README FIRST Directions and Tutorial

This will be a guide towards not only installing this unlock on your 480x272 CE 5.0 or 4.2
PNA Device, but also on editing it to launch the softwares that you have.

Before copying anything to your device:

1. Make sure you know what your device calls the internal drive

2. Make sure you know what your device calls the SD Card.

To find the answers to the above you can search the forums, use google, or look on your device.

How to edit the unlock for your device:

This unlock is set up with the assumption the internal drive on your device is called
"My Flash Disk" and the SD Card is called "Storage Card" if this is the case with
your device then you can skip the next steps. If not then read the next steps carefully:

1. Open the "Replacement exe" folder. There you will see what looks like a .txt document.
2. Open the "rename.txt" document. There you will see the following line:

call "\My Flash Disk\LAUNCHPAD\SystemInformation.exe

If your device's internal drive is called something other than "My Flash Disk" then you
will need to edit that part of the line to whatever your internal drive is called.

Once you finish editing the line click on "Save As" and at the bottom of the window you
will see the option "Save as type:" go down and change that to "All Files". If you save it
as a .txt document it becomes worthless and your device won't read it.

Now that is fixed up to match your device, we will need to edit the .ini files.

****This next part is for everyone, even if the internal drive was already named right****

Editing .ini files:

This is important because of several reasons. First is to make sure you have the right Command
line for the .exe of each button pointint to the .exe you plan to launch. Second, if your
internal drive or SD Card is named something other than "My Flash Disk" and "Storage Card"
then you will need to change the command lines to match what they are called on your device.

Here is an overview of what a group of lines (the only ones you will want to edit) does:

BITMAPBUTTON <-------Tells it to use a bitmap image
x = 110 <-------Tells it where to put the image on the x axis
y = 50 <-------Tells it where to put the image on the y axis
Command = \Storage Card\iGO8\iGO8.exe <-------Command line that points to the .exe the button will launch
BitmapNormal = ..\Icons\igo1.bmp <-------Tells which icon to use normal
BitmapPushed = ..\Icons\igo1.bmp <-------Tells which icon to use when you push it

That sums up what the lines (you will need to edit) does.

Now, open the "Launchpad" folder.

Inside the "Launchpad" folder you will see another folder called "INI Files" Open that.

Inside there you will see two .ini files (mainpage.ini and clock.ini) You will not need to
edit the clock.ini. So you can leave that one as is. Right now, open the mainpage.ini file.

When you open the mainpage.ini file you will see a lot of lines. These are the lines for the
desktop you will see when the unlock is running. The only lines we need to worry about is
the "Command" lines. You can see the Command line in the example above.

Now, you will notice I filles in some of the command lines and left others blank with just a
Command =

This was so you could have an example how a completed Command line should look. So use it as
as guide for making your own Command line for the buttons. You can figure out what each
button's for by reading the name of the .bmp below it. I tried to keep the names of the .bmp's
matching the name of the program the button is meant to launch... so people wouldn't get confused.

Now... here is the important part. On the Command line's I completed already as examples, if your
device's internal drive is called something other than "My Flash Disk" then you will need to
edit the ones I already completed. Also, if your device called the SD Card something other than
"Storage Card" then you will need to edit those lines to match what your device calls the SD card.

It is very important you use the right name for the internal drive and Storage Card.

From there making Command lines is very simple. Just follow the path to the .exe you want to launch.

Example... Say I want to run MioMap and the .exe for MioMap is on my internal drive in a folder
called Navigation. And the MioMap's .exe is called Mio.exe

The Command line would look like this:

Command = \My Flash Disk\Navigation\Mio.exe

Another Example... Say I want to run GoPal off my SD Card. The .exe for GoPal is in a folder on my
SD card called GoPalNav. And the .exe for GoPal is called GP.exe

The Command line would look like this:

Command = \Storage Card\GoPalNav\GP.exe

Now that is an example and is not really the path to MioMap or to GoPal... I just wanted you to
understand the concept of making the path to the .exe.

****Now, you will only be able to fill in the command lines for programs you have. Like if you
don't have route66, then leave the command line for route66 blank.****


Part2: You have finished editing the .ini files on your device (now the fun begins!!)

Well, if you are reading this part then it is on the assumption you edited the .ini files as needed.

