 476 O/W - games and 323 O/W - havingness and 42 O/W - individuation and 316 O/W - mechanics of existence and 327 O/W - mushing of engrams by 464 O/W - power of choice and 628 O/W - problems, awareness scale, and o. 718 O/W - responsibility and 32 O/W - responsibility and 34 O/W - stuck flows and 134 O/W - undelivered communication and 620f O/W questions, offending PC's with 120 ownership - creation, o. as 200 ownership - definition of 200 ownership - havingness as o. 199f ownership - motion, o. of 135 ownership - nature of 200 ownership - perception, o. as 200 ownership - session, o. of lies in the PC 166 O/W process for auditor repair 566 Oxford Capacity Analysis. See OCA. package(s) 335 package(s) - completing p.s in R2-12 359 package(s) - definition of 197 package(s) - definition of 225 "package" questions, running of 264 pain 100 pain. See also somatics. pain - alteration of form, p. as 215 pain - appreciation of 470 pain - definition of 215 pain - memory and 758 pain - terminals, p. on 214f pain - unpredicted motion and 44 pain - valences and 76 Pali Canons, prediction of scientology in 798 pan-determined time 676 pan-determinism. See also determinisms, self-determinism, other-determinism. pan-determinism 219f pan-determinism - advice, p. in 648f pan-determinism - definition of 795 pan-determinism - GPM's and 155f pan-determinism - mesmerism as physical p. 676 pan-determinism - scarcity and 17 pan-determinism - self-determinism and 795 Pandora 57 paperback books and the Spanish Civil War of 1936 767 papier mache\*' head 623 paralleling the mind 77 paralleling the mind 128 paralleling the mind 160 paralleling the mind 473 paralleling the mind 524 paralleling the mind 543 paralleling the mind - DMSMH and 311 paralyzing a committee 171 paranoids and SP's 774 parapsychological research 343 parents, auditing of 13 Parkhouse, Herbert 48 particles - mind, p.s in 133 particles - overts and 404 partisan advice 648f parts of existence and R2-12 370f parts of Man 5 parts of Man 8-11 past - PC's time span into the p., length of 331 past - stuck in the p. 124 past difficulties, continued reads on 657 past identities, pictures in 199 past incident, running the in-session lock of 758 past life(lives). See also whole track. past life(lives) - auditor reality on 97 past life(lives) - banning of 553 past life(lives) - case levels and 417 past life(lives) - forgetting of 176 past life(lives) - GPM's and 194 past life(lives) - last lifetime, therapeutic value of 237 past life(lives) - running a death to handle a stuck p.l. 753 past life(lives) - Witchita Foundation and 600 past-life withholds 187 patient's reality, psychiatric handling of 401 pattern(s) - bank, p.s of, need for 386 pattern(s) - GPM's, p.s of 386 Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich 224 Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich 430 Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich 652 Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich 663 Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich - communism based on 443 Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich - Stalin and 224 Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich - neglect of reward by 443 Pax Romana 724 PC(s) - acceptance level of win for 230 PC(s) - ARC breaks in, and auditor non-confront 381 PC(s) - ARC breaky PC's 79 PC(s) - ARC breaky PC's 93 PC(s) - ARC breaky PC's 125f PC(s) - ARC breaky PC's 477 PC(s) - ARC breaky PC's 578 PC(s) - comm cycle of, auditor observation of 583 PC(s) - blowing up at PC's 622 PC(s) - contract between PC and auditor 83f PC(s) - dangerous PC 567 PC(s) - definition of auditing, according to the PC 87 PC(s) - doing something for the PC. See doing something for the PC. PC(s) - explaining, by the PC, of his condition by overts 644 PC(s) - getting PC's to fly 577f PC(s) - helping the PC 476a PC(s) - level of win for the PC 478f PC(s) - no-cognition in PC's 226 PC(s) - ought-to-be's about PC's 86 PC(s) - out tech in the PC 744 PC(s) - overwhelming the PC's power of choice, and over-restimulation 491 PC(s) - perceptiveness of 90 PC(s) - process for making a PC 13 PC(s) - PT, importance of to the PC 137 PC(s) - PTS PC's 744 PC(s) - itsa line, putting it in for the PC 467 PC(s) - relaxation of, and in-sessionness 190 PC(s) - running out of answers 682 PC(s) - service facs of, and auditor flubs 505 PC(s) - sex with 143 PC(s) - SP, PC as 744 PC(s) - when the PC is right 345 PC(s) - wrongnesses in 744 PC ability - undercutting of in auditing 584 PC ability - undercutting of in auditing 674 PC ability - underestimation of in case programming 416 PC alter-is 287 PC ARC break and auditor non-confront 381 PC Assessment Form and withholds 123 PC Assessment Form and withholds 127 PC attention - ARC breaks and 396 PC attention - directing the p.'s a. See directing the PC's attention. PC attention - forcing of 533 PC attention - shifting of 473 PC attitude and as-ising 568 PC certainty. See also certainty. PC certainty - TR-3 and p.c. of receiving communication 690 PC comm cycle, remedying of 582-585 PC communication. See also communication. PC communication - suppression of by the auditor 204 PC confidence. See also confidence. PC confidence - auditor consistency and 228 PC confidence - clean needles and 268 PC confidence - clean needles and 228 PC confidence - predictability and 266f PC confidence - creation of 253 PC confront and auditor confront, difference between 623 PC conversation, handling of 265 PC criticism. See also critical thoughts, criticism, natter. PC criticism - handling of 358 PC dependency. See also meter dependency. PC dependency 85f PC directions 85f PC directions - acknowledging alter-is and 288 PC directions - handling of 288 PC directions - taking the PC's orders 397 PC distrust, handling of 338f PC explanations. See also explanation(s). PC explanations 191f PC games condition with the auditor 167f PC "helpfulness" and assessment 589 PC intentions and bank dramatizations 603 PC interest - prepchecking by list and 250 PC interest - rockslams and 332 PC interest - service facs and 494 PC interest - session, PC i. in, instead of in his case 88 PC knowingness. See also knowingness. PC knowingness - reads and 281 PC mood, matching of 265 PC nervous about auditing, processes for at different levels 576 PC non-confront of the auditor, process for 584 PC orders. See PC directions. PC origination(s). See also originations. PC origination(s) - comm cycle of 452 PC origination(s) - mid-ruds and 349 PC ownership of the session 166 PC power of choice, overwhelming of, and over-restimulation 491 PC questions, handling of 266 PC reality, increase of 399 PC refusal to talk to the auditor 232f PC running out of answers, handling of 584 PC "sell" 579 PC's goal, effect of finding it 295 PC's havingness of the auditor 170 PC's havingness of the auditor - process for 170 PC statement(s) - reads, p.s.s vs. 265f PC statement(s) - what is wrong with him, p.s.s about 271 PC who can't look at the auditor, process for 584 PC willingness and cause 78 PC wins, importance of 253 peace. See also inactivity, motionlessness, quietness, stillness, stills. peace 129 peace - Buddhism and 129 peace - philosophies of 43 peace - world p., problems that need to be solved first 605 peaceful coexistence and the Cold War 687 PE Course(s). See also dissemination. PE Course(s) 661-664 PE Course(s) - approach to 120 pedants 52 PE foundations and missed withholds 184 PE lectures 684 "the People" 135 people - SP, p. as mockups for 774 people - incomprehensible p. 259 perceptics, reasons for lack of, in R3R and GPM's 433 perception 43 perception - auditor's p. See auditor perception. perception - games conditions and 343f perception - havingness and 149 perception - havingness as p. 200 perception - motion, p. of 283f perception - ownership as p. 200 perception - protest and 441f perception - psychological theory of 663 perception - reality, p. of, cognition, and awareness levels 629 perception - stillness, p. of 283 perception - thinking and 343f perception - thinking as a substitute for 344 perception - wrong date and 442 perceptiveness of the PC 90 perfect answer to a question is the exact question 41 perfectionism, cure for 37 perseverence. See also Axiom 10, thetan never really gives up, revenge. perseverence - thetan, p. of 281 persistence - acknowledgement and 697 persistence - admiration and 335f persistence - admiration and 476 persistence - assumption of p., and no-inspection of cessation 491 persistence - confront and 56 persistence - matter, p. of 429 persistence - mockups, p. of, and withdrawal from communication 491 persistence - pictures, p. of, and reaction to MEST plus significance 436 persistence - postulate, p. by 435 persistent high and low TA, causes of 370 personal efficiency. See PE. personal reality and dissemination 547 phantom rockslam(s) 359ff phantom rockslam(s) 367 phantom rockslam(s) - cause of 360 phantom rockslam(s) - definition of 360 phantom rockslam(s) - PTP's and 360 phantom rockslam(s) - rings and 372 Philadelphia Doctorate Course 338 Philadelphia Doctorate Course 702 philosophers, schooling of 770 philosophical machine, org board as 705 philosophical machine, org board as 711 philosophy(ies) 171 philosophy(ies) - failure of 547 philosophy(ies) - Graeco-Roman p., and scientology 662 philosophy(ies) - man in the street and 547 philosophy(ies) - peace, p.s of 43 phobias, mechanism of 165 Phoenicians and sea-monsters 393 phrases 133 phrases - modifiers, p.s in 144 phrasing questions 412 physical acknowledgement 274 physical originations in CCH's 240 physical universe. See MEST universe. physicist, as a priest gone mad 222 physics 222 physics 325f physics - chemistry and, truth in 325 Picadilly Circus 165 picture(s). See also facsimiles. picture(s) - ARC breaks with 459 picture(s) - avoidance and 112 picture(s) - bad p.s 67f picture(s) - clears and 792 picture(s) - collapsed p.s 406 picture(s) - confront and 47 picture(s) - confront of p.s and R2H 458 picture(s) - definition of 21 picture(s) - failed purpose and 269 picture(s) - formation of 101 picture(s) - future track. p.s of 434 picture(s) - havingness of 199 picture(s) - past identities, p.s in 199 picture(s) - persistence of - cause of 269 picture(s) - persistence of - reaction to MEST plus significance and 436 picture(s) - keying out a p., process for 765 picture(s) - turning on p.s in dianetics, process for 407 picture(s) - reactive p.s and resistance to experience 795 picture(s) - recall and 712 picture(s) - recall and 792 picture(s) - resistance and 101 picture(s) - things that prevent the turning on of 533f Pinkham 290 placement, "dones" by reason of: process for undercutting responsibility 635 planets, guiding thetans of 428 planning - future, p. of 299 planning - scheduling by event, rather than by time 216 plants - E-meter, reading p.s on 223 plants - talking to o.s 780 Plato, cave metaphor of 709 f.n. play 44 play therapy 693 pleasure moments 751 plotting incidents against time 675 poetry and wavelengths 24 pointing at the PC: don't do it 349 police. See also crime prevention. police 313 police 556 policy(ies) - agreement, p. as 705 policy(ies) - communication and 667ff policy(ies) - dignity and deciding on p. 668 policy(ies) - outmoded p. 668 policy(ies) - purpose of 667 policy(ies) - survival and 669 policy(ies) - workability and 300 politeness 668 political future of governments 336 political systems and succession 749 politics 220 politics 378 politics - combination terminals and 336 politics - comm lag between a negative assertion and a positive action in p. 692 politics - economics and 605 politics - economics and 749 politics - overts and 296 politics - political plans for scientology 318 politics - succession and 220 poltergeist(s) 305 poltergeist(s) - Jung and 780 poltergeist phenomena and released OT 791 polygraphs. See also lie detectors. polygraphs 145 "Poor you!" mechanism 625f position on the time track and fixation in time 436 positives and ultimates 207 post-partum depression 293f postulate(s). See also postulation. postulate(s) - bank and 757 postulate(s) - RI, central p. of, and service facs 507ff postulate(s) - clear and 769 postulate(s) - dwindling spiral of p.s 70 postulate(s) - evil and 769 postulate(s) - failed p.s, process for 69 postulate(s) - first p. - nature of 800 postulate(s) - second p. - nature of 800 postulate(s) - first four p.s. See first four postulates. postulate(s) - goals and 69 postulate(s) - hypnosis and 592 postulate(s) - matter, p.s of 326 postulate(s) - overt p.s 69 postulate(s) - Prime P. See Prime Postulate(s). postulate(s) - psychosomatic illness and 592f postulate(s) - R6 bank and 736 postulate(s) - straightwire and 15 postulate(s) - succumb p. 16 postulation. See also postulate(s). postulation - bank, p. of 769 postulation - intention and 802 postulation - persistence, p. of 435 postulation - thinkingness and 251 postulation - time, p. of 676 potential trouble source. See PTS. power. See also power processing. power 89 power - definition of 582 power - disconnection and 725 power - holding locations in space, p. as 101 power - holding locations in space, p. as 175 power - holding two terminal apart as the source of p. 226 power - holding two terminal apart as the source of p. 582 power - intention and 603 power - selective confront and 802 power - truth and 618 power of choice 411f power of choice - goals processing and 69 power of choice - justification and 628 power of choice - OT and 680 power of choice - over-restimulation and overwhelming the PC's p. of c. 491 power of choice - O/W and 680 power of choice - SOP-8C and 628 power of choice - war, slavery, and p. of c. 242 power of choice process 414 power processing 697 power processing 708ff power processing - EP's of 737 power processing - confidential, p.p. made confidential 715 power processing - effect on the PC 729 power processing - need for 731 power processing - org board and 709ff power processing - requires an organization 728 power processing - predicted, not empirical 730 power processing - SP's and 722 power processing - SP's and 760f practical section, advent of 237f practice, building a p. 645 practidce auditing, dianetics as 762 practidce auditing, dianetics as 764 practices, earlier. See earlier practices. prayer, as an undelivered communication 620 precedents 496 preclears. See PC(s). precognition 47 predictability. See also consistency, prediction. predictability 266-269 predictability - PC confidence and 266f predictability - confidence and 268 predictability - styles of auditing and 689 prediction - confront and 47 prediction - scientology, p. of, in the Pali Canons 798 prefixes in ARC straightwire - as a PT 2WC process 413 prefixes in ARC straightwire - used as a problems intensive 413 pregnancy - auditing during 1 pregnancy - girdles in 1 prehav - origin of the term 42 prehav - roll you own p. 333f prehav - running p., and havingness 27 Prehav 13 42 Prehav 13 77 Prehav 13 - cancellation of 105 prehav levels 26 prehav scale 33f prehav scale - doingness and 45 prejudices in the U.S. 771 Pre-logics 197 premises that are necessary for handling the mind successfully 639f prenatals and the Helatrobus implant 408 preparable cases and auditable cases 294 prepared lists - advantage of 271 prepared lists - prepchecking, p.l.s in 250 prepcheck(s). See also prepchecking, prepclearing. prepcheck(s) - development of 251 prepcheck(s) - goals-finding by 341 prepcheck(s) - mass turning on during a p. indicates the presence of a service fac 491 prepcheck(s) - mid-ruds and 251 prepcheck(s) - origin of modern p. 249 prepcheck(s) - mushing of engrams by p.s 464 prepcheck(s) - problems intensives and 249 prepcheck(s) - procedure (Feb., 1962) 190 prepcheck(s) - procedure (June, 1962) 270 prepcheck(s) - set-up, p. as 249 prepcheck(s) - TA motion on 682 prepcheck(s) - theory of 279ff prepcheck buttons 291f prepcheck buttons - chart of attitudes and 291 prepcheck buttons - three flows, p.b.s on 249 prepchecking. See also prepcheck(s), prepclearing. prepchecking 186f prepchecking 190 prepchecking 194 prepchecking 230ff prepchecking 254 prepchecking 269ff prepchecking 291-294 prepchecking - cancellation of (temporary) 225 prepchecking - canned lists in 250 prepchecking - case gain and 237 prepchecking - case level and 210 prepchecking - CCH's and 210 prepchecking - CCH's and 229f prepchecking - chains, p. of 237 prepchecking - child, p. of 293 prepchecking - cleaning a needle with 357 prepchecking - demo tapes on o. 234 prepchecking - destimulation and 485 prepchecking - dianetics and 269f prepchecking - DMSMH and 270 prepchecking - expanded dianetics and 269 prepchecking - Freud and 231 prepchecking - going out by the same door you went in, in p. 240 prepchecking - high TA and 357 prepchecking - history of 254 prepchecking - importance of PT and thoughts to the PC in p. and in ruds 236f prepchecking - invalidated goal, p. of 563 prepchecking - itsa line, p. of 477 prepchecking - keyed-out clear, p. and 484 prepchecking - keyed-out clear, p. and 489 prepchecking - PC interest and p. by list 250 prepchecking - low TA and 190 prepchecking - masses with significance, p. of 597 prepchecking - MEST clear, producing one with p. 194 prepchecking - mid-ruds and 256 prepchecking - mid-ruds, p. of 256 prepchecking - mushing engrams by p. 411 prepchecking - origin of the term 193 prepchecking - prepclearing and p.: terminology 194 prepchecking - procedure (Feb., 1962) 190 prepchecking - procedure (June, 1962) 270 prepchecking - psychoanalysis and 194 prepchecking - psychoanalysis and 271 prepchecking - purpose of 231 prepchecking - R3 bank and 243 prepchecking - repairing the right/wrong bracket with 499 prepchecking - repetitive p. See repetitive prepchecking. prepchecking - Routine 3 processes and 231 prepchecking - rudiments and 200 prepchecking - rudiments and - PT and whole track in 237 prepchecking - rudiments, p. of 193 prepchecking - rudiments, p. of - 3DXX, p. rudiments for 186 prepchecking - sec checking and 249f prepchecking - service facs and 484 prepchecking - service facs and 488f prepchecking - 3DXX terminals, p. of 190 prepchecking - training and 231 prepchecking - whole track and 243 prepclearing. See also prepcheck(s), prepchecking. prepclearing - origin of the term 184 prepclearing - prepchecking and: terminology 194 prepclearing - sec checking and 184 presence 26f presence - CCH's and 27 present time. See PT. present-time problem. See PTP. Presession 38 and the hidden standard 35 Press. See newspapers. pressor beam, attention as 253 pretended cause 80 pretended knowingness 80 pretended knowingness 92 pretended knowingness 94 pretended knowingness 167 pretended knowingness - engrams and 102 pretending. See also auditor pretense, honesty of the auditor. pretending - alter-is, p. to understand it 419 prevented beingness 419 preventing and R2-12 357 priesthoods 222 priesthoods 248 primal scream 18 f.n. Prime Postulate. See also basic purpose, first fours postulates, first postulate, prime postulates. Prime Postulate 258ff Prime Postulate 262 Prime Postulate - basic purpose and 285 Prime Postulate - definition of 276 Prime Postulate - E-meter and 291 Prime Postulate - prime postulates and 262 Prime Postulate - prime postulates and 276 prime postulates 73 prime postulates 277f prime postulates - accumulation of mass and 276a prime postulates - alteration of 276f prime postulates - ARC and 409 prime postulates - expanded dianetics and 285 prime postulates - goals and 262 prime postulates - Prime Postulate and 262 prime postulates - Prime Postulate and 276 prime purpose(s) - bank and 295 prime purpose(s) - 3DXX and 286 prime solution 259 prior confusion 113ff prior confusion - finding it 114 prior confusion - PTP's of long duration and 113f prior confusion - rudiments and 140 prior confusion - withholds and 167 privacy 103 privacy 158 problem(s). See also problems and solutions, PTP's. problem(s) 49-59 problem(s) 79 problem(s) 120-132 problem(s) 225 problem(s) - alter-is and 53 problem(s) - apathy and 124 problem(s) - as-ising of 719 problem(s) - attention and 125f problem(s) - beingness, p. of, and anaten 420 problem(s) - clears, p. of 708f problem(s) - comparable magnitude, p.s of, and mental mass 718 problem(s) - complexity of 614 problem(s) - confusions, O/W, and 122f problem(s) - confusions, O/W, and 130 problem(s) - confusions, O/W, and - valences and 128 problem(s) - continuous PT overts and 688 problem(s) - cures and 468 problem(s) - definition of 56 problem(s) - definition of 154 problem(s) - definition of 795 problem(s) - delicate balance of 687 problem(s) - doingness, p. of 71 problem(s) - endurance of 521 problem(s) - entrapment and 622 problem(s) - fact, p. as a fact 58 problem(s) - family p.s, handling of 779 problem(s) - "final solution" to 616 problem(s) - formation of 56 problem(s) - GPM's and 154-158 problem(s) - insanity and 51 problem(s) - learning, p.s with. See study problems. problem(s) - magnitude of 55 problem(s) - Man's basic p. 79 problem(s) - marital p.s, cause of 420 problem(s) - missingness, p. of, and ARC breaks 719 problem(s) - nature of 49 problem(s) - nature of 124f problem(s) - nature of 225 problem(s) - obsession with, and overts 625f problem(s) - organizational p.s and CCH's 695 problem(s) - other people's p.s, handled by handling the PC's p.s 746 problem(s) - overt as an (attempted) solution to a p. 683 problem(s) - overt as an (attempted) solution to a p. 716f problem(s) - overts and 719 problem(s) - O/W, awareness scale, and p.s 718 problem(s) - out-of-session procedure for handling 614f problem(s) - PRS-ness as a p. 746 problem(s) - R2-12 and 348 problem(s) - roots, p.s with 623 problem(s) - running p.s. See running problems. problem(s) - solutions and. See problems and solutions. problem(s) - solution, as an effort to bat away a p. 718 problem(s) - solutions, games, and p.s in GPM's 157 problem(s) - asking for solutions, instead of p.s 617 problem(s) - "solving" p.s 746 problem(s) - MEST universe p.s, solving them with auditing 746 problem(s) - statement of 121 problem(s) - study p.s. See study problems. problem(s) - time-streams and 154 problem(s) - unknowns and 79 problem(s) - withholds and 178 problem(s) - withholds and 180 problem process 50 problem process - on amount of time 430 problems and solutions 46 problems and solutions 51 problems and solutions 56ff problems and solutions 130 problems and solutions 614-618 problems and solutions 622 problems and solutions 716-719 problems and solutions 746 problems and solutions - asking for solutions, instead of problems 617 problems and solutions - auditing of 595 problems and solutions - GPM's and 576 problems and solutions - mental mass and 718 problems and solutions - processes for 717 problems and solutions - running of 576 problems and solutions - solution, as an effort to bat away a problem 718 problems and solutions - "solving" a problem 746 problems and solutions - talking about p.s and s.s 521 problems intensive 120-132 problems intensive 190 problems intensive - case repair and 373 problems intensive - CCH's and 130 problems intensive - goals-finding and 341 problems intensive - mechanism of 293 problems intensive - MEST clear and 329 problems intensive - prefixes in ARC straightwire, used as a p.i. 413 problems intensive - prepchecks and 249 problems intensive - procedure (Oct., 1961) 134 problems intensive - procedure (July, 1962) 292f problems intensive - self-determined change, reason for using in a p.i. 293 problems intensive - self-determined changes in 341 problems release, making one with S and D 746 process(es). See also specific processes by name, processes for, processing. process(es) - advanced p.s, use of as rudiments 755 process(es) - alter-is of 422 process(es) - ARC break p.s. See ARC break process(es). process(es) - ARC Process 1961 147 process(es) - ARC straightwire, as a PT 2WC p. using prefixes 413 process(es) - assist p.s. See assist process(es). process(es) - attack p.s for withholds 216 process(es) - auditor repair o. 80 process(es) - beingness p.s 26 process(es) - beingness p.s 105 process(es) - beingness p.s - running engrams, b.p. for 26 process(es) - bite of p.s 32 process(es) - communication p. See communication process. process(es) - complexity of p.s 421 process(es) - confront p. for children 22 process(es) - continuing a p. in a different area after a cognition 643 process(es) - disrespect for 422 process(es) - doingness p.s 26 process(es) - duplication as the common denominator of p.s 417 process(es) - education p. 171 process(es) - exaggerated danger havingness p. 557 process(es) - experimental p.s 289 process(es) - exteriorization: involved in all p.s 227 process(es) - exteriorization p.s. See exteriorization process(es). process(es) - flattening p.s 211 process(es) - flattening p.s 601-604 process(es) - flow p.s 169 process(es) - for. See processes for. process(es) - havingness p.s. See havingness process(es). process(es) - help p. for the MEST universe 393 process(es) - indicating that p.s are flat 477 process(es) - List One, p.s involving asking, "What question would complete List One?" 372 process(es) - loss of p.s, reason for 422 process(es) - negative havingness p.s 557f process(es) - new p.s. See new process(es). process(es) - nouns and pronouns, use of in p.s 595 process(es) - number of p.s needed 421 process(es) - objective p.s. See objective processes. process(es) - OT p.s as upper-scale harmonics of ruds 756 process(es) - problem p. - for the PC for whom all life is a problem 50 process(es) - problem p. - on amount of time 430 process(es) - low-level reality p.s 777 process(es) - repair p. See repair process. process(es) - representing p., as an assist 350ff process(es) - revelation p. 203f process(es) - rudiments p.s - valences, r.p.s for 82 process(es) - rudiments p.s - variety of 174 process(es) - service fac p. as an assist 482 process(es) - simple p.s, longevity of 422 process(es) - solution p.s, as an assist 570 process(es) - SOP Goals 28 process(es) - suppress: multiple bracket p. 251 process(es) - thinkingness p., the lowest one 23 process(es) - stuck TA and unflat p.s 629f process(es) - valence p. as an assist 77 process(es) - victim p.s 23 process(es) for - alcoholism 692 process(es) for - anxiety about sex 275 process(es) for - ARC breaks, continuous 398. process(es) for - ARC breaks, continuous. See also ARC break process(es). process(es) for - ARC breaky PC's 390 process(es) for - assists. See assist process(es). process(es) for - auditing out a bad session 96 process(es) for - auditor fixed ideas 320 process(es) for - auditor repair 80 process(es) for - auditor repair 566 process(es) for - auditor repair - using O/W 566 process(es) for - auditor subjective reality 97 process(es) for - automatic not-is 59 process(es) for - bad habits 694 process(es) for - batty ideas and doingnesses 642 process(es) for - different cause levels 414f process(es) for - chronic somatics 99f process(es) for - cognitions, lack of 58 process(es) for - compulsive outflow 585 process(es) for - criticism 257 process(es) for - education by disagreement 320 process(es) for - effort withholds 161 process(es) for - engrams - finding of 99 process(es) for - engrams - out of valence in 99 process(es) for - engrams - running of with not-know and forgettingness 74 process(es) for - escape 85 process(es) for - exteriorization. See exteriorization process(es). process(es) for - failed postulates 69 process(es) for - first session, handling the charge of 174 process(es) for - forgetting 73 process(es) for - freeing up the time track 180 process(es) for - groupers 107f process(es) for - hidden standards 73 process(es) for - hidden standards 369 process(es) for - hidden standards - about the auditor 698 process(es) for - hidden standards - finding of 59 process(es) for - high TA after session breaks 468 process(es) for - infatuation with the auditor 275 process(es) for - insane behavior 777 process(es) for - insanity 160 process(es) for - producing in-sessionness 12 process(es) for - instant sanity 40 process(es) for - raising I.Q. 411 process(es) for - keyed-out clear, production of by running goals 597 process(es) for - keying out masses with significance, using service fac brackets 597 process(es) for - keying out a picture 765 process(es) for - make-guilty 120 process(es) for - making a PC a PC 13 process(es) for - male-female anxiety in session 275 process(es) for - mutual out-ruds 42 process(es) for - nearly-found-outs, running of on three flows 324 process(es) for - nervousness about auditing, at different levels 576 process(es) for - nervousness about being audited in a particular auditing room, at different levels. 577 process(es) for - nightmares 97 process(es) for - no-answer PC 583f process(es) for - no-auditing, charge connected with 87 process(es) for - no-cognitions case 58 process(es) for - no-effect case 168 process(es) for - not-is handling 64 process(es) for - obsessive creation 25 process(es) for - occlusion 21f process(es) for - one-shot clear 38 process(es) for - other people's overts 195 process(es) for - out-of-valenceness in engrams 99 process(es) for - overt justification 683 process(es) for - overts: certainty process 644 process(es) for - overts of omission 161 process(es) for - overts, on the dynamics 195 process(es) for - past distractions in auditing 94 process(es) for - PC's havingness of the auditor 170 process(es) for - PC who can't look at the auditor 584 process(es) for - PC who doesn't answer the auditing question 583f process(es) for - pictures: turning on pictures in dianetics 407 process(es) for - problems and solutions 717 process(es) for - psychosomatic illnesses 12 process(es) for - PTP's - auditing, p.s in 717 process(es) for - PTP's - communication process for 643 process(es) for - PTP's - one-shot process for 620 process(es) for - PTP's - service fac process for 512 process(es) for - withholds, pulling of 162 process(es) for - withholds, pulling of 164 process(es) for - reaching the auditor 202 process(es) for - reaching the PC 585 process(es) for - repair. See repair process. process(es) for - student auditors, p. for rescuing 624f process(es) for - secondaries: havingness process 557 process(es) for - self-auditing, handling of 83 process(es) for - service facs, finding of 492 process(es) for - silent PC's 584 process(es) for - stuck pictures 180 process(es) for - stuck pictures - responsibility process for 791 process(es) for - stuck TA 442 process(es) for - subjective reality of the auditor 97 process(es) for - time errors, correction of 444 process(es) for - turning on a picture in dianetics 407 process(es) for - unconscious persons 213 process(es) for - unconscious persons 582 process(es) for - undercutting a case 710 process(es) for - undercutting responsibility: "dones" by reason of placement 635 process(es) for - unfriendliness to the auditor, at different levels 576f process(es) for - unintentional withholds 119 process(es) for - unreal overts 644 process(es) for - whole track orientation 680f process(es) for - widening PT 283 process(es) for - withholds 105 process(es) for - withholds 164 process(es) for - word clearing, by disagreement 320 process cycle and TA motion 629 processing. See also auditing. processing - mechanism of 21f processing - mechanism of time track movement in 392 processing the PC in front of you. See auditing the PC in front of you. processing the thetan 10 product - given the same name as the source 769 product - inspection of the end p. of study 656 production - lack of p. as a make-wrong 501 production - revolt against 68f professional attitude 230ff programing. See also case analysis, case evaluation, case index(ices). programing 398-405 programing 421ff programing - adjudication of 398 programing - auditing, p. and, difference between 398 programing - different case levels, p. of 405 programing - gradient approach to a case, description of 680 programing - gradient approach to p. 680 programing - running a case deeper than it thinks it should be run 423 programing - shift of case analysis with case change 539 programing - undercutting PC ability 674 programing - underestimation of PC ability 416 progress. See case gain. Project 80 477-480 prolongation of illness, medical view of 650 proof 90f proof - aberrative button, p. as 343 proof - ESP research and 343 property - communal p. 200 property - criminal view of 546 propitiation, forgiveness as 575 protest - duplication, p. more basic than 423 protest - GPM's, p. against 441f protest - time, protest of, and unwanted location 436 protest reads 264 protest reads 282 protest reads 322 protest reads - handling of 349 "psyche", downgrades of 653 psychiatric vs. scientologic case classification 330 protest - psychiatric "cures" and inactivity 677 psychiatric "research" 736 psychiatrist(s). See also mental sciences, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychologists, psychology, psychotherapy. psychiatrist(s) 51f psychiatrist(s) 315 psychiatrist(s) 621 psychiatrist(s) - continuous PT overts case and 688 psychiatrist(s) - failure to observe, on the part of 146 psychiatrist(s) - handling of the patient's reality by 401 psychiatrist(s) - impact knowingness and 320 psychiatrist(s) - "mania" and 774 psychiatrist(s) - motion and 381 psychiatrist(s) - not all p.s are evil 762 psychiatrist(s) - renegade p.s 127 psychiatrist(s) - society and 52 psychiatrist(s) - time track and 389 psychiatry. See also mental sciences, psychiatrists, psychoanalysis, psychologists, psychology, psychotherapy. psychiatry 92 psychiatry 754 psychiatry - classification of cases in p. vs. scientology 330 psychiatry - collecting tricks 731 psychiatry - ethics, lack of, in p. 761 psychiatry - failure of p., sources of 397 psychiatry - insanity and 51 psychiatry - misunderstoods in, and brutal mental treatment 663 psychiatry - origin of 663 psychiatry - psychosomatic illnesses and 652 psychiatry - purpose of 669 psychiatry - Q and A and 382 psychiatry - quietness and 43 psychiatry - randomity and 268 psychiatry - religion and 798 psychiatry - scientology, p. and, differences between 465 psychiatry - stats of 736 psychiatry - telling someone that he is duplicating something he said he would never duplicate 694 psychiatry - alter-is and 382 psychoanalysis. See also mental sciences, psychiatrists, psychiatry, psychologists, psychology, psychotherapy. psychoanalysis 56 psychoanalysis 110 psychoanalysis 185f psychoanalysis 301 psychoanalysis - "careful" button and 255 psychoanalysis - Freud and 770 psychoanalysis - itsa line and 472 psychoanalysis - itsa line and 475 psychoanalysis - lack of organization in 728 psychoanalysis - prepchecking and 194 psychoanalysis - prepchecking and 271 psychoanalysis - psychosomatic illness and 728 psychoanalysis - R6 and 734 psychoanalysis - remembering and 15 psychoanalysis - telling someone that he is duplicating something he said he would never duplicate 694 psychoanalysis - withholding and 165 psychoanalysis - wrong goals and 578 psychoanalysis - straightwire and 728 psychodrama 699 psychological tests. See also OCA. psychological tests - missed withholds and 184 psychological tests - opinion in 527 psychological tests - significance and 400 psychologists. See also animal psychologists, behaviorists, mental sciences, psychiatrists, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychology, psychotherapy. psychologists 315 psychologists - Axiom 10 and 619 psychologists - failure to observe on the part of 146 psychologists - learning scientology 662 psychologists - symbolizing and 7 psychologists - time track and 389 psychology. See also animal psychologists, behaviorists, mental sciences, psychiatrists, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychologists, psychotherapy. psychology 92 psychology 326 psychology - collecting tricks 731 psychology - creation, view of 72 psychology - faculty p. See faculty psychology. psychology - origin of 663 psychology - perception, psychological theory of 663 psychosis. See also insanity. psychosis - neurosis and 76 "psychosomatic", medical definition of 653 psychosomatic healing. See also assists, healing. psychosomatic healing 649-654 psychosomatic illness(es). See also chronic somatics. psychosomatic illness(es) 649-654 psychosomatic illness(es) - all illness as 592 psychosomatic illness(es) - confusion and 112 psychosomatic illness(es) - formation of 593 psychosomatic illness(es) - incomplete communication and 643 psychosomatic illness(es) - postulates and 592f psychosomatic illness(es) - processes for 12 psychosomatic illness(es) - psychiatry and 652 psychosomatic illness(es) - psychoanalysis and 728 psychosomatic illness(es) - service facs and 504 psychosomatic illness(es) - suggestion and 592 psychosomatic illness(es) - withholds and 160 psychosomatic illness(es) - withholds and 162 psychotherapy(ies). See also animal psychologists, behaviorists, mental sciences, psychiatrists, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, psychologists, psychology. psychotherapy(ies) 634 psychotherapy(ies) - cathartic p.s 231 psychotherapy(ies) - complexity and 9 psychotherapy(ies) - efforts to communicate in 632 psychotherapy(ies) - Galactic Confederation, p. in 735 psychotherapy(ies) - training in the field of the mind and 498 psychotherapy(ies) - whole track p.s 735 psychotic(s) - computing p.s, definition of 797 psychotic(s) - fear of the environment in 784 psychotic(s) - handling of 635 psychotic(s) - handling of 784 psychotic(s) - incomprehensibility of 288 psychotic(s) - thinkingness processes and 23 PT - analytical mind and 138 PT - auditing from PT 516 PT - execution of commands, and being in PT 331 PT - GPM's and 434 PT - PC selling of think and 236f PT - "stuck in PT" 174 PT - width of 283f PT - width of 299f PT - width of - athletes and 283 PT - width of - foresight and 300 PT - importance of to the PC 137f PT - importance of to the PC 236 PT - insanity and 283 PT environment list 360 PT environment list 376 PT environment list 680 PT environment list - R2-12, PT e.l. on 347f PT environment list - Scientology 1 and 512 PT GPM 561 PT GPM - finding of 561 PT GPM - finding of - R3SC, procedure for finding PT GPM with 520 PT GPM - running it 561 PT GPM - running it 564 PTP(s) 81 PTP(s) - ARC breaks and 716f PTP(s) - ARC breaks and - differentiation between 716 PTP(s) - auditing, PTP's in, process for 717 PTP(s) - case gain and 516 PTP(s) - communication and 693 PTP(s) - communication process for 643 PTP(s) - continuous PTP's 494 PTP(s) - cut itsa line as a PTP 477 PTP(s) - failed acknowledgement causes a PTP 717 PTP(s) - GPM as a PTP 346 PTP(s) - GPM's and 536 PTP(s) - GPM's - PTP's led to the discovery of 686 PTP(s) - intention and 603 PTP(s) - long duration, PTP's of. See PTP(s) of long duration. PTP(s) - manifestations of 79 PTP(s) - missed withholds and 232 PTP(s) - obsessive doingness and 633 PTP(s) - one-shot process for 620 PTP(s) - origin of 687 PTP(s) - other people's banks and 737 PTP(s) - overts and 643 PTP(s) - phantom rockslams and 360 PTP(s) - physical illness as a PTP 651 PTP(s) - service fac process for 512 PTP(s) - session as a PTP 86f PTP(s) - undelivered communications and 620 PTP(s) - war, PTP as 716 PTP(s) of long duration. See also chronic somatics, hidden standards, inability, psychosomatic illness, service facs. PTP(s) of long duration 35 PTP(s) of long duration 77 PTP(s) of long duration 113 PTP(s) of long duration 350 PTP(s) of long duration - life and livingness goals and 201 PTP(s) of long duration - prior confusion and 113f PTP(s) of long duration - sec checks and 110f PTP(s) of long duration - solving of 126 PT RI's and service facs 514 PTS('s) 721 PTS('s) 746f PTS('s) - grade VI and the make-break point of a PTS 760 PTS('s) - handling of 726ff PTS('s) - PC's who are PTS 744 PTS('s) - problem, PTS as being a problem 746 PTS('s) - SP's: no need for the PTS to see the SP 744 PTS('s) - suppressive actions and 746 PTS-ness as a problem 746 PtS rundown 243 PtS rundown 333 publicity and war 605 pulling the air cover 430 pulling overts. See also pulling withholds. pulling overts - maintenance of a communication channel while 634 pulling overts - gradient, p.o. on 673f pulling overts - procedures for 644 pulling withholds. See also pulling overts. pulling withholds 137 pulling withholds 141 pulling withholds 187-190 pulling withholds - auditor attitude in 48 pulling withholds - communication channel, maintenance of, while 642f pulling withholds - cycle of 189 pulling withholds - destroying case records after 38 pulling withholds - "done", getting it in 167 pulling withholds - emotional curve of 189 pulling withholds - exaggeration, use of in 209 pulling withholds - exaggeration, use of in 681 pulling withholds - flubs in 188 pulling withholds - helping the PC with 186 pulling withholds - helping the PC with 189f pulling withholds - misemotion and 188f pulling withholds - "niceness" and 688 pulling withholds - processes for 162 pulling withholds - processes for 164 punishment - getting off withholds, p. for 118 punishment - getting off withholds, p. for 191 punishment - getting off withholds, p. for 245 punishment - crime, p. as an indicator of 317 punishment - insanity and 192 punishment - reward and 443 punishment - reward and 648 purpose(s) - basic p.s. See basic purposes. purpose(s) - dissemination and 659 purpose(s) - failed p.s See failed purpose(s). purpose(s) - individual p. and MEST universe laws 338 purpose(s) - study, p. and the life of a field of study 659 putting in the itsa line for the PC 467 "Q an A" 244f Q and A 86 Q and A 241 Q and A 244f Q and A 302f Q and A - as-ising and 303 Q and A - auditing comm cycle and 424f Q and A - case analysis and 526 Q and A - changing when the PC changes 244f Q and A - out ARC and 620 Q and A - drill for 241 Q and A - psychiatry and 382 Q and A - solutions and 49 Q and A - time track, Q and A with 391 Q and A - TR-0 and 380f Q and A - TR-2 and 256 Q and A - TR-4 and 302 Qual, missing from the Galactic Confederation org board 707 Qualifications division. See Qual. question(s). See also commands. question(s) - needle, getting it to "set" at the end of assessment q.s 279 question(s) - case analysis, q.s for 543 question(s) - clearing q.s 584 question(s) - compartmenting q.s 120 question(s) - duplication of 14 question(s) - GI's on an auditing q. 569f question(s) - giving the PC another q. after he has answered one 583 question(s) - listing q.s. See listing questions. question(s) - no-answer of q.s, processes for 583f question(s) - overgeneralized q.s 364 question(s) - "package" q.s, running of 264 question(s) - PC who has no more answers to q.s 682 question(s) - perfect answer to a q. is the exact q. 41 question(s) - varying the auditing q. 14 question(s) - why you say, "I'll repeat the auditing question." 690 question(s) - Zero q. 186 questioning, double q. 244 questioning, double q. 256 quickie grades 733 f.n. quickie grades 759 f.n. quietness. See also inactivity, motionlessness, peace, stillness, stills. quietness 43 quietness - Buddhism and 43f quietness - psychiatry and 43 R1. See Routine 1 R1C, description of 472 R1CM 617 R1CM 623 R2. See Routine 2. R2-10, description of 359 R2-12 346-379 R2-12 381f R2-12 - assist process, R2-12 as 356 R2-12 - beingness and 418 R2-12 - children, R2-12 on 377 R2-12 - completing packages in 359 R2-12 - danger of 362 R2-12 - dirty needle and 362 R2-12 - expanded dianetics and 347 R2-12 - goals and 340 R2-12 - finding goals on R2-12 367f R2-12 - lists in R2-12, length of 370 R2-12 - limited process, R2-12 is 438 R2-12 - overrun of 738 R2-12 - overrun of 755 R2-12 - overrun of 759 R2-12 - parts of existence and 370f R2-12 - preventing and 357 R2-12 - problems and 348 R2-12 - procedure for 361 R2-12 - PT environment list and 347f R2-12 - purpose of 354 R2-12 - R3-21 and 346 R2-12 - rationale of 346 R2-12 - repair of 365f R2-12 - repair of 370-374 R2-12 - repair of 376 R2-12 - replaced by R3SC 497 R2-12 - residual gain from repair of 359 R2-12 - residual gain from repair of 362 R2-12 - RI's: not getting an RI in R2-12 353 R2-12 - roll your own prehav and 363 R2-12 - Routine 2 and 363 R2-12 - source lists in 369 R2-12 - tags and 350 R2-12 - 3dXX and 361 R2-12 - 3GAXX and 346f R2-12 - 3GAXX for rockslammers, R2-12 as 339 R2-12 - 3GAXX, R3-21, and 354 R2-12 - 3GAXX, R3-21, and 356 R2-12 - universes to list from in 379 R2-61 and R2-62, theory of 10f R2C procedure 479 R2G 383 R2G1 - R2G5 385 R2G processes 385 R2GPH 385 R2H 424ff R2H 456-465 R2H - confront of pictures and 458 R2H - description of 426 R2H - List 1 for 462 R2H - mechanism of 457 R2H - not an assessment 588 R2H - procedure 426 R2H - procedure 460f R2H - repair of 461 R2T 469 R3. See Routine 3. R3-21 332f R3-21 - R2-12 and 346 R3-21 - R2-12, 3GAXX and 354 R3-21 - R2-12, 3GAXX and 356 R3-21 - 3GA and 332 R3 bank and prepchecking 243 R3M 382 R3M 456f R3M - description of 506 R3M - procedure for 382 R3M - repair of 384 R3M - running of 386 R3M2 505f R3M2 538 R3M2 - procedure for 552 R3M2 - R3SC and 515 R3N 414f R3N 456f R3N 462 R3N 514 R3N - purpose of 415 R3N - R3N2 and 426 R3N - R3R and 433 R3N2 426 R3R. See also dianetics, engram running. R3R - causes of trouble in 439 R3R - preliminary assessment for, and service facs 494 R3R - R3N and 433 R3R - lack of perception in, reason for 433 R3R - running of. See also dianetics, engram running. R3R - running of 425 R3R - running of 432ff R3R - running of 438ff R3SC 497 R3SC - avoiding GPM's in 502 R3SC - procedure for 501 R3SC - finding the PT GPM with 520 R3SC - R3M2 and 515 R3SC - replaces R2-12 R3SC - rocket reads and 515f R3SC - time-limiter in 502 R3SC lists, length of 500 R3T 469 R3T 511 R3T - date/locate and 511 R4H. See R2H. R4M2. R3M2. R6 568 R6 - alchemy and 735 R6 - floating needle in 733 R6 - Freud and 734 R6 - psychoanalysis and 734 R6 bank and postulates 736 R6EW - grade Va and 737f R6EW - self-knowledge and 739f radiation sickness 65 radioactive fallout as a restimulator 395 randomity acceptable level of, and environmental restimulation 498 randomity psychiatry and 268 random rudiment 183 range, optimum TA r. 569 range, optimum TA r. 573 "raw meat" - application of the term 678 "raw meat" - TR-2 and 580f "raw meat" PC's 302 reach. See also havingness. reach - ability to r. and aberration 163 reach - change and 405 reach - confusion, withholds and r. 163 reach - war and 274 reaching the auditor. See also finding the auditor. reaching the auditor 170 reaching the auditor - process for 202 peaching the PC, process for 585 reach/withdraw 165f reach/withdraw - communication and 583 reach/withdraw - confront and 23 reach/withdraw - insanity and 268 reaction(s). See also responses, thetan reaction. reaction(s) - confront, as the common denominator of r.s 417 reaction(s) - E-meter, r.s of. See reads. reaction(s) - fixed r., and fixed time 436 reaction(s) - MEST plus significance, r. to, and persistence of pictures 436 reaction(s) - similarity of r. as the basis of a chain 437 reaction(s) - time track and 435 reactionaries, handling them by giving them back their own ideas to oppose 766 reaction time 299 reactive agreement 39 reactive mind - accuracy of about time 751 reactive mind - addressing the bank 586ff reactive mind - aesthetics and 459 reactive mind - alter-is of goals and 286 reactive mind - anatomy of 536f reactive mind - auditor control of 36 reactive mind - auditor control of 315 reactive mind - basic goal of 386 reactive mind - being the bank, as insanity 85 reactive mind - borderline with the analytical mind 42 reactive mind - clear's r.m. is the MEST universe 706 reactive mind - collapse of the r.m. and creation 718 reactive mind - composition of 197 reactive mind - composition of 387 reactive mind - confront of and training 542 reactive mind - contains the compulsion to make a r.m. 719 reactive mind - content of 751 reactive mind - continuous creation of 534 reactive mind - creation of 73f reactive mind - dealing items off the r.m. 261 reactive mind - definition of 35 reactive mind - definition of 72 reactive mind - definition of 793 reactive mind - dianetics: trying to erase the r.m. with 758 reactive mind - discharging the r.m. all at once 179 reactive mind - effect on the r.m. 64 reactive mind - effect of thought on 32 reactive mind - ethics and 720 reactive mind - familiarity with 92 reactive mind - flubbed commands and 533 reactive mind - form and 460 reactive mind - formation of 9 reactive mind - formation of 692 reactive mind - generality, r.m. as 718 reactive mind - GPM's and 384 reactive mind - havingness of the r.m. 149 reactive mind - highest button in the r.m. is the "withhold" button 258 reactive mind - influence of other people's r.m.s 694 reactive mind - inspection and 36 reactive mind - instant reads and 355 reactive mind - intended to prevent others from being bad 709 reactive mind - languages and 460 reactive mind - location and 460 reactive mind - lower-scale mockery of the thetan, r.m. as 355 reactive mind - major buttons of 687 reactive mind - MEST universe and 57 reactive mind - MEST universe and 285 reactive mind - MEST universe - bank, m.u. as 733 reactive mind - MEST universe - clear's bank, m.u. as 706 reactive mind - nature of 69 reactive mind - nature of 425f reactive mind - nature of 757 reactive mind - need for a pattern on 386 reactive mind - occlusion of 73 reactive mind - other people's r.m.s and PTP's 737 reactive mind - postulates and 757 reactive mind - postulation of a r.m. 769 reactive mind - precision of 425 reactive mind - prime purposes and 295 reactive mind - purpose of 709 reactive mind - remedy of havingness, r.m. as 62 reactive mind - responsibility and 173 reactive mind - responsibility as senior to 635 reactive mind - service fac, r.m. as 492 reactive mind - similarity of the r.m. from person to person 591 reactive mind - space and 459 reactive mind - structure of 733f reactive mind - survival and 35f reactive mind - time and 459 reactive mind - time stream and 627 reactive mind - two halves of 692 reactive mind - unmonitored activity as a r.m. 794 reactive mind - withholds and 36 reactive mind - withholds and 118 reactive reads are instant 247 read(s). See also assessment, and specific types of reads, e.g., instant reads. read(s) 67 read(s) 106 read(s) - altitude and 150 read(s) - analytical r.s. See analytical reads. read(s) - ARC breaks and 147 read(s) - ARC breaks and 201 read(s) - ARC breaks and 271 read(s) - ARC breaks and 285f read(s) - as-ising and 223 read(s) - auditability and 289 read(s) - auditing questions, r.s on 30 read(s) - auditor interest and 143 read(s) - auditor pretense on 264 read(s) - auditor pretense on 279 read(s) - auditor reality and 143 read(s) - body motion r.s and low havingness 249 read(s) - case state and 582 read(s) - cause of 195 read(s) - certainty and 206f read(s) - male and female clear r.s 568 read(s) - decisions about 231 read(s) - description of 28 read(s) - description of 362 read(s) - dirty r. See dirty read. read(s) - disagreement and 42 read(s) - disagreement and 59 read(s) - disagreement and 206f read(s) - dope-off and 202 read(s) - effectiveness and 67 read(s) - equivocal r.s, handling of 282 read(s) - list, r.s on everything on it 322 read(s) - false r.s, deliberate 64 read(s) - in-sessionness and 280 read(s) - instant r.s. See instant reads. read(s) - not-know and 195 read(s) - observation of 246 read(s) - ought-to-be's about 231 read(s) - overts and 258 read(s) - inval, r.s on 240 read(s) - invalidation of 247 read(s) - latent r.s. See latent reads. read(s) - missed r.s. See missed reads. read(s) - listing questions, r.s on 352 recognition - rightnesses, r. of 572 recognition - blow, recognition that something has blown 623 recognition - truth, r. of, and endurance of truth 599 records - cases. r.s of. See case records. records - destroying case r.s after pulling withholds 38 records - session, r.s of 365 recurring list item 346 recurring withhold 323f redating, dangers of 445 refusal to talk to the auditor 232f registrars - acknowledgement, use of by r.s 696 registrars - money and 703 regress in source lists 370 regret 14 regret 283 regret - mechanism of 185 regret - occlusion and 185 regret - overt, as a regretted communication 693 regret - withholds and 191 regretted communication and the ARC break process 621 rehabilitation of the ability to outflow 640 reincarnation - Christianity and 768 reincarnation - U.S. government attacks on 481 Reich, Wilhelm 471 relatively basic incidents and absolutely basic incidents 408 relaxation of the PC and in-sessionness 190 release(s). See also specific types of release, e.g., third stage release. release(s) - affect, r. of 734 release(s) - confront and 756 release(s) - definition of 31 release(s) - definition of 112 release(s) - definition of 262 release(s) - definition of 689 release(s) - dianetic r. and bodhi 785 release(s) - dianetics, r. in 753 release(s) - erasure and 737 release(s) - erasure and 756 release(s) - erasure and - of points of restimulation 799 release(s) - from this lifetime, in dianetics 768 release(s) - grades of r. above clear 769 release(s) - interim r. points on grades 756 release(s) - prior to scientology 745 release(s) - running into the next-higher level after 769 release(s) - stable r., definition of 31 release(s) - sub-zero grades of r. 769 release(s) - temporary nature of 755f release(s) - test for 41 release(s) - ultimate r. is r. from the universe 768 released OT - plight of before scientology 791 released OT - poltergeist phenomena and 791 releasing thetans from theta traps, failure to teach how to do it 429 relevancy of auditor actions to the case, and ARC breaks 142 Reliable items. See RI's. religion(s) 171 religion(s) - definition of 796 religion(s) - eastern r.s 316 religion(s) - government and 798 religion(s) - Hell and brimstone r.s 11 religion(s) - motionlessness and 52 religion(s) - psychiatry and 798 religion(s) - revolt against r. 326 religion(s) - aberration, r. as a source of 285f religious wars 285 remedies, desperate. See desperate remedies. remedy of havingness 14 remedy of havingness - reactive mind and 62 remembering. See also memory, recall. remembering - compulsive r. and forgettingness 73 remembering - psychoanalysis and 15 removing items from a list 349 Renaissance 61 repair. See also case repair. repair - actual GPM running, r. of 515f repair - chronological order of 366 repair - R2-12, r. of 370-374 repair - R2-12, r. of 376 repair - R2-12, r. of 461 repair - R2-12, r. of - residual gain from 359 repair - R2-12, r. of - residual gain from 362 repair process - auditors, r.p. for 80 repair process - foreign languages, r.p. for 80 repeater phrase 1 repeater technique 38 repeating commands 53 repeating items after the PC: don't do it 349 repeating listing questions 261 repeating the auditing question: why you say, "I'll repeat the auditing question." 