Cheryl Dragon Halloween Switch [Resplendence Erotic Gems] (pdf)

Halloween Switch
By Cheryl Dragon
Resplendence Publishing, LLC
Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118
Halloween Switch
Copyright © 2011, Cheryl Dragon
Edited by Michele Paulin
Cover art by Les Byerley,
Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-419-2
Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted
work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain,
is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of
Electronic release: October 2011
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author s
imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely
Chapter One
Master Reed surveyed the curious newbies enjoying the bondage party for Halloween at
Demented, a BDSM club that catered to humans and paranormal creatures. Reed had been a
Dom there for a few years, and it felt like family. He loved sampling the visitors especially when
he shared a room with the seductive Mistress Cherish. She reignited his need to control because
she refused to play his game.
He watched as Cherish ground the point of her thigh high leather boot into a grateful
sub s balls as another sub fucked his ass. She dispensed sex with just enough pain to motivate
people to the next level. Graceful sensuality flowed from her, and the subs clearly responded to
Once the men had come for her, she kissed them in reward and let a Master-in-Training
take over. She walked over to Reed and studied the new crowd.
 They seemed to have fun, he said.  You should let him fuck you. Take some pleasure
in your work, Cherish. Reed loved to watch her in action. In the six months they d shared a
room at the club, he d learned Cherish was a submissive in denial. She d become his fantasy and
biggest challenge worse, he d fallen for her. But the woman showed no sign of giving in to
 They want to please men, not me. I m giving them what they want even if they can t
admit they are gay. I d give them to you if you liked men. A strong sensual Master would thrill
them and force even more progress. Her glossy black hair hung to her waist is soft curls, and
her dark eyes popped against her pale skin. Reed was obsessed with her hourglass figure
currently wrapped in a tight, black corset that flaunted her sensuality. This corset was special for
Halloween and decorated with black cats. Reed was sure that was for him.
Most men and a fair number of women in the club longed for Cherish s attention. Their
biggest mistake was they wanted to submit to her. The only way to win her heart would be to
take it by taming her body and mind from the top. Reed trusted his instincts and had no intention
of giving up pursuit of his sub.
 No male subs for me. Thanks. How about giving everyone a Halloween treat? Submit to
me, and show the switches you re with them. He stepped in behind her, and the scent of her
perfume made him hard in ways the begging of subs never could. Reed never enjoyed the easy
subs as much as a challenge.
She smiled.  You re an excellent Master, but I m good at what I do. It serves a very
useful function, and I get new subs every time.
Cherish was a great Mistress. Reed admired how she picked those she could help and
knew exactly what they needed and how to nudge them toward their true Dom. She never kept
one long and never let the sex grow too intense or intimate. It seemed as though she didn t want
to make them attached to her. If only she d give in and try it his way, they d be done trolling new
subs or those without a Master. They d be together. She d challenge him forever.
Instead of pushing her, he nodded to the blonde kneeling and naked in the group.  She s
got spirit. Reminds me of you a little. If I could get you on your knees, I d never need another
Cherish frowned.  No, not her. Send her away. She s dangerous.
He moved in close and whispered,  I ll be thinking of you when I fuck her roughly and
make her crawl for more. She ll beg for more.
Grabbing his arm, Cherish looked him in the eye. Reed s cock stiffened at her bold
manners. Everyone else saw her as a Mistress, but she would be his someday.
 No, Reed. She s a vampire and a dangerous one. I m not playing a game for your
attention. This is serious. Listen to me. Don t play with that one, she ordered.
Reed grinned and leaned in as if he d kiss her but stopped.  Jealous? I ll send them all
away if you give yourself to me tonight. Stop avoiding what you need.
Stepping back, she shook her head.  Stupid shifter. You think you re invincible. Don t
forget I tried to warn you. She returned to her men and brought in another submissive male for
them to suck off.
That she didn t want him playing with a vamp made no sense. They d both handled them.
The Mistress liked a little danger and played with powerful paranormal males all the time.
Maybe Cherish was a little jealous and that pride of hers ran deeper than she let on. Reed felt
sorry for her. She d get no sex tonight if all she did was get those men in each other.
It might all work in his favor tonight. She d be primed for him later. As the subs worked,
she walked to the door and spoke to security. They brought in two more guards, and one handed
her a vial that she slipped into her cleavage. The woman s mystery made him want her more. Her
demeanor was serious, but she went back to her group of men.
