edit help en

{PROJECT} ./template/home.en.ini
{MENU} 00.03.02
{TITLE} phpCMS Demo - Sub page 2 of page 2: Online Editor - Help

Help for the Online-Editor of phpCMS

On the page to be edited you will find some buttons at the bottom for the necessary actions.
If cookies are accepted in your browser, all pages called from then on until a LOGOUT will be shown in editing mode!
So do not forget to LOGOUT (button at the bottom) !

Some hints regarding the syntax in pages:

To use bold characters preceed that part of the text with "<strong>" and end it with "</strong>"
(without the "", of course).
To use italic writing  start your text part with "<em>" and put "</em>" after it ("em" for "emphasis").
(Bold and italic writing can also be combined:
"<STRONG><em>" und "</em></STRONG>" - note the order sequence!)
A new line is obtained by typing "<NL>".
Each single  paragraph has to be enclosed in "<p>" and "</p>".
Only one space is shown between words, even if there are more in the text.
To show more then one, they have to be written as "<SPACE>".
A list is started with "<ul>" and closed with "</ul>";
aach single item is to be enclosed in "<li>" and "</li>".


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