rup event 741355DE

Artifact: Event

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Artifact: Event

This work product specifies an occurrence in space and time; less formally, an occurrence of something to which the system must respond.

Work Product Kinds: Model Element


The purpose of this work product is to capture characteristics of events, such as frequency, priority, and response requirements.


Container Artifact

Design Model


Software Architect

Modified By:

Software Architect

TasksInput To:

Class Design

Output From:

Identify Design Elements

Process Usage

Analysis & Design
Refine the Architecture

Analysis & Design
Refine the Architecture

Analysis & Design
Design the Database

Analysis & Design
Analyze Behavior

Analysis & Design
Analyze Behavior

Analysis & Design
Design Components


Main Description An event is used to identify and capture information about external occurrences that the system is aware of and to which it must respond. Events can also be used to capture information about internal events, such as exceptions.

Brief Outline Important characteristics of events are: internal vs. external - Is the event external or internal? priority - Does this event need to cause the suspension of other processing in order to be handled? frequency - How often does the event occur? frequency distribution - Does the event occur at regular intervals, or are there spikes? response requirements - How the quickly the system must respond to the event (may need to distinguish between average and worst case). kind - Is this a Call Event, Time Event, Signal Event, or Change Event (see Concept: Events and Signals for definitions)?


Representation Options In the context of state and activity diagrams, Event refers to a trigger for a state transition. However, this work product covers "event" in the more general sense, as occurrences to which the system must respond, including signals, calls, state changes, or time events. Also see Artifact: Signal. Event characteristics can be captured in a spreadsheet, database, requirements management database, or as a table in the Software Architecture Document. They can even be captured as classes, stereotyped <<event>>, although this should be treated as a convenient way of capturing management information about events, and not be confused with data transmitted when the event occurs. If a call event results in the transmission of data, the data should be represented by the signature of the called operation. If the event is a signal, its data can be modeled explicitly (see Artifact: Signal).

More Information


Events and Signals

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