Windows Vista Readme

-= Dreambox VLC Streamer =-

If you want this tool to work on Windows Vista, you have to registrer
some of the components in the downloaded package as Windows components..

Please follow the instructions below...

- You have downloaded the "Dreambox VLC Streamer",
and extraced the files to a folder. (Ex: c:\Dreambox_VLC_Streamer)

- Now you have some files in this folder that need to be registrated as Windows components
in Vista, the files are located in the folder where you have extracted the files..

- Open a "DOS Window" on your computer.. (Press the "Windows Start button" and select
"Start search", write "cmd.exe". In the "Program" list above you will now see the file
"cmd.exe". Right click on the file and select "Run as Administrator".

- If prompted about password (write your Administrator password and continue),
and/or Security premitions, select "Continue".

- In the "DOS Window" go to the folder you have extraced the files.
(Ex: cd c:\Dreambox_VLC_Streamer )

- Now you have to execute the file "Windows Vista - Component Reg.bat".
This will register the components in Windows Vista.

- Now you should be able to run "Dreambox VLC Streamer" on your computer.


- HellX -

Member of Live & Kicking PP-Team


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