690 repentance as an inversion 626 repetitive auditing cycle and Op Pro by Dup 743 repetitive commands. See also repetitive processes, repetitive processing, repetitive questions. repetitive commands - advantages of 263 repetitive commands - reason for 304 repetitive prepchecking 275-280 repetitive prepchecking - cycling on the track in 280 repetitive prepchecking - withhold system and 278 repetitive prepchecking - withhold system and 280 repetitive process(es). See also repetitive commands, repetitive processing, repetitive questions. repetitive process(es) - model session, r.p.s in 275f repetitive process(es) - Routine 3, r.p.s in 251 repetitive process(es) - unflat r.p.s 373 repetitive processing. See also repetitive commands, repetitive process(es), repetitive questions. repetitive processing - evaluation of importances and 741 repetitive processing - mechanism of 741f repetitive processing - restimulation of RI's and 553 repetitive processing - theory of 304f repetitive questions. See also repetitive commands, repetitive processes, repetitive processing. repetitive questions - giving the PC another question to answer, after he has answered the question you gave him 583 repetitive ruds 256 repetitive ruds 275-280 repetitive ruds - systems of 272 reporting back for shock treatment 473 representation - ARC breaks and 787 representation - civil war and 787 representation - cross-representation 787 representation - specific r. and generalized r. 787 representation - U.S. government and 787 representing process, as an assist 350ff representing rockslamming items 334 representing rockslamming items 358 representing rockslamming items 365 representing rockslamming items 378 representing significances 361 "represent" lists, wrong-way-to 377 republicanism, scientology as 786 republicanism, scientology as 788 reputational withholds 119f reputational withholds 681 re-readability and truth 684 re-running incidents and TA motion 409 research - psychiatry, r. in 736 research - real search into healing, r. and 591f residual gain from repairing R2-12 359 residual gain from repairing R2-12 362 resistance - confront and 21 resistance - reactive pictures and r. to experience 795 resistance - what you resist, you become 317 resolution of cases and truth 528f responses. See also reactions, thetan reaction. responses - reactive and analytical r.s 64 responsibility 181f responsibility - ability to communicate and 635 responsibility - action, r. for, and case state 635 responsibility - chaos and 113 responsibility - DMSMH and 23 responsibility - dub-in and 174 responsibility - freedom and 431 responsibility - grade chart and 553 responsibility - identities, r. for 181 responsibility - insanity and 23 responsibility - knowledge, taking r. for 730 responsibility - lack of. See no-responsibility. responsibility - level of r. in a failed case 682 responsibility - memory and 174 responsibility - O/W and 32 responsibility - O/W and 34 responsibility - reactive mind and 173 responsibility - retreat from, effect of 181f responsibility - retroactive r. 181 responsibility - seeking truth, r. of 325 responsibility - senior to the bank 635 responsibility - session, r. for 85f responsibility - stuck pictures, r. processes for 791 responsibility - undercutting the PC's case, r. process for: "dones", by reason of placement 635 responsibility - wavelength and 182 responsibility - withholding, taking full r. for 258 responsibility level of a failed case 682 responsibility process(es) 240 responsibility process(es) - stuck pictures, r.p. for 791 responsibility process(es) - undercutting the PC's case, r.p. for: "dones", by reason of placement 635 restarting sessions 254 restimulated solution, service fac as 496 restimulation. See also over-restimulation. restimulation 466 restimulation - TA motion and adequacy of r. 470 restimulation - auditor, r. of, while running GPM's 566 restimulation - definition of 799 restimulation - effect scale and amount of r. 471 restimulation - environmental r. See environmental restimulation. restimulation - excessive r. See over-restimulation. restimulation - gradients of 469ff restimulation - mechanism of 504f restimulation - mind's protection and 498f restimulation - naming, r. by 504 restimulation - nature of 434f restimulation - non-PT GPM's, reason for r. of 524f restimulation - release and erasure of points of r. 799 restimulation - RI's, r. of in repetitive processing 553 restimulation - self-generated r. 267 restimulation - service facs and session r. 500 restimulation - time errors and 597 restimulation - types of, and service facs 503 restimulators, environmental r.s 203 restraint of intention 604 results and variations on rules 679 retirement as an acknowledgement 696 retreat from responsibility, effect of 181f retroactive responsibility 181 revelation 191 revelation 206ff revelation - games and 206f revelation - opposing valences and 308 revelation - self-revelation and 3DXX 191 revelation process 203f revenge. See also Axiom 10, perseverence, thetan never really gives up. revenge - Axiom 10 and 575 revenge - ethics and 726 reverence, in education 685 reversal of cause point 544f reversed stage 4 needle 267 reverse duplication and the overt-motivator sequence 476 reversing the creation of the universe 429 review auditing 731f revolt. See also civil war, rebelliousness, revolution. revolt - occlusion and 68 revolt - production, r. against 68f revolt - religion, r. against 326 revolution. See also civil war, rebelliousness, revolt. revolution 11 revolution - cause of 447f revolution - Russian R. 296 reward(s) - anonymity and 695 reward(s) - Pavlov's neglect of 443 reward and punishment 443 reward and punishment 648 rewarding a down-stat with auditing 754 rewarding a down-stat with auditing 763 rewording list items 349 R-factor 83 R-factor 89ff R-factor 256 R-factor - CCH's, R. for: before and after session 214 R-factor - model session and 343 Rhine, Joseph Banks 343 Rhodesia 747ff Rhodesia 764 RI(s). See also beingness, identities, items, oppterms, terminals, valences. RI(s) - actual GPM's and 507 RI(s) - checking out an RI 526 RI(s) - description of 507 RI(s) - formation of 507f RI(s) - goal as an RI 387 RI(s) - goal as an RI 559 RI(s) - goal as an RI 568 RI(s) - mass: mechanism of accumulation of mass around RI's 507f RI(s) - masses with significance, RI's as 596f RI(s) - number of RI's in an actual GPM 559 RI(s) - origin of the term 351f RI(s) - PT RI's. See PT RI's. RI(s) - R2-12, not getting an RI in 353 RI(s) - restimulation of RI's in repetitive processing 553 ridges 33 "right" and "wrong" in GPM's 482 right conduct - aberrations and 328 right conduct - survival and 327f right-hand buttons 374 right item, manifestations of finding it 368 rightness(es) - analytical r. and obsessive r. 483 rightness(es) - concept of 491 rightness(es) - dangerousness and 45 rightness(es) - implanting and 482f rightness(es) - manifest insanity and 691 rightness(es) - obsessive r. See obsessive rightness. rightness(es) - recognition of r.s 572 rightness(es) - succumbing as a way of being right 481 rightness(es) and wrongness(es) 480-484 rightness(es) and wrongness(es) 572 rightness(es) and wrongness(es) - overt-motivator sequence and 483 rightness(es) and wrongness(es) - spotting of 570 rights, honest people's 103 right significance(s) - running them 455 right significance(s) - TA motion on, and speed of clearing 465 right/wrong bracket, repair of by prepchecking 499 rings and "phantom rockslams" 372 riot, government by 397 rising needle 28 rising needle 124 rising needle - stopped r.n. 28 rising needle - ARC breaks and 124 rising needle - non-confront and 50 rising needle - reads and rapidly r.n. 279 rising scale processing 236 rising TA - ARC breaks and 147 rising TA - rudiments and 138 ritual(s). See also naturalness, rules. ritual(s) 77 ritual(s) - auditing, r.s in 106 ritual(s) - auditing, r.s in 108 ritual(s) - auditing, r.s in 141ff ritual(s) - auditing, r.s in 160 ritual(s) - auditing, r.s in 166 ritual(s) - auditing, r.s in 168f ritual(s) - auditing, r.s in 234f ritual(s) - understanding and 172 road safety 44 road to truth 325-329 road to truth 709 road to truth - Buddha and 326 road to truth - elements of 600 road to truth - missed withholds and 329 road to truth - walking the road away from truth backwards 600 Rock 229 Rock - ARC breaks and 22 Rock - finding it 290 Rock - goals and 305f rocket reads(s) - anaten and 374 rocket reads(s) - description of 363 rocket reads(s) - GPM's and 505 rocket reads(s) - R3SC and 515f rocket reads(s) - rockslams and 363 rocket reads(s) - rockslams and 367 rocket reads(s) - rockslams and 371 rocket reads(s) - shutting off r.r.s 566 rocket reads(s) - 3GA, r.r. in 297 rocket reads(s) - wrong goal and 543 rockslam(s) 28 rockslam(s) 124 rockslam(s) 289 rockslam(s) 313ff rockslam(s) 346ff rockslam(s) - anaten and 374 rockslam(s) - cause of 358 rockslam(s) - dead horse lists and 351 rockslam(s) - description of 363 rockslam(s) - dirty needles and 292 rockslam(s) - dirty reads and 363 rockslam(s) - dwindling cycles of r.s 350 rockslam(s) - dynamic assessment by 298 rockslam(s) - dynamic assessment by 305-308 rockslam(s) - dynamic assessment by 333 rockslam(s) - force and 355 rockslam(s) - games conditions and 335 rockslam(s) - goals and 297f rockslam(s) - goals channel, finding it by using r.s 298 rockslam(s) - items that r. See rockslamming items. rockslam(s) - listing questions that r. 371 rockslam(s) - meaning of 335 rockslam(s) - meaning of 354 rockslam(s) - mechanism of 346 rockslam(s) - mechanism of 354 rockslam(s) - metering and 321 rockslam(s) - nature of 296 rockslam(s) - nature of 305f rockslam(s) - origin of the term 296 rockslam(s) - overrun and 124 rockslam(s) - overts and 296 rockslam(s) - PC interest and 332 rockslam(s) - people that r. See rockslammers. rockslam(s) - persistent r., handling of 262 rockslam(s) - phantom r. See phantom rockslam. rockslam(s) - rocket reads and 363 rockslam(s) - rocket reads and 367 rockslam(s) - rocket reads and 371 rockslam(s) - sec checks, r.s in 313 rockslam(s) - tag, r. as 297f rockslam(s) - "thetan convulsion", r. as 305 rockslam(s) - when they show up 340 rockslam(s) - wrong-way-to lists and 372 rockslam channel 332f rockslam channel 356 rockslam cycles, dwindling 350 rockslammers 314f rockslammers - effect of detection on 334f rockslammers - handling of 315 rockslamming items - "flashlight" analogy of 348 rockslamming items - opposing r.i.s 373 rockslamming items - representing r.i.s 334 rockslamming items - representing r.i.s 365 rockslamming items - representing r.i.s 378 rockslamming items - representing r.i.s - opposing r.i.s and 358 rockslamming listing questions 371 Rogers, Donald H. 796 roller-coastering 760 roller-coastering - continuous TP overts and 688 roller-coastering - no-case-gain, difference between 727 roll your own prehav 333f Roman Empire - fall of Roman Empire - fall of - slavery and 476 Roman Empire - misapplication of conditions in 724 Ron Hubbard. See Hubbard, L. Ron. roots of problems 623 root-word: dramatizations connected with comm cycle errors is of the r. 687 rotation of CCH's, reason for 213 rote engram running 416 rough auditing and low havingness 266 rough session, process for auditing it out 96 Route 1 drills, questionable necessity for 550 Routine 1 41 Routine 1 227 Routine 1. See also R1-. Routine 1 - description of 34 Routine 1A 49 Routine 1A - cancellation of 121 Routine 1A - description of 79 Routine 1A - mechanism of Routine 2. See also R2-. Routine 2 42 Routine 2 - description of 34 Routine 2 - puspose of 371 Routine 2 - R2-12 and 363 Routine 2 - R3-21 and 376 Routine 2G. See R2G. Routine 3. See also R3-. Routine 3 42 Routine 3 102 Routine 3 - description of 34 Routine 3 - engram running and 102 Routine 3 - havingness and 42 Routine 3 - mechanism of 69 Routine 3 - mechanism of 252 Routine 3 - repetitive processes and 251 Routine 3 - rudiments and 251ff Routine 3 - 3DXX and 209 Routine 3 - 3DXX and - running of 236 Routine 3A, description of 141 Routine 3D 144-147 Routine 3D 155ff Routine 3D 163f Routine 3D - confusions in 157 Routine 3D - GPM's and 145 Routine 3G 247 Routine 3G4 and 3GAXX 248 Routine 3GA. See 3GA. Routine 3 processes - know-to-mystery scale and 252 Routine 3 processes - prepchecking and 231 Routine 4. See R4. Routine 6. See R6. "rubber bumper" read 563 rudiment(s). See also specific rudiments, e.g., ARC breaks. rudiment(s) 12f rudiment(s) 26 rudiment(s) 77ff rudiment(s) 164 rudiment(s) 251-258 rudiment(s) 271ff rudiment(s) - advanced processes, used as r.s 755 rudiment(s) - anxiety about 253 rudiment(s) - auditing and 241f rudiment(s) - auditing environment and 228 rudiment(s) - body of the session and 602 rudiment(s) - Book of Case Remedies as r.s 688 rudiment(s) - CCH's, use of r.s with 214 rudiment(s) - definition of 34 rudiment(s) - evaluation of importances in 241 rudiment(s) - flows and 175 rudiment(s) - flows and 177 rudiment(s) - flying r.s. See flying ruds. rudiment(s) - goals in r.s 201 rudiment(s) - grades processes as r.s 756 rudiment(s) - havingness and 127 rudiment(s) - havingness and 148 rudiment(s) - havingness and 187 rudiment(s) - "hedges" r.s as 252f rudiment(s) - high TA and 139f rudiment(s) - history of 200 rudiment(s) - importance of PT and thoughts in r.s and in prepchecking 236f rudiment(s) - in-ruds. See in-ruds. rudiment(s) - in-sessionness and 200f rudiment(s) - keeping r.s in 228 rudiment(s) - know-to-mystery scale and 251f rudiment(s) - listing and 375 rudiment(s) - missed withholds and 183 rudiment(s) - missed withholds and 185 rudiment(s) - negative r.s 241 rudiment(s) - order of 201 rudiment(s) - OT processes as upper-scale harmonics of 756 rudiment(s) - overrun of, and cleaning a clean 737 rudiment(s) - prepchecking and 200 rudiment(s) - prepchecking r.s 193 rudiment(s) - prepchecking r.s - 3DXX, prepchecking r.s for 186 rudiment(s) - prior confusion and 140 rudiment(s) - PT and whole track in r.s and prepchecking 237 rudiment(s) - random r. 183 rudiment(s) - reason for 200 rudiment(s) - repetitive r.s. See repetitive ruds. rudiment(s) - rising TA and 138 rudiment(s) - Routine 3 and 251ff rudiment(s) - sec checking and 162 rudiment(s) - sec checking and 385 rudiment(s) - sec checking and - different purposes of 162 rudiment(s) - stuck TA, withholds and r.s 26 rudiment(s) - TA motion and 330f rudiment(s) - thinkingness and 251f rudiment(s) - 3DXX and 175 rudiment(s) - time spent on r.s 84 rudiment(s) - 2WC and 34 rudiment(s) - valences and 82f rudiment(s) - valences and 110 rudiment(s) - value of 251ff rudiment(s) - withholds and 166 rudiments process(es) - valences, r.p. for 82 rudiments process(es) - variety of r.p.s 174 Ruds. See rudiments. ruin as a purpose for study 659 rule(s). See also naturalness, rituals. rule(s) auditing, r.s in. See auditing rules. rule(s) - GE, r. by 220 rule(s) - two r.s for happy living 545 rule(s) - judgment, relative to r.s 678f rule(s) - large objects, r. of in havingness processes 148 rule(s) - preventing auditing by using r.s 345 rule(s) - variations on. See variations