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Apache Server for Windows Little Black Book:Electronic Commerce Schemes
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Table of Contents

Configuring The Ecash Client
To receive payments from customers who use ecash, follow these steps:

1.  You can begin using the ecash vendor software only after you have established an account with a bank that issues ecash (see the list of current ecash issuers at www.digicash.com/ecash/issuers).
2.  Having obtained your bank account, follow the bank’s instructions to apply for a account. The requirements for merchant accounts vary from bank to bank.
3.  Once your application is approved, the bank will provide you with the ecash Merchant Purse software, complete with an account ID and set-up password, as well as the ecash Merchant Kit.

TIP:  When you receive your ecash merchant software, also ask for a graphical user interface client and an extra customer account, which will enable you to test the software.

4.  Like CyberCash, DigiCash’s ecash system uses scripts—in this case, Perl scripts are the only option. You must have Perl 5.001 or later available on your system. The Charge Script, for instance, is the heart of the system: It determines how much the product costs, sends a payment request to the customer, accepts the payment, and sends the item.
5.  Unpack and install the ecash client executable.
6.  Start up the ecash client program, which is named ec32t.exe.
7.  Create a directory called Shop, and within the directory, create a simple text file called price_conf. This will contain the prices for your items. Create a subdirectory called data within the Shop directory, which will contain any files related to items you sell.
The directory Shop directory and its subdirectories will not be accessed by your customers, so for security reasons, you can close off access to everyone except DigiCash by adding the following to access.conf:

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from digicash.com

8.  Place your Web pages for your online store (this assuming you have your online store Web pages created already) in your server root directory.
9.  Copy the Perl scripts nph-chfile.pl and nph-chcgi.pl from the ecash Merchant Kit files you installed into ScriptAlias for the site that will support ecash transactions. Also copy the shop library files shoplib.pl and shoplib_conf.pl into the same directory. (Most likely, this directory will be called cgi-bin, although you can name it anything you want.)
10.  Open the shop script nph-chfile.pl in Notepad and edit the following variables:

•  The $shop_home variable should point to your shop’s home directory.
•  The $ecash_dir_parent_dir variable should point to the directory that contains the ecash directory. The ecash directory contains your ecash data files and coins.
•  The ecash_exe variable should point to your ecash client program.
•  The $debugOutputToClient variable should be set to yes.

11.  Install the descriptions and images of the items you want to sell. You are required to install a “We accept ecash” logo on your Web page.

You can now start up Apache, launch your Web browser, and test out your site. Debug and log files are stored in the shop directory. You have two options for how customers connect to your ecash-enabled site. One is to accept ecash requests and payments by direct HTTP connection. In this case, the merchant ecash software connects to the client ecash software over port 5654. The second is to serve your storefront files from behind a firewall, if you are using Apache as a proxy server (see Chapter 13 for more details on this).

For more information on configuring and using ecash, download the documentation entitled “Setting Up A Shop To Accept ecash.” This is a Portable Document Format (.pdf) file, so you’ll need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the contents.

Table of Contents

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