Designs By Mark - Photoshop Tips - Stroking Basics
Stroking Basics
Photoshop allows us to outline objects and have a stroke follow along any selection.
Select the Rectangular Marquee or the Radial Marquee and make a selection.
Select Black as the foreground (The color that is your foreground color will be the color of your stroke).
Next go to Edit>Stroke. We can stroke up to 16 pixels. We can also choose a location of where we need to stroke: Inside, Center or Outside of our selection. I choose 2 Pixels, Inside for location and clicked ok.
Herełs another one you can try. You can also stroke objects with out a selection: I made a new layer and created several filled circles with the Radial Marquee tool. Then choose black as the foreground color and went to Edit>Stroke and choose 2 for Pixel width and clicked ok.