on rules. rules for happy living, two 545 Rumania, Marie of 605 running breakfast 759 running engrams. See engram running. running GPM's 236 running GPM's 561-567 running GPM's - differences, similarities, and identities and 334 running GPM's - goals assessment in 252 running GPM's - opposing and solving in 566 running GPM's - restimulation of the auditor while 566 running GPM's - PT GPM, running of 564f running GPM's - patter of 567 running GPM's - procedure for 524 running GPM's - procedure for 531 running GPM's - sub-itsa and itsa in 566 running GPM's - training and 561 "running in" the TA in a new process 596 "running in" the TA in a new process 602 running problems 53 running problems - mental mass moving in during 718 running problems - phenomena connected with 58 "runway" analogy of study 659 "rush" button in GPM's 441 Russia. See also communism. Russia 22 Russia 426 Russia 481 Russia 671 Russia 704 Russia 714 Russia - individual, handling of, in 328 Russia - offer to buy Hubbard's work 16 Russia - slavery and 476 Russia - white mutiny in 678 Russian economy 605 Russian revolution 296 sacredness 219 sacredness 221 sacredness - attack and 219 sacredness - cases, s. of 219ff sacredness - definition of 219 sacredness - mind, s. of 222 sacredness - other-determinism and 221 sacredness - safety and 221 sacredness - theetie-weetie case and 219 sadism as a lower harmonic of the fact that any sensation is better than none 470 "safe solution(s)" 499 "safe solution(s)" 507 "safe solution(s)" - dangerousness of 499 "safe solution(s)" - sacredness and 221 "safe" withholds 191 Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, reason for 153 salesmen and governments 336 samsara 129 S and D 760 S and D - problems release, making one with S and D 746 sanity - definition of 294 sanity - exteriorization and 570 sanity - exteriorization and 766 sanity - exteriorization and 798 sanity - force and 355 sanity - insanity and 294 sanity - instant s., process for 40 sanity - time and 299f sanity - time track and 390 say/ask, answering the PC's question on 375 scale(s). See also specific scales, e.g., Awareness Scale. scale(s) - effect creation, s. of 72 scale(s) - flare in scientology s.s 20 scarcity 63 scarcity - abundance and 17ff scarcity - abundance and 60 scarcity - action, s. of 88 scarcity - auditing, s. of 86f scarcity - experience, s. of, remedying it 18 scarcity - exteriorization and 17 scarcity - games, s. of 63 scarcity - games conditions and 152f scarcity - pan-determinism and 17 scarcity - time, s. of and impact 436 scarcity - unknowingness, s. of 15 scare tactics, handling of 653 schizophrenia 1 scholasticism 619 schooling - education and 654ff schooling - philosophers, s. of the famous ones 770 science(s) - dramatizes one of its parts, s. that 483 science(s) - "exact" s.s 325f science(s) - modern s. See modern science. science(s) - natural history of s. 2 science(s) - types of s.s 639 science-fiction writers and reversed time 393 science of life, the test of 483 Science of Survival and 3GA 270 scientific dedication 222 scientific research 246 scientific research - laws of 280 scientists - ethics and 327 scientists - priests, s.s as 222 scientists - priests, s.s as 248 scientists - valences, s.s as 76 scientologists, auditing of. See also experienced PC's. scientologists, auditing of 116 scientology - agreements and 6 scientology - attacks on. See attacks on scientology. scientology - case classifications compared to psychiatric classifications 330 scientology - fundamentals, change in importances of s. fundamentals 23 scientology - conservative study, s. as a 662ff scientology - conservative study, s. as a 669 scientology - aristocracy, danger of creating a s. aristocracy 170 scientology - data of. See scientology data. scientology - datum of comparable magnitude to 311 scientology - datum of comparable magnitude to 317 scientology - defining s. 19 scientology - definition of 3 scientology - development of 286 scientology - dianetics and. See dianetics and scientology. scientology - discovery of, and ARC 778 scientology - economics and 749 scientology - epistemology, s. as 19 scientology - faculty psychology and 662f scientology - future of 170 scientology - Graeco-Roman philosophy and 662 scientology - healing and 489 scientology - individual observation and 19 scientology - individual observation and 234 scientology - intentions of 604 scientology - justice in, public reaction to 720 scientology - justice in, public reaction to 723 scientology - levels of 462 scientology - levels of 477-480 scientology - opposition to. See also attacks on scientology. scientology - opposition to 313f scientology - organization of is more radical than communism or socialism 773 scientology - origin of the term 290 scientology - political plans for 318 scientology - prediction of s. in the Pali Canons 798 scientology - psychiatry, s. and, differences between 465 scientology - republicanism, s. as 786 scientology - republicanism, s. as 788 scientology - sacredness and 389 scientology - seeing for yourself in 19 scientology - self-erasing solution, s. as 571 scientology - slavery, danger of creating with s. 170 scientology - society and 31 scientology - spread of 767 scientology - supernatural aura of s. and attacks on s. 632 scientology - terminology of 35 scientology - terminology of - reason for 646 scientology - training in s. See training. scientology - true story of 556 scientology - SP, s. as viewed by 783 Scientology 0 521ff Scientology 0 555-558 Scientology 0 - hope factor and 521 Scientology 0 - itsa line and 522 Scientology 1 479 Scientology 1 - PT environment list and 512 Scientology 2 478f Scientology 4 477 Scientology 8-8008 375 scientology and dianetics. See dianetics and scientology. scientology aristocracy, danger of creating 170 scientology data - new s.d. does not cancel the old 754 scientology data - non-aberrative value of 571 scientology justice, public reaction to 720 scientology justice, public reaction to 723 scientology levels 462 scientology levels 477-480 scientology organizations (actual entities). See orgs. scientology org board and the Galactic Confederation org board 705 scientology org board and the Galactic Confederation org board 707 Scopes trial 11 scrambled time and GPM's 441 screens, between-lives s.s 466f "script writing" 181 "script writing" 343f search and discovery. See S and D. seasickness 44 sec check(s). See also sec checking. sec check(s) 83 sec check(s) 104 sec check(s) 120 sec check(s) 151 sec check(s) 385 sec check(s) - altering a s.c. 110 sec check(s) - auditor attitude towards 385 sec check(s) - children's s.c., use of 110 sec check(s) - cognitions and 110f sec check(s) - communication and 119 sec check(s) - hidden standards and 110f sec check(s) - memory and 111 sec check(s) - PTP of long duration and 110f sec check(s) - rockslam, s. by 313 sec check(s) - technique for 250 sec check(s) - types of 239 sec check(s) - use of 250 sec check(s) - whole track recall and 39 sec checking. See also sec check(s). sec checking - auditor withholds and 118 sec checking - misemotion and 153 sec checking - prepchecking and 249f sec checking - prepclearing and 184 sec checking - purpose of 165 sec checking - rudiments and 162 sec checking - rudiments and 385 sec checking - rudiments and - different purposes of 162 sec checking - varying the question on 153 secondary(ies) - havingness process for 557 secondary(ies) - nature of 203 secondary(ies) - origin of the term 203 second dynamic. See also children, marriage, sex, etc. second dynamic - havingness and 62 second dynamic - restimulation of in auditing 202 second dynamic goals and actual GPM's 501 second postulate, nature of 800 secret service and Nixon 335 security - departure from truth and 599 security - upper-level materials, reason for 776 security check. See sec check. "seeing is believing", fallacy of 522 seeking truth, the responsibility of 325 selective clearing 665 selective confront 802f selective confront - self-determinism and 803 selective confront - power and 802 selective nature of insanity 665 self, thetan's unknowning effect on 782 self-auditing. See also solo auditing. self-auditing 20 self-auditing 85 self-auditing 226 self-auditing 376 self-auditing - acknowledgement and 344 self-auditing - auditor control and 544 self-auditing - impossibility of 587 self-auditing - lack of an auditing comm cycle in 342 self-auditing - metering errors and 282 self-auditing - out comm cycle in 583 self-auditing - process for handling 83 self-auditing - TA motion and 583 self-confidence. See also confidence. self-confidence - knowing the truth and 599 self-confidence - valences and 98 self-confidence - valences and 128 self-criticism of the auditor. See auditor self-criticism. self damage and withholds 190 self damage and withholds. See also overts on self. self-determined change(s) 127 self-determined change(s) - other-determined changes and 127 self-determined change(s) - overts and 293 self-determined change(s) - problems intensive, s.d.c.s in 341 self-determined cycles of action 678 self-determined thought and association 545 self-determinism. See also determinisms, other-determinism, pan-determinism. self-determinism 219ff self-determinism - case gain and 476a self-determinism - dynamics and 156 self-determinism - E-meter and 553 self-determinism - GPM's and 155f self-determinism - justification as a test for 795 self-determinism - pan-determinism and 795 self-determinism - selective confront and 803 self-generated restimulation 267 self-invalidation, assertion of ability as 739 self-invalidation, assertion of ability as 750 self-knowledge and R6EW 739f self-listing, somatics on 308 self-preservation - misnomer, s. as 160 self-preservation - survival and 327 self-revelation and 3DXX 191 "selling" an error 579 sensation - absence of 100 sensation - caused by dislocations of space and other beingness 215 sensation - confusion and 332 sensitivity setting - analytical reads and 364 sensitivity setting - case level and 28 sensitivity setting - case level and 554 separateness and observation 225 serenity of beingness, characteristics of 790 "service" of a service fac 497 service fac(s). See also chronic somatics, hidden standards, inability, psychosomatic illness, PTP's of long duration. service fac(s) 480-520 service fac(s) - appearance of on lists 495 service fac(s) - auditability and 495 service fac(s) - auditor flubs and 505 service fac(s) - automaticity and 493 service fac(s) - body as a s.f. 492 service fac(s) - central s.f. See central service fac. service fac(s) - central postulate of an RI and 507ff service fac(s) - central service fac and a s.f. 519 service fac(s) - characteristics of 494 service fac(s) - continual PTP's and 494 service fac(s) - "dead thetan" case and 496 service fac(s) - description of 492 service fac(s) - disagreement between auditor and PC, s.f. as 491 service fac(s) - doingness, s.f. as 504 service fac(s) - entrapment and 517 service fac(s) - environmental restimulation and 500 service fac(s) - "final solution", s.f. as 498 service fac(s) - finding goals via the s.f. 514f service fac(s) - formation of, and overwhelming force 492 service fac(s) - "fragile TA" and 494 service fac(s) - "glum areas" and 512f service fac(s) - goals and 506ff service fac(s) - GPM's and 505-510 service fac(s) - healing and 490 service fac(s) - interference with auditing by 488 service fac(s) - inversion of 509 service fac(s) - itsa and 497 service fac(s) - itsa line, loses, and s.f.s 491 service fac(s) - levels of 492 service fac(s) - location of in the actual GPM 514 service fac(s) - lock s.f.s 524 service fac(s) - low TA case and 496 service fac(s) - magnet, s.f. as a 495 service fac(s) - make-guilty and 489 service fac(s) - making the auditor wrong with s.f.s 504 service fac(s) - no-itsa and 498 service fac(s) - oneupmanship and 490 f.n. service fac(s) - OT, s.f. of 492 service fac(s) - PC interest and 494 service fac(s) - prepchecking and 484 service fac(s) - prepchecking and 488f service fac(s) - present when a prepcheck turns on mass 491 service fac(s) - prevention of doingness and 510 service fac(s) - process for finding 492 service fac(s) - psychosomatic illness and 504 service fac(s) - PT RI's and 514 service fac(s) - questioning the wisdom of getting rid of 500 service fac(s) - R#R preliminary assessment and 494 service fac(s) - reactive mind as a s.f. 492 service fac(s) - response to treatment and 490 service fac(s) - restimulated solution, s.f. as 496 service fac(s) - "safe solution", s.f. as 499 service fac(s) - second dynamic s.f.s 501f service fac(s) - "service" of a s.f. 497 service fac(s) - session restimulation and 500 service fac(s) - solution, s.f. as a 493 service fac(s) - solution/stable datum theory and 492 service fac(s) - substitute confront, s.f. as 513 service fac(s) - substitute for an itsa line, s.f. as 493 service fac(s) - substitute for an itsa line, s.f. as 513 service fac(s) - third dynamic s.f.s 496 service fac(s) - tone level of the s.f. solution 493 service fac(s) - types of restimulation and 503 service fac brackets - keying out masses with significance, using 597 service fac brackets - running of 493 service fac process(es) - assist, s.f.p. as 482 service fac process(es) - PTP's, s.f.p. for 512 service fac process(es) - time-limiter on 489 service facsimile(s). See service fac(s). session(s) - bad s., process for auditing it out 96 session(s) - basics of 465f session(s) - behavior in, as the proper case index 421 session(s) - body of the s. See body of the session. session(s) - control of 43 session(s) - distractions in 142 session(s) - end of s. See end of session. session(s) - group, s. as 119 session(s) - important doingnesses in 540 session(s) - important questions to ask about 541 session(s) - ownership of lies in the PC 166 session(s) - PC interest in the s., instead of his case 88 session(s) - PTP, s. as 86f session(s) - responsibility for 85f session(s) - restarting a s. 254 session(s) - rough s.: process for auditing it out 96 session(s) - start of s. See start of session. session(s) - taping of 578 session(s) - taping of 581 session(s) - unknownnesses in 94 session admin 365 session additives 320 session ARC breaks 137f session behavior as the proper case index, not behavior out of session 421 session break(s) - coping strategy, s.b. as 590 session break(s) - effect of s.b.s on TA 34 session break(s) - high TA after a s.b., processes for 468 session goals 230 session missed withholds 234 session missed withholds - reason for accepting think in running them 236 session records. See also case records. session records 365 session restimulation and the service fac 500 "set", getting the needle to, at the end of assessment questions 279 set-up(s) 226 set-up(s) 278 set-up(s) - clean needle and 268 set-up(s) - prepcheck as 249 seven on the TA dial 28 sex. See also second dynamic. sex - Christianity and 65 sex - GPM's, s. in 681 sex - PC's, s. with 143 sex - process for handling anxiety about 275 "ship" analogy of auditing 540 shock-absorber theory of the brain 768 shock treatment 621 shock treatment - CCH's and 43 shock treatment - first use of 2 shock treatment - reporting back for 473 short-sessioning 253f should-have-knowns. See also half-knowns, missed withholds, nearly-found-outs. should-have-knowns 183ff should-have-knowns 187 should-have-knowns - ARC breaks and 185 showing the list to the PC 364 shrinking of the individual 218 "shutter speed" of the eye 284 significance(s). See also thinkingness. significance(s) - action as a s. vs. mass 654 significance(s) - doingness and 655 significance(s) - listing a s. 361 significance(s) - mass and. See mass and significance. significance(s) - masses with. See masses with significance. significance(s) - plus MEST. See MEST plus significance. significance(s) - opposing a s. 361 significance(s) - outmoded doingness as a s. 655 significance(s) - psychological tests and 400 significance(s) - reality and 400 significance(s) - representing a s. 361 significance(s) - right s. See right significance. silent PC, process for 584 silversmiths, British 637 similarity(ies) - identities, s.s, and differences 198 similarity(ies) - identities, s.s, and differences 350f similarity(ies) - identities, s.s, and differences - GPM running and 334 similarity(ies) - reaction, s. of, as the basis for a chain 437 simple processes, longevity of 422 Sin, Original, and Wundt 768 sinlessness 118 situation, formula for handling a s. 523 sixth dynamic agreement 629 six types of processes 58 six-way confront process 58 size of the thetan, in relation to the universe 218 skepticism of wogs 338 skills 144 skipped gradient - education, s.g. in 657 skipped gradient - manifestations of 657f skunked list(s) - dead horse lists and 377 skunked list(s) - definition of 377 slang, technical s. 646 slavery - Axiom 10 and 476 slavery - civil war and 476 slavery - danger of scientology's creating a s. 170 slavery - fall of Rome and 476 slavery - Russia and 476 slavery - war, s., and power of choice 242 slave society 158 slow assessment by dynamics, procedure 479 slow processes, longevity of 422 Smith, Ian, of Rhodesia 748f smoking and lung cancer 65 snapped terminals 103f snapped terminals. See also closing terminals. snapped terminals - mechanism of 112 snapped terminals - unknowns and 80 snob languages 646 S.O.1 line 789 social cave-in, mechanism of 628 socialism 116 socialism 200 socialism 220 socialism 522 socialism 689 