As he worked the blonde, she begged and pranced as directed. She took spankings, and
when Reed looked over, Cherish s eyes were always on him. His ego grew with his desire. He
pulled in the blonde and let her suck his cock as Cherish watched intently. One day, she d beg to
be allowed to do what Reed let any random sub do to him now.
Lost in the feel of her tongue work, he let the sub suck him fully. He couldn t deny the
rush of a vamp blowing him, but it wasn t his real dream. Reed closed his eyes to imagine it was
Cherish then something changed. Fangs sunk into his thigh.
Just as suddenly, they vanished. Cherish had dumped holy water on the sub, and security
had staked the vampire into a cloud of dust. Making sure his equipment was intact, Reed stared
at the Mistress who d warned him.
Cherish calmly pressed a towel to his thigh. Her elegant shoulders lifted in a subtle signal
of triumph. Reed would give her this one, and that little victory made him want her more.
 Told you. She s a bad one. Well, was a bad one. She turned to her Master-in-Training.
 Take the subs to the party downstairs, but let security question them first. We don t need
another incident.
The people filed out, and Reed relaxed. Peeling back his pants, he saw blood. Annoyed at
himself and the frailty of his human form, he went to his center of power. He d show Cherish his
true self. He shifted into a black jaguar then roared and licked the wound. Healing went quicker
that way.
 She just missed the femoral artery. Why don t men listen? Cherish put pressure on the
wound revealing her day-job nursing talents. She showed no fear of him whether as a jungle cat
or as a man.
He licked her hand, and she petted him until he nuzzled her hand. Reed loved how
comfortable she was with the paranormal. Shifters and vamps often competed to sub to a human.
But Reed needed to possess her. Before he got a feline hard-on, he shifted back to human.
Cherish had the first-aid kit and put a bandage on his thigh, taping it down.
 You saved me. How did you know she d do that? He stood up naked and shameless.
Cherish looked away, and her posture stiffened as she put away the first-aid supplies.
 We can read our subs. It s all part of the role we take on. You like the slutty ones and overlook
their flaws for the short-term fun. It finally caught up with you.
 I m pretty good at reading hot women. You re lying right now. You always read people
so well. Tell me how, he ordered.
 You can t bully me, Reed. She stood and turned her back to him.
Reed grabbed her shoulders and spun her to face him. He wanted to kiss her and spank
the truth out of her, but it wasn t the time yet. She had to yield first.
 Are you a witch? A demon? What s your secret? Tell me the truth. He held her upper
arms to keep her from escaping. The woman had expertly avoided his advances time and again.
It was all too easy for her.
 Or what? You ll tie me up and spank me until I confess? I m not one of your slaves. For
the record, I m completely human. She twisted for freedom, but even her lovely muscle tone
was no match for his brute strength.
 It s what you want. I read that much in you every day, Cherish. Talk or I ll give you
what you ve been begging for, once and never again. How he d make good on that threat he had
no idea, but he felt her craving him as much as he coveted her.
 I m psychic or a seer or whatever you call it. I can sense things about people, and if I
focus, I can read their thoughts. Not a witch! The vampire sub lost someone to a shifter attack
and wanted revenge. I didn t get the whole history. She looked him in the eye.  You won t tell
anyone about me?
 You play with beings who like you to step on their junk. Psychic isn t exactly spooky.
He moved closer to her.
 People react very differently when you know what they think, what they really want and
what they ll do. It lets me help subs find their perfect Master quicker, but they don t need to
know how I do it. She started to walk away.
He grabbed her arm and pulled her back.  Your secret is safe, and it s nice of you to help
subs. But why punish yourself? Admit your true nature. I don t need to be psychic to know what
you need. That s it, isn t it? You know what a Master will do so they can t challenge you
enough. Why do you lie and suffer? I ve offered you so much so many times.
 I tried it before. My gift ruins everything. To know what they ll do makes all the teasing
and punishment boring. I know how you feel. I want to be with you, but we d only disappoint
each other. I d rather work with a friend I love.
 You had the wrong Masters. I don t care if you can read my mind all day. In bed, you re
my sub, and I ll keep your brain so off-balance and your body so stimulated you won t know
your thoughts from mine. Reed tugged her breasts up so he could see her nipples over the top of
the corset.
She closed her eyes.  Don t ruin the fantasy. Please, Reed.
He wouldn t ruin it. Reed intended to give it to her. Grabbing lengths of thin nylon rope
from his toy box, he cinched her knees together first.
 Stop it! She teetered on her high heels.
