Reduction of the Combustion Mechanism of Hydrogen

Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 1 3, 2001
Reduction of the Combustion Mechanism of Hydrogen
V. G. Matveev1 UDC 541.124 + 534.222
Translated from Fizika Goreniya i Vzryva, Vol. 37, No. 1, pp. 3 5, January February, 2001.
Original article submitted April 9, 1997; revision submitted June 17, 1999.
A set of programs for thermodynamic analysis of a complex chemical reaction is
developed. Based on the maximum complete scheme of hydrogen combustion, reduced
mechanisms that describe available experimental data are found.
The reaction of hydrogen oxidation is rather well The reverse reaction rates were calculated from ther-
known [1]. The maximum complete mechanism of modynamic constants of equilibrium [9]. The rates
combustion is known for a set of particles H2, O2, of heterogeneous reactions kh [1/sec] were calculated
OH, H, O, HO2, H2O, and H2O2 [2, 3] (see Table 1); using Semenov s formula [10] for a spherical vessel:
the role of individual reactions and the limits of ig- 1.75
4Δ„ T p0
kh = D . (1)
nition are analyzed (see the review in [4]). A rather
d2 T0 p
extensive scheme of 42 reactions was used in [5] for
Here d [cm] is the vessel diameter, D is the diffu-
comparison with the experiment. However, the direct
sivity (D = 0.34 cm2/sec for OH, 1.43 cm2/sec for
use of the parameters recommended in [4] or [6] does
H, 0.36 cm2/sec for O, and 0.198 cm2/sec for HO2),
not allow one to describe the limits of ignition [1] or
T and p are the experimental values of temperature
the kinetics of hydrogen oxidation [7]: one has to fit
and pressure, respectively, and T0 and p0 are the tem-
some parameters. In the present work, a set of pro-
perature and pressure under normal conditions. The
grams was developed for deriving a reduced mecha-
nism by the method of thermodynamic analysis [4].
For the test conditions of [7], a rather simple
scheme was obtained from the maximum complete
mechanism (see Table 1):
1. H2 + O2 - 2OH,
2. H2 + OH ! H2O + H,
3. O2 + H ! OH + O,
4. H2 + O ! OH + H,
8. H + OH + M - H2O + M,
11. O2 + H + M - HO2 + M,
16. H + HO2 - 2OH,
32. H - wall.
This scheme was used in the inverse problem by the
Fig. 1. Kinetic curves for oxidation of hydrogen of a
method of the fastest descent using the algorithm
stoichiometric H2 + O2 mixture: the points refer to the
proposed in [8] to determine the direct reaction rates.
experimental data of [7] for initial pressures of 7.4, 7.1,
6.8, 6.4, and 6.1 torr; the solid curves refer to the calcu-
Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics
lation by the maximum mechanism (see the parameters
in Chernogolovka, Russian Academy of Sciences,
in Table 1).
Chernogolovka 142432.