socialism - nature of 224 socialism - scientology organization is more radical than s. 773 social engrams 2 social responsibility and overts 681 social sciences 19 social tone 6 social workers 522 society. See also civilizations, groups, third dynamics. society - enforcement of lies and 599 society - prevention of government, s. for 336 society - scientology and 31 society - withholds from s. 161 sociologists and environmental determinism 411 sociopathy 39 Socrates 45 Socrates - soul and 766 solipsism 40 solipsism - criminals and 546 solo assists 580 solo auditing and TA motion. See also self-auditing. solo auditing and TA motion 580f solution(s). See also cure(s), problems and solutions. solution(s) 46 solution(s) 49-53 solution(s) - asking for s.s instead of problems 617 solution(s) - automaticity of s.s 58 solution(s) - chain of 617 solution(s) - complex s., need for 614 solution(s) - confront and 56 solution(s) - effort to bat away a problem, s. as 718 solution(s) - false s.s 80 solution(s) - "final s.". See "final solution". solution(s) - GPM as a complex s. 618 solution(s) - "heroic" s.s. See "heroic" methods. solution(s) - identities and 507 solution(s) - overt as an (attempted) s. to a problem 683 solution(s) - overt as an (attempted) s. to a problem 716f solution(s) - prime s. 259 solution(s) - problems and. See problems and solutions. solution(s) - problems, games, and s.s in GPM's 157 solution(s) - Q and A and 49 solution(s) - service fac as a restimulated s. 496 solution(s) - running s.s 59 solution(s) - "safe" s. See "safe solution(s)". solution(s) - scientology as a self-erasing s. 571 solution(s) - service facs and stable datum/solution theory 492 solution(s) - service fac as a s. 493 solution(s) - unusual s.s. See unusual solutions. solution(s) - "whirlpool" analogy of a s.s 51 solution(s) - SOP Goals and 59 solution(s) - textbook s.s 228 solution(s) - tone level of the service fac s. 493 solutions process as an assist 570 solving - GPM, s. of 151 solving - opposing and, in running GPM's 565 solving - "solving" of a problem 746 solving - auditing, using it to solve problems in the MEST universe 746 somatic mind 9 somatic mind - definition of somatics. See also pain. somatics - assists, s.s during, reason for 586 somatics - beingness and 228 somatics - CCH's and 214 somatics - chronic s.s. See chronic somatics. somatics - clearing, s.s during 309 somatics - handling of 104 somatics - invalidation and 554 somatics - listing, s.s during 322 somatics - morality and 198f somatics - not-is and 204 somatics - other-determinism and 220 somatics - self-listing and 308 somatics - valences and 104 SOP-8C - duplication and 693 SOP-8C - power of choice and 628 SOP goals 28-32 SOP goals - description of 28 SOP goals - solutions and 59 soul 222 soul - Christian idea of 767 soul - history of the concept 766 soul - saving the s. 742 soul - Socrates and 766 soul-mates 387 sound, looking at with light 673 soup cans 287 source - product is often given the same name as the source 769 source - wrong s. See wrong source. source lists 506 source lists - items and 370 source lists - R2-12, s.l.s in 369 source lists - regress in 370 South America 313 Southern California 8 SP(s) 759ff SP(s) 773-776 SP(s) - artists and 501f SP(s) - auditor, SP as 760 SP(s) - characteristics of 775 SP(s) - creation of 761 SP(s) - cutting comm with 726f SP(s) - delusions of grandeur and 776 SP(s) - Dianetic Foundation, SP's in 773 SP(s) - domination and 776 SP(s) - effect and 783 SP(s) - evil in the universe and 793 SP(s) - "Martians", SP are fighting them 759 SP(s) - GAE's and 759f SP(s) - generalities and 727 SP(s) - generalities and 744 SP(s) - generalities and 802 SP(s) - government and 786 SP(s) - handling of 728 SP(s) - handling of 744 SP(s) - handling of 760 SP(s) - labeling of 728 SP(s) - "mania" and 774 SP(s) - multiple s.s 747 SP(s) - nature of 722 SP(s) - no-case-gain cases and 759f SP(s) - "only one", SP as 722 SP(s) - paranoids and 774 SP(s) - PC, as an SP 744 SP(s) - people as mockups for the SP 774 SP(s) - power processing and 722 SP(s) - power processing and 760f SP(s) - stuck on the time track 774 SP(s) - true SP, the 750 SP(s) - valences and 761 SP(s) - scientology, SP view of 783 SP(s) - war and 749 SP(s) - wars of attrition and 786 SP(s) - wrong target, why the SP chooses it 761 SP(s) - wrong SP and ineffectiveness of handle or disconnect 746 spacation, definition of 5 space - aberration and 277 space - communication and 21 space - confront and 459 space - conservation of 222 space - creation of 304 space - dislocation of, as sensation 215 space - lookingness and 15 space - Op Pro by Dup and 304 space - reactive mind and 459 space opera 44 space opera 93 space opera 100 space opera 216 space opera 343 space opera 640 space opera - reality of 396 Sparta 669 Spain 168 Spanish Civil War of 1936, caused by paperback books 767 Spanish Inquisition 338 specialized thetans 759 specific BPC, location of 449 specific BPC, location of 235 specificity of items that form the basis for chains 235 speed of clearing and TA motion on the right significance 465 Spencer, Herbert 172 spiral, dwindling. See dwindling spiral. spirit of Man, search for 615 spiritualists 243 spiritual nature of Man and dianetics 763 spotting rightnesses and wrongnesses 570 squirrel(s) - combination terminals, s.s as 340 squirrel(s) - Freudian s.s 224 squirrel(s) - Freudian s.s 382 squirrel(s) - Joe Winter as a s. 774 squirrel(s) - Lamaism as s. Buddhism 765 squirrel(s) - therapies of s.s show a fixation on a single process 777f squirreling vs. cleverness 141 stable clear, definition of 31 stable data 51 stable data - aberrated and nonaberrated s.s 114 stable data - service facs and stable datum/solution theory 492 stable data - substitute for observation 518 stable time reference and TA motion 331 Staff Status I and II 719 stage 4 needle 28 stage 4 needle 63f stage 4 needle - cause of 267 stage 4 needle - reverse s. 4 n. 267 "stage 4 TA" 214 stages of release 737f Stalin and Pavlov 224 standard(s) - clear, s. for 698 standard(s) - GI's and 568 standard auditing, definition of 319 standard operating procedure. See SOP. standard tech 238 standard tech - reason for 200 "stand still" process 584 stars, lifespan of 428 start-change-stop and bad control 239 start of session 108f start of session - difficulties with 381 start of session - reason for formal s.o.s. 201 states of case. See case states. static, vs. MEST universe motion 4 statistics - authoritarianism and 703 statistics - importance of 703 status and study problems 638 steering with the E-meter in dianetics 758 Step 6 phenomenon. See also creative processing. Step 6 phenomenon 54 Step 6 phenomenon 57 Step 6 phenomenon - cause of 290 Step 6 phenomenon - GPM's and 153 Step 6 phenomenon - mechanism of 54 Step 6 phenomenon - reason for 153 Step 6 phenomenon - training and 54 stickers 144 still(s). See also inactivity, motionlessness, peace, solution(s), stable data, stillness. still(s) - auditing s.s 178 still(s) - auditing s.s 423 still(s) - motion and 130 still(s) - running s.s 127f still(s) - valences and 131 stillness. See also inactivity, motionlessness, peace, solution(s), stable data, still(s). stillness 129f stillness - motion and 283f stillness - perception of 283f stimulus/response cycles and karma 544 Stoics 803 stopped rise 28 straightwire. See also ARC straightwire. straightwire - postulates and 15 straightwire - psychoanalysis and 728 stream of time. See time-stream(s). strength and goodness 316 structure is monitored by function 309 stuck flows 32f stuck flows 104 stuck flows 133f stuck flows - dope-off and 33 stuck flows - games conditions and 134 stuck flows - overt-motivator sequence and 104 stuck flows - O/W and 134 stuck in a win 264 stuck in a win 276 stuck in a win - Freud was s.i. a w. 264 "stuck in PT" 174 stuck needle - cause of 267 stuck needle - havingness and 183 stuck picture(s) 91 stuck picture(s) - handling of 246 stuck picture(s) - process for 180 stuck picture(s) - responsibility process for 791 stuck TA 228 stuck TA - cause of 539 stuck TA - consequences of 469 stuck TA - GPM's and 466f stuck TA - handling of 488 stuck TA - handling of 630 stuck TA - length of time it is safe to audit over a s. TA 490 stuck TA - "only one" and 596f stuck TA - out-ruds and 229 stuck TA - over-restimulation and 490f stuck TA - process for handling 442 stuck TA - rudiments, withholds and s. TA 26 stuck TA - time errors and 466f stuck TA - unflat processes and 629f stuck TA - wrong date and 467 stuck time track in SP's 624f students, glib s.s, handling of 662 study. See also education, schooling. study 636ff study 646f study 654-664 study - absent mass in 660f study - application and 636 study - application and 645 study - arrogance and 637 study - case gain and 729 study - certainty and 657 study - disagreement in s., handling of 647 study - disagreement with s. materials, and bank buttons 647 study - doingness and 659f study - duress and application of s. materials 671 study - entrance point to s. 638 study - evaluation of importances in 731 study - evaluation of information in 658f study - gradient of dissemination, relative to s. 671f study - gradients and 31 study - illiteracy, complacency, and s. 658 study - inspection before the fact in 657 study - intention and 770 study - observation, s. as 658 study - out-gradient in 660f study - problems in. See study problems. study - purpose and the life of a field of s. 659 study - ruin as a purpose for s. 659 study - "runway" analogy of 659 study - second-hand knowledge and 658 study - suicide and 770 study - willingness to learn and 637 study materials, disagreement with, and bank buttons 647 study problems - manifestations of 661 study problems - misused words and 658 study problems - omitted data and 658 study problems - status and 638 study problems - wrong target in 658 stupidity 131 styles of auditing 688-691 styles of auditing - acceptance level of win and 689 styles of auditing - history of 688 styles of auditing - predictability and 689 sub-groups - need for connections between 772 sub-groups - need for s.s, not just individuals, in an organization 771 sub-itsa - E-meter and 578 sub-itsa - itsa and s., in running GPM's 566 subjective reality of the auditor. See auditor subjective reality. subjects - misunderstoods in earlier s.s 662 subjects - suppressive s.s 770 subjective havingness = confront 40 subordinates, optimum number of 772 sub-zero awareness levels 712f sub-zero awareness levels 715 sub-zero awareness levels - description of 740 sub-zero awareness levels - levels below -34 729 sub-zero awareness levels - levels below -34 740 sub-zero grades of release 769 sub-zero tone scale 21 success - college education and 670 success - performance on exams and 770 succession - management and 773 succession - political systems and 749 succession - politics and 220 succumbing - being right by s. 481 succumbing - wrongness and 480 succumb postulate 16 sudden shift of attention 253 "suggest" button 292 suggestion. See also hypnotism. suggestion - psychosomatic illness and 592 suicidal confront case 499 suicide and study 770 Sullivan, Harry Stack 665 f.n. sun 12 sun 428 super-beings, confront of 784 Superman 784 supernatural aura of scientology and attacks on scientology 632 superstitions 122 superstitions 165 suppositional realities 390f suppositional realities - confront and 391 suppositional realities - creation and 390 suppositional realities - criticisms and 391 suppositional realities - dub-in of dub-in and 417 suppress - definition of 802 suppress - multiple-bracket process on 251 "suppress" button: why it is first 291 suppressed items 368 suppression 203-208 suppression - confront of everything, as a suppressive concept 803 suppression - environment, s. of 203-208 suppression - PC communication, auditor s. of 204 suppression - time and 204 suppressive(s). See SP(s). suppressive action(s) - overrun, as a s.a. 746 suppressive action(s) - PTS and 746 suppressive governments 760 suppressive mental technology 735 suppressive mental technology - hypnotism as a s.m.t. 735 suppressive mental technology - thought towers 735 suppressive person(s). See SP(s). suppressive subjects 770 suppressive therapies. See suppressive mental technology. suppressors 203-208 surgery, unconsciousness and perception during 2 surprise 94f surprise - definition of 94 survival 100 survival - body, s. of, without a thetan 781 survival - confront and 22 survival - identities, s. of 179f survival - missed withhold phenomena and 182 survival - origin of the thetan's concern for s. 476 survival - origin of the thetan's concern for s. 480f survival - overt-motivator sequence and 182 survival - policy and 669 survival - reactive mind and 35f survival - right conduct and 327f survival - self-preservation and 327 survival - tough organizations, s. of 721 survival - valences and 41 survival - withholds and 179 survival - withholds and 191 survival effort and MEST 223 "survive" not present in GPM's 489 sympathy 163 sympathy 267 sympathy 625 sympathy - TR-2 and 265 sympathy engram 1 symptom prescription 796 f.n. symptom substitution 490 f.n. symptom substitution 616 f.n. TA. See also TA motion, TA position. TA - case levels, TA and needle manifestations of 485 TA - whole-track auditing, TA conditions suitable for 485 TA - "fragile" TA and service facs 494 TA - high TA. See high TA. TA - low TA. See low TA. TA - needle and 612 TA - optimum TA range 569 TA - optimum TA range 573 TA - over-restimulation, effect of on the TA 471 TA - running in the TA 32 TA - session breaks and 34 TA - "stage 4 TA" 214 TA - stuck TA. See stuck TA. TA action. See TA motion. tachistoscope training 284 TA counter 491 TA drift 275 tags 32 tags 297 tags 346f tags - R2-12 and 350 tags - reads and 623 tags - rockslam as a t. 297f taking full responsibility for withholding 258 taking items off a list 349 taking over the PC's itsa 542 taking the PC's orders 397 TA knob, use of to control the needle 554 talent and misunderstood words 661 talk, therapeutic effectiveness of, at different grade chart levels 768 talking confront drill 380 talking too much, as an auditor 170 TA motion 469ff TA motion 518 TA motion - acceptable amount of 469 TA motion - acceptable amount of 491 TA motion - auditing comm cycle and 580f TA motion - auditor talk and 554 TA motion - blowing force and 455 TA motion - case evaluation and 330f TA motion - case gain and 414 TA motion - case gain and 495 TA motion - CCH's and 211 TA motion - CCH's and 381 TA motion - completeness of a list and 275 TA motion - definition of 642 TA motion - doing something for the PC and 642 TA motion - importance of 441 TA motion - lack of. See stuck TA. TA motion - listing and 370 TA motion - magnitude of 275 TA motion - making the TA move 455 TA motion - misassessment and 433 TA motion - need for 408 TA motion - needle action and 472 TA motion - objective processing and 330f TA motion - observation and 227f TA motion - predictability and 532 TA motion - prepchecks, TA m. on 682 TA motion - process cycles, TA m. on 629 TA motion - re-running incidents and 409 TA motion - restimulation and adequacy of TA m. 470 TA motion - restoration of 472 TA motion - right significances, TA m. on, and speed of clearing 465 TA motion - rudiments and 330f TA motion - running in the TA, in a new process 596 TA motion - running in the TA, in a new process 602 TA motion - self-auditing and 583 TA motion - significance of 210 TA motion - solo auditing and 580f TA motion - stable time reference and 331 TA motion - time errors and 441f TA motion - upper levels, TA m. at 631 tampering with the mind 158 Tampion, Ian 591 The Tao 600 taping sessions 578 taping sessions 581 TA position(s) - chronic TA p.s, meaning of 262 TA position(s) - effect of the itsa line on 468 TA position(s) - effect of the whatsit line on 468 TA position(s) - meaning of 28 tapping a theta comm line 316 TA pump 465 TA range, optimum 569 TA range, optimum 573 target, wrong. See wrong target. Tarot 6 taste 673 taxation and Marxism 723 teaching. See also study, training. teaching - definition of 657 teaching - judgment, t. of 172 technical degrades: new data does not cancel the old 754 technical slang 646 techniques(s). See process(es). technology - corrective t. See corrective technology. technology - decay of civilization and 636f technology - ethics and 152 technology - failed t.: change of titles in the mark of unsuccessful activities 762 technology - "impossibility" of 430 technology - loss of, and alter-is 636 technology - people who think the t. is impossible 430 technology - standard t. See standard tech. technology - unreleased t., hidden data line from 698 telekinesis 780 telepathic vocotypers 458 telepathy 780 telepathy. See also mind-reading. telepathy - ARC and 458f telepathy - engrams, t. of 1 teleportation 429 television 18 television 44 telling fortunes. See fortune-telling. temperature and time 31 temperature and time 106 Ten August handling 592 Templehof, Johann 675 terminal(s). See also beingness, identities, items, oppterms, RI(s), valences. terminal(s) - closed t.s 103f terminal(s) - closed t.s - mechanism of 112 terminal(s) - combination t.s. See combination terminals. terminal(s) - listing of, and the "wants handled" rundown 378 f.n. terminal(s) - moral codes of 211 terminal(s) - moral codes of - high TA and 158 terminal(s) - opposition t.s. See oppterms. terminal(s) - signs of t.s and oppterms 196 terminal(s) - pain on 214f terminal(s) - running