function stream get meta data

stream_get_meta_dataPodręcznik PHPPoprzedniNastępnystream_get_meta_data (PHP 4 >= 4.3.0)stream_get_meta_data -- Retrieves header/meta data from streams/file pointersDescriptionarray stream_get_meta_data ( resource stream) Returns information about an existing stream. The stream can be any stream created by fopen(), fsockopen() and pfsockopen(). The result array contains the following items: timed_out (bool) - TRUE if the stream timed out while waiting for data on the last call to fread() or fgets(). blocked (bool) - TRUE if the stream is in blocking IO mode. See socket_set_blocking(). eof (bool) - TRUE if the stream has reached end-of-file. Note that for socket streams this member can be TRUE even when unread_bytes is non-zero. To determine if there is more data to be read, use feof() instead of reading this item. unread_bytes (int) - the number of bytes currently contained in the read buffer. The following items were added in PHP 4.3: stream_type (string) - a label describing the underlying implementation of the stream. wrapper_type (string) - a label describing the protocol wrapper implementation layered over the stream. See Dodatek I for more information about wrappers. wrapper_data (mixed) - wrapper specific data attached to this stream. See Dodatek I for more information about wrappers and their wrapper data. filters (array) - and array containing the names of any filters that have been stacked onto this stream. Filters are currently undocumented. Notatka: This function was introduced in PHP 4.3, but prior to this version, socket_get_status() could be used to retrieve the first four items, for socket based streams only. In PHP 4.3 and later, socket_get_status() is an alias for this function. Notatka: This function does NOT work on sockets created by the Socket extension. PoprzedniSpis treściNastępnystream_get_filtersPoczątek rozdziałustream_get_wrappers


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