Wait... what's that? You didn't fill in all the Command Lines... well that is OK. Since you can
only fill in the command lines for programs you actually have. This means maybe some buttons won't
be used since you don't have those particular programs. If you left the command line blank
then when you hit the button for that program nothing will happen. If later you download the program
then you can set up the button later once you have the program. I had to make buttons for everything
since I wanted this to be a univeral unlock.... so you only needed to fill in the Command lines
for the programs you have.

Before continuing, I highly recommend checking your command lines in your .ini files to make sure
the ones for the programs you have are correct. It's much easier to edit them now than later once
they are on your device.

So you double checked everything and made sure the paths are correct.... so time to put the Unlock
on your device.

The process is both Simple and Complicated. I will start with the Simple....

1. Copy the Apps folder onto your internal drive
2. Copy the Launchpad folder onto your internal drive

***make sure to copy those two folder to the root of your internal drive, which means do not
put them in any other folder***

Here comes the complicated....

The key to getting the unlock desktop to appear is to find an .exe on your device that you can
replace. Now... if you have a device that loads right into the navigation software then you
will need to use the navigation software's .exe. If you are doing this then you will want to
open the .ini file again and make sure the command line for the navigator button:

x = 20
y = 50
Command =
BitmapNormal = ..\Icons\navigator.bmp
BitmapPushed = ..\Icons\navigator.bmp

points to the new name for your navigation software's .exe. I say new name because we are going
to rename it.

Renaming your navigation software's .exe:

I don't know your navigation software's .exe name... however I will use an example that follows
a simple rule...

Let's say your navigation software's .exe is called MioMap.exe. Well, we will just rename it to
MioMap2.exe.... or if your software's .exe is called Navigator.exe, well just rename it to

Putting a "2" at the end of it's name seems the easiest way to do it. Just make sure the command
like matches this change......

Command = \My Flash Disk\MioMap\MioMap2.exe ......... for my miomap example

Command = \My Flash Disk\Navigator\Navigator2.exe ...... for my other example

Now your line will be different since the path will be specific to your device.

Anyways... you renamed the .exe for your navigation programs .exe, so now we need to put the .exe
and .txt file for the unlock in the place where your navigation's .exe is. We will first need
to rename them both to whatever your navigation program's .exe was before you renamed it...

You would rename the "rename.exe" and "rename.txt" that are located in the "Replacement exe" folder
that came with the unlock to whatever your navigation software's .exe was called originally.

Then simply copy those to files (not the folder) to where your navigation program's .exe is that
you renamed previously.

The whole concept being it will launch these two new files instead of your navigation software.

Now... if your device loads to a menu that has a button to launch your navigation software, it will
now launch the unlock dektop when you hit that button. If your device loads right into the
navigation software, it will now load right into the unlock desktop.

But Xtyler... my device still shows the old screen... well, before anything will happen you will
need to disconnect the device from your computer after double checking that you copied all the files
over from the unlock... as well as making sure one last time you edited the Command Lines correctly,
as well as making sure you edited the .txt document correctly to match what your device called it's
internal drive (way at the beginning of these directions).

Once disconnected, just turn off your device completely (not just put it to sleep!!)

Then turn it back on... and you are good to go.

You can always re-edit the command lines as you add programs. You can just connect your
device to your computer and edit them... no need to transfer them back and forth.


Xtyler.... I tried your unlock and didn't like it...

well you suck!! ha, just kidding. Removing the unlock is simple. Just delete the Apps folder
and Launchpad folder that you added, off of your internal drive. From there, go to where your
navigation programs .exe is and delete the .exe and .txt file that you renamed and added from the
unlock. Then just rename your navigation programs .exe back to what it was originally...

That's it... back to exactly how it was before.

Now on a side note:

You unlock your device at your own risk. Although this unlock is pretty universal, it may not
work on every device. Using the wrong name for the internal drive and/or storage card will cause
the unlock not to run at all. So use this guide and my program at your own risk. I assume no
responsibility for your device or your decisions.

On a more positive note... I put this guide and unlock together since so many people with so
many devices were asking me for an unlock. This should cover most if not all of those device.
This unlock is for devices running CE 4.2 or 5.0.... so it will not work on a Garmin or TomTom

Extra icons are included in the Launchpad\icons folder. If there is a program you use that there
is not an icon for on the desktop, look to see if there is an icon for it in the icon folder. If
not, then you can use the Navigator button to launch it (just edit the Command line for it). That
button was meant to launch either your device's navigation software, or any software that there
is not a button for.... so use it to launch whatever you need it to.

Hopefully people will enjoy this. I will try to put out a 320x240 version soon.


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