0010-5082/01/3701-001 $25.00 © 2001 Plenum Publishing Corporation 1
2 Matveev
Maximum Scheme, Mechanism, and Parameters
Reactions A+ n+ E+ A- n- E-
1. H2 + O2 ! 2OH 2.81 · 1010 " 0 38.90 6.24 · 108 0 20.38
2. H2 + OH ! H2O + H 8.65 · 1010 " 0 5.4 3.21 · 1011 0 20.82
3. O2 + H ! OH + O 4.42 · 1011 " 0 17.60 2.20 · 1010 0 0.98
4. H2 + O ! OH + H 7.07 · 107 " 1 8.95 3.15 · 108 1 7.05
5. H2O + O ! 2OH 8.00 · 1010 0 18.80 9.63 · 109 0 1.47
6. H + H + M ! H2 + M 2.00 · 108 0 0 2.20 · 1016 -1 103.26
7. O + O + M ! O2 + M 4.53 · 108 0 0.53 4.37 · 1017 -1 118.50
8. H + OH + M ! H2O + M 1.27 · 1016 " -2 0 1.81 · 1016 0 118.20
9. OH + OH + M ! H2O2 + M 9.10 · 108 0 0 9.53 · 1015 0 51.06
10. OH + O + M ! HO2 + M 8.50 · 1010 0 6.69 1.11 · 1017 0 73.50
11. H + O2 + M ! HO2 + M 3.78 · 109 " 0 -1.89 2.48 · 1014 0 48.30
12. H2 + HO2 ! H2O2 + H 9.50 · 108 0 21.80 3.38 · 109 0 4.15
13. H2 + HO2 ! H2O + OH 1.50 · 108 0 24.80 9.71 · 105 0.5 77.94
14. H2O + HO2 ! H2O2 + OH 4.00 · 1010 0 34.00 3.83 · 1010 0 4.08
15. HO2 + HO2 ! H2O2 + O2 4.00 · 109 0 0 1.11 · 109 0.5 41.70
16. H + HO2 ! OH + OH 8.90 · 109 0 2.58 4.28 · 108 0 37.13
17. H + HO2 ! H2O + O 2.00 · 1010 0 3.58 7.99 · 109 0 58.62
18. H + HO2 ! H2 + O2 5.00 · 109 0 1.20 1.08 · 1010 0 54.27
19. O + HO2 ! OH + O2 6.00 · 1010 0 0 5.86 · 1010 0 51.17
20. H + H2O2 ! H2O + OH 1.30 · 1012 0 11.90 6.52 · 1011 0 79.53
21. O + H2O2 ! OH + HO2 4.00 · 1010 " 0 1.30 5.02 · 1010 0 13.89
22. H2 + O2 ! H2O + O 8.00 · 1010 0 57.62 4.00 · 1010 0 61.28
23. H2 + O2 + M ! H2O2 + M 5.00 · 106 0 21.90 1.16 · 1012 0 54.44
24. OH + M ! O + H + M 4.00 · 1013 0 105.3 6.31 · 108 0 3.94
25. HO2 + OH ! H2O + O2 3.00 · 1010 0 0.6 8.75 · 109 0.5 69.97
26. H2 + O + M ! H2O + M 5.00 · 108 0 0 1.17 · 1014 0 116.78
27. H2O + O + M ! H2O2 + M 9.00 · 107 0 13.00 1.13 · 1014 0 46.73
28. H2O2 + O ! H2O + O2 2.00 · 108 0 29.00 2.01 · 108 0 113.24
29. H2O2 + H2 ! 2H2O 2.00 · 1010 0 22.00 3.72 · 109 0 105.06
30. HO2 + H + M ! H2O2 + M 3.00 · 108 0 1.50 1.51 · 1014 0 87.11
31. OH + wall ! OHs 30.4 0 0 0.1 0 0
32. H + wall ! Hs 10.5 " 0 0 0.1 0 0
33. O + wall ! Os 29.5 0 0 0.1 0 0
34. HO2 + wall ! HO2s 46.4 0 0 0.1 0 0
Notes. A is the preexponent measured in (liters/mole)/sec for bimolecular reactions and in (liters/mole)2/sec for trimolec-
ular reactions, n is the power index of temperature, and E is the activation energy measured in kcal/mole; the superscripts
plus and minus indicate the parameters for the direct and reverse reactions, respectively; the asterisk indicates preexponents
obtained in the present work.
Reduction of the Combustion Mechanism of Hydrogen 3
the mechanism, whereas the accuracy of the reduced
mechanism remains sufficient for process description:
within the range of pressures of 1 200 torr and tem-
peratures of 400 600Δ‡%C, the mechanism M-I almost
coincides with the maximum mechanism; the ther-
modynamic fraction characterizes the importance of
a reaction during the entire process.
The author is grateful to A. N. Ivanova and
B. L. Tarnopolskii for the programs for calculating
the kinetics of chemical reactions and critical condi-
tions and for fruitful discussions of the work.