Then he bound her ankles, and she fell into his arms. It was all play. She knew how to
rock those boots. But they d communicate better once she was in submissive mode. After tying
her wrists together, he carried her to a bench. Setting her on her hands and knees, he watched for
a second. She held the position with poise, her head slightly bowed. Cherish wanted to yield all
to him but denied it.
Reed walked around her, surveying her every curve. He knew her already, naked or
clothed. She was a creature worthy of worship from her subs. Her body deserved his attentions,
as well. Now, he understood that she d been silently begging him for this for months. He d
doubted himself because he d listened to her words. What they had was deeper and stronger than
verbal play.
 Your Mistress disguise won t fool me. This is your true nature. You may free others, but
you are a prisoner of your own mind. He d left the black thong panties and Halloween corset on
her they wouldn t stop anything he wanted to do. His hand clapped hard to her bare ass.
She stifled a moan, and his hand hit the same spot again. Playing with her would be his
biggest challenge a psychic sub that d saved his life. She was his now. True, she was a human
with psychic gifts but a sexy human all the same. All he had to do was claim her. Cherish s
knees shook slightly, but she braced for more.
The perfect time to change his tactics. He leaned in and licked her pussy through the
fabric. Pulling the material to one side, he fingered her until her back arched. Then he smacked
her ass again and again in the same spot. Her gasps made Reed fully hard. This was no magic
trick. She hadn t loved or trusted those other Masters so she hadn t let go of the safety of
knowing their thoughts. Reed understood her now. The rest would be fun and fucking until she
figured out she belonged to him. No other Master could handle a brilliant psychic Mistress
submissive need.
Once she d resigned herself to the pain on her ass, he shook the numbness from his hand
and lined up his cock with her. He paused and considered protection.
She answered his unasked question.  I m on the pill.
Reed groaned and slid his cock into her. They both followed the club s rules on testing so
they were safe. He wanted to feel her and fuck her a little before he went to work and spun her
psychic powers until she was dizzy.
Chapter Two
Cherish squeezed her eyes tight and a tear of relief slid out of one corner. He had her in a
trance, and she couldn t break it. Hell, she didn t try. His cock felt so good she wanted to suck it,
ride it, and never go a night without it. Reed, her Master, pulled out and filled her again, hard.
There was no way to resist tightening on him, but the second she did, he eased from her. It
wasn t her psychic powers; it was Dom 101.
 You want to be mine? he asked.
 Yes! she shouted with months and months of pent-up desire.
 Good. You always were, Cherish. You ve denied me your body while flaunting it. That
won t continue. You re mine, and I don t share.
She jumped at the sting of his hand on her ass. Then he leaned over her, rubbing and
pinching her tits until she pressed for more. A little gasp escaped her.
Then his hands were gone.
Biting her lip, she controlled her breathing and waited. He was so good at this! Cherish
had wondered why he d never chosen a permanent sub. Now, she was grateful.
 I think it s time for toys. You like toys. He walked to her toy box.
Her own toys against her? The man had a streak of Dom in him that she d never
predicted or ever come close to in her efforts. Cherish s already wet pussy tightened in need of
real attention. Screw toys! She wanted his body punishing and pleasing hers.
He picked a small cat o nine tails just delicate leather strips attached to a handle. It
didn t do damage but stung. She knew the spot he d go for and prepared for it. Deep down, she
longed for it and so much more, but it was only their first round.
The bastard dangled the flogger in front of her then caressed her back with it. His cock
was in reach, and she licked the head without permission. It was worth the sting of the cat on her.
Sucking his long, thick cock in her mouth, she took it down as far as she could and fucked him.
She d prove she was better than a slutty vampire.
Reed wouldn t be outdone and snapped that leather on her ass in a variety of angles. That
felt so good she moaned and wagged her ass to make the target more challenging. When he hit
the spot he d worked over earlier with more force, she winced.
He stopped.
That only made her groan in frustration. Cherish worked the head of his cock until he
stepped back in annoyance. She d never promised to be a good sub. The cat licked that spot
again, and Cherish imagined it was Reed s rough jaguar tongue licking her ass. She shuddered
and smiled. A little pain was excellent for keeping her mind off what he d do next.
Her previous attempts at finding Masters had been focused on those who could overcome
her powers. One had been a pain specialist, but he d been too far into it for her tolerance. The
other had been into mental games and not as much sex. Huge disasters. She needed the sex and
the teasing. Right now, she d do anything to kiss Reed, any part of him, just to have him close
enough to put her lips on him.
Reed started again with the toy, and it warmed her. Studying his body, she stared at the
gauze that covered his wound. He d been attacked not an hour ago and still worked to please her.