t.s 138 terminal(s) - separation of 111 terminal(s) - snapped t.s 103f terminal(s) - snapped t.s - mechanism of 112 terminal(s) - tone level of 381 terminal(s) - top t. See top terminal. terminal(s) - two terminals. See two terminals. terminal(s) - withholding t.s 158f terminology of scientology 35 terminology of scientology - reason for 646 terror, nature of 203 tests, psychological. See psychological tests. textbook solutions 228 theetie-weetie case 30 theetie-weetie case 231 theetie-weetie case 276 theetie-weetie case - cause of 276 theetie-weetie case - sacredness and 219 theft of Hubbard's manuscripts 24 then-ness 95 then-ness 101 theory(ies) - observation and 146 theory(ies) - preciousness of 72f theory(ies) - reason for t. in study 238 theory(ies) - reason for t. in study 655 therapeutic value in helping others 557f therapies, suppressive t.s. See suppressive mental technology. theta bop 28 theta clear(s) - definition of 112 theta clear(s) - drills for 478 theta clear(s) - making one 262 theta clear(s) - education of 5 theta clear(s) - tolerance of motion of 29 theta line - cutting a t.l. See cut theta line. theta line - overt, as a perversion of a t.l. 620 theta line - tapping a t.l. 316 theta-meter 290 thetan(s) - ability of the t. to get into trouble 691 thetan(s) - bodies, t.s in 122 thetan(s) - condensed t.s 9 thetan(s) - creation of t.s 9 thetan(s) - datum as a substitute for a t. 177 thetan(s) - datum as a substitute for a t. 530 thetan(s) - reason for t.s on earth 429 thetan(s) - effect of a t. on a body 781 thetan(s) - emanation of t.s 343 thetan(s) - fifth dynamic and 780 thetan(s) - freeing t.s from theta traps 429 thetan(s) - groups and 140 thetan(s) - how the t. gets smaller 218 thetan(s) - how t.s came to be in the MEST universe 403f thetan(s) - idea as a substitute for a t. 508 thetan(s) - killing t.s 453 thetan(s) - killing t.s 476 thetan(s) - lower-scale harmonics of t. abilities 756 thetan(s) - orientation, need for, is senior to communication for the t. 476f thetan(s) - survival, origin of the t.s concern for 476 thetan(s) - survival, origin of the t.s concern for 480f thetan(s) - morbidity, t. proclivity for 135 thetan(s) - specialized t.s 759 thetan(s) - survival of a body without a t. 781 thetan(s) - time machine, t. as 436 thetan(s) - nationalities, transfers of t.s between 211 thetan(s) - unknowing effect on self of 222 thetan(s) - wavelength of 343 thetan(s) - wavelength of 387 thetan(s) - keeps on fighting after body death, t. who 791 thetan(s) - wrongnesses of t.s as lower-scale harmonics of t. abilities 780 thetan(s) - valences that deny the existence of 222 "thetan convulsions", rockslams as 305 thetan machinery 9 thetan never really gives up 281 thetan never really gives up. See also Axiom 10, perseverence, revenge. thetan-plus-body combination, tone level of 399f thetan reaction and ARC 437 thetan reaction and ARC. See also reactions, responses. theta poles, composition of 429 theta talk and entheta talk, handling of 466 theta trap(s) - composition of 429 theta trap(s) - failure to teach how to release thetans from 429 theta trap(s) - "know thyself" as a t.t. 225 theta trap(s) - meat-body civilization and 429 theta trap(s) - origin of 429 theta trap(s) - procedure for freeing a thetan from 429 things of life 458f things that are wrong in the PC 744 think, PC selling of, and PT 236f "think a thought" process 545 thinking - perception and 343f thinking - substitute for perception, t. as 344 thinkingness. See also significances, thinking, thought. thinkingness - criminal think 546 thinkingness - education and 238 thinkingness - postulating and 251 thinkingness - rudiments and 251f thinkingness process(es) - lowest t.p.s 23 thinkingness process(es) - psychotics and 23 "thinnies" 21 third dynamic(s). See also groups, organizations. third dynamic(s) - aberration and 134ff third dynamic(s) - agreements and 155 third dynamic(s) - auditing as a t.d. activity 342f third dynamic(s) - inverted t.d.s and individuals 328 third dynamic agreement 155 third dynamic agreement - overts and 629 third dynamic service facs 496 third eye 3 third rail 22 third stage release 730 thought(s). See also ideas, significances, thinking, thinkingness. thought(s) - auditing of t., and mass 580 thought(s) - compartments of t. in a GPM 225f thought(s) - definition of 800 thought(s) - definitions about t.s, and definitions about masses, in dissemination 674 thought(s) - dissemination gradient, t. as a 674 thought(s) - bank, effect of t. on 32 thought(s) - MEST and 133 thought(s) - NEST universe and 390 thought(s) - properties of 3f thought(s) - reality and 390 thought(s) - self-determined t. and association 545 thought(s) - static, t. as 3f thought(s) - unkind t.s 141 thought(s) - unkind t.s 167 thought(s) - withholding of t.s 62f thought-compartments in the GPM 225f thought towers 735 thought-transmission, pathway of 267 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - basic-basic and 192 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - blind alley, 3DXX as 286 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - case level and 210 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - exteriorization process, 3DXX as 224 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - mechanism of 228 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - prepchecking rudiments for 186 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - Prime Purpose and 286 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - procedure for 236 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - R2-12 and 361 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - Routine 3 and 209 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - rudiments and 175 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - running 3DXX, and Routine 3 236 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - self-revelation and 191 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - shifting identities in 183 3D criss-cross (3DXX) - theory of 208f 3DXX items and withholds 196 3DXX terminals, prepchecking of 190 3GA 247f 3GA 258-262 3GA - DMSMH and 270 3GA - mechanism of 258 3GA - nature of 247 3GA - procedure 259-262 3GA - procedure 308 3GA - procedure - modified 285 3GA - R3-21 and 332 3GA - rocket reads in 297 3GA - Science of Survival and 270 3GA - withholding and 258 3GAXX 331ff 3GAXX - description of 331 3GAXX - procedure 333 3GAXX - purpose of 335 3GAXX - R2-12 and 346f 3GAXX - R2-12, R3-21, and 3GAXX 354 3GAXX - R2-12, R3-21, and 3GAXX 356 3GAXX - R3G4 and 248 3GAXX - rockslammers, 3GAXX for, as R2-12 339 3GAXX - theory of 332f three zones of auditing 539ff three zones of auditing 552 Tibet 19 Tibet - communist takeover of 427 tiger drill 295f tiger drill - advantage of 347 tiger drill - definition of 797 tiger drill - procedure 295a time 31 time 299f time 435f time - accuracy of the reactive mind about 751 time - atomic bomb and 31 time - attitudes about 676 time - attitude toward t. and decay of civilization 677 time - cause and 547 time - certainty and 207 time - change and 222 time - charge and 406 time - charge and 465 time - circular definition of t. in physics 4 time - creation of 675 time - creation of 692 time - confront of incident and 675 time - confusion and 115 time - control of 299 time - cycle of action and 628 time - double-firing of GPM items and 457 time - dropped-out t. and overts 716f time - economics and 436 time - fixation in t. and position on the time track 436 time - fixed t. and fixed reaction 436 time - GPM dichotomies and 457 time - amount of incident and 675 time - intentions and 604 time - invalidation of by the newspapers 676 time - lies about 444 time - nature of 115 time - pan-determined t. 676 time - plotting incident against t. 675 time - postulation of 676 time - problems process on amount of t. 430 time - protesting t., and unwanted location 436 time - reactive mind and 459 time - auditing, t. required for. See auditing time. time - reversed t. and science-fiction writers 393 time - sanity and 299f time - scarcity of t., and impact 436 time - scrambled t. and GPM's 441 time - solving the problem of 57 time - auditing, t. spent on 299 time - MEST universe, t. spent in 403 time - rudiments, t. spent on 84 time - stream of. See time-stream. time - suppressor, t. as a 204 time - temperature and 31 time - temperature and 106 time - training and 299 time - trap, t. as a 628 time - vibration and 393 time continuum 155f time differentiation and mental MEST 357 time errors 440-445 time errors - process for correcting 444 time errors - restimulation and 597 time errors - stuck TA and 466f time errors - TA motion and 441f time-limiter - R3SC, t.l. on 502 time-limiter - service fac processes, t.l. on 489 time machine, thetan as a t.m. 436 time reference, stable t.r. and TA motion 331 time span - GPM, t.s. for 559 time span - past, length of t.s. into 331 time-stream(s) 154f time-stream(s) - bank and 627 time-stream(s) - escape from 627 time-stream(s) - problems and 154 time track 389-392 time track - "absence" of 208 time track - age of 135 time track - auditing and 389 time track - clear, t.t. of 712 time track - collapsed t.t. and cold 199 time track - composition of 389 time track - confront of 389 time track - confront of 391 time track - confront of - engrams and 416f time track - GPM's and cycles of the t.t. 297 time track - cycling on the t.t. See cycling on the track. time track - definition of 389 time track - dependency on 391 time track - description of 399 time track - erasing the t.t., and the between-lives implant 457 time track - false t.t.s. See false time tracks. time track - finite nature of 418 time track - formation of 393f time track - formation of - with no blanks 736 time track - free t.t. See free track. time track - freeing up the t.t., process for 180 time track - fundamentals and 286 time track - havingness and 391 time track - invalidation of, and dub-in 467 time track - length of 505 time track - looped track 185 time track - mass and 389 time track - mechanism of t.t. movement in processing 392 time track - mocked-up track and missed withholds 324 time track - non-confront, t.t. as a 417 time track - position on the t.t. and fixation in time 436 time track - psychologists, psychiatrists and 389 time track - Q and A with 391 time track - reaction and 435 time track - OT and running the t.t. 441 time track - sanity and 390 time track - AP's, stuck t.t. in 774 tips - auditing, t.s on 465 tips - avoidance of over-restimulation, t.s on 504 titles - change of as the mark of unsuccessful activities 762 titles - orgs, t.s in 719f "To be or not to be" is not the question 417 tocky needle 631 tocky needle 643 tolerance. See also confront. tolerance - distance, t. of 20f tolerance - unknowns, t. for on the part of auditors 474 tomatoes 310 tone, social 6 tone arm, origin of the term 145 tone arm. See also TA. Tone 40 - characteristics of 790 Tone 40 - OT and 790 tone level(s) - dramatizing higher t.l.s 396 tone level(s) - PC and valence, t.l.s of 30 tone level(s) - service fac solution, t.l. of 493 tone level(s) - terminals and oppterms, t.l. of 381 tone level(s) - thetan plus body combination, t.l. of 399f tone level(s) - valence, t.l. of 136 tone scale - know-to-mystery scale and 399 tone scale - sub-zero t.s. 21 too late on the chain 753 tools, addition of, and ability to work 571 top oppterm 388 top oppterm - listing for 565 top oppterm - nature of 565 top terminal 559 top terminal - nature of 564f total-effect case 783 totalitarianism and anarchy 786 touch assist(s) 23 touch assist(s) - limitations of 77 touch assist(s) - mechanism of 50 touch assist(s) - mechanism of 651 Toynbee, Arnold 555 TR(s) 53f TR(s) 142 TR(s) - dirty needle and 446 TR(s) - fish and fumble TR 257 TR(s) - running TR's gives case gain 56 TR-0 380f TR-0 - definition of 380 TR-0 - EP of 381 TR-0 - gradient of 380 TR-0 - in-sessionness and 167 TR-0 - purpose of 380 TR-0 - Q and A and 380f TR-0 - reads and 139f TR-1 287 TR-1 - with a recording of a lion 381 TR-2. See also acknowledgements. TR-2 - auditor originations and 265 TR-2 - Q and A and 256 TR-2 - "raw meat" and 580f TR-2 - sympathy and 265 TR-2 - understanding and 256 TR-2 - understanding and 261 TR-2 - understanding and 446 TR-2 - unintentional missed withholds and 257 TR-3 and PC certainty of receiving communication 690 TR-4 255 TR-4 - how to get the PC to repeat something 349 TR-4 - half-acknowledgements and 53 TR-4 - in-sessionness and 167 TR-4 - Q and A and 302 TR-10 27 TR-10 100 track. See time track. track analysis and case analysis 587 tradition. See also custom(s). tradition - agreement, t. as 667 tradition - outmoded t. 668 Train implant 558 training 170f training 298ff training 318-321 training 365 training - assists and 239 training - auditing and 610 training - auditors, t. of 170f training - bad t. 126f training - bad auditing as t. 159 training - case level and 432 training - confront of the bank and 542 training - dissemination and 549 training - implant GPM's and 514 training - importance of 284 training - importance of 548ff training - importance of 729f training - negative gain and 610 training - OT and 530 training - OT and 541ff training - prepchecking and 231 training - psychotherapy and t. on the subject of the mind 498 training - restimulation and 29 training - running GPM's and 561 training - Step 6 phenomenon and 54 training - time and 299 training - value of t. others 159 training. See also study. training - "runway" analogy of 659 training drills. See TR(s). training route, description of 550 training routines. See TR(s). transcendentalism 599f transference 632 transference - valences and 734 transfer of thetans between nationalities 211 transmutation of metal and transmutation of life 735 trap(s). See also entrapment. trap(s) 59 trap(s) 219 trap(s) - ideas as the only real t.s 769 trap(s) - thetans, t.s for. See theta trap(s). trap(s) - time, as a t. 628 treatment - attitude toward 93 treatment - front line t. 130 treatment - response to t., and service facs 490 tributes to God 429 trickery and force 454 trouble, keeping out of 92 "true believer" 599 "true believer" 601 "true believer". See also belief. true groups 118 true story of scientology 556 truncated GPM 524 truncated GPM 561 truth(s) 325-329 truth(s) - ARC breaks and abandonment of t. 287 truth(s) - ability to assimilate t. 601 truth(s) - agreement and t. in dissemination 764 truth(s) - alter-is of t. 528f truth(s) - alter-is of t. - basic crime in this universe 736 truth(s) - chemistry and physics, t. in 325 truth(s) - definition of, in auditing 600 truth(s) - departure from t., and security 599 truth(s) - elimination, t. by 614 truth(s) - endurance of t. and recognition of t. 599 truth(s) - establishment of t. 289 truth(s) - fixation on alter-is of t. 528 truth(s) - gradient of t. 599 truth(s) - individual and 329 truth(s) - knowledge of t. and self-confidence 599 truth(s) - nature of 325 truth(s) - power and 618 truth(s) - reality and 599ff truth(s) - road to. See road to truth. truth(s) - resolution of cases and 528f truth(s) - rereadability and 684 truth(s) - responsibility of seeking t. 325 truth(s) - universal solvent, t. as 528 truth(s) - walking the road away from truth backwards 600 truth(s) - without ARC 599 truth(s) - wog idea of 327 truth(s) - workability and 570 truth(s) - workable t.s 326 Tumbler 100 Turner, Richmond Kelly 678 turning the other cheek 45 turning on a picture in dianetics, process for 407 twenty-ten 160 twenty-ten 164 two crimes in this universe 133 two crimes in this universe 172 two crimes in this universe 179 two crimes in this universe 429 2D. See second dynamic. two first dynamics make a games condition, not a third dynamic 343 two poles. See two terminals. two-pole theory (universe). See two terminal theory (universe). two rules for happy living 545 two terminals - as-ising of mass and 582 two terminals - auditing comm cycle and 582 two terminals - CCH's and 226 two terminals - discharge of mass or energy and 581f two terminals - power and 226 two terminals - power and 582 two-terminal theory 582 two-terminal theory - Buckminster Fuller and 596 two-terminal universe 225-228 two-terminal universe 304 two-terminal universe 317 two-terminal universe - auditing and 587 two-terminal universe - dissemination and 317 two-way communication - CCH's, t.c. in 226 two-way communication - CCH's, t.c. in 240 two-way communication - model session, t.c. in 265 two-way communication - maintenance of t.c. with the PC 342 two-way communication - mid-session, use of t.c. in 357 2WC (the process) - ARC straightwire, as a PT 2WC process, using prefixes 413 2WC (the process) - lightness of 14 2WC (the process) - questions for 83 types of -. See also the thing it's a type of, e.g., withhold(s), types of. types of cases, optimum number of 421 ultimate process, definition of 378 ultimate release is release from the universe 768 ultimates and positives 207 unauditability and auditability 294f unawareness - absolute u. 420 unawareness - - black panther mechanism and 616 unbalancing GPM masses 252 unburdening 410f unburdening - engrams, u. of 102 unburdening - GPM's, u. of 151 Uncle Tom's Cabin 625 f.n. unconscious, the 615 unconscious case 415 unconsciousness. See also anaten, boil-off, dope-off. unconsciousness - absolute u. 392 unconsciousness - absolute u. 420 unconsciousness - case that is unconscious 415 unconsciousness - death and 40 unconsciousness - not-knowingness, u. as 