This work was supported by the International
Science and Technology Center (Grant No. 124).
Fig. 2. Limits of ignition of a stoichiometric mixture
1. B. Lewis and G. Von Elbe, Combustion, Flames, and
H2 + O2: the curves refer to calculations by the max-
Explosions of Gases, Academic Press, New York
imum mechanism (1) (see the parameters in Table 1),
London (1961).
reduced mechanism M-I (2), and reduced mechanism
2. V. I. Dimitrov and V. V. Azatyan,  Maximum kinetic
M-II (3); the points refer to the experimental data of [1].
mechanism of oxidation of H2, in: Problems of Gas
Dynamics, Inst. Theor. Appl. Mech., Sib. Div., Acad.
values of these rates were 20 times greater than those
of Sci. of the USSR, Novosibirsk (1975), pp. 69 73.
obtained in solving the inverse problem. Therefore,
3. V. I. Dimitrov,  The maximum kinetic mechanism
in determining the limits of ignition, the rates of het-
rate constants in the H2 O2 mixtures, React. Ki-
erogeneous reactions were calculated by formula (1)
netic Catal. Lett., 7, No. 1, 81 86 (1977).
with a factor of 1/20. 4. V. I. Dimitrov, Simple Kinetics [in Russian], Nauka,
The rates obtained differed from those recom- Novosibirsk (1982).
mended in [4, 6] by no more than a factor of 3. Us- 5. U. Maas and S. B. Pope,  Simplifying chemical ki-
netics: Intrinsic low-dimensional manifolds in com-
ing these rates in the maximum scheme (see Table 1)
position space, Combust. Flame, 88, No. 2, 239 264
allowed us to describe the kinetic curves of hydrogen
combustion [7] (Fig. 1) and to reach good agreement
6. D. L. Baulch, C. J. Cobos, et al.,  Summary table of
with experimental data for the first and second lim-
evaluated kinetic data for combustion modeling: Sup-
its of ignition (see curve 1 in Fig. 2). These rates
plement 1, Combust. Flame, 98, No. 1, 59 (1994).
were used in thermodynamic analysis. Eliminating
7. A. A. Kovalski, in: Phys. Z. Sow., 4, 723 (1933).
all reactions whose thermodynamic fraction2 at an
8. Ι. F. Brin and B. V. Pavlov,  The use of one mod-
arbitrary time from the reaction beginning to an al-
ification of the gradient method for seeking an ex-
most equilibrium state is less than 0.01, a reduced
tremum for evaluating kinetic parameters, Kinet.
mechanism M-I was obtained; this mechanism con-
Katal., 16, No. 1, 233 (1975).
sists of 11 reversible reactions, namely, Nos. 1, 2, 3,
9. V. P. Glushko (ed.), Thermodynamic Properties of
4, 11, 16, 18, 31, 32, 33, and 34 (see curve 2 in Fig. 2).
Individual Substances [in Russian], Vol. 1, Izd. Akad.
Some change in the limits of ignition is observed. The
Nauk SSSR, Moscow (1962).
mechanism M-II was obtained by rejecting reaction
10. N. N. Semenov, Some Problems of Chemical Kinetics
Nos. 18 and 33 whose fractions are the smallest from
and Reaction Capability [in Russian], Izd. Akad. Nauk
these 11 reactions. In calculations based on the mech-
SSSR, Moscow (1958).
anism M-II, a significant deviation of the upper limit
is observed for p > 10 torr (see curve 3 in Fig. 2).
Thus, it is shown in the present work that the
use of thermodynamic analysis allows reduction of
The thermodynamic fraction of a reaction is determined
as the ratio of the variation rate of the Gibbs free en-
ergy in the ith reaction (dGi/dt) to the variation rate of
the Gibbs free energy in all reactions ( dGi/dt) of this
mechanism [4].


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