Master Reed was perfect. He was tall and muscled with dark brown hair and soulful
green eyes that a sub could get lost in, if they dared look him in the eye. He had claw scars on his
torso that aroused her. They d talked as equals plenty but always with an attraction bubbling
beneath the surface. It was her fault; she d put him off for so long. No more! If he wanted a sub,
she d be her true self but he had to reward her. In her heart, she trusted that he would.
 Fuck me, please! she said.
 I know you want that. Reed kissed the spot he d made on her ass.
She shivered and memorized the sensation of his lips on her tender flesh.  Please. I want
the discipline, too. The sting and the teasing. I need you. I was wrong not to try. I should ve
trusted you. Forgive and fuck me!
 Bossy. You ve acted as Mistress too long. No, you have to earn it. My cock and your
orgasm. You ve rejected them over and over in the last six months. I want to watch you
come& to fuck you senseless. The wait isn t for my pleasure but for us. Why am I the only
Master who can handle you? Reed licked over the spot.
 How can I answer that? She struggled for ideas as he alternated between licking her
sore ass and needy slit. There was no doubt in her mind that what he said was true, and she
wanted it, but he was testing her. What did he want to hear?
 Stop thinking, he said.
Her mind never truly shut off. She tried to tap into his thoughts, until his tongue probed
her pussy lips and found her clit. Suddenly, she blurted anything in her subconscious to keep him
 You know me. You re playful and a sensual Dom. I need that. I get too serious.
He teased her still, not licking her the way she needed.
 Try again. I know what I am. He pinched her pussy lips together.  Admitting you need
me is a tiny step.
 Please! Her voice caught in her throat.  I love you. I want you. I trust you, and I need
to explore everything with you. I never stop thinking of you. I m obsessed or crazy, and it s all
your fault.
His tongue swept over her clit, and she trembled. Had she gotten it right? For a second,
she held her breath and reviewed her words. God! She d blame him. He d punish her or, worse,
leave her here for someone to find. Exposing her as a sub to the entire club then dumping her
would be the ultimate humiliation, and she couldn t stand it.
Reed pressed his cock to her, and she relaxed as he filled her in a single hard thrust. One
hand grabbed her ass while his other groped her breasts like an explorer.
 Reed, please. Master. She rocked with him, loving the pain and pleasure.
He ramped up the force and pinched her nipple. His thick cock stretched her, and Cherish
couldn t hold back. She was his! The orgasm sent her forward, and her arms cramped
unexpectedly. Reed caught her and lifted her chest to keep her right where he wanted.
Cherish s release kept going as he fucked her. The heat spread through her body, and she
screamed his name as he came inside her. Those strong arms remained tight around her. He d
never let her fall or drown in the thoughts of others. Cherish would always be safe with him.
 Good? he asked.
She nodded.  Thank you.
 Thank you. You re so beautiful, and you re mine. It wasn t a question.
He slid from her, and Cherish whimpered at the loss. With a quick tug, he loosened the
ropes on her arms and legs. She knew the knots weren t complex, and with a few tries, she
could ve been free on her own. But she didn t want to be free from him. Ever.
Reed helped her up and put her corset back in place.
Unable to control her urges, Cherish wrapped her arms around his neck.  So that s why
this works? Because I m obsessed with you?
 No, because you re in love with me. And I love you. Secrets and dishonesty don t work
in this lifestyle. We both know that, he scolded her.  You get lost in your love for me and can t
focus on my thoughts. You re too lost in pleasure.
 I didn t know I was in denial. I wanted you but truly thought I d ruin it. You re amazing
enough to handle my gift. Forgive me? She leaned in to kiss him.
Reed stayed just out of reach.  Done. Now, the ground rules.
Nodding, Cherish took a deep breath.  We re both bedroom only, not 24/7. I think the
rest worked out just fine. But I can t share, either. I ve watched you with enough subs. You can t
have another sub, or I won t 
 Agreed. You re all I need. Thank you for admitting that. It could ve been an obstacle,
but hiding anything is bad. I want you every night. You ll have to move in with me.
 So we won t come here? she asked.
He grinned.  We will be here twice a month, at least. On curious and newbies night. I ll
help you with your subs. A Mistress with your talents must be allowed to set new subs in the
right direction. You need to use your gift. But you can t have sex with them. Not even a kiss.
 Thank you. I like helping them. We can do sexual things here if you want. The tears in
her eyes refused to stop. All she wanted to do was kiss him, but he d made it clear he d take her
when he wanted. Cherish had thought about it every day walking over and just kissing him.