39 unconsciousness - out-comm, u. as 755 unconsciousness - unreality, u. and 467 unconscious persons, process for 213 unconscious persons, process for 582 unconscious recall, testing of 2 undefinables 3 undelivered communication(s). See also cut communication, incomplete communication. undelivered communication(s) - O/W and 620f undelivered communication(s) - prayer as u.c. 620 undelivered communication(s) - process using u.c., as an assist 643f undelivered communication(s) - PTP's and 620 undercutting - affinity as an u. of reality 779 undercutting - PC ability, u. of in auditing 584 undercutting - PC ability, u. of in auditing 674 undercutting - reality, as an u. of communication 779 understanding 92 understanding - auditor pretense of 279 understanding - as-ising and auditor u. 288 understanding - democracy and 171 understanding - doingness and 659 understanding - duplication and 171 understanding - flows and 179 understanding - handling what you u. in a case 673 understanding - making sure of 279 understanding - PC's answer, u. of 255 understanding - TR-2 and 256 understanding - TR-2 and 261 understanding - TR-2 and 446 unflat earlier processes 630 unflat processes and stuck TA 629f unflat repetitive processes 373 unintentional missed withholds - acknowledgement and 717 unintentional missed withholds - TR-2 and 257 unintentional withholds 119f unintentional withholds 166f unintentional withholds 288 unintentional withholds - games conditions and 120 unintentional withholds - process for 119 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Russia. Union Station 390 United States. See U.S. universal solvent, truth as 528 universe(s). See also MEST universe. universe(s) - effort at locating self, u.s as 100 universe(s) - home u. See home universe(s). universe(s) - lines of force of 395 universe(s) - R2-12, listing from u.s in 379 universe(s) - size of the thetan, in relation to the u. 218 universities. See also college. universities 238 unkind thoughts. See also critical thoughts, criticism, natter. unkind thoughts 141 unkind thoughts 167 unknowable and Kant 326 unknowingness. See not-knowingness(es), unknown(s), unknownness(es). unknown(s). See also not-knowingness(es), unknownness(es). unknown(s) 79f unknown(s) - confront and 80 unknown(s) - confront and - misunderstood word phenomena and 88 unknown(s) - confusion and 462 unknown(s) - jealousy and 80 unknown(s) - loss and 79f unknown(s) - problems and 79 unknown(s) - reads and 247 unknown(s) - snapped terminals and 80 unknown(s) - tolerance for in auditors 474 unknown(s) - withholds and 140 unknownness(es). See also unknown(s), not-knowingness(es). unknownness(es) 90 unknownness(es) 93f unknownness(es) 96 unknownness(es) - location, u.s of 96 unknownness(es) - reads and 187 unknownness(es) - in session u.s 94 "unlessening" of an overt 32 unmonitored activity as a reactive mind 794 unmotivated acts and the overt-motivator sequence 10f unmotivated overt-justifier sequence 10f unorthodoxy in the absence of a definition of orthodoxy 669 unreading questions and commands 67 unreality - anatomy of 470 unreality - invalidation and 467 unreality - unconsciousness and 467 unreal overts, process for 644 unreleased tech, hidden data line from 698 untrained clears 284 untraining 540 untrapping thetans, failure to teach how 429 unusual cases 238 unusual solutions 276f unusual solutions 382 unusual solutions - GAE's and 144 unusual solutions - handling the demand for 312 unwillingness to duplicate and obsessive duplication 692 upper class in England 671 upper-level materials, reason for confidentiality of 776 upper-level viewpoint of lower levels 555 upper-scale. See upper-level. urgent directive(s) 788 urgent directive(s) - arbitrary, u.d. as 797 utopia(s) 217 utopia(s) 678 utopia(s) - individual and 217 U.S. 66 U.S. - prejudices and 771 U.S. business is in perpetual emergency 704 U.S. Constitution 115 U.S. Constitution 286 U.S. Constitution - amendments to 789 U.S. government 286 U.S. government - attacks on reincarnation from 481 U.S. government - criminality and 482 U.S. government - relationship with LRH 700 U.S. government - representation and 787 U.S. prison system 496 U.S.S.R. See Russia. usual, doing the u. when confronted with the unusual 382 vacuums 106 vacuums 440 valence(s) 109f valence(s). See also beingness, identities, items, oppterms, RI's, terminals. valence(s) 163 valence(s) 185 valence(s) - anatomy of 177 valence(s) - auditing of 75ff valence(s) - Auditor's Code and 41 valence(s) - CCH's and 34 valence(s) - change, v. as a 130 valence(s) - chronic somatics and 76 valence(s) - circuits and 121ff valence(s) - circuits and 131 valence(s) - circuits and 198 valence(s) - cold and 199 valence(s) - command value of 199 valence(s) - conditions and 80 valence(s) - confusions, O/W, and v.s 128 valence(s) - creation of thetans and 9 valence(s) - definition of 128 valence(s) - existence of thetans, v.s that deny it 222 valence(s) - description of 75 valence(s) - determinisms and 219ff valence(s) - disorientation and 97 valence(s) - dramatization of v.s and auditing 156 valence(s) - fever and 199 valence(s) - flows and 177 valence(s) - formation of 112 valence(s) - formation of 128f valence(s) - games and 30 valence(s) - GE as a v. 109 valence(s) - havingness and 40 valence(s) - havingness of v.s 199 valence(s) - Julius Caesar, v. of 758 valence(s) - OCA graph changes and 751 valence(s) - one's own v. 75 valence(s) - one's own v. 99 valence(s) - opposing v.s and revelation 208 valence(s) - out of v. See out of valence. valence(s) - pain and 76 valence(s) - rudiments and 82f valence(s) - rudiments and 110 valence(s) - rudiments processes for 82 valence(s) - running v.s 80 valence(s) - self-confidence and 98 valence(s) - self-confidence and 128 valence(s) - solidification of 178 valence(s) - somatics and 104 valence(s) - SP's and 761 valence(s) - stills and 131 valence(s) - survival and 41 valence(s) - tone level of a v. and tone level of the PC 30 valence(s) - tone level of a v. and tone level of the PC 136 valence(s) - transference and 734 valence(s) - weak v.s 76 valence closure 103f valence process as an assist 77 valence-shifting assist process 753 validation processing 67 value, creation of 57 variations on rules - results and 679 variations on rules - two sources of 679 varying the auditing question 14 varying the question in sec checks 153 Vedas 675 "vegetables" 780 venereal disease 49 venereal disease 52 vengeance. See revenge. verbal data line, instability of 526 vias, MEST v.s and ARC 459 vibrating needle 28 vibration and time 393 victim(s) 140 victim(s) - victimizers and 377f victim processes 23 victim syndrome 625f Vietnam war 604 viewpoint, auditor v. and observation of the PC 685 virgin complex 270 virtuosity 679 vitamins 65 volition and tone levels 399f Wallace, Joe 290 wall of fire 402 walls, mockups of 774 "wants handled" rundown 77 "wants handled" rundown 80 "wants handled" rundown 335 "wants handled" rundown - listing terminals and 378 war(s). See also conflict. war(s) 62 war(s) 66 war(s) 101 war(s) 103 war(s) 312 war(s) - agreement and 154 war(s) - attrition, SP's and w.s of 786 war(s) - civil w. See civil war. war(s) - correct objective of 786 war(s) - cultural differences and 648 war(s) - depersonalization and 605 war(s) - organization and 216 war(s) - PTP as a w. 716 war(s) - publicity and 605 war(s) - reaching and 274 war(s) - religious w.s 286 war(s) - to produce a more amenable frame of mind in the enemy 726 war(s) - slavery, w., and power of choice 242 war(s) - SP's and 749 war(s) - Vietnam w. 604 war(s) - whole track w.s 66 War of the Worlds 396 Washington, George 286 Washington, George - need for an Office of 773 Watts, Alan 80 f.n. wavelength(s) - MEST, w. of 387 wavelength(s) - poetry and 24 wavelength(s) - responsibility and 182 wavelength(s) - thetan, w. of 343 wavelength(s) - thetan, w. of 387 Way, The 600 Way, The - decreased awareness, W. of 616 weak valences 76 Webster-Johnson, William 652 welfare state 48 Wern 621 western civilization and the Markab Confederacy 454 what is wrong with the case, vs. what can be done about the case 422 "what" question(s) 193 "what" question(s) - specificity of 235 whatsit - as-ising of 468 whatsit - balancing w. and itsa 469 whatsit line 451 whatsit line 455f whatsit line 467ff whatsit line - effect of on TA position 468 whatsit line - management of 469 what you resist, you become 317 when faced with the unusual, do the usual 382 when the PC is right 345 "whirlpool" analogy of "solutions" 51 White Form and withholds 123 White Form and withholds 127 white hats, cowboys in 692 white mutiny 678 white mutiny - Russia, w.m. in 678 whole track. See also past lives. whole track - auditing of - environmental restimulation and 500 whole track - auditing of - TA condition suitable for 485 whole track - E-meter and 289 whole track - English on the w.t. 141 whole track - First Dianetic Foundation and 290 whole track - grade chart and 754 whole track - last lifetime, therapeutic value of 237 whole track - prepchecking and 243 whole track - Wichita Foundation and 600 whole track memory. See whole track recall. whole track occlusion 72 whole track occlusion 191 whole track orientation process 680f whole track overts 644 whole track overts 688 whole track psychotherapies 735 whole track recall - case gain and 74 whole track recall - sec checks and 39 whole track wars 66 whole track withholds 194 whole track withholds 196 "who or what...", reason for using 38 why a thetan is on earth 429 Wichita Foundation 700 Wichita Foundation - past lives and 600 wide-open case 17 width of PT 283f width of PT 299f width of PT - athletes, w. of PT in 283 width of PT - foresight and 300 width of PT - processes for increasing it 283 wild animals and withholds 182 Williams, Peter 105 willingness 13 willingness - confront and 421 willingness - duplicate, w. to - case level and 417 willingness - duplicate, w. to - erasure and 692 willingness - study and w. to learn 637 willingness - cause and w. of the PC 78 Wilson, Woodrow 692 win(s) - acceptance level of 230 win(s) - acceptance level of 478f win(s) - acceptance level of 598 win(s) - acceptance level of - auditing style and 689 win(s) - auditor w.s and auditor certainty 598f win(s) - definition of 424 win(s) - level of w. for a PC 478f win(s) - PC w.s, importance of 253 win(s) - stuck in a w. 264 win(s) - stuck in a w. 276 Winchell, Walter 796 wing anchor points 18 Winter, Joe 553 Winter, Joe 699 Winter, Joe 764 Winter, Joe 774 Winter, Joe - havingness and 264 wisdom - betrayal and 327 wisdom - freedom and 519 wisdom - freedom and 765-768 witch doctors 88f witch doctors 652 withdrawal - communication, w. from and persistent mockups 584f withdrawal - inverted dynamics as inverted w. 585 withhold(s). See also overt(s), O/W, withholding. withhold(s) 36 withhold(s) 38f withhold(s) 66f withhold(s) 103 withhold(s) 160-167 withhold(s) 177-197 withhold(s) - aberration and 191 withhold(s) - activation of overts by 686 withhold(s) - anatomy of 167 withhold(s) - attack and 216 withhold(s) - attack process for 216 withhold(s) - auditor w.s. See auditor withholds. withhold(s) - automatic w.s and assessment 589 withhold(s) - beingness and 103f withhold(s) - case change and 195 withhold(s) - case gain and 30 withhold(s) - communication and 693 withhold(s) - co-motion and 135 withhold(s) - confusion and 296 withhold(s) - confusion and - reach and 163 withhold(s) - data w.s 177 withhold(s) - definition of 115 withhold(s) - definition of 161 withhold(s) - definition of 175 withhold(s) - definition of 179 withhold(s) - destroying case records containing w.s 38 withhold(s) - discharges and 178 withhold(s) - earlier similar on 209 withhold(s) - encysted w.s 191 withhold(s) - finding w.s 196f withhold(s) - flow, w. of 177 withhold(s) - Freud and 185f withhold(s) - flows and 132 withhold(s) - flows and 175 withhold(s) - flows and 178f withhold(s) - games conditions and 186 withhold(s) - high TA and 132 withhold(s) - high TA and 140 withhold(s) - identities and 179f withhold(s) - involuntary w.s. See unintentional withholds. withhold(s) - keeps coming up, w. that 190 withhold(s) - lack of communication as a w. 166f withhold(s) - laudable w.s 161f withhold(s) - laudable w.s 164 withhold(s) - laudable w.s 196 withhold(s) - magnitude of 161 withhold(s) - magnitude of 186 withhold(s) - manifestations of 195a withhold(s) - memory and 32 withhold(s) - missed w.s. See missed withhold(s). withhold(s) - moral codes and 115 withhold(s) - moral codes and 196 withhold(s) - natter and 166f withhold(s) - natter and 178 withhold(s) - nature of 118 withhold(s) - no-communication as a w. 166f withhold(s) - not-knowingness and 166 withhold(s) - other people's w.s 188 withhold(s) - other people's w.s 191 withhold(s) - other people's w.s. See also overts, other people's. withhold(s) - out-ruds and 166 withhold(s) - past life w.s 187 withhold(s) - "pole" for a flow, w. as 178 withhold(s) - prior confusion and 167 withhold(s) - problems and 178 withhold(s) - problems and 180 withhold(s) - processes for pulling w.s 162 withhold(s) - processes for pulling w.s 164 withhold(s) - psychosomatic illness and 160 withhold(s) - psychosomatic illness and 162 withhold(s) - pulling w.s. See pulling withholds. withhold(s) - punishment for getting off w.s 118 withhold(s) - punishment for getting off w.s 191 withhold(s) - punishment for getting off w.s 245 withhold(s) - reach/withdraw and 161 withhold(s) - reactive mind and 36 withhold(s) - reactive mind and 118 withhold(s) - recovery from illness and 130 withhold(s) - recurring w.s 323f withhold(s) - regret and 191 withhold(s) - reputational w.s 119f withhold(s) - rudiments and 166 withhold(s) - rudiments and - stuck TA and 26 withhold(s) - "safe" w.s 191 withhold(s) - self-damage and 190 withhold(s) - society, w.s from 161 withhold(s) - survival and 179 withhold(s) - survival and 191 withhold(s) - thoughts, w.s of 62f withhold(s) - 3DXX items and 196 withhold(s) - types of 119 withhold(s) - types of 161 withhold(s) - unintentional w.s. See unintentional withholds. withhold(s) - unknowns and 140 withhold(s) - valences, w.s of, and insanity 160 withhold(s) - White Form and 123 withhold(s) - White Form and 127 withhold(s) - "withhold" in the bank 635 withhold(s) - whole track w.s 194 withhold(s) - whole track w.s 196 withhold(s) - wild animals and 182 "withhold" button, as the highest button in the bank 258 withholding. See also withhold(s). withholding - psychoanalysis and 165 withholding - taking full responsibility for 258 withholding - terminals, w. of 158f withholding - 3GA and 258 withholding - valences, w. of, and insanity 160 withhold process 105 withhold process - out-of ARC process, w.p. as 643 withhold system 186-189 withhold system 237 withhold system - "appear" button in 208 withhold system - cancellation of 278 withhold system - description of 190 withhold system - repetitive prepchecking and 278 withhold system - repetitive prepchecking and 280 wog(s) - definition of 790 wog(s) - idea of truth of a w. 327 wog(s) - skepticism of 338 woodenness 141 woodenness 380 word(s) - misunderstood w.s. See misunderstood words. word(s) - misused w.s and study problems 658 word clearing and disagreement, process for 320 work 44 work 130 work - ability to w. and addition of tools 571 workability - getting auditing to work 624ff workability - policy and 300 workability - truth and 570 workable truths 326 working towards a beingness 696 Works Projects Administration 171 world peace, problems that need to be solved first 605 World War I 225 World War II 62 World War II 181 World War II 284 World War II - as a stuck point on the track 719 world-wide clearing 298ff WPA 171 writing down list items 260 "writing script" 181 "writing script" 343f wrong assessments. See misassessment. wrong command: handling the situation where you gave the PC a w.c. 97 wrong date(s) 432f wrong date(s) 442-445 wrong date(s) - birth, as a w.d. 442 wrong date(s) - dub-in and 432 wrong date(s) - dub-in and 442 wrong date(s) - perceptions and 442 wrong date(s) - stuck TA and 467 wrong duration 432f wrong goal(s) - dramatization and 578 wrong goal(s) - handling of 356 wrong goal(s) - psychoanalysis and 578 wrong goal(s) - rocket reads and 543 wrong item(s) 370ff wrong item(s) - handling of 372 wrong item(s) - manifestations of 368 wrong item(s) - mass and 368 wrongness(es) - with the case, vs. what can be done about the case 422 wrongness(es) - PC, w.s in 744 wrongness(es) - rightness and. See rightness(es) and wrongness(es). wrongness(es) - succumbing and 480 wrongness(es) - thetan, w. of, as a lower-scale harmonic of higher thetan abilities 780 wrong source 370-373 wrong source - chaos and 286 wrong source - listing, w.s. in 351 wrong SP and ineffectiveness of disconnect or handle 746 wrong target - study problems, w.t. in 658 wrong target - SP, why he chooses a w.t. 761 wrong-way-to listing 370-373 wrong-way-to listing - rockslams and 372 wrong-way-to opposing 366 wrong-way-to opposing 376 wrong-way-to opposing - results of 385 "wrong-way-to" phenomenon 348 wrong-way-to "represent" lists 377 Wundt, Wilhelm Max 326 Wundt, Wilhelm Max 512 Wundt, Wilhelm Max 663 Wundt, Wilhelm Max - Buddha's ideas and 768 Wundt, Wilhelm Max - Original Sin and 768 xenophobia 17 Zen Buddhism and Axiom 10 316 zero, as a variable 31 zero, as a variable 778 zero question 186 zones of auditing. See three zones of auditing. Z unit 321


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