 We will. Tonight, we re going to the party as Master and Mistress, but when open play
starts, you re my sub. We ll give them a Halloween show they ll never forget.
 Sounds wonderful. We should make a real entrance. She hopped on her heels a bit.
 What do you have in mind, you naughty switch? he asked.
 What if you go down as the big black cat? I can have you on a leash or a chain. You can
swipe and snarl at the crowd to scare them. Do the sexy and powerful entrance and then you shift
back to the sexy human we all want. She loved him in any form and wanted to prove her
devotion and trust.
 You want the reins? Your Master on the leash? He pinched her ass.
Cherish moaned.  Thank you. I thought you might need a little more time to heal, and it
is Halloween. Her hand grazed the bandage she d lovingly put on him.
 So you wore that corset just for me? he asked.
 Of course, I did. Think of how dominant you ll appear as a cat. Then you can tie me up
or put me on the leash during the open play. I m sure you have more creative ideas, but we both
love putting on a show for the newbies. The shifter thing is so hot! Who wouldn t want a big,
black cat on Halloween? Her hips rocked to him.
 I won t fuck you as a cat. I d rip you to shreds and couldn t stop, he warned.
Cherish laughed.  Don t forget I m the psychic here. I feel how raw and feral you are
when you shift. I ll soothe you and care for you, but I d never let you do that. I love you, but not
that way. The idea of you in cat form doesn t really arouse me.
 I would never hurt you. He kissed her softly.
 I know, but I ve seen you enough in jaguar form. You can control yourself to a point,
but you might bite my neck and kill me. I ll make it up to you in the human form.
He remained quiet for a moment.
 I m sorry, Master. I just thought you might like me on a leash in front of the entire club.
Your triumph over the Mistress who is a switch. A sub for you alone. Am I stroking your ego
enough? She gave him a sassy smile.
 Get out of my head. I ve let you stand and play for too long. He smacked her ass.  I m
going to enjoy you.
 I can t help my powers any more than you can help yours. You only purr for me. She
pressed to him and let his hard cock rub her stomach under the corset s flared waist.
 Big cats don t purr. It s really growling. Let s see what you make me do now. He
pushed on her shoulder.
Cherish knelt willingly and grabbed his cock with both hands. He d never go down to the
party hard and showing off his need. No Master would. Sucking his balls, she hummed softly
her own version of a purr. His flesh tasted so good. As she licked up his shaft, she felt his pulse.
Opening her eyes, she saw the injury. The bleeding looked under control, but the gauze pad was
Touching it, she wanted to protect him and serve him. It was all so clear now. Reed
grabbed her wrists and held them in one of his large hands over her head. She smiled and worked
his cock with only her mouth. He was annoyed with her yet his body needed her. Master Reed
needed to get off before their party. Cherish sucked the tip of his cock reverently. That vampire
sub could ve bitten his member and ruined him. She kissed the head and tongued it possessively.
Suddenly, he let go of her hands.
 Pull that corset down! he ordered.
She obeyed immediately, and her breasts popped over the top.
Reed pulled back and jerked his cock. His cum landed over her breasts and neck. As he
caught his breath, she licked his cock clean. Then she lapped at her nipple and Reed slapped her
ass with force. She stopped immediately and waited.
 I want everyone to see that. Put the corset back up, but don t remove a drop until I say
you can. He grabbed Cherish by her waist and lifted her to her feet.  If I m going out on a leash,
no one will doubt you belong to someone, as well.
 We don t have to do that. We ll make an entrance any way you desire. It was just a
thought. She sensed he was turned on by her idea but she had to be the good sub.
Reed pulled the bandage off and tossed it aside.  I m going to heal this fast and show you
off without injury. But you re going to be on that leash. Eager to crawl?
Her clit throbbed for the fun to start, and Cherish couldn t control her smile.
 That s what I wanted to see. His mouth claimed hers in a sudden kiss.
Cherish clung to him and followed his lead. Reed kissed her gently at first. She d never
before been explored like this by a Dom. He d had her body and punished her, but a simple kiss
could be more intimate and overwhelming than any BDSM act.
When their tongues curled around each other, she shivered and leaned on him to keep
steady. He was her rock, her love and her Master.
* * * *
Reed pulled away and went to the vast collection of collars. Thin, black leather with a
chain attached. That was perfect for her.
 You re sure? she asked.
He handed it to her.  You are extremely creative. I trust you came up with a crowd
pleasing entrance, not just one that ll flatter your status in my life.
 You have no idea how admired you are, Master. You are powerful without the cruelty or
arrogance so many Masters use. There is no air of having to prove yourself. Going out there as
your shifter self, you ll thrill them and show you are powerful in any form. She went to the full-
length mirror and checked her makeup and hair.
He pressed behind her and slid two fingers under her black thong.  Wet for me?
 Always, she said.
She didn t beg or offer him anything. Cherish would wait for him. The control she used
as a Mistress transferred over well.
 You re gorgeous. Stop primping. Let s go. He shifted to cat form.
Unflappable as ever, she knelt and secured the collar on him. He nuzzled her hand until
she scratched behind his ears.
 Ready? she asked.
He licked her knee. Cherish stood and walked with the chain in hand. Reed stayed still.
 Come on. Don t play now. She stroked his back and gave the chain a little tug.
Reed circled her so the chain wrapped around her hips. Then he nudged between her legs.
She needed to ride him.
 No, I m not riding you. I ll break your back. This is for the crowd.
His tail tapped on the pink spot on her ass. Cherish could read his feline thoughts. Reed
pushed at her again with a snarl, and she was startled enough to spread her legs and step back.
Reed arched his back and lifted her off the ground. She clung to him as he strode toward
the main room then down the stairs. She pressed to him.  Reed, don t hurt yourself.
Her mouth said no, but her hips and thighs squeezed him. His animal thoughts were so
primal she couldn t delve deeper. He tapped his tail over her rear, reminding her with every
swipe who was in charge.
As they entered the crowded room, he snarled and growled. Cherish sat up more, and her
wet cunt pressed to his back. Cherish s fingers stroked his spine and along his ribs seductively.
He arched his back and growled. She gasped, and the crowd went wild.
It was perfect. Reed shifted to human and pulled Cherish to him. Removing the collar, he
slid it on her.  See that coming, psychic? he demanded.
She shook her head.  You beast! No clue. I enjoyed the ride too much.
Reed wrapped the chain around his hand.  Your turn.
Pressing a kiss to his chest, she gracefully knelt with her head bowed just slightly. She
kissed his thigh where that evil vamp had hurt him. Reed led her on the walk to his place of
honor. It was a change for the good. Halloween was a fitting anniversary for a black cat shifter
and his psychic sub.
About the Author
A lover of unusual things, Cheryl Dragon enjoys writing unique stories with sinfully hot erotic
romance. Her two favorite settings are Las Vegas and New Orleans...where anything can
happen! Cheryl lives in the Chicagoland area with her deaf albino cat. By day she analyzes
numbers for a division of a large international conglomerate, which leaves the creative juices
free for her erotic romance novels.
Author loves to talk to her readers and can be found at
Also Available from
Resplendence Publishing
Doubling on Denise by Cheryl Dragon
A Raider's Bodyguards Tale
An ex who won't let go is a real nightmare for Denise. When he gets out of jail on a technicality,
she turns once again to the only men who can protect her and know her secret desire for BDSM.
The Temple brothers are two of Raider's finest bodyguards and had a perfect record until Denise
fired them a year ago. Now she's back and begging for help. Little does she know how well they
understand her submissive side and how long they've wanted to show her the safe and proper
way to serve her true Masters.
Christmas in Dreamland by Cheryl Dragon
A 7th Kind Tale
Dr. Meg Lyle is a classic geek working on a top secret project deep within a military research
base. Being stuck on a project over the holidays sucks, but when three hot members of security
make her dreams come true, she knows there s more to their story than they re revealing. Are
these sexy military studs men in black or aliens? The truth may throw her ordered life into
disarray, but either way, Meg s sex life is now out of the world!
Red Hot Party by Cheryl Dragon
A Lucky Springs Tale
Being secretly in love with your brother s boyfriend s sister is problematic enough& but when
Hamilton Meriwether is caught at a sex party by that same beautiful woman, he s got some
explaining to do.
Lolly Martinez grew up sheltered, but being an EMT and working with the brave firemen of
Lucky Springs gets her away from her overprotective family. Wanting Ham was nothing new,
but suddenly, she has a chance to act on all her fantasies with him and a couple other volunteers
Lolly thought were just friends who haunted her naughty dreams. The three hot firemen want her
body tied to the fire pole and a lot more. But deep feelings and family pressure complicate the
fun for the quad. Risking their lives for each other has always been part of the jobs, but now it s
their hearts on the line and that might be the most dangerous situation of all.


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